1,206 research outputs found

    Distinguishing charged Higgs bosons from different representations at the LHC

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    Extending the Standard Model (SM) scalar sector via one or multiple Higgs field(s) in higher representation brings one or more charged Higgs bosons in the spectrum. Some of these gauge representations with appropriate hypercharge can bring up doubly charged Higgs boson and can be easily distinguished from the existing models with only singly charged Higgs boson. In this study we focus on distinguishing the singly charged Higgs bosons from different representations, viz. doublets and triplets of SU(2)LSU(2)_L gauge group. We consider a supersymmetric extension of SM with a gauge singlet and SU(2)LSU(2)_L triplet with Y=0Y=0 as a benchmark scenario with the possibility of rich phenomenology due to existence of light pseudoscalar for Z3Z_3 symmetric superpotential. A detailed collider simulation considering all the SM backgrounds has been carried out in order to classify the final states which are favourable to charged Higgs boson from one particular representation than others. We show that such different representations can be probed an distinguished via looking at single charged Higgs boson phenomenology at the LHC with 14 TeV center of mass energy within 50\sim 50 fb1^{-1} of integrated luminosity.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, 14 tables. updated version with references reordere

    Extra Quarks and Bileptons in BSM Physics in a 331331 Model

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    We describe some salient features of the 331F331_F (Frampton-Pisano-Pleitez) bilepton model, in which the constraints of anomaly cancelation require the number of generations to be three. In a class of six models, four of which characterised by a β\beta parameter describing the embedding of the hypercharge in the SU(3)LSU(3)_L symmetry, a specific choice for β\beta allows bileptons in the spectrum, i.e. vectors and scalars of lepton numbers ±2\pm 2. At the same time the model allows exotic quarks, with the third quark generation treated asymmetrically respect to the other two. Bileptons generate specific signatures in the form of multilepton final states in Drell-Yan like processes, with and without associated jets, which can be searched for at the LHC.Comment: 7 pages, 2 Figures. Proceedings of the Workshop QCD@work 2018, 25-28 June 2018, Matera, Ital

    Perspectives on a Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model with a Y=0Y=0 Higgs Triplet and a Singlet at the LHC

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    We investigate a supersymmetric extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), called the TNMSSM, containing a SU(2)SU(2) Higgs triplet (T^)(\hat{T}) of Y=0Y=0 hypercharge and a singlet superfields (S^)(\hat{S}) in the corresponding superpotential. The model can be viewed, equivalently, as an extension of the NMSSM with the addition of a T^S^\hat{T}-\hat{S} interaction and of an extra coupling of the triplet to the two Higgs doublets of the NMSSM. In this scenario the Higgs particle spectrum at tree-level gets additional mass contributions from the triplet and singlet scalar components respect to the MSSM, which are particularly enhanced at low tanβ\tan{\beta}. We calculate the one-loop Higgs masses for the neutral physical Higgs bosons by a Coleman-Weinberg effective potential approach. In particular, we investigate separately the impact of the radiative corrections due to the electroweak, gauge-gaugino-higgsino, fermion-sfermion and Higgs self-interactions to the Higgs masses. Due to the larger number of scalars and of triplet and singlet couplings, the Higgs corrections can be larger than the strong corrections. This reduces the amount of fine-tuning required to fit the recent Higgs data. Using the expressions of the beta-functions of the model, we show that the large triplet singlet coupling remains perturbative up to 10810\sim10^{8-10} GeV. The model is also characterized by a light pseudoscalar in the spectrum, which is a linear combination of the triplet, doublet and singlet CP-odd components. We discuss the production and decay signatures of the Higgs bosons in this model, including scenarios with hidden Higgses, which could be investigated at the LHC in the current run.Comment: 39 pages, 37 figures, comments added for the published versio

    Higgs bosons: discovered and hidden, in extended Supersymmetric Standard Models at the LHC

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    We investigate an extension of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) containing a SU(2)SU(2) Higgs triplet of zero hypercharge and a gauge singlet. We focus on a scenario of this model which allows a light pseudoscalar and/or a scalar below 100100 GeV in the spectrum, consistent with the most recent data from the LHC and the earlier data from the LEP experiments. We analyze the exotic decay of the discovered Higgs (h125)(h_{125}) into two light (hidden) Higgs bosons present in the extension. The latter are allowed by the uncertainties in the Higgs decay h125WWh_{125}\to WW^*, h125ZZh_{125}\to ZZ^* and h125γγh_{125}\to \gamma\gamma. We have searched for such light Higgs bosons in the 2b+2τ2b+2\tau, 3τ\geq 3\tau, 2b+2μ2b+2\mu and 2τ+2μ2\tau+2\mu final states at the LHC with 13 and 14 TeV. A region of such parameter space can be explored with an integrated luminosity of 25 fb1^{-1} at the LHC.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, CORFUR2015. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1506.0363

    Sum rules and spectral density flow in QCD and in superconformal theories

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    We discuss the signature of the anomalous breaking of the superconformal symmetry in N=1\mathcal{N}=1 super Yang Mills theory and its manifestation in the form of anomaly poles. Moreover, we describe the massive deformations of the N=1\mathcal{N}=1 theory and the spectral densities of the corresponding anomaly form factors. These are characterized by spectral densities which flow with the mass deformation and turn the continuum contributions from the two-particle cuts of the intermediate states into poles, with a single sum rule satisfied by each component. The poles can be interpreted as signaling the exchange of a composite axion/dilaton/dilatino (ADD) multiplet in the effective Lagrangian. We conclude that global anomalous currents characterized by a single flow in the perturbative picture always predict the existence of composite interpolating fields.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1402.636

    Peer review for the evaluation of the academic research: the Italian experience

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    Peer review, that is the evaluation process based on judgments formulated by independent experts, is generally used for different goals: the allocation of research funding, the review of the research results submitted for publication in scientific journals, and the assessment of the quality of research conducted by Universities and university-related Institutes. The paper deals with the latter type of peer review. The aim is to understand how the characteristics of the Italian experience provide useful lessons for improving peer review effectiveness for evaluating the academic research. More specifically, the paper investigates the peer review process developed within the Three-Year Research Assessment Exercise (VTR) in Italy. Our analysis covers four disciplinary sectors: chemistry, biology, humanities and economics. Thus, the choice includes two “hard science” sectors, which have similar type of research output submitted for the three-year evaluation process, and two sectors with different types of output. The results provide evidences, which highlight the important role played by peer review for judging the quality of the academic research in different fields of science, and for comparing different institutions’ performance. Moreover, some basic features of the evaluation process are discussed, in order to understand their usefulness for reinforcing the effectiveness of the peers’ final outcome.Scientific research, Evaluation, Peer review, University, Academic institutions