18 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja α-amilaze iz Penicillium chrysogenum fermentacijom poljoprivrednih nusproizvoda

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    Solid-state fermentation (SSF) was carried out using corncob leaf (CL), rye straw (RS), wheat straw (WS) and wheat bran (WB) as substrates for α-amylase production by a fungal culture of Penicillium chrysogenum. The effects of moisture level, particle size and inoculum concentration on enzyme synthesis from P. chrysogenum were investigated. Optimal moisture levels of substrates were 75, 65, 65 and 55 % for CL, WS, WB and RS substrates, respectively. Optimal particle size and inoculum concentration for the production of α-amylase were: >1 mm, 20 %; >1 mm, 20 %; 1 mm, 20 % and >1 mm, 30 % for CL, WS, WB and RS, respectively. WB showed the highest enzyme production with 160 U/mL under optimum conditions. The other enzyme activities were 28, 49 and 45 U/mL using CL, RS and WS, respectively.Komušina, slama od raži, slama od pšenice i pšenične posije upotrijebljeni su kao supstrat za fermentaciju na čvrstoj podlozi pri proizvodnji α-amilaze iz Penicillium chrysogenum. Ispitan je utjecaj vlage, veličine čestica i koncentracije inokuluma na sintezu enzima iz Penicillium chrysogenum. Optimalna količina vlage u supstratima bila je 75 % za komušinu, 65 % za slamu od pšenice i pšenične posije, te 55 % za slamu od raži. Veličina čestica i koncentracija inokuluma bili su >1 mm odnosno 20 % za komušinu i slamu od pšenice, 1 mm odnosno 20 % za pšenične posije, te >1 mm odnosno 30 % za slamu od raži. Najveća proizvodnja enzima od 160 U/mL postignuta je upotrebom pšeničnih posija u optimalnim uvjetima. Uporabom komušine aktivnost enzima bila je 28, slame od raži 49, a slame od pšenice 45 U/mL

    Amylolitic Activities of Different Fungi Species in the Screening Medium Containing Different Raw Starch

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    DergiPark: 246086trakyafbdThirty-nine fungal species were screened for the production of extracellular amylase hydrolyzing raw starch using a plate culture method. Czapek-Dox Agar containing different raw starch (corn, wheat, potato and rice) was used as culture medium for screening. Among these, thirteen, twelve, seven and five fungi showed higher amylolytic activity on solid medium containing raw wheat starch, raw rice starch, raw potato starch and raw corn starch, respectively. Two fungi did not show any amylolytic activityOtuz dokuz fungus türü ham nişastayı hidroliz eden amilazları üretebilmeleri açısından Petri kültür metodu ile tarandı. Karbon kaynağı olarak farklı ham nişastaları içeren Czapek-Dox Agar ham nişastayı hidroliz eden amilaz üreticilerinin taranması için kullanıldı. Bunlar arasında on üç, on iki, yedi ve beş fungus sırası ile ham buğday, pirinç, patates ve mısır nişastalarını içeren besiyerlerinde en yüksek amilolitik aktiviteyi gösterdi. İki fungus ham nişasta içeren besiyerlerinde amilolitik aktivite göstermed

    Seçilmiş Bazı Bitki Ekstraktlarının Penicillium expansum’un Misel Büyümesi Üzerine İn vivo ve İn vitro Etkinliği

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    Hasat sonrası elmalarda oldukça yaygın görülen Penicillim expansum’un neden olduğu mavi küf dünya çapında önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Caprifoliaceae, Papaveraceae familyalarına ait 14 bitki türü P. expansum’un misel büyümesinin kontrolü için in vivo ve in vitro etkinlikleri açısından değerlendirildi. İn vivo sonuçlara göre P. expansum’un misel büyümesini Lamiaceae familyasına ait Origanum vulgare ve Thymus longicaulis sırası ile %100 ve %87.11’lik oranlarında inhibe etti. En düşük MİK değerini O. vulgare sulu ekstraktı gösterdi (250 µg/mL). O. vulgare sulu ekstraktları (32 mg/mL) elmada yapay olarak oluşturulan mavi küf enfeksiyonunu %69.21 oranında engelledi. SEM analizinde P. expansum’un hifal yapısı üzerine O. vulgare ve T. longicaulis’in çökertme, yassılaşma ve kırışık hücre yüzeyli hücreler etkileri gözlendi. Mavi küf enfeksiyonlarını kontrol edebilmek için O. vulgare sulu ekstraktının doğal bir antifungal madde olarak değerlendirilebileceğini önerebiliriz

    The parts and raw starch solid substrate fermentation production of a new fungal amilaz determination of purification and biochemical properties

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    DoktoraBu çalışmada, yeni bir ham nişasta hidrolizleyen fungal amilazın SSF yöntemi ile üretilmesi, saflaştırılması ve bazı biyokimyasal özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ham nişastayı hidrolizleyen amilaz taraması sonucunda en iyi aktiviteye Penicillium brevicompactum' un sahip olduğu bulundu ve amilaz kaynağı olarak kullanıldı. Buğday kepeği, pirinç kabuğu ve ayçiçeği küspesi en iyi substratı belirlemek için test edildi. En iyi katı substratın buğday kepeği olduğu belirlendi. Amilaz üretimi için katı substrat fermentasyon şartları optimize edildi. Optimum fermentasyon şartları, başlangıç nem içeriği % 55, nemlendirici ajan 0.1 M sodyum fosfat tamponu (pH 5.0), üretim süresi 7 gün, aşı miktarı 2.5 mL ve üretim sıcaklığı 30 oC olarak saptandı. Penicillium brevicompactum amilazı nişasta afinite metodu kullanılarak 45.98 kez saflaştırıldı. Saflaştırılan enzimin çözünür nişasta için Km değeri 5.71 mg/ml, Vmax değeri ise 666.6 U/ml olarak hesaplandı. Enzim 30-50 oC arasında ve pH 5.0 de maksimum aktivite gösterdi. 30 oC' de 45 dk. inkübasyondan sonra başlangıç aktivitesini %100 korudu. pH 4.0-5.0 arasında kararlı idi. Mn+2, Cu+2 and Na+ iyonları enzim aktivitesini arttırırken Mg+2, K+, Fe+3 ve EDTA enzim aktivitesini inhibe etti. P. brevicompactum ?-amilazının molekül ağırlığı SDS-PAGE ile 32.5 kDa olarak tespit edildi. Anahtar Kelimeler: ?-amilaz, katı substrat fermentasyon, ham nişasta sindirimi, saflaştırma, Penicillium brevicompactum.In this study, it was intended to the production of new a fungal amylase with solid state fermentation, purification and also to determine its some biochemical properties. It was found that Penicillium brevicompactum had the best enzyme activity according to raw starch degrading amylase screening methods, and P. brevicompactum was selected as amylase source. Wheat bran, rice husk and sunflower oil meal were tested to determine the best solid substrate. Wheat bran was determined as the best solid substrate. The fermentation contitions were optimized for the production of amylase. The optimum fermentation conditions were found to be initial moisture level of solid substrate of 55 %, moistening agent of 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 5.0), incubation period of 7 days, inoculum concentration of 2.5 mL and incubation temperature at 30 oC. P. brevicompactum ?-amylase was purified 45.98 times by using starch affinity method. The Km and Vmax values of ?-amylase for soluble starch were 5.71 mg/ml, 666.6 U/ml respectively. This amylase showed maximum activity at between 30-50 oC and pH 5.0. Initial enzyme activity was kept to be 100% after incubation at 30 oC for 45 min. Enzyme was stable in the pH range of 4.0-5.0. This enzyme was activated by Mn+2, Cu+2 and Na+ ions, and inhibited by Mg+2, K+, Fe+3 and EDTA. The molecular weight of P. brevicompactum ?-amylase was found as 32.5 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Key words: ?-amylase, solid substrat fermentation, raw starch digesting, purification, Penicillium brevicompactu

    The Effects of Different Grain Brans Used as Substrates on Resistance to Catabolite Repression in Solid-State Fermentation Process

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    Production of alpha-amylase from Penicillium brevicompactum was investigated in solid-state fermentation (SSF) using as substrate wheat bran (WB), rye bran (RB) and barley bran (BB) enriched with different amount of glucose or not. Consumption of glucose by fungal cells in WB and RB cultures was more effective than BB cultures. Optimal moisture levels for maximal alpha-amylase production in WB, RB and BB cultures without glucose were 55, 65 and 35 %, respectively. Water absorption capacities of substrates were WB>RB>BB. In SSF process, decrease in enzyme production was greater in high moisture level than optimal moisture level. According to the other two cultures, production of alpha-amylase from P. brevicompactum was strongly inhibited in higher moisture levels than optimal moisture levels in BB cultures enriched with 500 mg/g glucose.WOS:0003408200000022-s2.0-8490461236

    Optimization of parameters for ?-amylase production under solid state fermentation by Trichothecium roseum

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    The production of extracellular ?-amylase by Trichothecium roseum was studied in solid state fermentation (SSF). The effects of wheat bran (WB), rye straw (RS), corncob leaf (CL), sunflower oil meal (SOM) and rice husk (RH) were examined. WB exhibited the highest enzyme production. The appropriate moisture level, incubation period, moistening agent, incubation temperature, inoculum level and particle size were determined. Effect of supplementary carbon, nitrogen sources and metal ions were examined. Optimal conditions for the production of ?-amylase by T. roseum on WB as substrate in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.0 were determined as initial moisture content of 85 % (w/v), incubation period of 8 days, incubation temperature of 30 °C, particle size of 1,000 ?m, lactose and urea (1 % w/w) as supplements. Addition of different metal ions (0.1M) to WB resulted in better ?- amylase production with CaCl2, addition of CuSO4 to WB resulted in decreased enzyme activities. Under the optimized culture conditions, the maximum enzyme production was 1,048 U/g of WB. One and a half increase in ?-amylase productions were achieved in optimal fermentation conditions as compared with the medium containing WB alone as the substrate. © 2011 University of Bucharest.2-s2.0-8315516386

    Production of α-Amylase from Penicillium chrysogenum under Solid-State Fermentation by Using Some Agricultural By-Products

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    Solid-state fermentation (SSF) was carried out using corncob leaf (CL), rye straw (RS), wheat straw (WS) and wheat bran (WB) as substrates for α-amylase production by a fungal culture of Penicillium chrysogenum. The effects of moisture level, particle size and inoculum concentration on enzyme synthesis from P. chrysogenum were investigated. Optimal moisture levels of substrates were 75, 65, 65 and 55 % for CL, WS, WB and RS substrates, respectively. Optimal particle size and inoculum concentration for the production of α-amylase were: >1 mm, 20 %; >1 mm, 20 %; 1 mm, 20 % and >1 mm, 30 % for CL, WS, WB and RS, respectively. WB showed the highest enzyme production with 160 U/mL under optimum conditions. The other enzyme activities were 28, 49 and 45 U/mL using CL, RS and WS, respectively

    Evaluation of antioxidant and antifungal activities of several plants against agents of postharvest citrus sour rot and green mould rot

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    The antifungal activities of chloroform extracts of 10 plants species belonging to Lamiaceae family, which were collected from Kirklareli (Turkey), against Geotrichum candidum, theagent of postharvest citrus sour rot and Penicillium digitatum, the agent of postharvest citrus green mould rot, were researched. The lowest Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values against G. candidum and P. digitatum were obtained in the extract of Marrubiumperegrinum L. (250 and 125 mu g/ml). In 1000 mu g/ml, the extracts of Melissa officinalis showed 100% inhibition on the spore germination of G. candidum and P. digitatum. In the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) observations of G. candidum and P. digitatum that was subjected to M peregrinum extract (4MIC) degenerative changes in the hyphal morphology were seen in the form of cell wall degradation, lysis and collapsing. The highest values of total phenolics were obtained from Mentha pulegium extracts (739.57 mg GAE/g). The lowest EC50 values (0.08 mg/ml) were found in the extracts of M peregrinum and Sideritis montana. The highest flavanol content was determined from M. officialis exctracts (12.71 mg CE/mg). This study demonstrates M. peregrinum extracts may possess high antifungal activity against G. candidum and P. digitatum.Research Foundation of the University of Kirklareli, Turkey [KLUBAP/020]This study was supported financially by the Research Foundation of the University of Kirklareli, Turkey. Project number: KLUBAP/020.WOS:00049268970000

    Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities and Antifungal Activity of Different Plants Species Against Pink Mold Rot-Causing Trichothecium roseum

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    Trichothecium roseum causes the pink mold rot in many fruits and vegetables around the world. Due to this infection, significant losses arise in foods. In order to control this infection, plant extracts offer alternative treatment for fungicides. In this study, 50 plant species were screened for their antifungal effects against T. roseum. Anthemis arvensis, Origanum vulgare, Sambucus ebulus and Thymus longicaulis powders totally inhibited the mycelia growth of T. roseum at 10% (w/v). The powders of Chelidonium majus and Clinopodium vulgare were effective to T. roseum, with a percentage of inhibition of mycelia growth higher than 70%. MIC of A. arvensis aqueous extracts were lower than the other extracts (125 mu g/ml). Also its extracts inhibited the spore germination by 100% at 1000 mu g/ml. The incidence of the pink mold rot on tomatoes which were treated with C. majus aqueous extracts (75, 150 and 300 mg/ml) was lower than the extracts of other plants when compared to control. At concentration of 300 mg/ml, C. majus extracts prevented the disease by 71.42%. By the SEM, it was determined at the 4MIC extracts, cell wall degradation, swelling, flattening, lysis, collapsing and wrinkling on the hyphal structure. The highest total phenolic and flavanol contents were observed in O. vulgare extracts (310.49 mg GA/g) and T. longicaulis (5.24 mg CE/g). The EC50 values of the experimented extracts were lowered than the EC50 value of Gallic acid (1.87 mg/ml). Meanwhile, in all of the extracts there were phenolic compounds, protocatechuic, chlorogenic, caffeic acid and kaempferol as determined with HPLC system. This research demonstrates that C. majus aqueous extracts may possess high potential to control the pink mold rot on tomatoes as new natural antifungal products.Scientific and Technological Research Council of TurkeyTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [114Z104]This study was financed by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Project No. 114Z104.WOS:0004020815000102-s2.0-8501975519