231 research outputs found

    Extensible Context-aware Stream Processing on the Cloud

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    Rationale and Challenges for Massive Data Stream Processing on the CloudThe ubiquity of mobile devices, location services, and sensor pervasiveness, e.g., as in smart city initiatives, call for scalable computing platforms and massively parallel architectures to process the vast amounts of the generated streamed data. Cloud computing provides some of the features needed for these massive data streaming applications. For example, the dynamic allocation of resources on an as-needed basis addresses the variability in sensor and location data distributions over time. However, today’s cloud computing platforms lack very important features that are necessary in order to support the massive amounts of data streams envisioned by the massive and ubiquitous dissemination of sensors and mobile devices of all sorts in smart-city-scale applications

    bdbms -- A Database Management System for Biological Data

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    Biologists are increasingly using databases for storing and managing their data. Biological databases typically consist of a mixture of raw data, metadata, sequences, annotations, and related data obtained from various sources. Current database technology lacks several functionalities that are needed by biological databases. In this paper, we introduce bdbms, an extensible prototype database management system for supporting biological data. bdbms extends the functionalities of current DBMSs to include: (1) Annotation and provenance management including storage, indexing, manipulation, and querying of annotation and provenance as first class objects in bdbms, (2) Local dependency tracking to track the dependencies and derivations among data items, (3) Update authorization to support data curation via content-based authorization, in contrast to identity-based authorization, and (4) New access methods and their supporting operators that support pattern matching on various types of compressed biological data types. This paper presents the design of bdbms along with the techniques proposed to support these functionalities including an extension to SQL. We also outline some open issues in building bdbms.Comment: This article is published under a Creative Commons License Agreement (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/.) You may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, make derivative works and make commercial use of the work, but, you must attribute the work to the author and CIDR 2007. 3rd Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) January 710, 2007, Asilomar, California, US

    An Update-intensive LSM-based R-tree Index

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    Many applications require update-intensive workloads on spatial objects, e.g., social-network services and shared-riding services that track moving objects. By buffering insert and delete operations in memory, the Log Structured Merge Tree (LSM) has been used widely in various systems because of its ability to handle write-heavy workloads. While the focus on LSM has been on key-value stores and their optimizations, there is a need to study how to efficiently support LSM-based {\em secondary} indexes (e.g., location-based indexes) as modern, heterogeneous data necessitates the use of secondary indexes. In this paper, we investigate the augmentation of a main-memory-based memo structure into an LSM secondary index structure to handle update-intensive workloads efficiently. We conduct this study in the context of an R-tree-based secondary index. In particular, we introduce the LSM RUM-tree that demonstrates the use of an Update Memo in an LSM-based R-tree to enhance the performance of the R-tree's insert, delete, update, and search operations. The LSM RUM-tree introduces new strategies to control the size of the Update Memo to make sure it always fits in memory for high performance. The Update Memo is a light-weight in-memory structure that is suitable for handling update-intensive workloads without introducing significant overhead. Experimental results using real spatial data demonstrate that the LSM RUM-tree achieves up to 9.6x speedup on update operations and up to 2400x speedup on query processing over existing LSM R-tree implementations
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