40 research outputs found

    The frequency and disribution of cancer cases in Hatay District in 2008

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate all cancer cases reported in 2008 in Hatay district.Materials and methods: Data of 465 cancer patients were collected by Hatay Cancer Early Diagnosis and Screening Centre between January 1–December 31, 2008 and evaluated.Results: Totally 465 cancer cases were collected from centre of Hatay and districts. 48,8% of these cases (227 cases) were female patients, 51,2% (238 cases) were male. The most frequently encountered cancers were skin (27,7%) and breast cancers (14,7%) when evaluated in terms of the incidence of cases.Conclusion: Due to cancer screening studies becoming widespread in the community, cases with cancer can be determined in the early stage, also studies intended for etiology and preventive medicine gradually increase. Skin and breast cancers are common in Hatay. Therefore, further studies on etiology and preventive measures for cancer are needed. J Clin Exp Invest 2011;2(2):192-

    Urinary incontinence frequency and affecting factors in women 18 years and over

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    Introduction: Urinary incontinence(UI) is a complicated condition that affects women of all ages, is common, affects life negatively, and occurs for many reasons. It does not only have a medical problem for women but also affects the quality of life defined as physical, psychological, economic and social well-being. In our study, it was aimed to evaluate the frequency of urinary incontinence and the affecting factors in women aged 18 and over.Methods: 212 female patients aged between 18-85 who applied to Cemil Tascioglu City Hospital Family Medicine Polyclinics were included in this study. Those patients were divided into two groups: urinary incontinent and continent. General poll form, ICIQ-SF were interrogated. In general poll form, medical story about demographic data, personal history, family history, additional diseases, UI risk factors was interrogated. Dates of study were evaluated in the sense of meaningfulness by Shapiro Wilk test, Mann Whitney U test, Pearson Ki-Kare test, Fisher’s Exact Ki-Kare test.Results: Number of incontinent and continent cases was 111 and 101, respectively. So, the frequency of UI was found to be 52.4%. Average age of incontinent and continent cases was 51.07±11.80 and 43.50±12.80 respectively. 37.7% of UI cases had urgent-type, 12.3% of UI cases had stress-type and 30.2% had mixed-type UI. Increase in body mass index (p lt;0.001), low level of education (p lt;0.001), curettage (p:0.014), menopause (p lt;0.001), giving birth to relatively big babies (p:0.048), hypertension (p:0.001), diabetes mellitus (p:0.038), constipation (p:0.042), genital prolapsus (p:0.008) were meaningfully higher in the incontinent group.Conclusion: In our study; it was found that urinary incontinence rate increased with increasing age. The vast majority of women see this as a result of being a woman and aging and they do not consult a doctor. In our study, we found that 86.8% of women with urinary incontinence did not consult a doctor. Most of the individuals with urinary incontinence can be recognized and treated effectively by their family physicians in primary care. Therefore, family physicians should identify the problem of urinary incontinence in patients who apply to outpatient clinics, identify risk factors, define and treat them

    The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Adult Vaccination in Turkey

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    Objective:This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on adult vaccination rates in Turkey.Method:This retrospective descriptive study included individuals aged 18 and over who sought adult vaccination at the Education Family Health Centers of University of Health Sciences Turkey, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşcıoğlu City Hospital between 11.03.2019 and 11.03.2021. The data were analyzed for one year before and one year after 11.03.2020, which marked the first COVID-19 case in Turkey. Vaccination information was obtained from the family medicine information system, and data analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS program.Results:A total of 1.139 participants were included in the study, with a mean age of 57.27±17.74 years (min: 18, max: 96). Among the participants, 60.8% were female and 39.2% were male. The total number of vaccine doses administered between 11.03.2019-11.03.2020 (pre-pandemic) was 310, while the total number of vaccine doses administered between 11.03.2020-11.03.2021 (post-pandemic) was 829. Before the pandemic, the most commonly administered vaccines were hepatitis B (54.8%), conjugated pneumococcal (50.7%), and seasonal influenza vaccines (11%). The mean age of those vaccinated before the pandemic was 58.41±15.63 years. Following the pandemic, there was a significant increase in adult vaccination rates among the participants, particularly in females (p<0.05). The vaccination status did not show a significant change with age (p=0.781).Conclusion:The utilization of adult vaccination services has significantly increased since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Analysis of children admitted to emergency department with acute abdominal pain in Van

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    Amaç: Akut karın ağrısının tanısı çocuklarda zordur. Ancak morbiditeyi en aza indirmek için bazı hızlı tanı testlerine gerek vardır. Karın ağrısının birçok nedeni olabilir. Çocuk acil servisine akut karın ağrısıyla getirilen ve gözlem altına alınarak izlenen hastaların özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, Van ilinde çocuk acil ünitesine Ekim 2008 ile Ekim 2009 arasında akut karın ağrısı ve akut batın düşündüren diğer semptomlarla getirilen çocuklarda yapıldı. Hasta gözlem formları geriye dönük olarak değerlendirilerek, en fazla 3 gündür karın ağrısı şikayeti olan ve acil servise kusma, batında distansiyon, gastrointestinal kanama gibi diğer semptomlarla getirilen 0-15 yaş arasındaki hastalar çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, semptom ve muayene bulguları, tetkik sonuçları, gözlem notları, konsültasyon sonuçları ve klinik tanıları değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Toplam 140 hastanın 58’i (%41.4) erkek, 82’si (%58.6) kız idi. Dahili tanılar şöyle sıralanıyordu: gastroenterit (%27.1, n=38), üriner enfeksiyon (%12.1, n=17), etiyolojisi saptanamayan akut karın ağrısı (%17.2, n=24), üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonları (%10.6, n=15), Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi (%3.6, n=5), kabızlık (%17.2, n=24), apandisit (%5, n=7), adet ağrısı (%3.6, n=5), hepatit (%3.6, n=5). Akut karın ağrısının en sık görülen cerrahi nedeni akut apandisit idi (%5, n=7). Çocuk cerrahisiyle konsülte edilen 37 hastanın sadece 16’sında (%11.4) cerrahi girişim gerekli oldu. Sonuç: Karın ağrısı ve akut batın düşündüren diğer semptomlarla olan acil servis başvurularının önemli bir kısmını dahili patolojiler oluşturmaktadır. Cerrahi patolojilerin oranı %11.4 olarak görülmüştür.Objective: Acute abdominal pain in children presents a diagnostic dilemma. Although many cases of acute abdominal pain are benign, some require rapid diagnosis and treatment to minimize morbidity. Numerous disorders can cause abdominal pain.The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence, associated symptoms, and clinical outcomes of children with acute abdominal pain who had been admitted to an emergency department. Material and Methods: Children who presented to the emergency department in Van between October 2008 and October 2009 with acute abdominal pain and other symptoms of acute abdomen were enrolled in this study. A retrospective review of 140 charts of patients aged between 0-15 who presented with acute abdominal pain and possible acute abdomen to the Emergency Department of a Children Training Hospital over a 1-month period were evaluated. Patient demographics, presenting signs, and symptoms were documented. Results: Among 140 cases, 58 (41.4%) were boys, 82 (58.6%) were girls. The prevalent medical diagnoses were: gastroenteritis (27.1%, n=38), urinary tract infection (12.1%, n=17), acute abdominal pain with uncertain etiology (17.2%, n=24), upper respiratory tract infections (10.6%, n=15); familial Mediterranean fever (3.6%, n=5), constipation (17.2%, n=24), appendicitis (5%, n=7), menstruation pain (3.6%, n=5), hepatitis (3.6%, n=5). The most common surgical cause of acute abdominal pain was acute appendicitis (n: 7, 5%). Hundred and twelve children were referred to the department of pediatric surgery, but only 16 of 37 (11.4%) required surgical intervention. Conclusions: The most frequently seen causes of acute abdominal pain were due to internal diseases. The ratio of the surgical causes were 11.4


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    Anoreksiya nervoza ve bulimia nervoza sıklıkla adolesan dönemde başlayan, bu nedenle de bu yaş grubunda özellikle dikkat edilmesi gereken bozukluklardır. Gelişimsel süreci bozan etkileri nedeniyle erken dönemde tanı ve tedavileri çok önemlidir. Bu hastalar çoğunlukla kendilerini hasta olarak kabul etmezler. Hastalık kronikleştikten sonra çevredekiler tarafından algılanır. Bu hastalıklarda görülen fiziksel belirtilere çok sıklıkla ilerleyen dönemde hastaların fiziksel durumunda ölümle sonuçlanabilen bozukluklar eklenmektedir. Hastalığın tanı, tedavi ve takibi için multidisipliner bir yaklaşım gereklidir. Anoreksiya nervoza ve bulimia nervozalı hastalar okullarda yapılması önerilen tarama testleri sayesinde kronikleşmeden erken dönemde saptanabilir

    Level of serum 25-OHD in healthy children aged 0-36 months in Van

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    Amaç: Günümüzde yapılan çalışmalarda raşitizmin ve D vitamini eksikliği görülme sıklığının iklime, toplumun sosyoekonomik düzeyine ve bölgenin sağlık hizmetlerinden faydalanma derecesine göre, yöresel değişmelere bağlı olduğu gösterilmiştir. Herhangi bir klinik belirti ortaya çıkmamış olsa bile vücut D vitamini düzeyinin en iyi göstergesi olan serum 25- hidroksi D (25-OHD) düzeyi düşük saptanabilir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada normal kontrol için Van Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastalıkları Hastanesi Çocuk Polikliniği’ne başvuran 0-36 ay arası sağlıklı 112 çocukta serum 25-OHD düzeyi araştırıldı. Bu amaçla annelerin ve bebeklerin beslenme tipi ve D vitamini desteği alıp almadığı, güneş ışığından yararlanma süresi değerlendirildi; Serum Ca, P, alkalen fosfataz ve 25-OHD düzeyleri çalışıldı. Sol el bilek grafileri çekildi. Serum 25-OHD düzeyi >150 ng/mL saptanan bebeklere karın ultrasonografisi yapıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmamızda raşitizmin herhangi bir klinik bulgusu olmamasına karşın ve cinsiyet farkı gözetmeksizin incelendiğinde çocukların %53,5’inde serum 25-OHD düzeyi <40 ng/mL saptandı, bu çocukların %13,3’ünde ise serum 25-OHD düzeyi <5 ng/mL olup ağır D vitamini yetersizliği vardı. Çıkarımlar: D vitamini desteği olmadan anne sütü alan bebeklerin altı aya kadar D vitamini yetersizliği lehine herhangi bir bulgu göstermedikleri, ancak serum 25-OHD düzeylerinin D vitamini desteği ile beraber anne sütü alan bebeklere göre belirgin olarak düşük olduğu saptandı.Aim: In recent studies, it has been shown that prevalence of rachitism and vitamin D deficiency depend on regional differences such as climate, socioeconomic level and changing benefits of people from health services. Even if no clinical symptom has occurred, serum 25-hydroxy D (25-OHD) level, which is the best indicator of vitamin D can be found low. Material and Method: In this study, serum 25-OHD levels of 112 healthy children, aging 0-36 months, who applied to the outpatient clinic of the Pediatrics and Gynecology Hospital for a routine control in Van, were analyzed. Nutrition style of mothers and their babies, duration of exposing to sunlight and taken vitamin supplements, were evaluated. Serum Ca, P, alkaline phosphatase and 25-OHD levels were studied and the left wrist x-rays were obtained. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed only the babies with serum 25-OHD level &gt;150 ng/mL. Results: In our study, despite no clinical symptoms of rachitism regardless of gender, 25-OHD level &lt;40 ng/mL was determined in 53.5% of the children and in %13,3 of these childrens serum level of 25-OHD was as low as &lt;5 ng/mL, and suffering from heavy vitamin D deficieny. Conclusions: The breast-fed babies with no vitamin supplement did not show any sign of vitamin deficiency, but in 25-OHD levels were significantly low compared to the breast-fed babies with vitamin supplemen

    Application and ınterpretation of tuberculin skin test

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    Tüberkülin cilt testi, kişinin tüberküloz basili ile enfekte olup olmadığını gösterir, hastalık hakkında bilgi vermez. Hastalık tanısında dolaylı olarak yardımcı olabilir. Tüberküloz bilinen çok eski bir hastalık olmasına karşın morbidite, mortalite ve ekonomik etkileri nedeniyle hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmek- te olan ülkelerde halen önemli bir sağlık problemi olmaya devam etmektedir. Tüberkülozun patofizyolojisi kompli- kedir. Enfeksiyon ve hastalık arasında gecikme olması da olayları daha belirsiz hale getirir. Aktif akciğer tüberkülozu olan hastalar asemptomatik olabilir, hafif orta düzeyde kuru öksürüğü olabilir veya ateş, halsizlik, göğüs ağrısı, nefes dar- lığı, kilo kaybı, gece terlemeleri ve kanlı balgam çıkarılan ök- sürük gibi bir semptomla karşımıza çıkabilir. Tüberküloz için tam bir değerlendirme öykü, göğüs filmi, fizik muayene, tü- berkülin cilt testi, mikrobiyolojik yaymalar ve kültürleri içer- melidir. Erken tanı ve tedavi mortalite ve morbiditeyi önemli ölçüde azaltmaktadır. Bu yavaş üreyen mikroorganizmanın kısıtlı sayıda hastada balgamda saptanabilmesi ve kültürün- deki zorluklar nedeniyle tanısı zor bir hastalıktır.Tuberculin skin test indicates whether or not the individual is in- fected by tuberculosis bacillus, but it does not provide informa- tion about the disease. It may be indirectly helpful in diagnosis of the disease. Although tuberculosis is a known very old disease, it still continues to be an important health issue in both developed and developing countries because of its morbidity, mortality, and economic effects. The pathophysiology of tuberculosis is complicated. The existence of a delay between the infection and disease also makes events more uncertain. Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis may be asymptomatic, may have slight mild-level dry cough, or may present symptoms such as fever, as- thenia, chest pain, dyspnea, weight loss, night sweats, and cough excreting bloody pituitary. A complete evaluation for tuberculo- sis should include a medical history, chest X-ray, physical exami- nation, tuberculin skin test, microbiological smears, and cultures. Early diagnosis and treatment significantly decrease mortality and morbidity. It is a disease difficult to diagnose since this slowly reproducing microorganism can be determined in pituitary of the patient in a limited number and due to difficulties in the culture

    Alerjik rinit hastalarında tiroid fonksiyon bozukluklarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, alerjik rinitli hastalarda tiroid hormon bozukluklarının oranını belirlemeyi ve iki hastalığın ilişkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Alerjik rinit semptomları ile başvuran ve deri prick testi pozitif olan 62 alerjik rinit hastası ve 62 kontrol hastası tiroid hormon bozuklukları incelenmek üzere çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Bulgular: Alerjik rinit grubunda yaş ortalaması 43,20±18,55 idi. Hastaların %54,4'ü kadın, %45,6'sı erkek idi. Tiroid hormon sonuçları; FT3 için 2,33±1,69,FT4 için 2,40±1,96,TSH için 4,49±3,61 olarak bulundu. 4,8 hastada subklinik hipertiroidi, %61,3 hastada ötiroidi, %29 hastada subklinik hipotiroidi, %4,8 hastada klinik hipotiroidi saptandı. Kontrol grubunda yaş ortalaması 40,03±17,7 idi. Hastaların %55' i kadın, %45'i erkek idi.Tiroid hormon sonuçları; FT3 için 2,21±1,45;FT4 için 2,40±1,81;TSH için 4,22±4,37 olarak bulundu. %9,5 hastada subklinik hipertiroidi, %68,3 hastada ötiroidi, %12,7 hastada subklinik hipotiroidi, %9,5 hastada klinik hipotiroidi saptandı. Hasta ve kontrol grupları arasında hipotiroidizm, ötiroidizm ve hipertiroidizm açısından fark yoktu(p=0,35). Cinsiyete göre de hipotiroidizm, ötiroidizm ve hipertiroidizm açısından fark bulunamadı(p=0,40). Tartışma: Alerjik rinitli hastalarda tiroid fonksiyonlarında bozulma olduğuna dair bir sonuç bulunamamıştır.Aim: In this study, we aimed to determine the ratio of thyroid hormone disorders in subjects with allergic rhinitis and investigate the association between these two diseases. Material and Method: 62 patients who presented with symptoms of allergic rhinitis and have positive skin prick test and 62 patients as a control group were included in the study to examine thyroid hormone disorders. Results: Mean age of patients with allergic rhinitis were 43.20 &plusmn; 18.55. 54.4% of the patients were females and 45.6% of the patients were males. Thyroid hormone results were; 2.33 &plusmn; 1.69 for FT3, 2.40 &plusmn; 1.96 for FT4, 4.49 &plusmn; 3.61 for TSH. Subclinical hyperthyroidism, euthyroidism,subclinical hypothyroidism and clinical hypothyroidism were detected in 4.8%, 61.4 %,29% and 4.8% of patients,respectively. Mean age of patients with allergic rhinitis were 40.03 &plusmn; 17.7. 55% of the patients were females and 45% of the patients were males. Thyroid hormone results were; 2 , 21 &plusmn; 1.45 for FT3, 2 , 40 &plusmn; 1.81 for FT4, 4. 22 &plusmn; 4.37 for TSH. Subclinical hyperthyroidism, euthyroidism,subclinical hypothyroidism and clinical hypothyroidism were detected in 9.5%, 68.3 %,12.7% and 9.5% of patients,respectively. There was no difference between patient and control groups in terms of hypothyroidism, euthyroidism and hyperthyroidism (p = 0.35). There was no difference between genders in terms of hypothyroidism, euthyroidism and hyperthyroidism(p = 0.40). Discussion: No deterioration in thyroid functions were found in patients with symptoms of allergicrhinitis


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    Baklofen, merkezi sinir sisteminde bir inhibitör transmitter olan, lipofilik GABA (gamma-aminobutirik asit) analoğudur. Yüksek doz baklofen alımı, beyin ölümünü taklit eden derin koma tablosuna neden olabilir. İlacın plazma düzeylerinin belirlenmesi her zaman mümkün olamayacağı gibi tanı konulmasını da güçleştirebilir. Klinik değerlendirme ve destekleyici tedavilerin önemi büyüktür. Baklofen ile akut zehirlenen hastaların tedavisinde tam donanımlı hastanelerde solunum desteği gerektiğinde verilebilmelidir. Bununla birlikte, olgumuzda da görüldüğü gibi ciddi vakalarda bile prognoz iyi seyreder.ABSTRACTBaclofen is a lipophilic analogue of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter in central nervous system. Baclofen toxicity can be a cause of profound coma with brainstem dysfunction mimicking brain death. Measuring plasma levels is not always possible and may be misleading. It’s important to be careful in clinical evaluation and provide full supportive care. Treatment of patients with acute baclofen intoxication should take place in hospitals appropriately equipped which can provide artificial respiration. However, as demonstrated in our case, the prognosis can be good even in severe cases

    Methemoglobinemia due to prilocaine administration

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    Sünnet sırasında ağrı çekilmesini önlemek amacı ile sıklıkla prilokain kullanılarak dorsal penil sinir bloğu yerel anestezi yöntemi olarak uygulanmaktadır. Prilokainin küçük bebek ve yenidoğanlarda methemoglobinemiye yol açtığı bilinmektedir. Burada, sünnet sonrası aniden gelişen ani ve belirgin morarma yakınması ile yoğun bakım birimine sevk edilen ve prilokane bağlı methemoglobinemi geliştiği saptanan 56 günlük erkek olgu sunulmuştur. Hastaya yerel anestezi uygulaması için iki defa 1 mg/kg dozdan prilokain uygulandığı saptanmıştır. Başvurusunda hastanın siyanoz dışında bulgusu yoktu. Kan methemoglobin düzeyi %16,2 saptandı ve tedavi ile tam iyileşme sağlandı. Fetal hemoglobinin “ferrik” duruma daha yatkın olması ve methemoglobinemiyi önlemeye yardımcı olan sitokrom b5 enzim düzeyinin hayatın ilk aylarında düşük bulunması nedeniyle altı aydan küçük çocuklarda yerel anestezik madde olarak prilokain yerine diğer yerel anestezik maddeler kullanılması gerektiği üzerinde durulmuştur.Prilocaine is the one of the most utilized agents during dorsal penile block in order to prevent pain during circumcision. It is known that prilocaine may lead to methemoglobinemia in neonates and infants. Here we present a 56 days old male patient with prilocaine induced methemoglobinemia who had been referred to intensive care unit for his frank and instant cyanosis after circumcision. Detailed history taking revealed that he needed 1 mg/kg prilocaine administration twice for adequate anesthesia. Patient had frank cyanosis at administration with no other sign. During admission rate of methemoglobin was 16,2% in the blood of the patient and conservative measures lead to complete resolution of all symptoms. Since infants below six months of age are particularly prone to methemoglobinemia due to their low cytochrome b5 levels and fetal hemoglobine is closer to “ferric” state than adult hemoglobine, it is emphasized in this paper that other alternative anesthetic agents should be utilized instead of prilocaine for regional anesthesia in infants under six months age