520 research outputs found

    Identification et prédiction non intrusive de l'état des charges dans les bâtiments résidentiels à partir de mesures compteur à échantillonnage réduit

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    Nous abordons dans ces travaux l'identification non intrusive des charges des bâtiments résidentiels ainsi que la prédiction de leur état futur. L'originalité de ces travaux réside dans la méthode utilisée pour obtenir les résultats voulus, à savoir l'analyse statistique des données (algorithmes de classification). Celle-ci se base sur des hypothèses réalistes et restrictives sans pour autant avoir de limitation sur les modèles comportementaux des charges (variations de charges ou modèles) ni besoin de la connaissance des changements d'état des charges. Ainsi, nous sommes en mesure d'identifier et/ou de prédire l'état des charges consommatrices d'énergie (et potentiellement contrôlables) en se basant uniquement sur une phase d'entrainement réduite et des mesures de puissance active agrégée sur un pas de mesure de dix minutes, préservant donc la vie privée des habitants. Dans cette communication, après avoir décrit la méthodologie développée pour classifier les charges et leurs états, ainsi que les connaissances métier fournies aux algorithmes, nous comparons les résultats d'identification pour cinq algorithmes tirés de l'état de l'art et les utilisons comme support d'application à la prédiction. Les algorithmes utilisés se différentient par leur capacité à traiter des problèmes plus ou moins complexe (notamment la prise en compte de relations entre les charges) et se ne révèlent pas tous appropriés à tout type de charge dans le bâtiment résidentiel

    Kite Generator System Periodic Motion Planning Via Virtual Constraints

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new control strategy for Kite Generator System (KGS). The proposed feedback strategy is based on motion planning using the virtual constraint approach and ensures exponential orbital stability of the desired trajectory. The strategy is detailed, applied and tested via numerical simulations and showed good convergence to a desired periodic motion

    Kite Generator System Modeling and Grid Integration

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    International audienceThis paper deals principally with the grid connection problem of a kite-based system, named the "Kite Generator System (KGS)." It presents a control scheme of a closed-orbit KGS, which is a wind power system with a relaxation cycle. Such a system consists of a kite with its orientation mechanism and a power transformation system that connects the previous part to the electric grid. Starting from a given closed orbit, the optimal tether's length rate variation (the kite's tether radial velocity) and the optimal orbit's period are found. The trajectory-tracking problem is not considered in this paper; only the kite's tether radial velocity is controlled via the electric machine rotation velocity. The power transformation system transforms the mechanical energy generated by the kite into electrical energy that can be transferred to the grid. A Matlab/simulink model of the KGS is employed to observe its behavior, and to insure the control of its mechanical and electrical variables. In order to improve the KGS's efficiency in case of slow changes of wind speed, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm is proposed

    Augmentation de la distance de transport de l'énergie offshore par câble sous-marin en basse fréquence

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    International audienceL'objet de cet article est l'étude d'un réseau de puissance sous-marin fonctionnant en basse fréquence. L'utilisation de la basse fréquence au niveau offshore s'avère un compromis intéressant entre le continu et l'alternatif à 50 ou 60 Hz. En effet, si le courant continu permet le transport de puissance à grandes distances en offshore ; il se heurte à une maturité technologique naissante, notamment en ce qui concerne les protections électriques. Dans un premier temps, une méthode d'analyse de puissance a été développée pour les calculs des distances maximales de connexion. Les résultats de la méthode ont été testés et comparés avec deux modèles de simulation. Plusieurs modèles de câbles ont été pris en compte pour les analyses. Par ailleurs, il est envisagé d'utiliser une fréquence variable pour optimiser les flux de puissance dans un réseau

    Voltage support by optimal integration of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles to a Residential Grid

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    International audienceThis paper provides a linear approach to compute the voltages at any node on a residential grid based on the house instantaneous load and the presence of charging Plug- In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) on the grid (and the corresponding instantaneous consumption or injection). Based on this linear operation, the paper provides a detailed linear programming formulation of the problem of charging the PHEVs while providing a voltage support service to the grid. Multiple evaluation cases are included in order to test the ability of the approach to maintain voltages within safety limits and provide optimal consumption/injection policies. An additional case is included to prove the potential of the PHEVs to solve existing voltage technical issues on a residential grid

    Optimization-based scheduling of data center workload in function of outside weather conditions

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    International audienceData centers are the fifth largest energy consumerin the world and demand for data center services, driven bycloud computing, is rising rapidly. There is also a lot of interestin using data centers for offering grid services. Here, focus isput on scheduling, or in other words, shifting workload in time.This work explores the possible gains that could be achieved ifworkload would be easily scheduled. An energetic model of thedata-center is used, taking into account the dependency of thecooling's coefficient of performance (COP) on the outside weatherconditions as well as the influence of the heat load on the powerconsumption of the fans and pumps. This model is used to showthe possible energy savings that could be obtained by schedulingthe workload in function of outside wet bulb temperatures and fanpowers.</p

    On the most convenient Mixed Strategies in a Mixed Strategist Dynamics Approach for Load Management of Electric Vehicle Fleets

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    International audienceThis manuscript explores the selection of appropriate mixed strategies (MSs) in a Mixed Strategist Dynamics (MSD) application for load management of Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) fleets. This selection is based on the convenience of PEV owners, aiming to choose those MSs that privilege early high (or fast) charging rates when it is possible. The previously published MSD and Maximum Entropy principle (MSD-MEP) approach is revised and illustrated with several examples, specially in the context of selection of MSs. This revision allows a wider understanding of the method, and aims to inspire new contributions on domains where distributed optimization methods are pertinent. Results obtained without any management structure are compared to those obtained with the MSD-MEP approach under different scenarios, where full sets of MSs and reduced sets of convenient MSs are applied. The performance of the method, using conveniently reduced sets of MSs, is tested with real historical active power measurements, provided by the SOREA utility grid company in the region of Savoie, France

    Kite Generator System: Grid Integration and Validation

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    International audienceIn this paper, the problem of grid integration of a kite generator system (KGS), is handled. The mechanical power generated by the kite's traction is translated into an electrical one via a permanent magnet synchronous machine. This power is then injected in the grid or used to supply an isolated load after passing a power electronics interface. Control schemes have been developed for grid connected or stand-alone operation and tested on a hardware-in-the-loop simulator
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