47 research outputs found

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action plan : Islands

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    In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes of local universities, including CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University (“LU APIAS”), and Institute of Active Ageing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The four institutes have formed professional teams under this project to support eighteen districts in Hong Kong to adopt a bottom-up and district-based approach to develop age-friendly communities. Under the Project, LU APIAS conducted a baseline assessment, which comprised questionnaire surveys, focus group interviews and field observation from July 2015 to February 2016 in order to provide relevant information to the Islands District Council and other district stakeholders on the existing age-friendliness of the Islands District, Hong Kong (“District”). Senior residents in the District have also been recruited as ambassadors to spread the messages of age-friendly city. Training workshops and seminars have been arranged to equip them with necessary skills and knowledge to perform qualitative research by making assessment in the District with reference to the eight domains of the “Age-friendly City”. Meanwhile, the residents are encouraged to express their views regarding age-friendly facilities and measures in the community. LU APIAS has compiled the results of baseline assessment, including questionnaire surveys, focus groups and observations by the ambassadors, into a baseline assessment report. The report, together with this action plan for improving the age-friendliness of the District, will be submitted to WHO for joining its Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action plan : Tuen Mun

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    In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes of local universities, including CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University (“LU APIAS”), and Institute of Active Ageing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The four institutes have formed professional teams under this project to support eighteen districts in Hong Kong to adopt a bottom-up and district-based approach to develop age-friendly communities. Under the Project, LU APIAS conducted a baseline assessment, which comprised questionnaire surveys, focus group interviews and field observation from May to September 2017 in order to provide relevant information to the Tuen Mun District Council and other district stakeholders on the existing age-friendliness of Tuen Mun District, Hong Kong (“District”). Senior residents in the District have also been recruited as ambassadors to spread the messages of age-friendly city. Training workshops and seminars have been arranged to equip them with necessary skills and knowledge to perform qualitative research by making assessment in the District with reference to the eight domains of the “Age-friendly City”. Meanwhile, residents have been encouraged to express their views regarding age-friendly facilities and measures in the community. LU APIAS has compiled the results of baseline assessment, including questionnaire surveys, focus groups and observations by the ambassadors, into a baseline assessment report. The report, together with this action plan for enhancing the age-friendliness of the District, will be submitted to WHO for joining its Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Action plan : Yuen Long

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    In response to the global ageing population, the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) devised the concept of “Global Age-friendly Cities” in 2005 to encourage cities all around the world to develop a healthy and comfortable living environment with age-friendly facilities and provide sufficient community support and health care services which benefit the older people, family and society. In order to proactively tackle the challenges of an ageing population and promote the concept of an age-friendly city, the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust launched the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“Project”) in 2015 in partnership with four gerontology research institutes of local universities, including CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies of Lingnan University (“LU APIAS”), and Institute of Active Ageing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The four institutes have formed professional teams under this project to support eighteen districts in Hong Kong to adopt a bottom-up and district-based approach to develop age-friendly communities. Under the Project, LU APIAS conducted a baseline assessment, which comprised questionnaire surveys, focus group interviews and field observation from May to September 2017 in order to provide relevant information to the Yuen Long District Council and other district stakeholders on the existing age-friendliness of Yuen Long District, Hong Kong (“District”). Senior residents in the District have also been recruited as ambassadors to spread the messages of age-friendly city. Training workshops and seminars have been arranged to equip them with necessary skills and knowledge to perform qualitative research by making assessment in the District with reference to the eight domains of the “Age-friendly City”. Meanwhile, residents have been encouraged to express their views regarding age-friendly facilities and measures in the community. LU APIAS has compiled the results of baseline assessment, including questionnaire surveys, focus groups and observations by the ambassadors, into a baseline assessment report. The report, together with this action plan for enhancing the age-friendliness of the District, will be submitted to WHO for joining its Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline assessment report : Tsuen Wan

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    The aim of this baseline assessment was to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness and make a list of recommendations for the future development of Tsuen Wan District (the District) through adopting a bottom up and district-based approach. The baseline assessment provided opportunities for the elderly to voice their opinions and served as an appropriate strategy to meet their needs. Additionally, stakeholders from diverse groups can work together to build and maintain an age-friendly community

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline assessment report : Tuen Mun

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    The objectives of this baseline assessment was to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness and make a list of recommendations for the future development of Tuen Mun District (the District) through a bottom up and district-based study. The baseline assessment provided opportunities for the elderly to voice their opinions and served as an appropriate strategy to meet their needs. Additionally, stakeholders from diverse groups can work together to build and maintain an age-friendly community

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline assessment report : Islands

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    The aim of this baseline assessment was to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness and make a list of recommendations for the future development of Islands District (the District) through adopting a bottom up and district-based approach. The baseline assessment provided opportunities for the elderly to voice their opinions and served as an appropriate strategy to meet their needs. Additionally, stakeholders from diverse groups can work together to build and maintain an age-friendly community

    Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Project : Baseline assessment report : Yuen Long

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    The objectives of this baseline assessment was to evaluate the current state of age-friendliness and make a list of recommendations for the future development of Yuen Long District (the District) through a bottom up and district-based study. The baseline assessment provided opportunities for the elderly to voice their opinions and served as an appropriate strategy to meet their needs. Additionally, stakeholders from diverse groups can work together to build and maintain an age-friendly community

    Knowledge transfer project 2009/2010 1st year annual report

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    Knowledge Transfer(KT) is never confined to science and technology; it is rather encompassing and may involve the very basic of life skills such as how to take care of oneself to the high-sounding spiritual yearns of human beings such as positive behaviors and attitude and moral values and etc. The central theme of Knowledge Transfer in Lingnan University is to promote Ageing: From a Life Course Perspective in a social context, appropriating the strengths of the two main drivers behind it – Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS) and the Office of Service-Learning (OSL). The design and implementation of KT Project focused on the transfer of tacit knowledge within the social sciences and humanities areas instead of technology knowledge as well as emphasized capacity enhancement, including the desirable attributes of thematic knowledge, attitude or mindset and behavioral change both at individual and or community level Theoretical framework and operative model of development perspectives are adopted as the foundation for deriving Lingnan model of KT. In turn, action-based KT programs and research are put forward to operate our unique model of knowledge transfer as well as to achieve the project objectives accordingly. Program effectiveness is measured by the how much the program objectives were achieved including quantitative performance indicators and findings from KT programs\u27 questionnaires assessment in which degree of knowledge learning, reflection, adoption and transfer would be measured and evaluated Four common evaluative indicators were developed for a total of 9 KT Programs. The final evaluative results are having 32 out of a total of 36 mean scores with no less than 7 to 8 marks that over 88% have an effective and significant level of knowledge transfer for specified thematic knowledge. In addition, ultimate deliverables, such as KT Manuals for the guidance of organizing and operating KT programs, deriving from the whole process of knowledge transfer activities could be regarded as the overall assessment as in terms of success and effectiveness of the project at large. The Knowledge Transfer activities in its first year emphasize much on the knowledge transfer within the university, i.e. academia/professionals to students, senior students to junior students, non-local students to local students via two main ways – (1) Undergraduate courses embedded with service-learning plus knowledge transfer element; and (2) Campus-wide activities - so to construct a solid and sound foundation to the next level of transfer from University to the Community. Taking one step further, we have been testing various strategies for the transfer from University to the Community taking advantage of the following platforms: (1) New Senior Secondary Curriculum; (2) Elder Academy; and (3) Action Researches. We will focus our trials on the aforementioned platforms, which serves to pave the way to the community education model of knowledge transfer at the end of the triennium

    Evaluation study : on the new mode of enhanced home & community care service provided by Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

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    HKFWS based on the existing mode of service of EHCCS and proposed a new mode with the addition of group rehabilitation component (details of the two modes of services are provided in Chapter 3), aimed to further enhance clients’ levels in physical functioning, cognitive functioning, ability in carrying out activities of daily living, psychological condition, quality of life, social engagement and self-efficacy. The specific objectives of the research are: (1) To validate the effectiveness of the new service mode of EHCCS in maintaining and improving condition in the aforementioned aspects (2) To compare the effectiveness of the new service mode of EHCCS with the existing service mode of EHCCS in maintaining and improving condition in the aforementioned aspects

    Approaches to ageing studies

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