27 research outputs found
PengaruhPupuk Organik dan Pupuk KCl terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas Poir)
The aimed of research was studied the effect of application of organik and KCl for growth and yield of purple sweet potato and get the best treatment combination. This research has been conducted in the experimental garden of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, Jalan Bina Widya, Baru Simpang Village, District Tampan, Pekanbaru.in August 2016 until November 2016. This research using Factorial Random Design (FRD) Factorial consisting of two factors. The first factor is the provision of organic fertilizer. cattle manure, forage of gliricidia sepium, and compost of empty palm oil bunch (OPEBC,) of 10 ton/ha. The second factor is the dosage of KCl fertilizer consisting of 4 levels: K0: Without KCl, K1: 50 kg/ha, K2: 100 kg/ha, K3: 150 kg/ha.The research parameters were stem length, number of primary branch, stem length, tuber diameter, fresh tuber weight/plant, fresh tuber weight/m2, tuber number/plot and yield index. The data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and continued with Duncansfurther Test at 5% level. The results showed that organic fertilizer and KCl fertilizer had significant effect on tuber diameter, fresh tuber weight/plant, fresh tuber weight/m2, tuber number/plot, yield index, and no significant effect on stem length, number of primer/plant branch and length tuber, Provision of composted fertilizer OPEBC 10 ton/ha and KCl 100 kg/ha fertilizer can increase the growth and yield of sweet potato crops
Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Ayam Dengan Medium Campuran Gambut Dan Pmk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) Di Pembibitan Utama
This study aimed to determine the effect of chicken manure and peat mixture with PMK medium and its interaction with the growth of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) In the main nursery, as well as to get the best combination treatment. This study was conducted over four months from the month of December 2015 to April 2016. The research was conducted dikebun trial Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau Campus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Baru Simpang Village, District Handsome, Pekanbaru. This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial consisting of two factors, the first factor is the dose of chicken manure which consists of three levels ie P1 (chicken manure 100g/polybag), P2 (chicken manure 150 g/polybag) and P3 (chicken manure 200g/polybag). The second factor is the growing medium mixture consisting of three levels ie T1 (ratio between peat and PMK 1: 1), T2 (comparison between peat and PMK 1: 2) and T3 (comparison between peat and PMK 2: 1). Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that each experimental unit obtained 27 experimental units are 2 seed. The parameters measured were seedling height increment, the increase in diameter stump, in the number of leaves and leaf area. Based on the results of research to get the growth of oil palm seedlings tend to be good with chicken manure at a dose of 200 g/polybag and medium mixture of peat with PMK 2: 1
Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L) Dengan Pemberian Abu Janjang Kelapa Sawit Dan Pupuk Npk Pada Medium Gambut
This study aimed to determine the effect of interaction award palm bunch ash and fertilizers NPK, as well as getting the best treatment dose to the growth of cocoa seedlings in peat medium. The study conducted an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with two factors and three replications. The first factor dose palm bunch ash (0, 28,125, 56,25, 112,5 g/polybeg), while the second factor is the dose of fertilizer NPK (3,75, 7,5 g/polybeg). The result showed that the oil palm bunch ash and fertilizer NPK significantly effect the number of leaves, leaf area, the ratio of the canopy and root dry weight of cacao seeds, but the effect was not significant on seedling height and stem diameter. Award bunch ash palm and NPK can enhance the growth of cocoa seedlings. Oil palm bunch ash 112,5 g/polybag with fertilizer NPK 7,5 g/polybag is the best dose
Pengaruh Jumlah Bibit Per Lubang Tanam Dan Dosis Pupuk N, P Dan K Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) Dengan Metode Sri
The rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) is a kind of plant that produce rice which is the become main food for majority of Indonesian people. The total of people that rise increasingly must balance with the increasing of rice production. One of the methods to get the increasing of rice production is applying the System of Rice Intensification (SRI).This research aims to determine the intraction of seeds number and the best fertilizer on the growth and production of lowland rice. The experiment sites in lowland field of Balai Benih Induk Holtikultura, Kaharudin Nasution Street, Padang Marpoyan, Pekanbaru City, Riau Province.Started on March Until July 2012. Research using Randomized Block Design (RBD) factorial, the first factor consists of 4 threatments (1 seed/hole,2 seeds/hole, 3 seeds/hole, 4 seeds/hole) and the second factor consists of 3 treatments: Fertilizer Urea, SP-36, KCl, P1( 60, 30, 30) g, P2 (90, 60, 60) g and P3 (120, 90, 90) g. The measured parameters were plant height, number of totaltillers, number of productive tillers, harvest, long tassel, tassel amount per branch, 1000 seed grain weight, weight of dry unhusked rice per plot. Data was analyzed by analysis of variance and further test by Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. The best treatment was obtained at 3 seeds per planting hole and Urea fertilizer dosage of 120 g/plot + SP-36 60 g/plot + KCl 60 g/plot to increase the production of milled rice per plot