16 research outputs found

    Quarterly Report (QR1)

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    In the first quarter of the project, the participants have successfully laid the foundations for creating a stable, comprehensive, open-source cloud platform. The project has put in place the tools and processes to quickly build and expand the StratusLab distribution. Through dialog with targeted communities and through the partners' experience it has developed the initial architecture of the StratusLab distribution. The initial releases have been validated on the project's cloud infrastructure and the project has put in place the mechanisms for disseminating release information once StratusLab makes its first public release

    Quarterly Report (QR2)

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    In the second quarter, the project has successfully created the first public release of the StratusLab cloud distribution. To complement the release, the project participants have provided user support, deployed a reference infrastructure for outside users, and increased awareness of the release and the project. High-level features, including advanced service management features, have been defined and will be progressively added to the series of public releases leading to the v1.0 release due at the end of the first year

    Final Report on StratusLab Adoption

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    The StratusLab cloud distribution has been adopted by users from a wide range of scientific disciplines: astrophysics, software engineering, machine learning, high- energy physics, meteorology, and bioinformatics. In addition, there has been commercial update of the distribution for a turnkey private cloud solution aimed at SMEs and a large public deployment by Atos within the Helix Nebula initiative. Both partner and non-partner institutes have used the StratusLab distribution to provide cloud services to their users

    Reference Architecture for StratusLab Toolkit 2.0

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    The document describes the updated Reference Architecture for StratusLab v2.0, building on D4.1, which described the architecture for StratusLab v1.0. This document contains two main parts, the overall architecture identifying the required services and components of which it is composed, followed by detailed descriptions for each of these elements. For v2.0, the architecture is rationalized and consolidated. For example, the policy validation, caching and cloud storage are integrated as default features. The Appliance Repository is replaced by the cloud storage service. Several services are also added, such as cloud storage, virtual network provisioning and inter-cloud connectivity. From v1.0 to v2.0, incremental versions of the StratusLab distribution will be built and released to provide an increasing amount of the functionality identified in this document, alongside further improvements to the robustness of the distribution

    Exploitation and Sustainability First Plan

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    This document describes StratusLab's plans for exploitation and sustainability during the second year of the project and beyond. The plans cover commercial exploitation, primarily through commercial integration and support; and non-commercial exploitation, through use in national and international research e-infrastructures: for operating grid resources on private clouds, and for running research-oriented community clouds. In addition, we plan exploitation through projects such as OpenNebula and EGI, and through training and future research. Sustainability is driven by a desire to support critical infrastructures and as a basis for future research. Public funding, private funding and community contributions will play a role in sustainability through promotion, community development, support of cloud strategies, national cloud infrastructures, and cloud research

    Exploitation and Sustainability Final Plan

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    This document describes StratusLab's plans for exploitation and sustainability be- yond the project lifetime. The plans cover commercial exploitation, primarily through commercial integration and support; and non-commercial exploitation, through use in national and international research e-infrastructures: for operating grid resources on private clouds, and for running research-oriented community clouds. In addition, we plan exploitation through partner projects such as EGI and through training and future research. Plans are in place to ensure the sustainability of the critical infrastructures used by the project partners, users and collaborating projects. Similarly, the software outputs of the project have been identified and a plan for the future development of each has been created. These plans include the formation of an open-source StratusLab community, identifying key partners to continue development of specific components, identifying funding options (public, private and community contributions) for continued development and engaging with collaborating projects to ensure that they will contribute to the maintenance and development of the components that they use

    Quarterly Report (QR3)

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    In the third quarter, the project has built on the first public release (v0.1), providing additional functionality leading up to the 1.0 production release expected at the end of Q4. An additional public, preview release (v0.2) was produced and a subsequent release (v0.3) is expected just after the close of Q3. The releases are progressing well, with v0.3 expected to be nearly feature-complete, lacking only storage functionalities. The project is well-positioned to release the StratusLab v1.0 distribution at PM12 with the complete set of expected features

    Quarterly Report (QR4)

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    In the fourth quarter, two beta releases of the StratusLab cloud distribution were made and deployed on the project's reference cloud infrastructure. The v1.0 production release is expected just after the close of Q4 due to the scheduling of the project's development sprints. The project continues to operate a production grid service over the StratusLab cloud distribution, demonstrating its functionality and stability. The project has also demonstrated the deployment of a grid site with the Claudia service manager with some autoscaling features