13 research outputs found

    Uncoupling reproduction from metabolism extends chronological lifespan in yeast

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    Studies of replicative and chronological lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have advanced understanding of longevity in all eukaryotes. Chronological lifespan in this species is defined as the agedependent viability of nondividing cells. To date this parameter has only been estimated under calorie restriction, mimicked by starvation. Because postmitotic cells in higher eukaryotes often do not starve, we developed a model yeast system to study cells as they age in the absence of calorie restriction. Yeast cells were encapsulated in a matrix consisting of calcium alginate to form ~3 mm beads that were packed into bioreactors and fed ad libitum. Under these conditions cells ceased to divide, became heat shock and zymolyase resistant, yet retained high fermentative capacity. Over the course of 17 d, immobilized yeast cells maintained 10%. Immobilized cells exhibited a stable pattern of gene expression that differed markedly from growing or starving planktonic cells, highly expressing genes in glycolysis, cell wall remodeling, and stress resistance, but decreasing transcription of genes in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and genes that regulate the cell cycle, including master cyclins CDC28 and CLN1. Stress resistance transcription factor MSN4 and its upstream effector RIM15 are conspicuously up-regulated in the immobilized state, and an immobilized rim15 knockout strain fails to exhibit the long-lived, growth-Arrested phenotype, suggesting that altered regulation of the Rim15-mediated nutrient-sensing pathway plays an important role in extending yeast chronological lifespan under calorie-unrestricted conditions

    Different Selective Pressures Lead to Different Genomic Outcomes as Newly-Formed Hybrid Yeasts Evolve

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    Background: Interspecific hybridization occurs in every eukaryotic kingdom. While hybrid progeny are frequently at a selective disadvantage, in some instances their increased genome size and complexity may result in greater stress resistance than their ancestors, which can be adaptively advantageous at the edges of their ancestors\u27 ranges. While this phenomenon has been repeatedly documented in the field, the response of hybrid populations to long-term selection has not often been explored in the lab. To fill this knowledge gap we crossed the two most distantly related members of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto group, S. cerevisiae and S. uvarum, and established a mixed population of homoploid and aneuploid hybrids to study how different types of selection impact hybrid genome structure. Results: As temperature was raised incrementally from 31 degrees C to 46.5 degrees C over 500 generations of continuous culture, selection favored loss of the S. uvarum genome, although the kinetics of genome loss differed among independent replicates. Temperature-selected isolates exhibited greater inherent and induced thermal tolerance than parental species and founding hybrids, and also exhibited ethanol resistance. In contrast, as exogenous ethanol was increased from 0% to 14% over 500 generations of continuous culture, selection favored euploid S. cerevisiae x S. uvarum hybrids. Ethanol-selected isolates were more ethanol tolerant than S. uvarum and one of the founding hybrids, but did not exhibit resistance to temperature stress. Relative to parental and founding hybrids, temperature-selected strains showed heritable differences in cell wall structure in the forms of increased resistance to zymolyase digestion and Micafungin, which targets cell wall biosynthesis. Conclusions: This is the first study to show experimentally that the genomic fate of newly-formed interspecific hybrids depends on the type of selection they encounter during the course of evolution, underscoring the importance of the ecological theatre in determining the outcome of the evolutionary play

    Utilization of green fluorescent protein as a marker for studying the expression and turnover of the monocarboxylate permease Jen1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    Green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria was used as an in vivo reporter protein when fused to the C-terminus of the Jen1 lactate permease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Jen1 protein tagged with GFP is a functional lactate transporter with a cellular abundance of 1670 molecules/cell, and a catalytic-centre activity of 123 s(-1). It is expressed and tagged to the plasma membrane under induction conditions. The factors involved in proper localization and turnover of Jen1p were revealed by expression of the Jen1p-GFP fusion protein in a set of strains bearing mutations in specific steps of the secretory and endocytic pathways. The chimaeric protein Jen1p-GFP is targeted to the plasma membrane via a Sec6-dependent process; upon treatment with glucose, it is endocytosed via END3 and targeted for degradation in the vacuole. Experiments performed in a Deltadoa4 mutant strain showed that ubiquitination is associated with the turnover of the permease

    Growth and Glucose Repression Are Controlled by Glucose Transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells Containing Only One Glucose Transporter

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    A set of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with variable expression of only the high-affinity Hxt7 glucose transporter was constructed by partial deletion of the HXT7 promoter in vitro and integration of the gene at various copy numbers into the genome of an hxt1-7 gal2 deletion strain. The glucose transport capacity increased in strains with higher levels of HXT7 expression. The consequences for various physiological properties of varying the glucose transport capacity were examined. The control coefficient of glucose transport with respect to growth rate was 0.54. At high extracellular glucose concentrations, both invertase activity and the rate of oxidative glucose metabolism increased manyfold with decreasing glucose transport capacity, which is indicative of release from glucose repression. These results suggest that the intracellular glucose concentration produces the signal for glucose repression

    Physiological Properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from Which Hexokinase II Has Been Deleted

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    Hexokinase II is an enzyme central to glucose metabolism and glucose repression in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Deletion of HXK2, the gene which encodes hexokinase II, dramatically changed the physiology of S. cerevisiae. The hxk2-null mutant strain displayed fully oxidative growth at high glucose concentrations in early exponential batch cultures, resulting in an initial absence of fermentative products such as ethanol, a postponed and shortened diauxic shift, and higher biomass yields. Several intracellular changes were associated with the deletion of hexokinase II. The hxk2 mutant had a higher mitochondrial H(+)-ATPase activity and a lower pyruvate decarboxylase activity, which coincided with an intracellular accumulation of pyruvate in the hxk2 mutant. The concentrations of adenine nucleotides, glucose-6-phosphate, and fructose-6-phosphate are comparable in the wild type and the hxk2 mutant. In contrast, the concentration of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, an allosteric activator of pyruvate kinase, is clearly lower in the hxk2 mutant than in the wild type. The results suggest a redirection of carbon flux in the hxk2 mutant to the production of biomass as a consequence of reduced glucose repression

    Different selective pressures lead to different genomic outcomes as newly-formed hybrid yeasts evolve

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    Abstract Background Interspecific hybridization occurs in every eukaryotic kingdom. While hybrid progeny are frequently at a selective disadvantage, in some instances their increased genome size and complexity may result in greater stress resistance than their ancestors, which can be adaptively advantageous at the edges of their ancestors' ranges. While this phenomenon has been repeatedly documented in the field, the response of hybrid populations to long-term selection has not often been explored in the lab. To fill this knowledge gap we crossed the two most distantly related members of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto group, S. cerevisiae and S. uvarum, and established a mixed population of homoploid and aneuploid hybrids to study how different types of selection impact hybrid genome structure. Results As temperature was raised incrementally from 31°C to 46.5°C over 500 generations of continuous culture, selection favored loss of the S. uvarum genome, although the kinetics of genome loss differed among independent replicates. Temperature-selected isolates exhibited greater inherent and induced thermal tolerance than parental species and founding hybrids, and also exhibited ethanol resistance. In contrast, as exogenous ethanol was increased from 0% to 14% over 500 generations of continuous culture, selection favored euploid S. cerevisiae x S. uvarum hybrids. Ethanol-selected isolates were more ethanol tolerant than S. uvarum and one of the founding hybrids, but did not exhibit resistance to temperature stress. Relative to parental and founding hybrids, temperature-selected strains showed heritable differences in cell wall structure in the forms of increased resistance to zymolyase digestion and Micafungin, which targets cell wall biosynthesis. Conclusions This is the first study to show experimentally that the genomic fate of newly-formed interspecific hybrids depends on the type of selection they encounter during the course of evolution, underscoring the importance of the ecological theatre in determining the outcome of the evolutionary play.</p