1,188 research outputs found

    Fundamental Reform of Income Tax: In How Far Can the Assessment Basis Be Broadened and Tax Law Simplified?

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    Intensive discussion is now underway on the tax reform concept put forward by Paul Kirchhof. Analyses based on extrapolations of individual tax return data from the income tax statistics show that ending the main tax concessions and allowances would not be enough to compensate for the loss of revenue from lowering the top rate of tax to 25%. Moreover, the importance of simplifying the tax system is being exaggerated in public discussion. A much simpler tax system is neither necessarily efficient nor fair. Politicians must look for reasonable compromises here. With the appointment of Paul Kirchhof, Professor of Tax Law and former Judge at the Constitutional Court, to the Union parties' competence team the discussion on fundamental reform and simplification of the German income and corporate tax system has intensified. Kirchhof has put forward the most far-reaching proposal for tax reform of recent years in a concept developed with his research group on the Federal tax code. He wants to see an almost flat rate income tax of 25% on all taxable income over euro 18 000; in return, all tax concessions and exemptions related to specific types of income would be dropped, while lump sums would be allowed for some income-related expenses and operating expenditure. The tax regulations would also be tightened and their application simplified by thoroughly systematizing and redrafting the income tax laws. DIW Berlin carried out a study of this and other proposed reforms in April 2004 in regard to the revenue they would yield and their distribution effects, as well as their effects on the supply of labour. The main conclusion was that a clear drop in the rates of tax, particularly in the upper incomes range, would cause considerable loss of revenue, and that this could not be made good by broadening the tax base or stimulating growth. The proposals by Paul Kirchhof, as well as the concept put forward by the Free Democrats, would mean that tax payers on high incomes would pay very much less tax, not only in absolute terms but also in relation to their incomes, than tax payers on average earnings, so these proposals would also lead to greater inequality of income. In view of the current discussion on the scope for broadening the tax base a consideration of the main concessions and allowances is of interest. These are shown in the tax statistics or can be estimated from (table). An extensive and representative random sample was taken from the income tax statistics for 1998 - the latest year for which data is as yet available - and the key features that are relevant for taxation policy were extrapolated to the year 2005.4 According to the forecast 29 million tax payers will be liable for income tax in 2005, of whom 14.8 million will be single and 14.2 million married couples taxed on their joint incomes.5 Simulation calculations of the income tax charged for the 2005 tax year using DIW Berlin's income tax micro-simulation model are in line with the current tax revenue and current estimates of tax. Revenue from income tax charged will be euro 171.4 billions, and revenue from non-assessed nonassessed wage tax euro 15.1 billions.

    The Impact of Losses on Income Tax Revenue and Implicit Tax Rates of Different Income Sources: Evidence from Microsimulation Using Tax Statistics for Germany

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    In order to calculate the burden of a comprehensive and progressive income tax falling on a certain income source, an apportionment scheme for the entire tax burden has to be chosen. This raises the question of how to deal with losses, which is relevant for Germany in view of the heavy losses from renting. Using micro data from tax statistics we analyze the income tax shares of functional income sources for three apportionment schemes. The choice of the apportionment scheme markedly affects the tax shares of income sources and the implicit tax rates, in particular those of capital income.Income and business income taxation, implicit tax rates by income sources

    Dynamic Occupancy Grid Prediction for Urban Autonomous Driving: A Deep Learning Approach with Fully Automatic Labeling

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    Long-term situation prediction plays a crucial role in the development of intelligent vehicles. A major challenge still to overcome is the prediction of complex downtown scenarios with multiple road users, e.g., pedestrians, bikes, and motor vehicles, interacting with each other. This contribution tackles this challenge by combining a Bayesian filtering technique for environment representation, and machine learning as long-term predictor. More specifically, a dynamic occupancy grid map is utilized as input to a deep convolutional neural network. This yields the advantage of using spatially distributed velocity estimates from a single time step for prediction, rather than a raw data sequence, alleviating common problems dealing with input time series of multiple sensors. Furthermore, convolutional neural networks have the inherent characteristic of using context information, enabling the implicit modeling of road user interaction. Pixel-wise balancing is applied in the loss function counteracting the extreme imbalance between static and dynamic cells. One of the major advantages is the unsupervised learning character due to fully automatic label generation. The presented algorithm is trained and evaluated on multiple hours of recorded sensor data and compared to Monte-Carlo simulation

    How Should Local Governments Tax Local Business?: Lessons from an International Comparison and a Microsimulation Analysis for Germany

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    The local business tax as the main revenue source of local governments in Germany has been under extensive debate for decades. Proposals for reform range from a broad tax base in the sense of an origin-based value-added tax to a pure profit tax that could be implemented as a surcharge on corporation and personal income tax. Local business taxation systems in OECD countries actually represent the whole spectrum between these two extremes. We use a newly developed microsimulation model for the business sector in Germany to analyse the fiscal and distributional effects of the general reform options identified, including the extension of the local business tax to liberal professionals. We also analyse the effects of the actual German business tax reform 2008 with respect to local business tax revenues.Local business tax, microsimulation, local taxation, tax reform

    "Reichensteuer"-Diskussion: Hintergrund und Perspektiven

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    Bei steigender Einkommensungleichheit und verringerten Steuervermeidungsmöglichkeiten ergeben die Standardmodelle der Optimalsteuerlehre höhere optimale SteuersĂ€tze auf hohe Einkommen. Ferner diskutiert die Forschung in der letzten Zeit verstĂ€rkt die negativen Wirkungen steigender Ungleichheit auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und die gesellschaftliche Wohlfahrt. Auch die Besteuerung von hohen Kapitaleinkommen oder Vermögen wird in der neueren Literatur positiver gesehen. Allerdings gibt es große SchĂ€tzrisiken hinsichtlich der lĂ€ngerfristigen wirtschaftlichen Wirkungen von Steuerbelastungen auf höhere Einkommen und Vermögen

    Reichtum statt Luxus besteuern

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    Lieber fĂŒnf Prozent Inflation als 100 Prozent Staatsverschuldung

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    Cash-flow-Steuern: Ein Weg zu einem konsumorientierten Steuersystem

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    Nach dem Erbschaftsteuer-Urteil: Firmenprivilegien begrenzen, Zahlungsbedingungen verbessern

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