4 research outputs found

    CircleSnake: Instance Segmentation with Circle Representation

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    Circle representation has recently been introduced as a medical imaging optimized representation for more effective instance object detection on ball-shaped medical objects. With its superior performance on instance detection, it is appealing to extend the circle representation to instance medical object segmentation. In this work, we propose CircleSnake, a simple end-to-end circle contour deformation-based segmentation method for ball-shaped medical objects. Compared to the prevalent DeepSnake method, our contribution is three-fold: (1) We replace the complicated bounding box to octagon contour transformation with a computation-free and consistent bounding circle to circle contour adaption for segmenting ball-shaped medical objects; (2) Circle representation has fewer degrees of freedom (DoF=2) as compared with the octagon representation (DoF=8), thus yielding a more robust segmentation performance and better rotation consistency; (3) To the best of our knowledge, the proposed CircleSnake method is the first end-to-end circle representation deep segmentation pipeline method with consistent circle detection, circle contour proposal, and circular convolution. The key innovation is to integrate the circular graph convolution with circle detection into an end-to-end instance segmentation framework, enabled by the proposed simple and consistent circle contour representation. Glomeruli are used to evaluate the performance of the benchmarks. From the results, CircleSnake increases the average precision of glomerular detection from 0.559 to 0.614. The Dice score increased from 0.804 to 0.849. The code has been released: https://github.com/hrlblab/CircleSnakeComment: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Workshop for 2022 MICCA

    Digital Modeling on Large Kernel Metamaterial Neural Network

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) utilized recently are physically deployed with computational units (e.g., CPUs and GPUs). Such a design might lead to a heavy computational burden, significant latency, and intensive power consumption, which are critical limitations in applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, and the usage of drones. Recent advances in optical computational units (e.g., metamaterial) have shed light on energy-free and light-speed neural networks. However, the digital design of the metamaterial neural network (MNN) is fundamentally limited by its physical limitations, such as precision, noise, and bandwidth during fabrication. Moreover, the unique advantages of MNN's (e.g., light-speed computation) are not fully explored via standard 3x3 convolution kernels. In this paper, we propose a novel large kernel metamaterial neural network (LMNN) that maximizes the digital capacity of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) MNN with model re-parametrization and network compression, while also considering the optical limitation explicitly. The new digital learning scheme can maximize the learning capacity of MNN while modeling the physical restrictions of meta-optic. With the proposed LMNN, the computation cost of the convolutional front-end can be offloaded into fabricated optical hardware. The experimental results on two publicly available datasets demonstrate that the optimized hybrid design improved classification accuracy while reducing computational latency. The development of the proposed LMNN is a promising step towards the ultimate goal of energy-free and light-speed AI

    Democratizing Pathological Image Segmentation with Lay Annotators via Molecular-empowered Learning

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    Multi-class cell segmentation in high-resolution Giga-pixel whole slide images (WSI) is critical for various clinical applications. Training such an AI model typically requires labor-intensive pixel-wise manual annotation from experienced domain experts (e.g., pathologists). Moreover, such annotation is error-prone when differentiating fine-grained cell types (e.g., podocyte and mesangial cells) via the naked human eye. In this study, we assess the feasibility of democratizing pathological AI deployment by only using lay annotators (annotators without medical domain knowledge). The contribution of this paper is threefold: (1) We proposed a molecular-empowered learning scheme for multi-class cell segmentation using partial labels from lay annotators; (2) The proposed method integrated Giga-pixel level molecular-morphology cross-modality registration, molecular-informed annotation, and molecular-oriented segmentation model, so as to achieve significantly superior performance via 3 lay annotators as compared with 2 experienced pathologists; (3) A deep corrective learning (learning with imperfect label) method is proposed to further improve the segmentation performance using partially annotated noisy data. From the experimental results, our learning method achieved F1 = 0.8496 using molecular-informed annotations from lay annotators, which is better than conventional morphology-based annotations (F1 = 0.7051) from experienced pathologists. Our method democratizes the development of a pathological segmentation deep model to the lay annotator level, which consequently scales up the learning process similar to a non-medical computer vision task. The official implementation and cell annotations are publicly available at https://github.com/hrlblab/MolecularEL

    Feasibility of Universal Anomaly Detection without Knowing the Abnormality in Medical Images

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    Many anomaly detection approaches, especially deep learning methods, have been recently developed to identify abnormal image morphology by only employing normal images during training. Unfortunately, many prior anomaly detection methods were optimized for a specific "known" abnormality (e.g., brain tumor, bone fraction, cell types). Moreover, even though only the normal images were used in the training process, the abnormal images were often employed during the validation process (e.g., epoch selection, hyper-parameter tuning), which might leak the supposed ``unknown" abnormality unintentionally. In this study, we investigated these two essential aspects regarding universal anomaly detection in medical images by (1) comparing various anomaly detection methods across four medical datasets, (2) investigating the inevitable but often neglected issues on how to unbiasedly select the optimal anomaly detection model during the validation phase using only normal images, and (3) proposing a simple decision-level ensemble method to leverage the advantage of different kinds of anomaly detection without knowing the abnormality. The results of our experiments indicate that none of the evaluated methods consistently achieved the best performance across all datasets. Our proposed method enhanced the robustness of performance in general (average AUC 0.956)