149 research outputs found

    Adversarial Data Programming: Using GANs to Relax the Bottleneck of Curated Labeled Data

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    Paucity of large curated hand-labeled training data for every domain-of-interest forms a major bottleneck in the deployment of machine learning models in computer vision and other fields. Recent work (Data Programming) has shown how distant supervision signals in the form of labeling functions can be used to obtain labels for given data in near-constant time. In this work, we present Adversarial Data Programming (ADP), which presents an adversarial methodology to generate data as well as a curated aggregated label has given a set of weak labeling functions. We validated our method on the MNIST, Fashion MNIST, CIFAR 10 and SVHN datasets, and it outperformed many state-of-the-art models. We conducted extensive experiments to study its usefulness, as well as showed how the proposed ADP framework can be used for transfer learning as well as multi-task learning, where data from two domains are generated simultaneously using the framework along with the label information. Our future work will involve understanding the theoretical implications of this new framework from a game-theoretic perspective, as well as explore the performance of the method on more complex datasets.Comment: CVPR 2018 main conference pape

    On the Analysis of Trajectories of Gradient Descent in the Optimization of Deep Neural Networks

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    Theoretical analysis of the error landscape of deep neural networks has garnered significant interest in recent years. In this work, we theoretically study the importance of noise in the trajectories of gradient descent towards optimal solutions in multi-layer neural networks. We show that adding noise (in different ways) to a neural network while training increases the rank of the product of weight matrices of a multi-layer linear neural network. We thus study how adding noise can assist reaching a global optimum when the product matrix is full-rank (under certain conditions). We establish theoretical foundations between the noise induced into the neural network - either to the gradient, to the architecture, or to the input/output to a neural network - and the rank of product of weight matrices. We corroborate our theoretical findings with empirical results.Comment: 4 pages + 1 figure (main, excluding references), 5 pages + 4 figures (appendix

    ADINE: An Adaptive Momentum Method for Stochastic Gradient Descent

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    Two major momentum-based techniques that have achieved tremendous success in optimization are Polyak's heavy ball method and Nesterov's accelerated gradient. A crucial step in all momentum-based methods is the choice of the momentum parameter mm which is always suggested to be set to less than 11. Although the choice of m<1m < 1 is justified only under very strong theoretical assumptions, it works well in practice even when the assumptions do not necessarily hold. In this paper, we propose a new momentum based method ADINE\textit{ADINE}, which relaxes the constraint of m<1m < 1 and allows the learning algorithm to use adaptive higher momentum. We motivate our hypothesis on mm by experimentally verifying that a higher momentum (1\ge 1) can help escape saddles much faster. Using this motivation, we propose our method ADINE\textit{ADINE} that helps weigh the previous updates more (by setting the momentum parameter >1> 1), evaluate our proposed algorithm on deep neural networks and show that ADINE\textit{ADINE} helps the learning algorithm to converge much faster without compromising on the generalization error.Comment: 8 + 1 pages, 12 figures, accepted at CoDS-COMAD 201

    Understanding Graph Data Through Deep Learning Lens

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    Deep neural network models have established themselves as an unparalleled force in the domains of vision, speech and text processing applications in recent years. However, graphs have formed a significant component of data analytics including applications in Internet of Things, social networks, pharmaceuticals and bioinformatics. An important characteristic of these deep learning techniques is their ability to learn the important features which are necessary to excel at a given task, unlike traditional machine learning algorithms which are dependent on handcrafted features. However, there have been comparatively fewer e�orts in deep learning to directly work on graph inputs. Various real-world problems can be easily solved by posing them as a graph analysis problem. Considering the direct impact of the success of graph analysis on business outcomes, importance of studying these complex graph data has increased exponentially over the years. In this thesis, we address three contributions towards understanding graph data: (i) The first contribution seeks to find anomalies in graphs using graphical models; (ii) The second contribution uses deep learning with spatio-temporal random walks to learn representations of graph trajectories (paths) and shows great promise on standard graph datasets; and (iii) The third contribution seeks to propose a novel deep neural network that implicitly models attention to allow for interpretation of graph classification.

    Two-Level Adversarial Visual-Semantic Coupling for Generalized Zero-shot Learning

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    The performance of generative zero-shot methods mainly depends on the quality of generated features and how well the model facilitates knowledge transfer between visual and semantic domains. The quality of generated features is a direct consequence of the ability of the model to capture the several modes of the underlying data distribution. To address these issues, we propose a new two-level joint maximization idea to augment the generative network with an inference network during training which helps our model capture the several modes of the data and generate features that better represent the underlying data distribution. This provides strong cross-modal interaction for effective transfer of knowledge between visual and semantic domains. Furthermore, existing methods train the zero-shot classifier either on generate synthetic image features or latent embeddings produced by leveraging representation learning. In this work, we unify these paradigms into a single model which in addition to synthesizing image features, also utilizes the representation learning capabilities of the inference network to provide discriminative features for the final zero-shot recognition task. We evaluate our approach on four benchmark datasets i.e. CUB, FLO, AWA1 and AWA2 against several state-of-the-art methods, and show its performance. We also perform ablation studies to analyze and understand our method more carefully for the Generalized Zero-shot Learning task.Comment: Under Submissio