5 research outputs found

    Quality production and sustainable development: the case of Merina de Grazalema Sheep cheese

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    This paper focus on the innovations made by local actors in the production and marketing of Merina de Grazalema Sheep Cheese, studying how these changes may improve or not the sustainability of Sierra de Grazalema as an agro-ecosystem. These innovations answer to production system and organization patterns within the supply chain, they seek to confront a new agro-food context. This new context has been unfolded by changes in three main elements of the equation: (1) new EU policies, (2) Globalization ofthe markets, and new consumption patterns. Merina de Gra lema. We found that the low scale and the high artisan level of production have been the key to the construction of positive answer to this new context, and that the materialization of these answers is highly diversified

    La Comarca de Guadalteba: construcción del territorio y refuerzo de la identidad colectiva para la consolidación de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo rural

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    The creation of the Consortium Guadalteba began in this rural area inland from Málaga on the process of building a model of rural development organization of its eight municipalities. During his nearly 20 year history, the agency has become a platform for cooperation for development. The establishment and work of this network of organizations are of great importance since it has caused major social and cultural rights in the territory and population. The process of redefinition of the territory has made it possible to setthe very idea of "Shire of Guadalteba" while searching for and appreciation of cultural elements common to this area has sought to strenghten local idenitity, both processes have helped to strenghten the development model Guadalteba district

    Natural park and quality production systems: the case of rice in the comarca of Doñana (Seville)

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    This paper focused in the rice's production in the territory of Doñana Natural Park. This is a case of study of a broader project title. "The production of quality: New rural strategies for new consumers, grant by I+D(CSO2010-22074-C03-01), that try to analyze the specialisation of rural territories in quality production as a consequence of the global economic changes, and the new process of actor's perception and their discourses related with the news consumption patterns