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    The purpose of this study is to describe the difference meaning in Quranic translation in Bahasa and Malay version and its influence in people's behaviour. The population of this research is the Muslim college students comunity in Indonesia and Malaysia who understand Arabic. The respondent is choosen by simple purpose of sampling and those are 28 students from University Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia, Universiti Malaya and Univeristi Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. The data were generated using qualitative descriptive research instrument, such as documentaries studies, questionnaires, and interviews. The data were analyzed using speaking and listening method and recording and coding method. The findings show that the differences in translation of word auliya' in QS Al-Maidah 51 affect people's behaviour in choosing the political leader, in both of Indonesia and Malaysia. Meanwhile, the differences in translation of word khiftum in QS an-Nisa' 3 affects and is affected Indonesian and Malaysian's culture in polygamy practice


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    As a country with a majority Muslim population, it is alleged that the level of understanding of the Indonesian Muslim community towards the verses of the Qur'an is low. The religiosity potential of people who have strong religious beliefs has not been utilized as a means of socializing the urgency of exclusive breastfeeding. One of the districts in Yogyakarta (Kulonprogo), has a high stunting rate in children, as a result of a lack of intake of breast milk in infants. This article aims to show the form of understanding of Yogyakarta Muslim mothers towards the verses of breastfeeding in the Qur'an and the factors of understanding these verses. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Participants in the study consisted of 90 people, namely breastfeeding mothers in the districts of Sleman, Bantul, Kulonprogo, Gunung Kidul), and the city of Yogyakarta. The case study approach used data analysis. The low understanding of mothers about the commands and benefits of breastfeeding in the Qur'an has been caused by the low role of religious scholars/resources in bringing up the topic of breastfeeding commands, breastfeeding is part of worship in the Qur'an. This research has provided a new perspective in breastfeeding research that has so far been seen from a health perspective. This research seeks to combine health and religious approaches in understanding the benefits of breastfeeding. This paper recommends that it is necessary to optimize the role of Islamic scholars in studying the command to breastfeed in the Qur'an

    Verba Transitif dan Intransitif: Analisis Linguistik pada Syair-syair Kutipan Syekh Imam Nawawi al-Bantani dalam Kitab Naṣā’iḥ al-‘Ibād

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    Syekh Imam Nawawi al-Bantani merupakan salah satu ulama Indonesia dengan prestasi yang sangat melimpah. Bahkan, beliau diberikan gelar oleh ulama-ulama Timur Tengah dengan sebutan “Penghulu Ulama di Negeri Hijaz”. Oleh sebab itu, sudah sewajarnya beliau mempunyai keilmuan yang sangat dalam di berbagai bidang, termasuk salah satunya adalah ilmu bahasa Arab. Bukti dari kecerdasan beliau tentu sudah sangat banyak, sehingga penelitian ini hanya bermaksud sebagai tambahan legitimasi kecakapan Syekh Imam Nawawi al-Bantani dalam bidang Bahasa Arab. Akan tetapi, disebabkan luasnya cabang ilmu dalam bahasa Arab, maka penelitian ini hanya difokuskan pada mengkaji verba transitif dan intransitif dengan bentuk lampau yang beliau kutip dari syair-syair para ulama di dalam kitab Naṣā’iḥ al-‘Ibād. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode agih, sedangkan pengumpulan datanya dengan menggunakan teknik lesap. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, ditemukan adanya 51 verba dalam bentuk lampau, baik yang berjenis transitif maupun intransitif. Jumlah verba transitif secara keseluruhan ada 30 dan jumlah verba intransitif ada 21. Kedua jenis ini berada pada struktur bahasa yang sudah benar sesuai kaidah ilmu Nahwu berdasarkan kitab Alfiyyah Ibn Mālik yang disyarah oleh Ibnu Aqil.

    Kamus Kesehatan Indonesia-Arab

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    HASIL CEK_2021_Ismuba Curriculum the Effort to Prevent Intolerance within Muhammadiyah High School Students

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    ISMUBA is an acronym of al-Islam, Muhammadiyan, and Arabic teaching, is a combination of compulsory subjects that are the peculiarities and advantages of Muhammadiyah schools-madrasahs compared to other schools-madrasahs. The ISMUBA curriculum follows the level of education from elementary to high school. Related to the rise of social phenomena that linked to deviations in the application of Islamic religious teachings in Indonesian society, one of which became a polemic, namely intolerance, the existence of ISMUBA became significant to review. This is because Muhammadiyah has more than a thousand high school-level schools-madrasah spread throughout Indonesia, so it is worth exploring how the ISMBA curriculum affects learning about tolerance for adolescents. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with a literature review approach. Literature review in this study using integrative reviews Baumeister & Leary. The results of this study show that the ISMUBA curriculum has contained material related to tolerance and invitations to appreciate the differences that Allah Swt. has created, but the arguments that support this issue still need to be added. For example, the main proposition used in the learning of tolerance, refers to verses 10 and 12 of Surat al-Hujurat, but does not include verse 11. This makes the explanation of the aspects that students should avoid in order to be tolerant less comprehensive

    HASIL CEK_2021_Astari_Pengaruh Sastra Musik Arab Modern pada Lagu Sayyidi Ar-Rais karya Hama Meshary Hamdana

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang pengaruh sastra musik Arab modern terhadap seni musik Arab. Dari pengaruh tersebut dapat menghadirkan lagu yang berjudul "Sayyidi Ar-Rais". Dalam lagu ini peneliti dapat memaparkan makna lagu dengan menggunakan teori analisis semantik makna dan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang didapatkan oleh peneliti diambil dari YouTube, jurnal, buku, dan sosial media. Sehingga dari data ini dapat memudahkan peneliti dalam menganalisis. Dari Analisis ini peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa pengaruh sastra Arab sangat berpengaruh bagi penyair, khususnya dibidang seni musik Arab. Sehingga Hama Beshary menciptakan lagu "Sayyidi Ar-Rais" yang mengandung pesan perdamaian akibat adanya konflik yang terjadi di Palestina dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural