19 research outputs found

    Seed protein analysis and meiotic studies in cultivars of Indian barley

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    A comparative study was made of the meiotic behaviour and protein electrophoretic patterns of 12 different varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L)., including chiasma frequency, pollen sterility and chromosomal behaviour during different stages of meiosis. Though all the cultivars showed a uniform somatic chromosome number of 2n=14, they differed from each other in details of meiotic behaviour. Proteins were extracted from the seeds and subjected to polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis. Within a certain range, each variety showed a distinct pattern

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    Not AvailableRice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food crops in the world and is the staple food for nearly half of the world‟s population [1]. Global climate change is one of the biggest challenges of the twenty first century [2]. Improvements in rice productivity and quality must be achieved under projected climate change conditions, which will have significant impacts on crop yield and quality [3]. Rising atmospheric [CO2] and related CO2 fertilization effect may have regulating effects on numerous aspects of growth, plant physiology and biochemistry in various crops [4-7]. This could have significant implications for public health and nutritional securities of nation. Elevated [CO2] will have positive effects on biomass and grain yield by promoting photosynthesis [7], whereas negative effects are expected on grain quality. Grain quality get affected in terms of nutrition (protein content, N, P, K, Fe and Zn) [8], appearance (grain length, width, grain chalkiness and hardness) and cooking properties (Amylose content, Gelatinization Temperature, Gel Consistency) [9, 10]. Rice grains produced under elevated CO2 exhibited lower mineral (viz., N, P, Zn and Cu) and protein contents, while amylose content was higher than in those grown under ambient CO2 [11, 12], produced harder grains grown under elevated CO2. Some experiment showed that FACE decreased the protein content, increased maximum viscosity, but did not change amylose content [13]. Further it has been reported that only N concentration in rice grains was negatively affected by CO2 enrichment, with other macro- (viz., P, K, Mg, S) and micronutrient contents (viz., Zn, Mn, Fe, B, Mo) remaining unaffected [14]. Further Rice quality is determined not only by its nutritional value but also by its appearance, milling performance, and cooking characteristics. Although these quality attributes differ, depends upon its end use but appearance, milling and the cooking quality of the rice are of prime concern among consumers [9, 11, 13, 15]. Their findings indicate that detailed knowledge of effect of elevated CO2 on rice grain quality response to elevated CO2 is still lacking and inadequate to the date.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableSeeds of 61 extant rice varieties raised during kharif seasons of 2013 and 2014 were subjected to various seed quality tests; so to evaluate the intra- and inter-varietal correlation of seed length, width and weight to various parameters of plant and seedling vigour; and to determine the relative contribution of the seed traits to seedling vigour. The study revealed that seed length was positively correlated with leaf area of seedling and plant height thereby indicating that longer seed will produce long and deep penetrating seedling with larger leaf area. Hence, if length is to be criteria for vigour, then endosperm weight is more critical to seedling growth, since it was observed that seed length was highly correlated to endosperm weight as compared to embryo weight. Seed width was positively correlated with high germination percentage and plant height, thus emphasizing that small to medium-sized seed produced better germination and seedling vigour than those of bigger ones. Seed weight was significantly correlated with most of the seedling vigour characteristics examined under present study. Within single cultivars, the long, wide and heavy seed produced the tallest plants, had largest leaf area and heaviest seedling. There were not many differences in seedling growth between medium and low level of the seed traits studied. Selecting for heavy, long and wide seed within cultivars will, therefore, produce vigorous seedling taken as dry weight or as leaf area or as plant height. Thus, it was indicated in the present study that seed length and width could be used as selection traits for vigorous seedling between varieties. Hence, long seed with broader width can be a promising indicator of leaf area and plant heightNot Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe study was conducted to examine the effect of high temperature on seed quality attributes viz., physical, physiological and biochemical in wheat. Twelve diverse genotype’s seed obtained from normal and high temperature growing conditions were tested for quality. High parent plant growth temperature during seed development and maturation resulted in poor seed quality. The effect of parent plant growth temperature on seed germination and emergence was inconsistent among wheat genotypes. Seed vigor as indicated by seed density, conductivity of seed leachates, seedling dry weight and production of normal seedlings, were reduced in all wheat genotypes due to higher parent plant growth temperature but heat-sensitive wheat genotypes were affected more than the heat-tolerant genotypes. Further, total hydrogen peroxide activity was increased and total antioxidant capacity decreased in genotypes obtained from high growth temperature.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableSixty one extant varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) belonging to non-basmati and basmati group were characterized based on fifty-five morphological descriptors at different stages of plant growth. One of the major objective of cultivar characterization is to separate the varieties in to groups and then to identify them individually. To achieve the same, the varieties of the present study were singled out using a combination of grouping characters and essential characters as listed in DUS guidelines. Out of fifty five morphological descriptors studied, six characteristics were found monomorphic, nine were dimorphic and rest forty characteristics were found polymorphic in state of expression. Further the cultivars in the present study showed overlapping of descriptor expression which indicates insufficiency of morphological descriptors for assessment of distinctiveness or non-obviousness. The assessment of descriptor utility revealed that for traits involving anthocyanin coloration and pubescence, the state of expression needs to be modified from the existing one to only presence or absence of these traits.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThirty three genotypes of chickpea including 9 kabuli and 24 desi types were evaluated for distinctiveness based on 13 qualitative and 7 quantitative morphological DUS descriptors. In desi type, only 4 traits were polymorphic whereas, in kabuli type, only 3 were polymorphic. Identification profiles were generated on the basis of grouping and essential characters prescribed by DUS Guidelines of PPV & FR Authority. However, out of twenty four desi genotypes, distinct profiles could be created only for sixteen varieties and in kabuli type, only three out of nine genotypes could be singled out individually. Image analysis using scanned images of flowers of desi types successfully complemented the morphological descriptors to establish genotypic identity based on differences in the petal colour intensity and venation pattern. Genetic parameters for all the quantitative traits revealed less environmental influence on the characters expression thus, signifying their utility in the varietal characterization. Seven agro-morphological traits were used to assess the variability using Ward’s Minimum Variance Cluster Analysis. Thirty three cultivars from both types were grouped into four cluster each, however, none of the clusters contained genotypes with all the desirable traits, which could be directly selected and utilized.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableFor getting bumper production, farmers are using more than recommended doses of agro-chemicals which is getting accumulated in the farm produce. These toxin upon consumption, are increasing health risk in both human and animals. To increase the market value of fruits and vegetables and to make it attractive, undesirable chemicals are being used directly which is again a matter of concern. So, the demand for organic produce is increasing. But the price being higher and people being skeptical about the so called “organic produce”, the concept of kitchen garden is getting popularity. But growing seasonal fruits and vegetables in the kitchen garden needs nutrient from external source. Application of compost can supply the desired nutrient from organic source. The large volume of waste generated from the house hold can effectively be converted to compost, which can serve as external source of nutrients for kitchen garden. So this article provides a simple method of compost preparation for kitchen garden addressing the combined issue of waste disposal of house and nutrient supplementation to crops.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe genetic divergence of 61 extant varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) was assessed by using principal component analysis (PCA). The variables considered in the multivariate analyses were morphological, phenological and grain traits. The correlation analysis revealed that a number of traits were directly associated with other traits regardless of plant type or architectural configuration of the whole plant. The first four components in the PC analysis with Eigen values >1 contributed 74.25% of the variability among genotypes evaluated. Across various PCs, each of the accessions contributed both vegetatively and reproductively and in some cases only one-sidedly, either reproductively or vegetatively. The study grouped the genotypes into seven clusters. Cluster I had maximum number of genotypes (17). The cluster VII had second highest number of genotypes (12), while cluster II, III, IV, V, VI contained nine, four, six, five and eight genotypes, respectively. The overall composition of the clustering pattern showed that genotypes collected from the same geographic origin were distributed in different clusters. A critical appraisal of the observations suggested that none of the clusters contained genotypes with all the desirable traits, which could be directly selected and utilized. Hence, depending on the per se performance of the best genotypes within the clusters, they may be directly used for adaptation or maybe used as parents in future breeding programs.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableUnder the PPV and FR Act 2001, a number of rice varieties have been registered based on morphological and biochemical DUS descriptors. In the present study, 61 extant varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were characterized based on 55 morphological descriptors at different stages of plant growth. However, for the assessment of biochemical characters, namely; phenol reaction of lemma, amylose content and gelatinization temperature, the assessment is based on ripened seed onwards, and even after the seed is stored. Hence, there is a need to determine optimum period after seed ripening for recording biochemical characters to avoid confusion during grouping of varieties for establishing distinctiveness. For this, all the 61 varieties were examined to see the effect of storage period on biochemical characters. The observations were recorded beginning from freshly harvested seed (0 months) vis-Ă -vis stored seed up to one year (12 months). The data were recorded after every three months up to a period of one year. Results revealed that significant changes begin to occur during six months of storage and continue for remaining period. Phenol reaction of lemma colour in 26 varieties showed significant changes in colour intensity after six months of storage. Gelatinization temperature (GT) and amylose content are important cooking quality traits for rice. Among 61 varieties, 26 showed increase in Gelatinization temperature after six months of storage as ASV decreased from 6.7 to 6.0, while the remaining varieties showed constant ASV. Further, the average percentage of amylose content significantly increased after six months of storage period in all varieties. Hence, storage period significantly influences the character expression of biochemical traits. Therefore, it is recommended that the varieties should be evaluated for the biochemical assessment within six months of harvesting.Not Availabl