25 research outputs found

    Proposta para resgatar a raça Criollo Limonero da Venezuela

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     Creole cattle originated from bovines (Bos taurus) brought by the conquerors from the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands from the year 1497. In the western region of Venezuela, in the Mara and Páez municipalities of the Zulia state, a breed known today as Criollo Limonero (Limon River area), and which are characterized by their rusticity, adaptation to the environment, their resistance to diseases, and excellent grazing. At present, the 400 pure specimens are not reached, which represents a situation of extinction of the breed. It is necessary to take concrete actions, use reproductive technologies, and commitments from institutions, private and governmental, associated with academia and ranchers so that with a bold action, we can reverse this situation.El ganado criollo se originó de los bovinos (Bos taurus) traídos por los conquistadores desde la Península Ibérica y las Islas Canarias a partir del año 1497. En la región occidental de Venezuela, en los municipios Mara y Páez del estado Zulia, se desarrolló una raza conocida hoy como Criollo Limonero (zona del río Limón), y que se caracterizan por su rusticidad, adaptación al ambiente, su resistencia a enfermedades, y excelentes pastoreadores. En la actualidad, no se alcanzan los 400 ejemplares puros, lo que representa una situación de extinción de la raza. Es necesario tomar acciones concretas, utilizar las tecnologías reproductivas y compromisos de las instituciones, privadas y gubernamentales, asociados con la academia y el sector ganadero para que con una acción audaz lograr revertir esta situación.O gado crioulo originou-se de bovinos (Bos taurus) trazidos pelos conquistadores da Península Ibérica e das Ilhas Canárias a partir do ano de 1497. Na região oeste da Venezuela, nos municípios de Mara e Páez do estado de Zulia, uma raça conhecida hoje como Criollo Limonero (zona do rio Limon), e que se caracterizam pela sua rusticidade, adaptação ao ambiente, resistência às doenças e excelente pastoreio. Atualmente, os 400 exemplares puros não são atingidos, o que representa uma situação de extinção da raça. É preciso ações concretas e usar tecnologias reprodutivas, compromissos de instituições, privadas e governamentais, ligadas à academia e aos pecuaristas para que com uma ação ousada possamos reverter esse quadr

    Estimation of liveweight from chest circumference in double purpose crossbred calves during growth as a function of sex and racial group in the Maracaibo Lake basin

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    With the objective of estimating live weight (LW) as a function of racial group and sex and calculating its relationship to chest circumference (CC) in growing crossbred double purpose calves under tropical conditions, 589 measurements were taken of animals in three herds distributed in the Maracaibo Lake basin and grouped by predominant race (indicus or Taurus) and sex. General analysis of the data yielded a correlation between LW and CC (P <0.001) with R2 = 0.96. The corresponding exponential (quadratic) general regression equation was LW = 115.10 + (-2.83 × CC) + (0.03 × CC2); LW in kg and CC in cm. Sex had a highly significant effect (P<0.001) on both LW and CC, but the racial group did not. According to these results, CC is a good indicator of LW in double purpose cattle during growth. The data were used to prepare a table presenting the variations of LW and CC, which can be used on farms not possessing a weight scale to estimate LW changes in the animals

    Urea ammoniation effect on cell wall components of Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweick hay at different cutting ages

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    Research to evaluate urea addition to Brachiaria humidicola hay cut at different ages, on dry matter (MS), nitrogen (N), and ash contents and digestibility in vitro of the dry matter (DIVMS), was carried out under tropical dry forest conditions in the Perija region of Venezuela. The experimental design used was completely randomized with a split plot arrangement and three repetitions. In a 1-ha area, the main plots were located on five strips corresponding to the cutting ages (30, 44, 58, 72, and 86 days), with an effective area of 102 m2 per strip. The chopped hay harvested was placed in plastic bags to which was added 0, 3, and 6% of urea diluted with 40% of water in relation to the dry weight of hay, and then stored for 28 days at ambient temperature. Samples of hay were taken for determination of chemical composition and DIVMS. The results showed an effect of urea addition (P<.0001) on all the variables studied, with increases in N content from 1.2 to 2.9% and in DIVMS from 65.1 to 70.8%; while MS and ash contents decreased from 93.8 to 69.6% and 6.2 to 5.7%, respectively. Cutting age also affected (P<.005) these variables; with increasing age from 30 to 86 days there were decreases in ash (7.4 to 5.3%), N (2.1 to 1.6%), and DIVMS (71.0 to 64.8%), respectively. The DIVMS was also affected (P<.005) by the interaction cutting age x urea treatment, the highest value being 74.2% at 30 days and 3% urea

    Effect of storage time of multiple-nutrient blocks on intake and digestibility of prairie hay by sheeps

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    Twelve intact male African hair sheep (4 mo of age and 16 kg liveweight) were used to compare the digestibilities of three diets: T1 (control), Brachiaria humidicola hay ad libitum; (T2), hay plus a multinutrient block (MB) stored for 15 d; T3, hay plus aMB stored for 45 d. The sole formula (%) of the MB’s was: cane molasses, 40.0%; corn meal, 26.75%; ground limestone, 10.0%; salt, 10.0%; mineral supplement, 8.0%; urea, 5.0%; and sulfur, 0.25%. Following 12 d to accustom the animals to metabolism stalls, feces and urine were collected for 6 d. Daily dry matter (DM) intake from hay increased from 697 g in T1 to 700 g in T2 (P<.05) and 657 g in T3 (P>.05), while corresponding increases in totalDM(P<.05) were to 902 and 834 g in T2 and T3.DM digestibility of T1 was lowest (49.8%), that of T2 highest (69.9%) and that of T3 intermediate (63.4%), all three differing (P<.05); the same was true of crude protein digestibility (62.9, 75.6 and 72.0% for T1, T2, and T3). DM digestibility of the MB, determined by difference, was 141% and 110% for T2 and T3, indicating positive associative effects of MB on digestion of the hay. Daily nitrogen retention in the body was 39.9, 68.4 and 62.7 g in T1, T2, and T3, with three differences (P<.05). The fresher MB gave better results, but the MB stored for a longer period retained a large part of its effectiveness to improve the diet based on prairie hay

    Strategic feeding with multinutrient blocks. I. Feedlot supplementation of heifers

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    Con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de los bloques multinutricionales sobre el crecimiento de mautas mestizas en el trópico y determinar el consumo a fin de considerar su utilización durante la época de sequía, se desarrolló un ensayo en confinamiento durante 127 días en ambiente de Bosque Seco Tropical en la hacienda La Esperanza de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad del Zulia. Se utilizaron 24 mautas con un peso inicial promedio de 182 kg, distribuidas en cuatro grupos denominados T0 (Heno más minerales), T1 (Heno + Bloque 1), T2 (Heno + Bloque 2) y T3 (Heno + Bloque 3); los ingredientes de los bloques fueron similares, excepto en las cantidades de urea (2, 5 y 8%) y harina de maíz (21, 18 y 15%) para los bloques 1, 2 y 3, respectivamente. Se detectaron diferencias significativas (P < 001) entre tratamientos, con ganancias de peso de 0.038, 0.216, 0.443 y 0.404 kg/d para los tratamientos 0, 1, 2 y 3 respectivamente. La evaluación de consumo de heno en los animales dentro de T2 y T3. El consumo de bloque fue superior para T1 y T2 (0.961 y 1.124 kg MS/100 kg PV, respectivamente). El nivel de NNP en el bloque afectó el consumo de heno, presentado T2 y T3, la mayor ingesta de heno. Los bloques con nivel alto de urea (T3) son más económicos, limitan el consumo y promueven similares ganancias de peso que el T2. Se demostró que la suplementación con bloques multinutricionales en general mejoró el rendimiento animal, y que su oferta bajo condiciones de sequía puede evitar pérdidas de peso.45 - 52CuatrimestralThe objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of multinutriets blocks on performance and intake of crossbred heifers during the dry season. Animals were located at La Esperanza University ranch. The trial fasted 127 days in a feedlot facility. Twenty four heifers, mean initial RW of 182 kg, received hay as basal diet and treatments consisted of T0 (only hay plus minerals); T1 (Block 1); T2 (Block 2) and T2 (Block 3). Blocks 1, 2 and 3 had different urea levels (2, 5, 8%) and corn meal contents (21, 18, 15 %) respectively. Treatment differences were statiscally significant (P < 001) and overall BW gains averaged 0.038, 0.216, 0.443 and 0.404 kg/d for T0, T1, T2 and T3 respectively. Hay intake was greater for T2 and T3. Block intake was greater for T1 and T2 (0.961 and 1.124 kg of DM/100 kg of BW respectively). The NPN level in blocks had an affect on hay intake, with the higher intake for treatments T2 and T3. Block with higher urea level (T3) results cheaper because it limits the animal intake and promotes similar performance than T2 or T1. Results indicated that multinutrient blocks improved animal performance and they could be used in extremely dry conditions

    Yield, chemical composition and ruminal degradability of the Brachiaria humidicola (rendle) schweick in tropical dry forest

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    Parcelas de 1 m² de Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweick se cortaron a los 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84 y 98 días de edad, para determinar la producción de materia seca, composición química y degradabilidad in situ, en las épocas seca (ES) y lluviosa (EL). Se determinaron la materia seca (MS), proteína cruda (PC), fibra detergente ácido (FDA), fibra detergente neutro (FDN) y lignina (Lig) en las muestras de campo. Se utilizaron dos toretes fistulados en el rumen para la evaluación de la degradabilidad in situ de la MS y PC. La producción se incrementó (P<0,05) desde 1.099,3 kg ha–¹ corte–¹ (14d) hasta 2.654,0 kg ha–¹ corte–¹ (98d) y desde 1.547,1 kg ha–¹ corte–¹ (14d) hasta 3.092,7 kg ha–¹ corte–¹ (98d) en ES y EL respectivamente. La MS se incrementó (P<0,05) de 41,1% (14d) a 47,7% (98d) durante ES y de 35,7% (14d) a 43,0% (98d) durante EL. La MO permaneció constante durante ES (89,0%), mientras que en EL se incrementó (P<0,05) de 84,7% (14d) a 90,3% (98d). La PC disminuyó (P<0,05) de 6,6% (14d) a 4,8% (98d) y de 8,5 (14d) a 4,3% (98d) en ES y EL respectivamente. La FDN permaneció constante entre edades (70,6% y 76,0% para ES y EL, respectivamente). La FDA en EL (37,9%) fue mayor (P<0,05) que en ES (40,5%). La Lig permaneció constante en ES (4,38%), mientras que en EL se incrementó de 5,0% (14d) a 6,3% (98d). La desaparición de MS no fue diferente entre edades de corte, pero sí entre épocas.239 - 248BimestralThe change in chemical composition, dry matter yield, and in situ degradability of Brachiaria humidicola grass cut at 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, and 98 days of regrowth, during dry (DS) and rainy seasons (RS). Dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and lignin (L) were determined. Two young bulls rumen fistulated were used to evaluate in situ degradability of dry matter and crude protein. DM yield increased (P<0.05) from 1,099 kg ha–¹ (14 d) to 2,654 kg ha–¹ (98 d) during DS and from 1,547 kg ha–¹ (14 d) to 3,092 kg ha–¹ (98 d) during RS. OM kept constant during DS (89%), but increased (P<0.05) from 84.7% to 90.3% during the RS. CP decreased from 6.6% (14 d) to 4.8% (98 d), and from 8.5% (14 d) to 4.3% (98 d) to DS and RS, respectively. FDN remained constant throughout cutting ages and seasons. FDA was higher (P<0.05) for DS (37.9%) than RS (40%). Lignin kept constant in DS but increased (P<0.05) from 5.0 to 6.3% in RS. Rumen DM disappearance was not different between cutting ages but it was affected by seasons (DS: 75.24% vs RS: 78.06%), respectively

    Propiedades físicas y químicas del rumen

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    NR 39. Influence of molasses concentration, time and storage conditions on multinutrient blocks hardness

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    In order to determine the influence of time, storage conditions and molasses level on the hardness of multinutrient blocks (BM); it were elaborated 72 blocks using urea 5 %, salt 10 %, mineral 8 %, hay 3 %, lime 10 %, molasses (30, 40 and 50 %) and the difference with corn meal. Three storage time (1, 14 and 28 days) and two storage packing forms (with and without packing), thereinafter it was measured resistance (kg/cm2) in a hydraulic press. It is used a totally random design with treatment arrangement in split plots in the time. The effect of the molasses level, storage condition, the packing-molasses interaction and the storage time on the resistance of the BM, resulted highly meaningful (P&lt;.01), while the molasses-time interaction was meaningful (P&lt;.05). It is conclude that resistance is directly proportional to the storage time, optimum to the 40 % of molasses and low ledger the storage condition without packing

    Comparison of methods to preserve blood and milk simples for progesterone concentration determination

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    CONTENIDO Editorial Nesti de Alonso, Ana Edad y peso a la pubertad en novillas criollo limonero Age and weight at puberty of Criollo Limonero heifers Montiel Urdaneta, Néstor S. Efecto luteoprotector del tratamiento GnRH en vacas mestizas repetidoras con cuerpo luteo sub - funcional Luteoprotector effect of GnRh therapy in cross - bred repeatbreeder cows with subfunction of the corpus luteum González Stagnaro, Carlos; Madrid Bury, Ninoska; Morales, Jesús y Marín, Douglas Suplementación preparto de novillas mestizas durante la época seca. II sexo del becerro y comportamiento productivo Prepartum supplementation of crossbred heifers during the dry season. II Calf sex and reproductive Performance Portillo, Germán; Soto B., Eleazar; Román Bravo, Rafael y Ventura, Max Suplementación preparto de novillas mestizas durante la época seca. III comportamiento productivo Prepartum supplementation of crossbred heifers during the dry season. III reproductive Performance Portillo, Germán; Soto B., Eleazar; Román Bravo, Rafael y Ventura, Max Comparación de métodos de conservación para muestras de sangre y leche en la determinación de la concentración de progesterona Comparison of methods to preserve blood and milk simples for progesterone concentration determination Araujo F., Omar; Betancourt, R. y Romero, Maritza Evaluación de los efectos de la distomatosis hepática bovina sobre la eficiencia reproductiva y producción lechera Evaluation of the effects of the bovine hepatic distomatosis on the reproductive efficiency and milk production Chirinos, Angel R. y Chirinos de M., Nelly Irene Ultraestructura de la telangiectasia hepática bovina Ultraestructure of bovine liver telangiectasis Soto, Jorge A. y Delgado, Federico Ultraestructura del sinusoide hepático del bovino con referencia especial a las células de Ito, células almacenadotas de grasa o lipocitos Ultrastructure of the bovine liver sinusoid width special referent to Ito’s, fat storing cells or lipocytes Soto, Jorge A. y Delgado, Federico Evaluación de la leucaena leucocephala sobre la pigmentación de la yema de huevos de gallinas ponedoras y la influencia en su productividad Evaluation of leucaena leucocephala as egg yolk pigmentant of laying hens and its influence on productivity Parra de Solano, Neyda M. Efecto experimental de la ingestación del fruto del enterolobium cyclocarpum (Kara-Kara) en el ganado bovino Experimental effects of the Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Kara-Kara) fruit in cattle Negrón G., Gilberto; Parra, Omaira; Avila P., Nancy y Hoest Siberio, Armando Hepatotoxicidad de la maleza heliotropium indicum L. (Rabo de Alacrán) familia boraginaceae Hepatoxicity of the leed Heliotropium indicum L. (Rabo de alacrán) boraginaceae family. Morris de Sanz, Joyce y Román Bravo, Rafael y Zambrano, Omar Mensajes Institucionales31 - 34Nivel analíticobimestra

    Strategic feeding with multinutrient blocks. II. Heifers supplementation on pasture

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    Una investigación fue realizada en la hacienda Don Juan, ubicada en el caserío La Señora, Municipio Dabajuro, Estado Falcón, bosque muy seco tropical, con el fin de evaluar al efecto de la suplementación con bloques multinutricionales (BM) sobre el crecimiento en mautas mestizas (Pardo Suizas x Brahman). Fueron utilizadas 24 mautas con un peso promedio de 194 kg agrupadas en dos tratamientos, T1: Pastoreo + BM (n = 13) y T2: Pastoreo (n = 11). El crecimiento fue medido como ganancia diaria de peso (GDP). El diseño estadístico fue completamente al azar. La suplementación con BM incrementó significativamente la GDP (P < 0.01) con respecto al grupo testigo. El consumo promedio del BM fue de 115 g/animal/día, donde se observó una baja significativa del mismo a través del período de ensayo, pero se alcanzó a obtener un retorno económico de 4:1 (11,01 Bs/animal/día) con la utilización de lo BM. La suplementación con BM durante la época seca promueve la ganancia de peso diaria en mautas a pastoreo y es económicamente factible.95 - 98CuatrimestralA research was conducted at Don Juan farm, Dabajuro County, Falcón State, a very dry tropical forest, to evaluate the effect of multinutrient blocks (BM) on average daily gain (GDP), intake and economic return (RE) of 24 crossbred heifers (Brown Swiss x Brahman). Heifers had 194 kg initial weight and were grouped in two treatments: T1: Pasture plus BM and T2: Pasture only, in a completely randomized design. BM supplementation increased (P < 01) GDP. BM intake was 115 g/anim/day and was observed that intake declined along the experiment. RE was 4:1 with BM. Supplementation with BM is recommended