15 research outputs found

    Designing Postal Network Units

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    The existing postal infrastructure cannot efficiently support the requirements of new technologies and the supply of services on the open market of postal services. Post offices do not meet the new needs, therefore requiring an adjustment to new traffic and service requirements. The functioning of the postal system in the Republic of Croatia was carried out in order to adjust the functional equipment of the system to the introduction of the new technologies and services. At the same time a requirement was set to the public postal operator for more efficient performing of the universal postal service. Based on the analyses of the postal system functioning, a modular procedure of designing the postal network units was proposed and it provides the possibility of adjustment to the new technological, organizational and safety requirements of the postal system. KEY WORDS: postal units, module designing, postal traffic efficienc

    Development Strategy of Railway Traffic Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia

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    Considering the strategy of the railway traffic infrastructuredevelopment of the Republic of Croatia, the authors have alsoconsidered the restructuring of the railways in EU and Croatiawith the aim of insuring the very complex process being carriedout in everyday lives, full ofinterdependencies. First, the paralleldevelopment of the three networks that form the EU railwayssystem is given, together with their characteristics and futureroles. These are: the network of the Trans-European conventionalrailway line system, the high-speed railway line network(HS Net) and the network of railway lines intended prevailinglyfor the cargo transport (RTEFF, TEFFN). This is followed by apresentation of the basic aims of the strategic development ofrailways in Croatia and the overview of the conditions and thenecessary activities on the Corridor railway lines so as to preparethem for the integration into theE U traffic system. In elaboratingthe development strategy of the railway traffic infrastructurein Croatia, a summarised overview of the objectivesand the necessary activities is given, in order to renew the railwaynetwork, and to reconstruct it so that it could meet the requirementsset by the AGC andAGTC standards which are thecondition for the Pan-European railway lines

    Peroni u funkciji željezničkog prigradskog prometa

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    This paper deals with the review of the existing conditions of platforms in the area of integration of the railways into the system of urban and suburban passenger transport in the City of Zagreb, and sets forth the recommendations of engineering (technical) resolutions for the construction of new platforms.</p

    Nove koncepcije gradnje pruga i primjene pri gradnji dolinske pruge Zagreb - Rijeka

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    Autor je u radu opisao koncepciju integriranjau betonsku ploču kao jednu od novihkoncepcija gradnje pruga, te prikazao mogućnostnjene primjene pri gradnji dolinske željezničke pruge Zagreb - Rijeka

    Preparation of Railway Infrastructure for the Operation of Tilting Trains

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    The tilting technology appeared as an idea more than 50years ago. The idea started to be applied in the design of transportmeans in a more significant manner during the 80s of thelast century, and has experienced major development duringthe last decade. The trains featuring tilting technology occupytheir place on the market segment as the possibility of improvingthe conditions (speeds commercially 10-20%) on windinglines with curve radii not less than 250 m. They do not representan alternative to the development of railway lines on trafficroutes, but rather a span between the present and the future.The work studies the basic technical elements of the tiltingtechnology with the emphasis on the area of infrastructure andwhat is recommended and should be done on the infrastructureso that the tilting technology could render the optimal results. Itis concluded that the use of tilting technology does not seek anyspecial technical solutions, but that certain elements of the raildesign require attention and should be designed in the appropriateway, at the same time not making any significant changesin the construction nor making it more expensive, but still improvingthe results of implementing the tilting technology intrains.The mentioned theoretical frames are implemented inpractice on the Zagreb - Split railway line where it has beenfound that along with the planned works on the modernizationof the rail, tilting trains result in additional improvement of theriding quality and render railway passenger transport competitiveto other transport modes

    Naprezanja kolosiječne reŔetke u uvjetima eksploatacije

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    The study of the behavior of different track panel structures on the lines of the Croatian Railways has been completed in regular conditions of utilization. The subject research has been conducted by measurement of strain in straight and curved track sections.</p

    Influence of Railway Traffic on the Pan-European Corridor V.B on the Development of the Port of Rijeka

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    Considering the traffic development of Croatia and thewider traffic environment, special significance lies on the developmentof the Port of Rijeka and its traffic connection with thehinterland. The planned and necessary increase of the capacitiesof the Port of Rijeka requires adequate support by the railand road traffic towards the interior of Croatia and other partsof Europe. Here, the support of the rail traffic is of special significance,regarding its advantages over road traffic. The workanalyses the demand for transport of goods and passengers inrail traffic on the pan-European Corridor V.B in the present andthe planned circumstances in the future. The work analyses theforecast of the transport of goods and passengers for the perioduntil 2020 as part of the planned development of the Port ofRijeka. Based on this development a possible improvement ofrail connection of Rijeka and the interior of Croatia and EastEurope is proposed

    Traffic and Technological Parameters of the Gradec- Sveti !van Zabno Railway Line

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    The paper studies the possibility of constntction of a newrailway track section from the existing stop Gradec on the railwayline Zagreb - Koprivnica to the railway station Sveti !vanZabno on the railway line Kriievci - Bjelovar, thus improvingthe importance of the Bjelovar region and shortening the routeto Osijek by 16.5 km

    The Traffic Development of The Republic of Croatia within Europe in the 21 51 Century

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    The paper deals with the prospective development of moderntransport technologies for 2Jih century as a precondition forintegration of Croatia with Europe. By its geographical position,Croatia is an eminently European country. Her transportinfrastructure and technological transp01t solutions present todaysignificant hindrance to its integration with Europe.The Transrapid railway system is a novel technologicaltransport form that could be developed in Croatia, within theEuropean Transrapid network. Fwthermore, Croatia has greatexpectations in the development of air transport even by airbuses for transporting cargo and passengers. Special attentionwill be paid to organising high-speed suburban traffic inZagreb, based on the railway