21 research outputs found

    Analysis of comparison between results of numerical calculations and measurements of magnetic field made using a fiber optic sensor

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    Praca stanowi zbi贸r wynik贸w bada艅 nad zastosowaniem efektu Faraday'a jako sposobu charakteryzowania pola magnetycznego pod wzgl臋dem warto艣ci jego parametr贸w. Pole pochodzi艂o od magnesu trwa艂ego spe艂niaj膮cego rol臋 藕r贸d艂a wzbudzenia w maszynie elektrycznej oraz od przep艂ywu pr膮du w solenoidzie. Pomiar贸w dokonano przy u偶yciu uk艂adu magnetooptycznego. Uzyskane wyniki oblicze艅 numerycznych por贸wnano z wynikami uzyskanymi w drodze pomiar贸w.Research results of the magnetic fields investigated by a fiber optic sensor are presented. The research goal consist in determining a way to characterise the magnetic field with respect to values of its parameters. The source of the field are permanent magnets that form the field system of an electric machine and current flowing through solenoids. The measurements wave made using the magnetooptical system. For comparison obtained results of measurements the numerical calculation were made

    Measurement system using converter Adam 4000 series in programming environment LabVIEW

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    W artykule przedstawiono przyk艂ad wykorzystania j臋zyka wysokiego poziomu LabVIEW do cyfrowego pomiaru temperatury. Obiekt, kt贸rego temperatura jest mierzona, stanowi uk艂ad rezystor贸w z radiatorami. Do pomiaru zastosowano przetworniki serii ADAM 4000. Z poziomu LabVIEW programowano wej艣cia/wyj艣cia przetwornik贸w wykorzystuj膮c transmisj臋 w standardach RS-232/RS-485. W ko艅cowej cz臋艣ci artyku艂u przedstawiono propozycj臋 zastosowania programu LabVIEW do pomiaru pola elektrycznego 50 Hz.The paper presents how to use language programming LabVIEW for digital temperature measurements. The investigate object is built with resistors and radiators. For measurement, converters ADAM 4000 series was used. In order to programm Input/Output converters, RS-232/RS-485 transmision was used. At the end, the proposition of application for Low Frequency Electric Field measurement was suggested

    Zastosowanie efektu Faradaya w badaniach pola magnetycznego

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    The paper presents results of magnetic field investigations using the Faraday effect. The magnetic field source was the current flowing through an additional winding in a magnetoelectric motor. The possibility of using an optical fibre sensor for determining the value of an external magnetic field was analysed which can affect the permanent magnet during motor operation. Results of measurements of the tangential component of the magnetic induction in the air gap of the motor are presented, obtained using an optical fibre as a magnetic field sensor. The effect of the magnetic system design on the possibility of measuring the magnetic induction using an optical fibre sensor was analysed.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 pola magnetycznego przy zastosowaniu efektu Faradaya. 殴r贸d艂em pola magnetycznego by艂 pr膮d przep艂ywaj膮cy przez dodatkowe uzwojenie w silniku magnetoelektrycznym. Analizowano mo偶liwo艣膰 zastosowania czujnika 艣wiat艂owodowego do okre艣lania warto艣ci zewn臋trznego pola magnetycznego, jakie mo偶e wp艂ywa膰 na magnes trwa艂y w trakcie pracy silnika. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiar贸w sk艂adowej stycznej indukcji magnetycznej w szczelinie powietrznej silnika, uzyskanych przy zastosowaniu 艣wiat艂owodu jako czujnika pola magnetycznego. Analizowano wp艂yw konstrukcji uk艂adu magnetycznego na mo偶liwo艣膰 pomiaru indukcji magnetycznej przy zastosowaniu czujnika optycznego

    Determination of the circumferential component of the magnetic field in a magnetoelectric machine using the magnetooptic method

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    The paper presents results of investigation into the magnetic field in a DC motor with permanent magnets. Many measuring results of changes in polarization angles of a light-wave in a fiber optic under the influence of the magnetic field produced by an impulse of a current magnetizing additionally the permanent magnet of a machine. On the basis of the measurement results the circumferential component of the magnetic field was determined which occurs in the air gap. The measuring results were compared with the numerical calculations of the machine field

    Application of permanent magnets with multi-directional magnetization in magnetoelectric disc motor

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    Electrical machines are increasingly being employed in electric drives, among other things in car industry (ecological cars) and aerospace sector. In these drives, in order to increase the dynamics of the electric drive moment of interia should not be a large value. The mass of motor is one of the factors influencing the moment of interia. This paper deals with the axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) motor. The structure of the motor is the following: disc type, inner coreless stator with windings in segmented electromagnetic array (SEMA) technology. In such electric motors the decrease of their mass can be obtained by the decrease of back iron thickness. The reduction of back iron thickness in disc motor can be attained by application of permanentmagnets with multi-directional magnetization (permanent magnets arranged in Halbach array). The paper presents the results of simulation researches of the influence of application of permanent magnets (PMs) with multi-directional magnetization on magnetic flux density distribution in back iron of magnetoelectric disc motors

    Determination the value of the magnetic leakage flux in a magnestic system using the magnetooptic method

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    In investigations of magnetic flux distribution in electromagnetic equipment it is possible to apply a method, using magnetooptic effects. The paper presents results of measurements of the value of the leakage flux appearing in air channels of the magnetic cores being modeled, of the investigated electromagnetic equipment (electrical machine, electric apparatus or transformer). The magnetooptic sensor (fiber optical) is placed in the channel of the core. The paper includes results of verifying numerical calculations of the magnetic leakage flux density in the air channel. Examples of design solutions of magnetic systems are given, where is possible to apply measuring systems fulfilling the role of overcurrent apparatus

    Badania rozk艂adu pola magnetycznego na powierzchni styk贸w AMF

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    Rozk艂ad osiowego pola magnetycznego na powierzchni styk贸w kom贸r pr贸偶niowych odgrywa decyduj膮c膮 rol臋 w ograniczaniu erozji styk贸w podczas wy艂膮czania pr膮du zwarciowego. Ograniczenie erozji styk贸w mo偶liwe jest przez r贸wnomierny rozk艂ad osiowego pola magnetycznego na ca艂ej powierzchni styku. Z tego wzgl臋du, w projektowaniu styk贸w, nale偶y stosowa膰 metody obliczeniowe do sprawdzenia sk艂adowej osiowej rozk艂adu pola magnetycznego. W artykule podano wynik analizy rozk艂adu sk艂adowej osiowej pola magnetycznego dla styku bipolarnego z naci臋ciami uko艣nymi i z naci臋ciami o kszta艂cie 艂uku. Do analizy stosowano program komputerowy FLUX 3D. Wykonano r贸wnie偶 badania rozk艂adu strumienia 艂uku dyfuzyjnego w rozbieralnej komorze pr贸偶niowej podczas wy艂膮czania pr膮du zwarciowego o warto艣ci 15 kA.The axial magnetic field (AMF) distribution on the contact surface plays an important role in short circuit current interruption. To minimize erosion of the contact the AMF should be uniformly distributed over the contact plates. During theoretical analysis of bipolar contacts, the design of the contact coil and the slots made in the contact鈥檚 plate, as well as the orientation of the steady contact relative to the moving contact were taken into account. The FLUX 3-D computer program was used for the calculation of the AMF and the results were compared and analyzed. To investigate the distribution of arc spots on the contact plate surface experiments were conducted in a dismountable vacuum chamber during a 15 kA short circuit current interruption

    Investigation of HID-lamp light emission differences for different power supply methods

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    This paper presents investigation of methods for reducing light pulsation and plasma temperature inside a high intensity discharge (HID) lamp arc tube. Differences found in light emission of an arc tube plasma channel under different power supply methods are presented and discussed in this work. The novelty of the paper lies in systematical investigation of different power converter supply methods and demonstrating that it has a significant influence on plasma temperature in an arc tube. The tested lamp was powered by electronic ballasts controlled by different algorithms, which forced their current waveform. To compare the results, the authors performed measurements on a discharge lamp powered by a standard electromagnetic ballast. The investigation of plasma parameters is based on the optical spectroscopy method. It was shown that by using the appropriate current shape of a high switching frequency supply converter, the plasma temperature of an HID lamp can be reduced almost by half

    Projektowanie kom贸r pr贸偶niowych do wy艂膮cznik贸w wysokiego napi臋cia

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    W artykule przedstawiono opis modelu komory pr贸偶niowej przeznaczonej do wy艂膮cznika wysokiego napi臋cia. Model zosta艂 przeanalizowany i cz臋艣ciowo zbadany w celu zapewnienia odpowiedniej wytrzyma艂o艣ci elektrycznej i mechanicznej. Wst臋pnie rozwa偶ono: wytrzyma艂o艣膰 termiczn膮 w warunkach obci膮偶eniowych i zwarciowych, wytrzyma艂o艣膰 na nara偶enia elektryczne, przeanalizowano rozk艂ad pola magnetycznego na powierzchni styk贸w jak i w przestrzeni pomi臋dzy stykami, wyznaczono rozk艂ad pola elektrycznego wewn膮trz komory pr贸偶niowej. Styki bipolarne zbadano w rozbieralnej komorze pr贸偶niowej. Celem tych oblicze艅 i bada艅 by艂o opracowanie odpowiedniej geometrii i rozwa偶enie mo偶liwo艣ci techno-logicznych wykonania modelu komory do wy艂膮cznika wysokiego napi臋cia.The paper presents a vacuum chamber model for a HV circuit breaker. Manufacturers of vacuum circuit breakers apply the axial magnetic field (AMF) to stabilise the electric arc diffusion during current breaking process. The model was analyzed and partly tested to assure its mechanical and electrical withstand. The results of the preliminary calculations of thermal behavior of the vacuum chamber in short-circuit conditions, the magnetic field distribution between contact plates as well as in the contact gap and the dielectric stress inside of the vacuum chamber are shown. The bipolar contacts were tested in a dismountable vacuum chamber. The aim was to determine geometry and to recognize technology and manufacturing facilities required