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    Muscogiana Vol. 25(2), Fall 2014

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    China has built or expanded commercial ports along the Indian Ocean littorals for the last two decades. Security analysts view these port investments in the context of China’s increasing naval presence in the Indian Ocean. In particular, Gwadar Port in Pakistan has garnered much attention. While publicized as a purely commercial venture, the port’s dismal performance thus far has led many to speculate whether China is actually building a dual-use facility for PLAN vessels. This thesis investigates these two claims using analytical frameworks to assess Gwadar Port's commercial and dual-use viability. This thesis concludes that Gwadar Port is not an economic gateway or even the most desirable transshipment port in Pakistan. While Gwadar Port appears to be a viable candidate for a dual-use port, it is likely neither the PLAN’s first nor second choice compared to Pakistan’s other naval bases along the Makran Coast. Nevertheless, China appears to have significant influence in Pakistan, indicating that if China eventually chooses to utilize Gwadar Port as a dual-use port, it has significant leverage to gain access. This finding suggests that security analysts are not misguided to be wary of China’s intentions for Gwadar Port and should continue monitoring it, as well as the rest of China’s port infrastructure investments in South Asia, for future indications suggesting a move to enhance their dual-use viability. This thesis provides an analytical framework to do so.Lieutenant Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Muscogiana Vol. 8(3&4), Fall 1997

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    Symmetric Entrenchment: A Constitutional and Normative Theory

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    In this article, we defend the traditional rule that legislative entrenchment, the practice by which a legislature insulates ordinary statutes from repeal by a subsequent legislature, is both unconstitutional and normatively undesirable. A recent essay by Professors Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule disputes this rule against legislative entrenchment and provides the occasion for our review of the issue. First, we argue that legislative entrenchment is unconstitutional, offering the first comprehensive defense of the proposition that the original meaning of the Constitution prohibits legislative entrenchments. We show that a combination of textual, historical, and structural arguments make a very compelling case against the constitutionality of legislative entrenchment. In particular, the Framers incorporated into the Constitution the traditional Anglo-American practice against legislative entrenchment, as evidenced by early comments by James Madison - comments that have not been previously discussed in this context. Moreover, legislative entrenchment essentially would allow Congress to use majority rule to pass constitutional amendments. On the normative issue, we offer a new theory of the appropriate scope of entrenchment: the theory of symmetric entrenchment. Under our theory, there is a strong presumption that only symmetric entrenchments - entrenchments that are enacted under the same supermajority rule that is needed to repeal them - are desirable. The presumption helps to distinguish desirable entrenchments that would improve upon government decisions from undesirable ones that simply involve legislatures protecting their existing preferences against future repeal. To be desirable entrenchments must generally be symmetric, because the supermajority rule that is applied to the enactment of entrenched measures would improve the quality of these measures and therefore compensate for the additional dangers that entrenchments pose. This theory steers a middle path between a strict majoritarian position, which would prohibit all legislative entrenchments, and a position that would allow legislative majorities to entrench measures

    The Constitutionality of Legislative Supermajority Requirements: A Defense

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    Supermajority Rules and the Judicial Confirmation Process

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    In this paper we assess the effect of possible supermajority rules on the now contentious Senate confirmation process for judges. We deploy a formula for evaluating supermajority rules that we have developed in other papers. First, we consider a sixty-vote rule in the Senate for the confirmation of federal judges–an explicit version of the supermajority norm that may be emerging from the filibuster. While we briefly discuss how such a rule would affect the project of maximizing the number of originalist judges, for the most part we evaluate the rule on the realist assumption that judges will pursue their own political and policy preferences. The case for applying an appropriately framed supermajority confirmation rule to Supreme Court justices has some merit, because these justices have substantial power to entrench new norms that would otherwise have to go through the stringent supermajoritarian process of constitutional amendment. The most substantial costs of the rule are holdout costs, which are likely to be particularly high at the beginning of the rule\u27s operation. These costs could be reduced if the change to the supermajority rule were itself a product of bipartisan agreement applicable to a future President. We caution that a supermajority rule initiated through filibuster by one party is likely not to be beneficial because the holdout costs would be very high as the first Presidents attempted to prevent the new rule from sticking. In contrast, for lower federal courts, we think the supermajority confirmation rule is a mistake. Lower court justices lack the ability to make substantial constitutional entrenchments without support from the Supreme Court. Moreover, the thousand judges of the lower courts offer a real possibility of beneficial jurisprudential diversity that can improve judicial output. A supermajority rule would decrease such diversity. Second, we consider the use of a committee supermajority rule to require the chairman of the Senate judiciary committee to hold hearings on nominees unless a substantial supermajority of committees members were opposed. This rule would end the practice that has developed in both parties of denying hearings to well qualified nominees and assure fairer discussion and deliberation
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