5 research outputs found

    Leasing and Economic Development: An Empirical Evaluation of Nigerian Leasing

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    Leasing, which started in Nigeria in the 1960s, has been an alternative source of finance for individual and companies. Consequently, over the years, leasing business has grown both in volume of transaction and the number of companies involved in leasing transaction has increased. Therefore, this paper empirically evaluated the relationships between leasing and economic development. The paper clearly established, using the ordinary least square (OLS), a positive relationship between leasing and economic development. It was therefore recommended that both Equipment Leasing Association of Nigeria (ELAN) and the Nigerian government should encourage and provide an enabling environment for leasing

    Corporate Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards: Toward a Conceptual Framework in Nigeria.

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    Accounting theory constitutes the frame of reference on which the development of accounting techniques is based. Although accounting is a set of techniques that can be used in specific fields, it is practices within an implicit theoretical framework composed of principles and practices. Of vital importance to the accounting discipline is that the accounting profession and other interest groups accept these principles and practices. To guarantee such a consensus, a statement of reason and objectives that underlie the establishment of the principles and practices must be clearly stated. Aware of the importance of objectives, the accounting profession in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada have made various attempts to formulate the objectives of Financial Statement. In the United States , the importance of development of financial statement objectives was first expressed by the report of the Study Group on the objectives of Financial Statement and emphasized by FASB attempts to develop a conceptual framework or constitution. In the United Kingdom, the importance of these objectives was highlighted by the publication of the “Corporate Report” by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. In Canada interest in the subject resulted in the publication of “Corporate Reporting: Its future Evolution. “Written by Professor Edward Stamp and then after referred to as the “Stamp Report”. In Nigeria, there is an urgent need for the professional accountancy bodies and the Nigerian Accounting Standards Board (NASB) to evolve an indigenous conceptual framework for accountancy practice in the country

    Financing Small Scale Business in Nigeria: Impact Evaluation

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    In this paper, we empirically examine the relationship between two indicators of small business performance - government intervention and access to commercial credit. After carrying out a cross- sectional survey as the blue print for data collection and analysing the data so collected with the aid of the Pearson correlation and t-statistic, the study shows that there is a positive relationship between the performance of small businesses and the intervention of government in the small business place. It was also discovered that, there is no positive relationship between performance of small businesses and access to credit. This result suggests that, making government intervention in the small business place more effective rather than simply depending on sources of finance for small businesses may be beneficial to good performance of small businesses, which invariably will serve as the driving force of economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction in developing countries like Nigeri