4 research outputs found


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    Rice farming always experiences water shortages in dry season which result in low productivity.  In order to overcome this problem, efforts are needed in the form of irrigation technology (intermittent and water-saturated condition). The aims of this study is to determine the effect of intermittent irrigation and water-saturated condition irrigation on the production of rice plants. This study used a randomized block design (RCBD) as an environmental design with a split plot design. This study was conducted by making a plot of 4 x 6 meters, totaling to 24 plots. Between every two plots, there is a waterway 50 centimeters wide. Each plot has a waterway for water intake and discharge. Intermittent irrigation treatment was conducted by flooding the plots by water as high as 5 centimeters 3 times at 0–9 HST, 15–29 HST, 35–70 HST, and water drying was also carried out three times at 9–15 HST, 29–35 HST, and 70–80 HST. Water-saturated condition irrigation treatment was conducted by leaving the plots in a state of water saturation without any stagnant water from 0 HST until the production phase. During the treatment of intermittent and water-saturated condition irrigation, fertilizer had been given at a dose of 600 kg/ha, 800 kg/ha, 1.000 kg/ha and 1.200 kg/ha. The parameters observed in this study were the number of active tillers, the number of ears per panicle, the weight of a thousand grains, and the weight of the saplings. The results showed that intermittent and water-saturated condition irrigation did not have a significantly different effect on each parameter of rice production. The highest dry weight production both in intermittent and water-saturated condition irrigation was found in the plot with 1.200 kg/ha fertilizer and the lowest dry weight production was from the plot with 600 kg/ha fertilizer. Kegiatan pertanian padi sawah selalu mengalami kendala kekurangan air di musim kemarau yang berdampak pada produktivitas yang rendah. Guna mengatasi masalah ini maka diperlukan upaya berupa rekayasa pengairan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh rekayasa pengairan berselang dan macak-macak terhadap hasil produksi padi sawah. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) sebagai rancangan lingkungan dengan rancangan perlakuan petak terbagi (split splot). Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat petakan sebesar 4 x 6 m berjumlah 24 petak. Di antara petakan terdapat saluran air dengan lebar 50 cm. Setiap petak dibuat pintu untuk pemasukan dan pengeluaran air. Perlakuan pengairan berselang dilakukan dengan cara petak digenangi air setinggi 5 cm yang dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali pada 0–9HST, 15–29 HST, 35–70 HST, dan pengeringan air yang juga dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali yaitu pada 9–15 HST, 29–35 HST, dan 70–80 HST. Perlakuan pengairan macak-macak dilakukan dengan membuat petak percobaan selalu dalam keadaan jenuh air tanpa ada air yang tergenang mulai dari 0 HST hingga fase produksi. Pada perlakuan pengairan berselang dan macak-macak, juga diberi pupuk dengan dosis 600 kg/ha, 800 kg/ha, 1.000 kg/ha dan 1.200 kg/ha. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah jumlah anakan aktif, jumlah bulir per malai, berat seribu butir, dan berat ubinan.Hasil penelitian menunjukan rekayasa pengairan berselang dan macak-macak tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata pada setiap parameter produksi padi. Produksi berat kering panen tertinggi baik pada pengairan berselang maupun macak-macak terdapat pada petak yang diberi pupuk 1.200 kg/ha dan produksi berat kering terendah terdapat pada petak yang diberi pupuk 600 kg/ha

    Strategi Alternatif Peningkatan Angka Partisipasi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Di UPBJJ – UT Gorontalo

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis dan merumuskan strategi alternatif kegiatan sosialisasi promosi layanan pendidikan jarak jauh dalam meningkatkan angka partisipasi mahasiswa di UPBJJ UT Gorontalo. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 24 orang dipilih dengan teknik Purposive Sampling. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan sustainability Strength Weakness Opportunity Threath (SWOT) dan analisis Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Dari 12 (dua belas) strategi alternatif yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis matriks SWOT dan matriks QSPM didapat 5 (lima) strategi alternatif prioritas yang dapat menjadi acuan dalam melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi dan promosi. Kelima strategi alternatif tersebut adalah kegiatan sosprom dengan konten yang menarik melalui internet dan media sosial, pelibatan alumni didalam melakukan kegiatan soprom di lapangan sehingga menciptakan nilai tambah, mengedukasi masyarakat secara konsisten dan berkelanjutan tentang semua informasi Universitas Terbuka, setiap kegiatan sosprom perlu adanya pengumpulan informasi nomor handphone yang akan dijadikan database untuk tindak lanjut kepada calon mahasiswa, perlu adanya kegiatan peningkatan kapabilitas kepada tim yang melakukan kegiatan sosprom


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    Understanding the recirculation system as an environmentally friendly ecosystem-based fish farming method is the main thing that fish cultivators can apply in achieving sustainable fish farming. The objective of this research was to determine the perceptions of the fish cultivator community about the recirculation system. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive research methods. There are 21 respondents of which 19.05% with junior high school education and 80.95% senior high school. Respondents had more than 10 years as fish farmers. The results showed that the majority of respondents had a good perception of the recirculation system (57.10%) and the minority had a poor perception (42.90%). Furthermore, the perception of willingness to adopt a recirculation system, the majority of respondents did not have a willingness to adopt, 57.10% and a minority had a willingness to adopt 42.90%. In this study, it can be concluded that the understanding and knowledge of fish cultivators regarding the benefits and advantages of the recirculation system in fish farming will encourage good perceptions, on the other hand, if fish farmers have minimal understanding and knowledge, the majority of fish cultivators have doubts and a lack of willingness to adopt the recirculation system

    Review of learning materials of an ecology course at Universitas Terbuka

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    Purpose – This article presented the results of studies that examined the appropriateness of the content, readability of printed learning materials and the effectiveness of external resources in ecology course offered at Universitas Terbuka. To integrate external resources, links to their websites were provided in the printed materials. Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth interview with a content expert was employed to review the course content, while digital and printed learning materials were reviewed for readability and to determine the usefulness of the external resources. A total of 47 students completed surveys and a focus group discussion that included in-depth interviews were conducted with 21 selected students. Findings – The results revealed that the content of ecology course was conceptually valid. However, two key aspects needed to be emphasized, including the application of ecology phenomena for further development of the science and its applications in real-life situations. Regarding readability, students stated that the course materials were easily comprehended. In terms of the benefit, 79% of the students found the external resources interesting and helpful in understanding the learning materials. Practical implications – Printed learning materials were crucial for students, specifically those residing in remote areas. Therefore, the institution should ensure that the materials were high-quality, easy to comprehend and enriched with up-to-date content/materials through scannable links to external resources. Originality/value – The value added to the findings of this study was that the provision of links to external resources within printed learning materials improves students' understanding of the course content