6 research outputs found

    As We Are Blind

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    Œuvres et Recherches 2019:01« As We Are Blind » (2016) est une installation pour « piano mécanique et aura » de Véronique Béland. Au centre d’une pièce à la scénographie épurée, un piano à queue joue la partition la plus intime : celle du spectateur. Conductance, température de la peau, poids de la main, rythme cardiaque... Chaque participant pose la main sur un capteur, et « As We Are Blind » calcule et interprète une production musicale et photographique unique, qui révèle l’« aura » colorée de chaque spectateur

    Diet of St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) in a changing ecosystem

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    Ecosystems and community structure fluctuate over time as a result of natural and anthropogenic factors that may affect prey availability and population dynamics. Most of what we know about St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) diet comes from stomach contents collected 80 years ago mainly from a hunting site that Beluga no longer use. How reflective these data are of Beluga diet at other sites and at the current time is unknown. In the context of the recent population decline, general information of prey species alone may help identify useful conservation actions for potentially important prey or habitats. Here, we examined the diet of SLE Beluga using digestive tracts collected from carcasses recovered over the past 30 years, in the context of historical diet data and recent changes in the St. Lawrence ecosystem. We showed they have a varied diet composed of fish and invertebrates generally <30 cm in length, and that adult males and females differ in their summer diet in a way that is consistent with the sex segregation observed in this population. Our results also indicate that polychaete worms, squid, and cod are still among the most prevalent prey, and that species such as redfish (Sebastes spp.) might be important prey items. This study shows that Beluga diet has changed since the 1930s, and that prey from digestive tracts identified to species are valuable for making comparisons to the past, and for improving applications of molecular analyses, such as stable isotopes and fatty acids

    As We Are Blind

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    Œuvres et Recherches 2019:01« As We Are Blind » (2016) est une installation pour « piano mécanique et aura » de Véronique Béland. Au centre d’une pièce à la scénographie épurée, un piano à queue joue la partition la plus intime : celle du spectateur. Conductance, température de la peau, poids de la main, rythme cardiaque... Chaque participant pose la main sur un capteur, et « As We Are Blind » calcule et interprète une production musicale et photographique unique, qui révèle l’« aura » colorée de chaque spectateur

    Think tanks, experts et pouvoirs

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    [letterhead]PASADENA, CALIFORNIAMay 24, 1907My dear Mr Muir-Well I guess we are going to be real Californians at last. I have just bought a very nice house, lot 140 x 364 feet with some of the grandest trees & shrubbery on it in Pasadena- I have got to go home at once to get the money to pay for it & get my stuff out here. While we dont expect to get the home fixed up (some repairs & changes) & settled much before early fall, we expect to return here in July to see to the improvements-I am feeling much better & I think the idea that we are coming here to live adds new life to me- I think we will get away about June 1st, certainly very early after the first.What do you think of this sudden decision? Yours sincerelyA H Sellers03875https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/jmcl/29021/thumbnail.jp