10 research outputs found

    A Scoping Review of the Relationship between Intermittent Fasting and the Human Gut Microbiota: Current Knowledge and Future Directions

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    Intermittent fasting (IF) has been promoted as an alternative to dietary caloric restriction for the treatment of obesity. IF restricts the amount of food consumed and improves the metabolic balance by synchronizing it with the circadian rhythm. Dietary changes have a rapid effect on the gut microbiota, modulating the interaction between meal timing and host circadian rhythms. Our paper aims to review the relationships between IF and human gut microbiota. In this study, the primary area of focus was the effect of IF on the diversity and composition of gut microbiota and its relationship with weight loss and metabolomic alterations, which are particularly significant for metabolic syndrome characteristics. We discussed each of these findings according to the type of IF involved, i.e., time-restricted feeding, Ramadan fasting, alternate-day fasting, and the 5:2 diet. Favorable metabolic effects regarding the reciprocity between IF and gut microbiota changes have also been highlighted. In conclusion, IF may enhance metabolic health by modifying the gut microbiota. However additional research is required to draw definitive conclusions about this outcome because of the limited number and diverse designs of existing studies

    Assessment of preoperative and postoperative prealbumin in thoracic surgery – a two months experience in a Romanian university hospital / Evaluarea preoperatorie şi postoperatorie a prealbuminei în chirurgia toracică - experiența de 2 luni a unui spital universitar din România

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    Malnutriția este o constatare frecventă și importantă în secțiile chirurgicale. Deşi consecințele sale includ complicații postoperatorii și costuri mai mari, evaluarea nutrițională nu face parte din protocoalele preoperatorii de rutină. Evaluarea nutriţională include parametri clinici și biologici și este vitală pentru a începe tratamentul și a îmbunătăți rezultatele. Prealbumina este în prezent recunoscută ca un marker fidel al malnutriției şi este inclusă în ghidurile de practică. Unul dintre cele mai importante aspecte legate de prealbumină este faptul că variațiile sale în timp sunt mai valoroase decât valorile absolute. Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a evalua și compara evoluția nutrițională perioperatorie a pacienţilor care necesită intervenţii de chirurgie toracică, cu şi fără cancer, folosind prealbumina - preoperator și postoperator - ca marker principal. Treizeci şi şase de pacienţi de la Clinica de Chirurgie Toracică au fost evaluaţi înainte de intervenţia chirurgicală, prin indicele de masă corporală, scorul de risc nutriţional Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) și parametri biochimici de rutină. Prealbumina a fost evaluată înainte de intervenţia chirurgicală şi la 3 zile după operaţie.Vârstă, durata spitalizării postoperatorii și prezența complicaţiilor au fost notate. Pacienții cu cancer (n = 19) au fost semnificativ mai în vârstă decât pacienții fără cancer (p = 0,007) și au fost mai frecvent, dar nu în mod semnificativ, evaluaţi prin SGA ca fiind malnutriţi (42,1% față de 11,6%). Prealbumina preoperator și alți parametri nu diferă semnificativ între grupuri. Cu toate acestea, a existat o scădere semnificativă a prealbuminei postoperator doar la pacienții cu cancer. Prin urmare, prealbumina s-a dovedit a fi valoroasă în evaluarea malnutriţiei acute la pacienţii cu cancer, în special prin monitorizarea variaţiilor în timp, ceea ce ar putea fi util în planificarea tratamentului nutriţional

    Validation of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire in a Romanian Adult Population

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    (1) Background: Obesity, part of the triple global burden of disease, is increasingly attracting research on its preventive and curative management. Knowledge of eating behavior can be useful both at the individual level (to individualize treatment for obesity) and the population level (to implement more suitable food policies). The Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) is a widely used international tool to assess eating behavior, i.e., emotional, external and restricted eating styles. The aim of this study was to validate the Romanian version of DEBQ, as obesity is a major concern in Romania. (2) Methods: Our study tested the psychometric properties of the Romanian version of DEBQ on an adult population and explored the associations of eating behavior with weight status (3) Results: The study showed a factor load similar to the original version of the questionnaire and a very good internal validity (Cronbach’s alpha fidelity coefficient greater than 0.8 for all scales of the questionnaire) for the Romanian version of DEBQ and showed that all of the scales positively correlated with body mass index in both men and women. (4) Conclusions: This study will enable the use of the DEBQ Romanian version on the adult population of Romania where the findings could be incorporated into developing better strategies to reduce the burden of nutrition-related diseases

    Dietary Patterns of Pregnant Women and Their Association with Diet Quality Measures: A Comparative Analysis

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    Healthy dietary patterns during pregnancy are crucial for ensuring maternal and foetal health outcomes. Numerous methodologies exist for assessing the diet of pregnant women, including dietary patterns and various appraisal tools of diet quality. This study aimed to assess the dietary patterns and diet quality of pregnant women and to investigate the relationship between dietary patterns, diet quality estimators, and the adequacy of nutrient intake. EPIC FFQ was applied to a sample of 251 pregnant women, and questionnaires were interpreted with the FETA program. Dietary patterns were then determined by means of principal component analysis. Our results showed a substantial association between dietary patterns and total diet quality, as measured by the Diet Quality Index for Pregnancy (DQI-Pc), PURE Healthy Diet Score, and FIGO Diet Quality Score. We also found correlations between certain dietary patterns and particular nutrient intakes recommended by the European Food Safety Authority during pregnancy. The most deficient intake was registered for iron (86.1%), zinc (87.3%) and magnesium (79.3%), posing a threat to normal bone development, anaemia prophylaxis, and immune status. These results highlight the importance of assessing and understanding eating habits during pregnancy in order to achieve optimal outcomes for both the mother and the foetus

    Survival Prediction in Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Machine Learning Approach

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    Our paper proposes the first machine learning model to predict long-term mortality in patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). The study includes 635 patients with DFUs admitted from January 2007 to December 2017, with a follow-up period extending until December 2020. Two multilayer perceptron (MLP) classifiers were developed. The first MLP model was developed to predict whether the patient will die in the next 5 years after the current hospitalization. The second MLP classifier was built to estimate whether the patient will die in the following 10 years. The 5-year and 10-year mortality models were based on the following predictors: age; the University of Texas Staging System for Diabetic Foot Ulcers score; the Wagner–Meggitt classification; the Saint Elian Wound Score System; glomerular filtration rate; topographic aspects and the depth of the lesion; and the presence of foot ischemia, cardiovascular disease, diabetic nephropathy, and hypertension. The accuracy for the 5-year and 10-year models was 0.7717 and 0.7598, respectively (for the training set) and 0.7244 and 0.7087, respectively (for the test set). Our findings indicate that it is possible to predict with good accuracy the risk of death in patients with DFUs using non-invasive and low-cost predictors

    Role of PNPLA3 in the Assessment and Monitoring of Hepatic Steatosis and Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Who Achieved a Sustained Virologic Response

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    Background and Objectives: Hepatic diseases are an important public health problem. All patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection receive treatment, regardless of hepatic fibrosis severity. However, evaluation of hepatic fibrosis and steatosis is still useful in assessing evolution, prognosis and monitoring of hepatic disease, especially after treatment with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). The aim of this study was to assess the link between patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 3 (PNPLA3) polymorphism and the degree of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in patients with chronic HCV infection, as well as changes in steatosis and fibrosis three monthsafter obtaining a sustained viral response (SVR). Materials and Methods:Ourstudy included 100 patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection and compensated cirrhosis who received DAA treatment and who were evaluated using Fibromax prior to and 3 months after SVR. The influence of PNPLA3 (CC, CG, GG) genotype among these patients on the degree of post-treatment regression of steatosis and fibrosis was assessed. Results: Regression was noticed in the degree of both hepatic steatosis and hepatic fibrosis post-DAA treatment (three months after SVR). Analysis of the correlation between PNPLA3 genotype and fibrosis indicated that the average level of fibrosis (F) before DAA treatment was higher in patients with the GG genotype than in patients with the CC or CG genotype. Three months after SVR, the average level of fibrosis decreased; however, it remained significantly increased in GG subjects compared to that in CC or CG patients. The degree of hepatic steatosis before treatment was not significantly different among patients with different PNPLA3 genotypes, and no significant correlations were observed three months after SVR. Conclusions: The genetic variants of PNPLA3 influence the evolution of hepatic fibrosis. The GG subtype plays an important role in the degree of hepatic fibrosis both before and after treatment (three months after SVR)and could be a prognostic marker for assessment of post-SVR evolution

    Role of PNPLA3 in the Assessment and Monitoring of Hepatic Steatosis and Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Who Achieved a Sustained Virologic Response

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    Background and Objectives: Hepatic diseases are an important public health problem. All patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection receive treatment, regardless of hepatic fibrosis severity. However, evaluation of hepatic fibrosis and steatosis is still useful in assessing evolution, prognosis and monitoring of hepatic disease, especially after treatment with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs). The aim of this study was to assess the link between patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 3 (PNPLA3) polymorphism and the degree of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in patients with chronic HCV infection, as well as changes in steatosis and fibrosis three monthsafter obtaining a sustained viral response (SVR). Materials and Methods:Ourstudy included 100 patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infection and compensated cirrhosis who received DAA treatment and who were evaluated using Fibromax prior to and 3 months after SVR. The influence of PNPLA3 (CC, CG, GG) genotype among these patients on the degree of post-treatment regression of steatosis and fibrosis was assessed. Results: Regression was noticed in the degree of both hepatic steatosis and hepatic fibrosis post-DAA treatment (three months after SVR). Analysis of the correlation between PNPLA3 genotype and fibrosis indicated that the average level of fibrosis (F) before DAA treatment was higher in patients with the GG genotype than in patients with the CC or CG genotype. Three months after SVR, the average level of fibrosis decreased; however, it remained significantly increased in GG subjects compared to that in CC or CG patients. The degree of hepatic steatosis before treatment was not significantly different among patients with different PNPLA3 genotypes, and no significant correlations were observed three months after SVR. Conclusions: The genetic variants of PNPLA3 influence the evolution of hepatic fibrosis. The GG subtype plays an important role in the degree of hepatic fibrosis both before and after treatment (three months after SVR)and could be a prognostic marker for assessment of post-SVR evolution

    Correlations between PNPLA3 Gene Polymorphisms and NAFLD in Type 2 Diabetic Patients

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    Background and Objectives: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a worldwide significant public health problem, particularly in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Identifying possible risk factors for the disease is mandatory for a better understandingand management of this condition. Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (PNPLA3) has been linked to the development and evolution of fatty liver but not to insulin resistance. The aim of this study isto evaluate the relationships between PNPLA3 and fatty liver, metabolic syndrome and subclinical atherosclerosis. Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without insulin treatment. The degree of liver fat loading was assessed by ultrasonography, and subclinical atherosclerosis was assessed using carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT). PNPLA3 rs738409 genotype determination was performed by high-resolution melting analysis that allowed three standard genotypes: CC, CG, and GG. Results: Among the 92 patients, more than 90% showed various degrees of hepatic steatosis, almost 62% presented values over the normal limit for the CIMT. The majority of the included subjects met the criteria for metabolic syndrome. Genotyping of PNPLA3 in 68 patients showed that the difference between subjects without steatosis and subjects with hepatic steatosis was due to the higher frequency of genotype GG. The CC genotype was the most common in the group we studied and was significantly more frequent in the group of subjects with severe steatosis; the GG genotype was significantly more frequent in subjects with moderate steatosis; the frequency of the CG genotype was not significantly different among the groups.When we divided the group of subjects into two groups: those with no or mild steatosis and those with moderate or severe steatosis it was shown that the frequency of the GG genotype was significantly higher in the group of subjects with moderate or severe steatosis. PNPLA3 genotypes were not associated with metabolic syndrome, subclinical atherosclerosis, or insulin resistance. Conclusions: Our results suggest that PNPLA3 does not independently influence cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The hypothesis that PNPLA3 may have a cardioprotective effect requires future confirmation