311 research outputs found

    an analysis of Danish medium-sized firms

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    The Architecture of New Organizational Forms

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    The recent decade’s research on organizational forms has gained important headway in converging upon a few particularly important causes of the new forms that have been observed. Yet, most studies offer no explicit definition of "organizational form," and ignore the need to establish what should count as a "new form." In order to advance this research, the present paper therefore aims to provide a preliminary definition of organizational form, developed along the lines of organizational economics. A typology is provided that allows identification of alternative forms of organizing in terms of distinct architectures (topology plus dynamic rules) and a corresponding level of delegation of decision rights

    An Intraindustry Analysis

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    Previous empirical diversification research has largely ignored the combined effect of inputand output diversity as drivers of financial performance. In view of this gap, the present paper provides an empirical analysis of the link between intraindustry commitment, diversity of the firm’s product market portfolio and performance. We suggest that commitment constrains the ability to diversify, and that product market diversity can be evaluated with respect to the extent that increases in diversity lead to increases in coordination costs. Our results suggest that commitment to physical assets and technology choice drives product and product line diversity. Furthermore, financial performance increases in product diversity and tends to decrease in the number of product lines

    What Happens After Going Live With ERP Systems? Competence Centers Can Support Effective Institutionalization

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    The process of initiating, implementing and institutionalizing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software package in an organization is non-trivial. Competence centers (CC) have been proposed as a means to support organizational performance during the ongoing operations and maintenance phase of the life cycle. CC can be designed to support only the technical aspects of ERP software maintenance (e.g., updating tables as the business changes), but they can also be a resource for end user education, training, and support. In addition, they can be a focus of ongoing improvements in business processes and can enable retention of organizational knowledge about the rationale for software configuration decisions, which is critical for future upgrades, migrations, and conversions. This paper describes the role a CC can play by examining the problems that one firm experienced after it “went live” with ERP. We conclude with some suggestions for future research

    CKD classification based on estimated GFR over three years and subsequent cardiac and mortality outcomes: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is unknown whether defining chronic kidney disease (CKD) based on one versus two estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) assessments changes the prognostic importance of reduced eGFR in a community-based population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Participants in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study and the Cardiovascular Health Study were classified into 4 groups based on two eGFR assessments separated by 35.3 ± 2.5 months: sustained eGFR < 60 mL/min per 1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>(1 mL/sec per 1.73 m<sup>2</sup>); eGFR increase (change from below to above 60); eGFR decline (change from above to below 60); and eGFR persistently ≥60. Outcomes assessed in stratified multivariable Cox models included cardiac events and a composite of cardiac events, stroke, and mortality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 891 (4.9%) participants with sustained eGFR < 60, 278 (1.5%) with eGFR increase, 972 (5.4%) with eGFR decline, and 15,925 (88.2%) with sustained eGFR > 60. Participants with eGFR sustained < 60 were at highest risk of cardiac and composite events [HR = 1.38 (1.15, 1.65) and 1.58 (1.41, 1.77)], respectively, followed by eGFR decline [HR = 1.20 (1.00, 1.45) and 1.32 (1.17, 1.49)]. Individuals with eGFR increase trended toward increased cardiac risk [HR = 1.25 (0.88, 1.77)] and did not significantly differ from eGFR decline for any outcome. Results were similar when estimating GFR with the CKD-EPI equation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Individuals with persistently reduced eGFR are at highest risk of cardiovascular outcomes and mortality, while individuals with an eGFR < 60 mL/min per 1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>at any time are at intermediate risk. Use of even a single measurement of eGFR to classify CKD in a community population appears to have prognostic value.</p

    Preventive drugs in the last year of life of older adults with cancer: Is there room for deprescribing?

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    BACKGROUND: The continuation of preventive drugs among older patients with advanced cancer has come under scrutiny because these drugs are unlikely to achieve their clinical benefit during the patients' remaining lifespan. METHODS: A nationwide cohort study of older adults (those aged ≥65 years) with solid tumors who died between 2007 and 2013 was performed in Sweden, using routinely collected data with record linkage. The authors calculated the monthly use and cost of preventive drugs throughout the last year before the patients' death. RESULTS: Among 151,201 older persons who died with cancer (mean age, 81.3 years [standard deviation, 8.1 years]), the average number of drugs increased from 6.9 to 10.1 over the course of the last year before death. Preventive drugs frequently were continued until the final month of life, including antihypertensives, platelet aggregation inhibitors, anticoagulants, statins, and oral antidiabetics. Median drug costs amounted to 1482(interquartilerange[IQR],1482 (interquartile range [IQR], 700-2896])perperson,including2896]) per person, including 213 (IQR, 77−77-490) for preventive therapies. Compared with older adults who died with lung cancer (median drug cost, 205;IQR,205; IQR, 61-523),costsforpreventivedrugswerehigheramongolderadultswhodiedwithpancreaticcancer(adjustedmediandifference,523), costs for preventive drugs were higher among older adults who died with pancreatic cancer (adjusted median difference, 13; 95% confidence interval, 5−5-22) or gynecological cancers (adjusted median difference, 27;9527; 95% confidence interval, 18-$36). There was no decrease noted with regard to the cost of preventive drugs throughout the last year of life. CONCLUSIONS: Preventive drugs commonly are prescribed during the last year of life among older adults with cancer, and often are continued until the final weeks before death. Adequate deprescribing strategies are warranted to reduce the burden of drugs with limited clinical benefit near the end of life

    Factors associated with non-attendance, opportunistic attendance and reminded attendance to cervical screening in an organized screening program: a cross-sectional study of 12,058 Norwegian women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cervical cancer incidence and mortality may be reduced by organized screening. Participant compliance with the attendance recommendations of the screening program is necessary to achieve this. Knowledge about the predictors of compliance is needed in order to enhance screening attendance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Norwegian Co-ordinated Cervical Cancer Screening Program (NCCSP) registers all cervix cytology diagnoses in Norway and individually reminds women who have no registered smear for the past three years to make an appointment for screening. In the present study, a questionnaire on lifestyle and health was administered to a random sample of Norwegian women. The response rate was 68%. To address the predictors of screening attendance for the 12,058 women aged 25-45 who were eligible for this study, individual questionnaire data was linked to the cytology registry of the NCCSP. We distinguished between non-attendees, opportunistic attendees and reminded attendees to screening for a period of four years. Predictors of non-attendance versus attendance and reminded versus opportunistic attendance were established by multivariate logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Women who attended screening were more likely than non-attendees to report that they were aware of the recommended screening interval, a history of sexually transmitted infections and a history of hormonal contraceptive and condom use. Attendance was also positively associated with being married/cohabiting, being a non-smoker and giving birth. Women who attended after being reminded were more likely than opportunistic attendees to be aware of cervical cancer and the recommended screening interval, but less likely to report a history of sexually transmitted infections and hormonal contraceptive use. Moreover, the likelihood of reminded attendance increased with age. Educational level did not significantly affect the women's attendance status in the fully adjusted models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The likelihood of attendance in an organized screening program was higher among women who were aware of cervical screening, which suggests a potential for a higher attendance rate through improving the public knowledge of screening. Further, the lower awareness among opportunistic than reminded attendees suggests that physicians may inform their patients better when smears are taken at the physician's initiative.</p
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