155 research outputs found

    Proper Time Formalism, Gauge Invariance and the Effects of a Finite World Sheet Cutoff in String Theory

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    We discuss the issue of going off-shell in the proper time formalism. This is done by keeping a finite world sheet cutoff. We construct one example of an off-shell covariant Klein Gordon type interaction. For a suitable choice of the gauge transformation of the scalar field, gauge invariance is maintained off mass shell. However at second order in the gauge field interaction, one finds that (U(1)) gauge invariance is violated due to the finite cutoff. Interestingly, we find, to lowest order, that by adding a massive mode with appropriate gauge transformation laws to the sigma model background, one can restore gauge invariance. The gauge transformation law is found to be consistent, to the order calculated, with what one expects from the interacting equation of motion of the massive field. We also extend some previous discussion on applying the proper time formalism for propagating gauge particles, to the interacting (i.e. Yang Mills) case.Comment: 24 pages, Latex file. (This is a revised version, to appear in Int. J. of Mod. Phys. Section 2 has been extensively revised. Minor revisions in the other sections

    The Proper Time Equation and the Zamolodchikov Metric

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    The connection between the proper time equation and the Zamolodchikov metric is discussed. The connection is two-fold: First, as already known, the proper time equation is the product of the Zamolodchikov metric and the renormalization group beta function. Second, the condition that the two-point function is the Zamolodchikov metric, implies the proper time equation. We study the massless vector of the open string in detail. In the exactly calculable case of a uniform electromgnetic field strength we recover the Born-Infeld equation. We describe the systematics of the perturbative evaluation of the gauge invariant proper time equation for the massless vector field. The method is valid for non-uniform fields and gives results that are exact to all orders in derivatives. As a non trivial check, we show that in the limit of uniform fields it reproduces the lowest order Born-Infeld equation.Comment: Latex file, 29 pages, A couple of minor typos corrected. Final version, to appear in Int. Journal of Mod. Phys.

    Loop Variables and Gauge Invariant Interactions of Massive Modes in String Theory

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    The loop variable approach used earlier to obtain free equations of motion for the massive modes of the open string, is generalized to include interaction terms. These terms, which are polynomial, involve only modes of strictly lower mass. Considerations based on operator product expansions suggest that these equations are particular truncations of the full string equations. The method involves broadening the loop to a band of finite thickness that describes all the different interacting strings. Interestingly, in terms of these variables, the theory appears non-interacting.Comment: Latex file, 19 page

    Fundamental Strings and D-strings in the IIB Matrix Model

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    The matrix model for IIB Superstring proposed by Ishibashi, Kawai, Kitazawa and Tsuchiya is investigated. Consideration of planar and non-planar diagrams suggests that the large N perturbative expansion is consistent with the double scaling limit proposed by the above authors. We write down a Wilson loop that can be interpreted as a fundamental string vertex operator. The one point tadpole in the presence of a D-string has the right form and this can be viewed as a matrix model derivation of the boundary conditions that define a D-string. We also argue that if world sheet coordinates σ\sigma and τ\tau are introduced for the fundamental string, then the conjugate variable d/dσ{d}/{d\sigma} and d/dτ{d}/{d\tau} can be interpreted as the D-string world sheet coordinates. In this way the SL(2Z)SL(2Z) duality group of the IIB superstring becomes identified with the symplectic group acting on (p,qp,q).Comment: 21 pages, Latex file. Two references added and two figures include

    On Covariant Derivatives and Gauge Invariance in the Proper Time Formalism for String Theory

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    It is shown that the idea of ``minimal'' coupling to gauge fields can be conveniently implemented in the proper time formalism by identifying the equivalent of a ``covariant derivative''. This captures some of the geometric notion of the gauge field as a connection. The proper time equation is also generalized so that the gauge invariances associated with higher spin massive modes can be made manifest, at the free level, using loop variables. Some explicit examples are worked out illustrating these ideas.Comment: Latex file, 18 page

    Proper Time Formalism and Gauge Invariance in Open String Interactions

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    The issue of gauge invariances in the sigma model formalism is discussed at the free and interacting level. The problem of deriving gauge invariant interacting equations can be addressed using the proper time formalism. This formalism is discussed, both for point particles and strings. The covariant Klein Gordon equation arises in a geometric way from the boundary terms. This formalism is similar to the background independent open string formalism introduced by Witten.Comment: 19 page