1 research outputs found

    Students’ self-directed learning activities during the OSCE preparation period

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    This study aimed to clarify the self-directed learning activities of students in preparation for the OSCE, while examining the influences of such an examination on all students’ recognition of learning. A questionnaire survey was conducted, involving students who took the OSCE. The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions; the first one regarded <students’ recognition of their own self-directed learning activities>, followed by those regarding cognitive domain, aff ective domain, psychomotor domain, and self-effi cacy. Based on responses to the first question, students who were not sufficiently performing selfdirected learning activities were identifi ed at the beginning, and, focusing on changes in their self-directedness, they were classifi ed into the following 2 groups at the end of the OSCE preparatory period: those who maintained a passive attitude; and those whose selfdirectedness was enhanced. At the beginning of the period, 48.1% of all students recognized that they were not sufficiently performing self-directed learning activities. While self-directedness was subsequently enhanced in the majority of such students, 16.2% (7.8% of all students) maintained a passive attitude until the end. On comparison between the beginning and end of the period, the recognition of learning was signifi cantly enhanced in all questions in all those whose self-directedness increased during the period. In contrast, in those who maintained a passive attitude toward learning, such improvement was observed for 4 questions, excluding the <recognition of self-directed learning activities>. Furthermore, in all students who took the OSCE, a significant enhancement of recognition was observed for all questions regarding the knowledge and skills necessary for clinical training at the end of the period.本研究の目的は、OSCEの実施準備期間に学習活動の主体性が低い学生に着目しその傾向を把握することと、OSCEの実施が受講学生全体の学習自覚にどう影響しているかについて明らかにすることである。対象と方法は、OSCEを受講した77名の学生に対するアンケート調査とした。質問は15項目で、最初に主体的な学習活動の自覚を質問し、以降、「認知領域」「情意領域」「精神運動領域」に関する項目と自己効力感について質問した。また、全対象学生から学習活動の主体性が低い学生に対象を絞り、さらに、終了時まで主体性が低く留まった学生と終了時には主体性が上昇した学生に分け、分析対象とした。開始時に主体性が低いと自覚していた学生は全体の48.1%であり、そのうちの多くは終了時に主体性が上昇したが、16.2%(全体の7.8%)の学生は継続して主体性が低く留まった。それぞれの学生の学習期間の開始時と終了時の比較では、主体性が上昇した学生は全ての項目で有意に自覚の上昇が認められ、主体性が低く留まった学生では「主体的な学習活動の自覚」を除き4 項目で有意に自覚の上昇が認められた。また、OSCE受講全学生における学習期間前後の比較では、臨床実習に必要な知識や技術を反映する項目の全てにおいて有意に自覚の上昇が認められた