178 research outputs found

    Aspectos metodológicos en la investigación sobre trabajo, género y salud

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    The aim of this study is to provide a framework for the research on work, gender y health, combining the classic paradigm of occupational hazards research with the consideration of work as a social determinant of health. We analyze gender inequalities taking into account other axes of inequality: individual ones like social class, y contextual ones like the typology of welfare states. This paper identifies some limitations of traditional research on occupational health from a gender perspective. It also describes the research on work as a social determinant of health y its limitations from a gender point of view. The traditional research on occupational health has paid less attention to the problems of women. On the other hand, research on work-related gender inequalities in health has rarely considered both social class among women, y the impact of family demands on the health of men. Moreover, there is little comparative research between countries with different labor market, family y gender policies. In future research on traditional occupational health, the role of sex y gender should be considered in the analysis of occupational risks. Variables should be used to capture specific work environments as well as several health y health-related behaviors indicators. The analysis of work as a social determinant of health from a gender perspective should take into account the complex interactions between gender, family roles, employment status, as well as other individual axes of inequality, y the welfare state typologies.El objetivo de este estudio es proporcionar un marco para la investigación sobre trabajo, género y salud que combina el paradigma clásico de la investigación en riesgos laborales con la consideración del trabajo como un determinante social de la salud en un análisis de desigualdades de género que incorpora otros ejes de desigualdad tanto individuales – clase social – como contextuales – tipología de estados de bienestar. Se señalan las limitaciones de la investigación tradicional en salud laboral desde una perspectiva de género. También se describe la investigación sobre el trabajo como determinante social de la salud y sus limitaciones desde la perspectiva de género. La investigación tradicional en salud laboral ha prestado menos atención a los problemas de las mujeres. Por otro lado, la investigación sobre las desigualdades de género en la salud relacionadas con el trabajo rara vez ha considerado la clase social de las mujeres o el impacto de las exigencias familiares en la salud de los hombres. Además, hay poca investigación comparada entre países con diferentes políticas de mercado laboral, familia y género. En el futuro, la investigación tradicional en salud laboral debe considerar el papel del sexo y del género en el análisis de los riesgos laborales. Además, se tendrían que utilizar variables que capten los entornos específicos de trabajo, diversos indicadores de salud y de hábitos relacionados con la salud. El análisis del trabajo como determinante social de la salud desde una perspectiva de género debería tener en cuenta las complejas interacciones entre el género, los roles familiares, la situación laboral y otros ejes individuales de desigualdad, así como las tipologías de estado de bienestar

    Social factors associated with the effectiveness of a Spanish parent training program-An opportunity to reduce health inequality gap in families

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    Parent training programs (PTPs) have been used extensively in Anglo-Saxon countries, but less so in Southern Europe. Several characteristics of families have been linked to effective parenting and positive development of children, but few studies have examined the social determinants of the effectiveness of PTPs. The Parenting Skills Program for families (PSP) is a PTP from Spain. This study aimed to identify the social characteristics (sex, age, country of birth, marital status, educational level, and employment status) of parents that determine the success of the PSP in relation to social support, parenting skills, parental stress, and negative behaviors among children. A quasi-experimental study with a prepost design with no control group was used. We conducted a survey before (T0) and after the intervention (T1). Sample size was 216. We fit multiple logistic regression models. Parenting skills increased more among parents with a lower educational level. Parents' stress decreased more among parents who had a lower educational level, were unemployed, and were men. Social support increased among parents who were younger, unemployed, or non-cohabiting. We found no significant differences in the effect on children's negative behaviors according to the social factors evaluated. The PSP is effective for socioeconomically diverse families, but the success differs according to the parents' social profile. Unlike most previous studies, the results were better among more socially disadvantaged people, highlighting the potential of this kind of intervention for reducing the social inequality gap between groups

    Why are there gender inequalities in visual impairment?

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    Background In high-income countries, the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment is higher among women, regardless of age although the mechanisms that produce these gender inequalities are not well understood. The objectives of this study were to analyse gender inequalities in the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment, age of onset, diagnosed and undiagnosed status and related eye diseases among visually impaired individuals. Methods Data were obtained from the 2008 Spanish Survey on ‘Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations’ (n = 213 626) participants 360 blind (160 men and 200 women), and 5560 with some visual impairment (2025 men and 3535 women). The prevalence of blindness and visual impairment, age of onset of visual impairment and diagnosed and undiagnosed eye diseases was calculated. Hierarchical multiple logistic regression models were fit to test gender differences. Results Women were more likely to report visual impairment (crude OR = 1.6 [95% CI: 1.56–1.74]). Prevalence of diagnosed cataract was higher among visually impaired women (crude OR = 1.4 [95% CI: 1.25–1.67]) whereas undiagnosed eye disease (crude OR = 0.7 [95% CI: 0.64–0.81]) or diagnosed glaucoma (aORsex = 0.8 [95% CI: 0.65–0.93]) were more frequent among visually impairment men. These associations were not explained by age or educational level. Conclusions Strong gender inequalities were observed, with a higher prevalence of visual impairment and related cataracts among women, which could be related to gender inequalities in access to health care, and undiagnosed eye disease and related glaucoma among men, which could be related to their gender socialization resulting in less frequent and effectively use of health care services.Postprint (author's final draft

    Validación de un instrumento en español para medir habilidades parentales promovidas en una intervención de educación parental

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    Las intervenciones promotoras de habilidades parentales son efectivas en el desarrollo del bienestar infantil y parental. En España, este tipo de intervenciones son frecuentes, pero no existen instrumentos validados para medir las habilidades parentales que permitan evaluarlas. Este estudio presenta la validación de un instrumento para medir habilidades parentales creado a partir de un cuestionario de 43 ítems y 6 dimensiones y utilizado en el marco de un programa de educación parental en varios territorios de España. Se ha recogido información cualitativa de 44 profesionales expertos y datos cuantitativos de 84 padres/madres participantes de un programa de apoyo parental. Este proceso ha permitido reducir y adaptar el cuestionario inicial a una nueva versión con 19 ítems, pilotado por 10 familias y 12 profesionales. Los resultados indican que la nueva versión del cuestionario recoge las dimensiones básicas de habilidades parentales, con un lenguaje comprensible y muestra unas propiedades psicométricas adecuadas (α entre 0,71 en subescala 2 y 0,80 en subescala 5; todos los ítems tienen un peso r > 0,40 en el primer factor, y la variancia total para los factores extraídos es superior al 50 %)

    Usos del tiempo y salud

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    Validación de un instrumento en español para medir habilidades parentales promovidas en una intervención de educación parental

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    Les intervencions promotores d’habilitats parentals són efectives en el desenvolupament del benestar infantil i parental. A Espanya aquest tipus d’intervencions són freqüents però no existeixen instruments validats per mesurar les habilitats parentals que permetin avaluar-les. Aquest estudi presenta la validació d’un instrument per a la mesura d’habilitats parentals creat a partir d’un qüestionari de 43 ítems i sis dimensions utilitzat en el marc d’un programa d’educació parental a diversos territoris d’Espanya. S’ha recollit informació qualitativa de 44 professionals experts i dades quantitatives de 84 pares/mares participants d’un programa de suport parental. Aquest procés ha permès reduir i adaptar el qüestionari inicial a una nova versió amb 19 ítems, pilotada per 10 famílies i 12 professionals. Els resultats indiquen que la nova versió del qüestionari recull les dimensions bàsiques d’habilitats parentals, amb un llenguatge comprensible i mostra unes adequades propietats psicomètriques (α entre 0,71 a l’Subescala2 i 0,80 a l’Subescala5; tots els ítems tenen un pes r > 0,40 en el primer factor; i la variància total per als factors extrets és superior al 50%).Interventions to promote parenting skills help to enhance children’s and parents’ wellbeing. In Spain, these kinds of interventions are common, but there are no validated parenting skills questionnaires to evaluate them. This study validates an instrument for measuring parental skills created from an original 43-item, six-dimension questionnaire used in the context of a parenting educational programme in different regions of Spain. To identify limitations and improvements, we collected qualitative data from 44 professionals, and quantitative data from 84 parents who attended the sessions of a parent training programme. This process allowed us to shorten and adapt the original questionnaire to create a new 19-item version that was tested on 12 professionals and 10 families. The results suggest that the final questionnaire contains the main parenting skills dimensions, uses understandable language, and has satisfactory psychometric properties (α between 0.71 on Subscale2 and 0.80 on Subscale5; items weigh r > 0.40 on the first factor; and the total variance for the extracted factors > 50%).Las intervenciones promotoras de habilidades parentales son efectivas en el desarrollo del bienestar infantil y parental. En España, este tipo de intervenciones son frecuentes, pero no existen instrumentos validados para medir las habilidades parentales que permitan evaluarlas. Este estudio presenta la validación de un instrumento para medir habilidades parentales creado a partir de un cuestionario de 43 ítems y 6 dimensiones y utilizado en el marco de un programa de educación parental en varios territorios de España. Se ha recogido información cualitativa de 44 profesionales expertos y datos cuantitativos de 84 padres/madres participantes de un programa de apoyo parental. Este proceso ha permitido reducir y adaptar el cuestionario inicial a una nueva versión con 19 ítems, pilotado por 10 familias y 12 profesionales. Los resultados indican que la nueva versión del cuestionario recoge las dimensiones básicas de habilidades parentales, con un lenguaje comprensible y muestra unas propiedades psicométricas adecuadas (α entre 0,71 en subescala 2 y 0,80 en subescala 5; todos los ítems tienen un peso r > 0,40 en el primer factor, y la variancia total para los factores extraídos es superior al 50 %)

    Tackling health inequalities in a public health organization : the case of the Barcelona Public Health Agency

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    Background: Municipalities are important actors in the implementation of policies to tackle health inequalities, which requires political will, the availability of financial support, and technical and human resources. With the aim of aligning with local government political priorities, in 2017 the Barcelona Public Health Agency (Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona, henceforth ASPB), which is responsible for the public health functions of the city, launched a strategy to improve the approach to tackling health inequalities in all its services. The objectives of this study were to show how social health inequalities were addressed in the ASPB from 2017 to 19 and to describe which actions were proposed after a participatory process aiming to create a plan to systematically incorporate health inequalities in ASPB actions. Methods: The ASPB has 304 workers, 8 directors and 20 services or departments. Participatory methodologies were carried out: 1) semi-structured interviews with department heads (N = 12, 60%); 2) world cafe workshops open to a group of workers (N = 63, 37%); 3) a Quick and Colorful voting session open to a group of workers (N = 108, 63%); and 4) Hanlon matrix with 19 actions to be prioritized (N = 12 services, 60%). Results: Semi-structured interviews and world cafe workshops provided 40 potential actions. After a step by step process of participatory prioritization, seven lines of action emerged: 1) to make progress in collaborative networking; 2) to promote policy evaluation; 3) to increase the ability of the ASPB to evaluate policies to reduce health inequalities; 4) to incorporate the axes of inequalities in all ASPB products; 5) to improve information on vulnerable groups; 6) to incorporate the gender perspective; and 7) to participate in an internal training plan to address health inequalities. Conclusions: The participation of ASPB public health professionals and staff allowed the organization to design a shared plan of actions to address health inequalities. This experience could be useful for other municipalities whose political agendas include tackling inequalities in health

    Acidentes de trabalho em Barcelona (Espanha), no período de 1992-1993

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    INTRODUÇÃO: As estatísticas dos acidentes de trabalho, como qualquer outro sistema de notificação, devem servir de base para determinar prioridades e decidir quais medidas preventivas devem ser adotadas. Neste contexto, o objetivo do estudo é aprofundar a análise dos acidentes de trabalho através da utilização de técnicas estatísticas descritivas que permitam estabelecer a relação entre o número de acidentes de trabalho ocorridos em Barcelona (Espanha) e as variáveis tipo de acidente, setor econômico, tamanho da empresa e tipo de contrato. MÉTODO: Como fonte de dados foi utilizado o sistema de notificação de acidentes graves e mortais ocorridos na cidade de Barcelona (Espanha), entre 1992 e 1993. Foram examinados 848 registros de acidentes de trabalho em trabalhadores do sexo masculino e a partir desses dados efetuou-se uma análise mediante modelos log-lineares. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados evidenciam que os acidentes traumáticos e o setor de construção têm uma associação positiva, verificada, da mesma forma, entre os acidentes de trânsito e o setor de serviços. Os acidentes traumáticos e de trânsito apresentaram uma associação com as pequenas empresas e os acidentes não traumáticos demonstraram associar-se com as grandes empresas. Verificou-se, ainda, associação entre os trabalhadores temporais e o setor da construção frente aos trabalhadores com contrato fixo, em que se constatou uma associação com os setores de indústria e de serviços. Foi verificada associação positiva entre os acidentes ocorridos com os trabalhadores temporais e as pequenas e médias empresas.INTRODUCTION: The statistics related to labor accidents as with any other notification system ought to be the basis for programs and policies with a view to the adoption of preventive measures. In order to establish preventive norms, however, the health system needs data from researchers focussing on the dynamics of and the pitfalls revealed by specific events. Within this context the main objective of this study is to proceed with an in-depth analysis of the labor accidents verified in Barcelona (Spain) using for this purpose a descriptive statistics model to test variables such as type of accident, economic sector, economic enterprise and type of labor contract. METHOD: The data source utilized was the notification system for labor accidents with grave consequences such as death of the victim registered in Barcelona during the period 1992-1993. Labor accidents registered for male workers numbered 848. A log-linear model was applied to this data base. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The results show a positive association between traumatic accidents with the construction, traffic and services sectors. A positive association was also found between traumatic accidents and the size of the company concerved the small ones being the worse type in terms of worker's injuries. Regarding the non-traumatic accidents, the study showed a positive correlation between large-sized enterprizes and type of temporary worker and the civil construction sector as compared to workers with long term work contracts within industry and services. There was some evidence, also, of a positive association between small and medium sized companies and temporary work and the ocurrence of work accidents

    REIRE : revista d'innovació i recerca en educació

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónLas intervenciones promotoras de habilidades parentales son efectivas en el desarrollo del bienestar infantil y parental. En España este tipo de intervenciones son frecuentes pero no existen instrumentos validados para medir las habilidades parentales que permitan evaluarlas. Se presenta la validación de un instrumento para la medida de habilidades parentales creado a partir de un cuestionario de 43 ítems y seis dimensiones utilizado en el marco de un programa de educación parental en diversos territorios de España.ES