40 research outputs found

    An Anatomic Study of the Supratrochlear Foramen of the Humerus and Review of the Literature

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    Objective: The coronoid fossa and the olecranon fossa located on the distal end of the humerus are separated by a thin bone septum. This septum may be translucent or opaque. In some cases, this septum may become perforated, and it is called supratrochlear foramen. The aim of the present study was to describe the morphology of the supratrochlear foramen of the humerus. Methods: This study was conducted on 108 dry humeri (right (R): 56, left (L): 52) belonging to adults whose age, gender, and racial properties are unknown. They were examined to determine the presence of the supratrochlear foramen. The shapes of the supratrochlear foramen were determined, and their diameters were measured. Results: The supratrochlear foramen was observed in 11 cases on the right side and 11 cases on the left side. On the right side, 5 foramens were detected to be round-shaped, 3 oval-shaped, and 3 kidney-shaped, whereas on the left side, 6 foramens were detected to be oval-shaped and 5 round-shaped. Of the 86 dry humeri with no supratrochlear foramen, 57 (R: 30, L: 27) had a translucent septum, and 29 (R: 15, L: 14) had an opaque septum. Conclusion: It is apparent that the supratrochlear foramen has been evaluated on bones generally in the literature, and there are differences in incidence rates. Owing to the clinical significance of this formation, it is thought that studying on a wider population of living individuals using radiologic imaging methods will contribute to the literature. In addition, although there are different terms used to express this formation in the literature, it is thought that adopting the name, which is commonly used as supratrochlear foramen, is most appropriate

    May Artificial Intelligence Be a Co-Author on an Academic Paper?

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    Dear Colleagues, Recently, for an article submitted to the European Journal of Therapeutics, it was reported that the paper may have been written with artificial intelligence support at a rate of more than 50% in the preliminary examination made with Turnitin. However, the authors did not mention this in the article’s material method or explanations section. Fortunately, the article’s out-of-date content and fundamental errors in its methodology allowed us no difficulty making the desk rejection decision. On the other hand, similar situations that we may encounter later caused us to discuss how we would decide when the artificial intelligence support of the articles was written. The general opinion that we have adopted and currently available in the literature is that if artificial intelligence is used while writing an article, how artificial intelligence is used in the methodology should be written in detail. Moreover, we encountered a much more exciting situation during our evaluation. In a few academic studies, we have seen that artificial intelligence is added as a co-author. On July 06, 2023, in the Web of Science, using the advanced search, we found four articles with the author name ChatGPT [1]. We have determined that ChatGPT is the author in one of these articles [2] and the Group Author in three [3-5]. Lee [6] stated that although artificial intelligence tools are much more advanced than search engines, they cannot be an author regarding research ethics because they cannot take responsibility for what they write. Similarly, Goto and Katanoda [7] stated that it is the author’s responsibility to confirm that the texts written by ChatGPT are correct. However, Pourhoseingholi et al. [8] reported that keeping up with technology is inevitable. Additionally, they said that“this action will be more fruitful and practical in extended dimensions when international institutes like ICMJE or COPE come up with the appropriate adjustments and establish robust criteria to scheme the AI authorship”. Most probably, the use of artificial intelligence applications in scientific articles and whether it can be a co-author in these papers will be discussed soon. We encourage interested authors to submit their ideas to our journal as a letter to the editor. Yours sincerely

    Anatomy of spinal nerves in the first Turkish illustrated anatomy handwritten textbook

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    “Teşrih-ül Ebdan ve Tercümânı Kıbale-i Feylesûfan” is the first handwritten anatomy textbook with illustrations written in Turkish in 17th century by Şemseddîn-i İtâḳî. “Teşrih” has different meanings such as anatomy, skeleton, and cutting a corpse into pieces [1]. “Teşrih-ül Ebdan ve Tercümânı Kıbale-i Feylesûfan ” means dissection of the body and scholars’ birth knowledge [2]. Since this is the first handwritten textbook in Turkish, it has great importance in the development of medicine in Ottoman Empire. This book was written while Grand Vizier Recep Pasha was in power, and it was dedicated to the Sultan of that period, Murat the IVth [3, 4]. It is thought that the book was written in 163

    Morphometric and Morphological Evaluation of the Atlas: Anatomic Study and Clinical Implications

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    Objective: Atlas is located at a critical point close to the vital centers of the medulla oblongata, which can be compressed by the dislocation of the atlantoaxial complex or instability of the atlantooccipital joint. This study aimed to determine in detail the morphometric and morphological characteristics of the atlas to guide the reduction of the risk of complications and increase the success rate in various surgical approaches for the craniovertebral junction. Methods: In this study, 17 atlas vertebrae whose measurement parameters were pronounced and unknown gender, age, and ethnic characteristics were examined. Results: Totally 16 parameters, 11 of which were bilateral and 5 were unilateral, were examined on the atlas. Also, no accessory foramen transversarium was found in these atlas vertebrae. Of the 23 foramina transversaria that were prominent and not broken, 7 were found to be round-shaped (30.43%), and 16 were oval-shaped (69.57%). Conclusion: It is deducted that the results obtained in this study will help to have information about the morphometry and morphology of atlas vertebrae. Although information such as age, gender, and ethnic origin is not known about the bones evaluated, it is the advantage of this study that a large number of parameters are evaluated and compared with previous publications. Nevertheless, it seems that there is a need for studies in which much more cases are assessed, and information such as age, gender, and ethnic origin is known

    Morphological and Topographical Anatomy of Nutrient Foramen in The Lower Limb Long Bones

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    Objective: The present study aims to determine the number and position of the nutrient foramina (NF) of the human femur, tibia, and fibula and to observe the size, direction, and obliquity of the nutrient foramina. Methods: We observed 265 adult human, lower limb long bones in the Department of Anatomy of the Gaziantep University. The nutrient foramina were identified with naked eyes, and the obliquity was determined with a hypodermic needle. Gauge 20 and 24 needles were used for size determination. Shape was observed with the naked eye and classified into oval and round types. The nutrient foramina location was determined by dividing total bone length into three segments, and the locations were validated by calculating foraminal index (FI). Results: Results showed that 79% of the long bones had a single nutrient foramen. More than 96% of the nutrient foramina were directed away from the knees. A total of 87% of the femoral foramina were located in the middle third, 72% of the tibial foramina were located in the proximal third, and 98% of the fibular nutrient foramina were located in the middle third of the specimens. Overall, no foramina were found on the distal third of the studied bones. Conclusion: Our study findings are in accordance to the findings from several research studies. The assessment of pathological conditions associated with the findings of foramen nutricium in our study may help clinicians and surgeons in planning treatments for applications to be performed in this region. However, it is thought that literature will be a source for basic and clinical sciences by providing reference values

    Anatomy of kidney: A comparative historical study

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    Introduction: The having extremely detailed macroscopic anatomy knowledge of the present medicine literature has been result of the information accumulation throughout the hundreds years. The numerous science hero have contributed for this purpose. The scientists being ahead of his time by their knowledge and scientific perspective have contributed worthy to development process of medicine. Materials and Methods: The chapters related to the kidney anatomy in El-Kânûn Fi’t-Tıbb was written by İbn-i Sînâ in the 11th century, Kitab-ı Teşrihü’l-Ebdan Min e’t-Tıb is one of the first illustrated anatomy books that was written by Mansur b. Muhammed b. Ahmed in 14th century, Teşrih-ülEbdan ve Tercümânı Kıbale-i Feylesûfan is the first illustrated Turkish anatomy book that was written by Şemseddîn-i İtâkî in 17th century were evaluated. Results: The informations were compared in three books and were interpreted by the present informations. These books have contributed to development of anatomy although some of the informations in them are faulted. Conclusion: All three books are valuable in point of showing the development of medicine. The extensive evaluation of books which have important place in history of medicine will give valuable information about development process of medicine


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    Massage is the manipulation of the body tissues by using techniques, such as rubbing, kneading, pressing, and rolling to sustain a state of health and wellness. Massage is one of the oldest and most natural healing applications in human history. Avicenna (980 – 1037) gained a very important position in the medical world with his most important work, the Canon of Medicine, known as the holy book of medicine in the Western world. Different types of massage were defined in the book. These were hard friction that braces the body, soft friction that relaxes the body, repeated friction that reduces the amount of fat in the body, moderately hard friction that improves the body, rough friction that leads the blood to the surface rapidly, gentle friction that increases blood flow in the application area, preparatory friction that prepares the body before exercise, and restorative friction that is applied after exercise which alleviates exhaustion. It may be seen that Avicenna, whose work shows influence of Greek and Roman physicians, was heavily influenced by Hippocrates and Galen. It is seen that the massage techniques and effect mechanisms defined by Avicenna about a thousand years ago have contributed a lot to the developments in massage through the historical process.Masaža je manipulacija tjelesnih tkiva pomoću tehnika kao što su trljanje, gnječenje, pritiskanje i valjanje kako bi se održalo zdravlje. To je jedna od najstarijih i najprirodnijih ljekovitih primjena u ljudskoj povijesti. Avicena (980. – 1037.) zauzeo je važno mjesto u svijetu medicine svojim najvažnijim djelom Kanon medicine, poznatim kao sveta knjiga medicine u zemljama zapadnog svijeta. U knjizi su definirane vrste masaža. To su čvrsto trljanje koje priprema tijelo, meko trljanje koje opušta tijelo, ponavljajuće trljanje koje smanjuje količinu masnih stanica u tijelu, umjereno čvrsto trljanje koje pomaže tijelu, grubo trljanje koje ubrzano dovodi krv do površine tijela, blago trljanje koje povećava protok krvi u području na kojem se primjenjuje, pripremno trljanje koje priprema tijelo prije vježbanja i obnavljajuće trljanje koje se primjenjuje nakon vježbanja, a ublažava iscrpljenost. Može se vidjeti da je Avicena, čiji rad pokazuje utjecaj grčkih i rimskih liječnika, bio pod snažnim utjecajem Hipokrata i Galena. Vidljivo je da su tehnike masaže i mehanizmi djelovanja, koje je Avicena definirao prije otprilike tisuću godina, uvelike pridonijeli razvoju masaže tijekom povijesti

    The First Impact Factor of the European Journal of Therapeutics

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    Dear Colleagues, The statement made by Journal Citation Reports on 26 July 2022, it was reported that some important updates in the journal metrics will be published in 2023 [1]. The most striking of these changes was that the journal impact factor would now be calculated, including journals from the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). On 28 June 2023, the current metrics of the journals indexed in the Web of Science were shared by the Journal Citation Reports for 2022 [2]. As it is known, the European Journal of Therapeutics is indexed in the ESCI and is included in the Category of Medicine, General & Internal. Therefore, the impact factor was calculated for the European Journal of Therapeutics for the first time. According to the report recently announced by Journal Citation Reports, the impact factor of the European Journal of Therapeutics for 2022 is 0.3 (Fig. 1) [3]. In addition, the European Journal of Therapeutics ranks ninetieth among one hundred fifty-seven (90/157) in the Category of Medicine, General & Internal, and ESCI-indexed journals [4]. Although the first impact factor declared for the European Journal of Therapeutics is 0.3 is not a bad value, it is an inevitable reality that it should be better. On the other hand, in previous editorials [5, 6], it was reported that the articles accepted in the European Journal of Therapeutics were now published as Accepted / Early Views Articles quickly [6]. In addition, it was stated that the editorial team was enriched with many internationally important academicians in their fields [5]. Moreover, there will be various revisions and improvements planned to be made to the journal's publication policy in the near future. We think these improvements may play an essential role in increasing the impact factor of the European Journal of Therapeutics in the long term. Yours sincerel

    Editorial: From the Incoming Editors of the European Journal of Therapeutics (Eur J Ther)

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    Dear Colleagues, We are delighted to share the new issue (June 2023, volume 29, Issue 2) of the European Journal of Therapeutics (Eur J Ther). Furthermore, we are honored to be appointed as the New Editor-in-Chief and New Deputies Editor-in-Chief of Eur J Ther, the international publication of the Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine published since 1990. First, we would like to thank the previous Editor-in-Chief, Prof. M. Murat Sucu, and his team for their hard work during their tenure. They significantly increased its contribution to the field and international reputation by further developing the journal. In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to all the editors, authors, referees, and technical team who have contributed to the journal since 1990, when our journal first started being published. Unfortunately, due to the change of publishing house, there were some technical problems and interruptions on the web page of Eur J Ther in the first few months of 2023. So, we regret to inform you that there are delays in the evaluation stages of some manuscripts sent to the journal. However, we would like to let you know that from now on, your valuable works submitted to Eur J Ther will be evaluated as quickly as possible. In addition, we would like to announce that all articles accepted for publication in our journal, which is considered an essential innovation, will be published on the web page of our journal as Early View / Accepted Articles in a short time. This innovation will expedite the citation process for your publications. As the New Editor-in-Chief and New Deputies Editor-in-Chief, we aim to increase the quality and visibility of Eur J Ther and to improve its indexes. We want to remind you that the journal’s target audience is researchers, physicians, and health professionals interested in or working in all medical and dental disciplines. Therefore, we request you submit your valuable research to Eur J Ther to contribute to the development and content of the journal. Sincerely yours