60 research outputs found

    Citogenetska ispitivanja heksaploidne vrste Helianthus tuberosus i njenih F1 i BC1F1 hibrida sa gajenim suncokretom, H. annuus

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    Helianthus tuberosus is a potential source of resistance to many disease-provoking pathogens. Three accessions of H. tuberosus were used in this research and they were crossed with cultivated sunflower. Six F] and two BC1F1 hybrid combinations were obtained. Analysis of meiosis was performed using aceto-carmine method (GEORGIEVA-TODOROVA, 1976) and pollen viability was determined by staining method of ALEXANDER (1969). Meiosis was regular in cultivated sunflower and the pollen viability was high (96.8-98.9%). Low percent of irregularities was found in the meiosis of H. tuberosus. Pollen viability was high (97.2-98.7%). Chromosome pairing was mostly regular in F1 hybrids (34 bivalents), but some meiocytes contained 28-32 bivalents with uni- and quadrivalents present. The percent of meiocytes with fast chromosomes in metaphase was 24.6-87.2, with lagging chromosomes in anaphase I 10.5-81.0 and in telophase 25.0-33.3. Chromosome bridges were detected in 0-9.9% of meiocytes in anaphase. Pollen viability in F1 hybrids ranged from 27.0 to 47.9%. In BC1F1 hybrids number of bivalents was 16-25, univalent 2-18 and multivalent 0-1. Although a triploid set of chromosomes (51) was expected in BC1F1 hybrids, number of chromosomes was 45-57. Pollen viability varied from 0 to 54.3%.H. tuberosus predstavlja potencijalni izvor otpornosti prema mnogim prouzrokovačima bolesti. U istraživanjima su korišćene tri populacije vrste H. tuberosus koje su ukrštane sa gajenim suncokretom. Dobijeno je 6 hibridnih kombinacija F1 i 2 BC1F1 gen. Izvršena je analiza mejoze acetokarmin metodom (Georgieva-Todorova, 1976) i vitalnosti polena bojenom metodom (Alexander, 1969). Mejoza kod gajenog suncokreta proticala je normalno, a vitalnost polena bila visoka (96.8-98.9%). Kod vrste H. tuberosus mejoza je proticala uz nizak % nepravilnosti tipa neuključenih hromozoma. Vitalnost polena je bila visoka (97.2-98.7%). Kod F1 hibrida najčešće je bilo normalno parenje hromozoma (34 bivalenta), a zabeležene su mejocite sa 28-32 bivalenta uz pojavu uni- i kvadrivalenata. Procenat mejocita sa izbeglim hromozomima u metafazi I je bio 24.6-87.2, sa izostalim hromozomima u anafazi I 10.5-81.0, a u telofazi II 25.0-33.3. Hromozomski mostovi su detektovani u 0-9.9% anafaznih mejocita. Vitalnost polena kod FI hibrida se kretala od 27.0-47.9%. Kod BC1F1 hibrida broj bivalenaca je bio od 16-25, univalenata od 2-18, a multivalenata od 0-1. Iako je očekivan triploidan broj hromozoma (51) kod BC1F1 hibrida broj hromozoma je bio od 45-57. Vitalnost polena se kretala 0-54.3%

    Varijabilnost osobina cvasti i lista i nasleđivanje oblika liske suncokreta u F1 generaciji

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    Populations of wild sunflower species were crossed with cms cultivated lines because of their high variability. Variability was determined by measuring inflorescence diameter, ray flower number and the leaf length and width. The data was used for hierarchical cluster analysis in the SYSTAT 10 program and the obtained dendrogram was used to interpret divergence of used populations. Comparing 25 hybrid populations with parents tested the modes of inheritance. Cluster analysis divided plants in to three groups. The first ones were inbred lines of cultivated sunflower. In the middle of the cluster tree were annual wild species and the third group were perennial wild species. The mean value differences in observed traits between parents were significant. All modes of inheritance were present in Fi generation. Intermediate was the most frequent followed by equal number of partially dominant and dominant ones and in two hybrid combinations, negative heterotic effect was scored.Zbog izražene varijabilnosti divlje vrste su korišćene za ukrštanja sa cms linijama gajenog suncokreta. Varijabilnost je utvrđena merenjem prečnika cvasti, broja jezičastih cvetova, dužine i širine liske. Podaci su obrađeni putem hijerarhijske klaster analize u programu SYSTAT 10 i dobijen je dendrogram na osnovu koga je tumačena divergentnost ispitivanih populacija. Način nasleđivanja je utvrđivan poređenjem 25 hibridnih kombinacija sa roditeljima. Klaster analizom su razdvojene tri grupe biljaka. Prvu čine inbred linije samooplodnog suncokreta. U srednjem delu dendrograma su jednogodišnje divlje vrste i treća grupa su višegodišnje divlje vrste. Razlike u srednjim vrednostima ispitivanih svojstava između roditelja su bile značajne. Zastupljeni su bili svi tipovi nasleđivanja. Najviše je bilo intermedijarnog, zatim parcijalno dominantnog i dominantnog, a u dve hibridne kombinacije manifestovao se negativni heterozis

    Varijabilnost sadržaja azota i šećera u krtolama topinambura (Helianthus tuberosus)

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    Several nutritive values for tubers of 114 Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) populations were evaluated during 2006. The used material is a part of wild sunflower species collection at the Institute of field and vegetable crops and it is situated in Rimski Šancevi, Novi Sad. The samples were analyzed as fresh tubers on 'Venema' automatic laboratory for alpha amino nitrogen, sodium and potassium content. Total sugar content was determined as the brix value on a refractometer. Total nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl method on dried samples. Significant variability was found for all analyzed traits. Total nitrogen varied from 0,695 to 2,179% dry weight (mean 1,23%), alpha amino nitrogen content 0,012 to 0,118% fresh weight (m. 0,07%), potassium 0,231 0,452% fresh weight (m. 0,403%) and sodium 0,0003 - 0,0143% fresh weight (m. 0,007%). Total sugar content varied from 13,69 - 22,94% fresh weight (m. 19,14%). Alpha amino nitrogen is an essential nutrient for animals so that it's presence in tubers of Jerusalem artichoke as food is positive. The protein content is similar to the one in potato and as such satisfactory for nutrition. The K/Na ratio is high which is useful, because an increased content of potassium in food can positively affect the reduction of Na/K ratio and lower systolic blood pressure by a significant amount in adults with mild hypertension. Inulin makes up to 80% of the total sugar content in the tubers of Jerusalem artichoke, and as a dietary fiber and a fructose polymer it positively influences digestion and sugar blood levels. The obtained results suggest that selection of cultivars and populations with inappropriate nutritive values is possible. Further research is needed to estimate the share of genetic in total variability and to determine whether the selection for new cultivars is justified.Tokom 2006. godine obavljeno je ispitivanje nekih prehrambenih vrednosti krtola 114 populacija topinambura (Helianthus tuberosus). Korišcen materijal je deo kolekcije divljih vrsta suncokreta Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, koja se nalazi na lokalitetu Rimski Šancevi u blizini Novog Sada. Uzorci su analizirani u svežem stanju na 'Venema' automatskoj laboratoriji za sadržaj alfa amino azota, natrijuma i kalijuma. Ukupni sadržaj šećera je određen refraktometrijski kao Brix vrednost. Ukupni azot je određen na sušenim uzorcima Kjeldahl metodom. Pokazalo se da postoji značajna varijabilnost za sve ispitivane osobine. Sadržaj ukupnog azota je varirao od 0,695 do 2,179% suve mase (prosečna vrednost 1,23%), alfa amino azota 0,012-0,118% sveže mase (p.v. 0,07%), kalijuma 0,231-0,452% sveže mase (p.v. 0,403%) i natrijuma 0,0003- 0,0143% sveže mase (p.v. 0,007%). Ukupni sadržaj šećera je varirao od 13,69 do 22,94% sveže mase (p.v. 19,14 %). Alfa amino azot je obavezan u ishrani životinja pa je i njegova zastupljenost u krtolama topinambura kao hrane pozitivna. Sadržaj proteina je približan krompiru i kao takav zadovoljavajući za ishranu. Odnos Na i K je povoljan jer povećani sadržaj K u hrani može pozitivno da utiče na smanjenje relativnog odnosa Na i K i da dovede do značajnog smanjenja krvnog pritiska kod osoba sa blagom hipertenzijom. Inulin čini do 80% od ukupnog sadržaja šećera u krtolama topinambura, a kao dijetalno vlakno i polimer fruktoze može pozitivno da utiče na varenje i nivo šećera u krvi. Ustanovljena varijabilnost topinambura za analizirane osobine ukazuje da postoji mogućnost za odabir populacija sa odgovarajućim prehrambenim kvalitetima. Potrebna su dalja ispitivanja da bi se odredio udeo genetičke varijabilnosti u ukupnoj varijabilnosti i da bi se utvrdila opravdanost eventualnog pristupa selekciji radi dobijanja novih sorti

    Backcrosses in interspecific hybridization in sunflower

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    When incorporating desirable traits (resistance to causal agents of various diseases) from the wild relatives into the cultivated sunflower, some undesirable ones are introduced too (branching, small head diameter, low oil content, etc). To overcome this problem, backcrosses (F1 interspecific hybrids x cultivated sunflower) are used, although very often desirable traits are lost in the process. Cytological analysis (meiosis and pollen viability) and molecular markers (RAPD) were used to estimate what portion of the parental species genome was present in (be interspecific hybrids of the F1 and BC1F1 generations. The results showed that the percentage of irregularities at meiosis increased from F1 to BC1F1 gen. They also indicated the presence of aneuploids and sterility in the cross between the hexaploid species H.rigidus and cultivated sunflower. The genetic distance between the parents was 83%, that between H.rigidus and the F1 hybrid 54 61%, and that between H.annuus and F1 hybrid 70-76%. In the BC1F1 generation, the genetic distance from Hannuus decreased to 58-66% and that from H.rigidus increased to 69-76%

    Fеnоtipskа divеrgеntnоst јеdnоgоdišnjih vrstа rоdа Helianthus

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    Seven annual wild species of sunflower were assessed for 31 phenotype. The species were represented with 84 populations. The hierarchical cluster analysis was used to process the obtained data. Divergence among species and among populations of the same specie was interpreted with the use of obtained dendrograms. Three homogenous groups of populations were found through the combined dendrogram analysis. Populations of the species H. argophyllus and H. annuus were found in the left part and the majority of H. petiolaris populations were found in the right part of the dendrogram. Populations of H. debilis and H. praecox each formed two clusters that can be explained by the presence of different subspecies. They were positioned in the center and the right part of the dendrogram. Species H. neglectus and H. niveus were found to be very heterogeneous so that their taxonomic status could not be determined.Kоd sеdаm јеdnоgоdišnjih divljih vrstа suncоkrеtа оcеnjеnа је 31 оsоbinа. Оcеnа је rаđеnа nа ukupnо 84 pоpulаciје. Pоdаci su оbrаđеni hiјеrаrhiјskоm klаstеr аnаlizоm. Divеrgеntnоst izmеđu vrstа i izmеđu pоpulаciја istе vrstе аnаlizirаnа је nа оsnоvu dоbiјеnih dеndrоgrаmа. Аnаlizоm zbirnоg dеndrоgrаmа uоčеnе su tri hоmоgеnе grupе pоpulаciја. U lеvоm dеlu dеndrоgrаmа sе nаlаzе pоpulаciје vrstа H. argophyllus i H. annuus, dоk sе vеćinа pоpulаciја vrstе H. petiolaris nаlаzi u dеsnоm dеlu zbirnоg dеndrоgrаmа. Pоpulаciје vrstа H. debilis i H. praecox su fоrmirаlе pо dvе grupе u srеdišnjеm i dеsnоm dеlu dеndrоgrаmа štо sе mоžе tumаčiti pripаdnоšću tih pоpulаciја rаzličitim pоdvrstаmа. Vrstе H. neglectus i H. niveus su sе pоkаzаlе vrlо hеtеrоgеnim tаkо dа nа оsnоvu dоbiјеnih rеzultаtа niје mоglа biti оdrеđеnа njihоvа tаksоnоmskа pripаdnоst

    Cytogenetic study of helianthus strumosus and its F1 and BC1F1 hybrids with cultivated sunflower

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    Helianthus strumosus L. is represented in Novi Sad collection of wild sunflower species with large number of accessions (14 with seed reserves and 20 in the field collection). It is often used as a source of resistance to disease-causing agents in the breeding of cultivated sunflower. Interspecific crosses with cultivated sunflower lines were performed using 17 accessions of this species. Six F1 hybrid combinations were obtained using twoH.strumosus accessions with a total of 48 plants, while in backcrossing 51 BC1F1 plant was obtained. Nine originated from crossing F1 and 42 from crossing F1OP with cultivated sunflower. Cytogenetic analysis showed 3 levels of ploidy in the examined accessions of H.strumosus (n = 17, 34 and 51) and high pollen viability ranging from 83.13- 98.93%. F1 hybrids exhibited reduced pollen viability (26.83 - 55.34%), and there were occurrences of male sterility. Analysis of chromosomal association of F1 hybrids showed that chromosome number was 68, and that most commonly observed associations were 25-34 bivalents with the occurrence of quadrivalents, hexavalents and univalents

    Osobine polena uljanih vrsta iz novosadske kolekcije

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    The collection of oil species in Novi Sad contains 12 species represented with 1-4 cultivars or landraces. In the continuous work on this collection in the sense of breeding of some of those species and their usage as a source of 'desirable genes' we analyzed pollen grain morphology (shape and size), as well as pollen viability. To determine mentioned pollen traits we used Axiovert 40C microscope together with a software package (AxioVision LE; Rel.4.3.) for measurement of pollen length and width. Pollen viability was determined using a staining method (ALEXANDER, 1969). The results showed that species differ by pollen grain shape (round, egg-shaped, triangular and rod) as well as by shape of exine (thick and spiky, thick to thin). In some species there was a specific number of apertures present (1-11). The size of viable pollen grains ranged from 29,10/12,58μ (coriander) to 176,63/169,94μ (oil gourd), while non-viable pollen grains were always smaller (27,27/10,97μ to 119,62/100,86μ) at the same plant species. Pollen viability of most species was around 80%. Lowest pollen viability was found in white flax (56,98%), and the highest in oil pumpkin (91,43%).Kolekcija uljanih vrsta u Novom Sadu raspolaže sa 12 vrsta zastupljenih sa 1-4 sorte, odnosno lokalne populacije. Za dalji rad na korišćenju ove kolekcije u smislu oplemenjivanja pojedinih vrsta ili korišćenje istih kao izvor 'poželjnih gena' ispitivana je morfologija polenovih zrna (oblik i veličina), kao i vitalnost polena. Za određivanje osobina polena korišćen je mikroskop Axiovert 40C, a za merenje dužine i širine polenovih zrna softver AxioVision LE; Rel.4.3. Vitalnost polena je određena bojenom metodom (ALEXANDER, 1969). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da su se vrste razlikovale po obliku polenovih zrna (okrugla, jajasta, trouglasta i štapičasta) kao i po izgledu egzine (debela i bodljikava, debela do tanka). Za neke vrste je karakteristično postojanje određenog broja septi (1-11). Veličina vitalnih polenovih zrna se kretala od 29,10/12,58μ (korijander) do 176,63/169,94μ (uljana bundeva), dok su sterilna zrna bila uvek sitnija (27,27/10,97μ do 119,62/100/86μ) kod istih biljnih vrsta. Vitalnost polena kod najvećeg broja vrsta je bila oko 80%. Najnižu vitalnost polena je imao lan beli (56,98%), a najvišu uljana tikva (91,43%)

    Transferring Plasmopara halstedii resistance from annual wild into cultivated sunflower

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    Twenty-nine populations of five wild annual sunflower species (H. annuus, H. petiolaris, H. argophyllus, H. praecox, H. debilis and H. neglectus) were screened for resistance to Plasmopara halstedii by the whole seed immersion method. Resistant populations were then crossed with cultivated sunflower. Analysis of meiosis and pollen viability in parent and F1 populations was used for characterization of F1 interspecific hybrids, as self-fertilization can also occur. Resistant plants were found in the populations of the species H. annuus and H. argophyllus. The percent of resistant plants in H. annuus populations was 9.09-100% and in H. argophyllus 50.00-57.14%. Irregular chromosome pairing in diakinesis was found in 0-20.83% of meiocytes of the F1 interspecific hybrids, with quadri- and univalents present. Pollen viability of male fertile interspecific hybrid plants was 10.21-98.85% in H. annuus and 39.90-52.47% in H. argophyllus. The obtained results suggest that annual wild sunflower species can be used to obtain resistance, or at least to increase the tolerance of cultivated lines to Plasmopara halstedii

    Način nasleđivanja i heritabilnost dužine krunice cevastog cveta i sadržaja nektara kod suncokreta

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    Since disc flower corolla length and nectar content are the two most important parameters of attractiveness to pollinators in sunflower and we monitored them in the parental lines F[ hybrids, we thought it would be interesting to determine the mode of inheritance and heritability of these two traits. The mean values of disc flower corolla length ranged between 7.23-10.22 mm. Differences among most of the genotypes were significant Year had significant influence on the expression of this trait. In the inheritance of the corolla length, partial dominance of the parent with the smaller corolla length (NS-H-702) was observed when determining mode of inheritance relative to the parents. Relative to the parental average however it was not possible to determine the mode of inheritance in any of tile hybrid combinations. The nectar content means ranged from 2.08 to 15.54 mg/20 flowers and differences among most of the genotypes were significant. Partial dominance of the parent with the smaller nectar content mean was recorded in the inheritance of this trait (NS-H-702): Negative heterosis was found in the hybrid NS-H-45.Pošto su dužina krunice cevastog cveta i sadržaj nektara najvažniji parametri atraktivnosti genotipova suncokreta za oprašivače i praćeni su kod roditeljskih linija i F1 hibrida bilo je interesantno utvrditi način nasleđivanja i heritabilnost za ova dva svojstva. Srednje vrednosti za dužinu krunice cevastog cveta su se kretale od 7.23-10.22mm. Razlike su bile značajne između većine ispitivanih genotipova. Na ekspresiju dužine krunice cevastog cveta su značajno uticale godine. U nasleđivanju ovoga svojstva ispoljila se parcijalna dominacija roditelja sa manjom dužinom krunice cevastog cveta (NS-H-702) i to u slučaju utvrđivanja načina nasleđivanja u odnosu na roditelje, dok u odnosu na roditeljski prosek nije bilo moguće utvrditi način nasleđivanja ni u jednoj hibridnoj kombinaciji. Srednje vrednosti za sadržaj nektara su se kretale od 2.08-15.54mg/20 cvetova i razlike su bile značajne kod većine ispitivanih genotipova. U nasleđivanju sadržaja nektara se ispoljila parcijalna dominacija roditelja sa manjom srednjom vrednošću za ovo svojstvo (NS-H-702), dok se kod hibrida NS-H-45 ispoljio negativni heterozis

    Fenotipska i genotipska varijabilnost dužine krunice cevastog cveta i sadržaja nektara kod suncokreta

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    The nectar content and disc flower corolla length are the two most important parameters of attractiveness to pollinators in sunflower. The phenotypic and genotypic variability of these two traits was studied in four commercially important hybrids and their parental components in a trial with three fertilizer doses over two years. The results showed that, looking at individual genotypes, the variability of disc flower corolla length was affected the most by year (85.38-97.46%). As the study years were extremely different, the phenotypic variance of the hybrids and parental components was calculated for each year separately. In such conditions, looking at all of the crossing combinations, the largest contribution to phenotypic variance of the corolla length was that of genotype: 57.27-61.11% (NS-H-45) 64.51-84.84% (Velja); 96.74-97.20% (NS-H-702) and 13.92-73.17% (NS-H-111). A similar situation was observed for the phenotypic variability of nectar content, where genotype also had the largest influence, namely 39.77-48.25% in NS-H-45; 39.06-42.51% in Velja; 31.97-72.36% in NS-H-702; and 62.13-94.96% in NS-H-111.Najznačajniji parametri atraktivnosti za oprašivače kod suncokreta su sadržaj nektara i dužina krunice cevastog cveta. Fenotipska i genotipska varijabilnost ovih svojstava je izučavana kod 4 komercijalno važna hibrida i njihove roditeljske komponente u ogledu sa 3 doze đubrenja, u dve godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je na varijabilnost dužine krunice cevastog cveta bio najznačajniji uticaj godine (85.38-97.46%), ako se ona posmatra za pojedinačne genotipove. Pošto su godine istraživanja bile ekstremno različite fenotipska varijansa je izračunata za hibride i roditeljske komponente za svaku godinu posebno. U takvim okolnostima za sve kombinacije ukrštanja najveći udeo u fenotipskoj varijansi za dužinu krunice cevastog cveta je imao genotip: 57.27-61.11% (NS-H-45); 64.5l-84.84% (Velja); 96.74-97.20% (NS-H-702) i 13.92-73.17% (NS-H-111). Slično je bilo i sa fenotipskom varijabilnošću za sadržaj nektara, jer je takodje bio najznačajniji uticaj genotipa i to: 39.77-48.25% kod NS-H-45; 39.06-42.51% kod Velja; 31.97-72.36% kod NS-H-702162.13-94.96% kod NS-H-111