159 research outputs found

    ReoloŔko ponaŔanje termoplastičnih poli(estar-siloksana)

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    Two series of thermoplastic elastomers (TPES), based on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) as the soft segment and poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT) as the hard segment, were analyzed by dynamic mechanical spectroscopy. In the first TPES series the lengths of both hard and soft segments were varied while the mass ratio of the hard to soft segments was nearly constant (about 60 mass%). In the second series, the mass ratio of hard and soft segments was varied in the range from 60/40 to 40/60, with a constant length of soft PDMS segments. The influence of the structure and composition of TPESs on the rheological properties, such as complex dynamic viscosity, Ī¼*, the storage, G', and loss, G', shear modulus as well as the microphase separation transition temperature, TMST, was examined. The obtained results showed that the storage modulus of the TPESs increased in a rubbery plateau region with increase in degree of crystallinity. The rheological measurements of TPESs also showed that a microphase reorganization occurred during the melting process. The microphase separation transition temperatures were in the range from 220 to 234Ā°C. In the isotropic molten state, the complex dynamic viscosity increased with increasing both the content and length of hard PBT segments.Dve serije termoplastičnih elastomera (TPES) na bazi poli(dimetilsiloksana) kao mekog segmenta i poli(butilentereftalata) kao tvrdog segmenta su analizirane dinamičko-mehaničkom spektroskopijom. U prvoj TPES seriji varirane su dužine tvrdih i mekih segmenata dok je njihov maseni odnos bio skoro konstantan (oko 60 mas%). U drugoj seriji, odnos tvrdih i mekih segmenata je variran u opsegu od 60/40 do 40/60, dok je dužina mekih PDMS segmenata bila konstantna. Ispitan je uticaj strukture i sastava TPES kopolimera na reoloÅ”ka svojstva, kao Å”to su kompleksni dinamički viskozitet, Ī¼*, moduli sačuvane, G', i izgubljene energije, G', i temperatura mikrofaznog razdvajanja, TMST. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da su uzorci sa većim stepenom kristaliničnosti imali i veće module sačuvane energije u gumolikom platou. ReoloÅ”ka merenja su takođe pokazala da svi TPES uzorci ispoljavaju mikrofaznu reorganizaciju u procesu topljenja. Temperature mikrofaznog razdvajanja su bile u opsegu od 220 do 234Ā°C. U izotropskom rastopu, kompleksni dinamički viskoziteti su rasli sa povećanjem sadržaja i dužine PBT segmenata

    Razvoj gradskog turizma u okvirima savremene urbanizacije i globalizacije

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    The urbanization and globalization phenomenon's are the most dynamic processes of the modern world. As inevitable, pervasive and irreversible processes, they have a broad and important impact on every day's life of societies. Subsequently, the effects of urbanization and globalization on the transformation of existing and the emergence of new touristic objectives in cities have become the topic of scientific debates in recent period. Given that the issue of urban tourism has become relevant during the last three decades, the impact of these processes on the transformation of existing and the emergence of new tourist objectives in urban areas is an unavoidable field of scientific interest. The crucial differences between tourist cities in highly developed and developing countries, as well as between large cities and small towns, further complicate the perception of the complex impacts of urbanization and globalization processes on the phenomenon of urban tourism. These specifics are the main aspects of the development of urban tourism that will be discussed in this paper.Fenomeni urbanizacije i globalizacije su najdinamičnije crte savremene civilizacije. Kao takvi predstavljaju neizbežne, sveprožimajuće i irevirzibilne procese modernizacije čije se posledice odražavaju u svim sferama druÅ”tvenog života. Sa obzirom na to da je problematika gradskog turizma aktuelizovana tokom poslednje tri decenije, uticaj navedenih procesa na preobražaj postojećih i nastanak novih turističkih obrazaca u urbanim sredinama predstavlja nezaobilazno polje naučnog interesovanja. Postojanje suÅ”tinskih razlika između turističkih gradova u visokorazvijenim i zemljama u razvoju, kao i na relaciji veliki - Mali turistički gradovi, dodatno usložnjava sagledavanje kompleksnih uticaja urbanizacionih i globalizacionih procesa na fenomen gradskog turizma. Navedene specifičnosti predstavljaju glavne aspekte sagledavanja razvoja gradskog turizma koji će biti obuhvaćeni ovim radom

    Discourse and society: an analysis focused on the moment in discourse

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    Osnovna ideja ovoga rada bila je prikazati način na koji se prvotni diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji u Hrvatskoj konstruirao te kakav je utjecaj unutar diskursa i na Å”ire druÅ”tvene prakse ostvarila Izjava Znanstvenog vijeća za obrazovanje i Å”kolstvo Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji konstruiran je unutar populističkog okvira, u smislu pozivanja na narod i volju naroda, konstruiranja sukoba između političkih elita i naroda te odbacivanja ekspertnog znanja. U srediÅ”tu ima ideoloÅ”ku i vrijednosnu osnovu, izraženu kroz rodnu ideologiju i rekontekstualiziranu unutar diskursa različitih druÅ”tvenih polja, institucija i organizacija. Ta rekontekstualizacija ukazuje na pomicanje diskurzivnih granica između različitih druÅ”tvenih polja ā€“ politike, medija, civilnog druÅ”tva, akademske zajednice i Crkve ā€“ na zajedničkoj osnovi odbacivanja dominantnog liberalnog diskursa. Izjava unosi novi moment u diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji ā€“ u isto vrijeme rekontekstualizira postojeći populistički i konzervativni diskurs, ali i pomiče diskurzivne granice dublje u područja znanosti i obrazovanja. DruÅ”tvene i političke prakse poput političkog odlučivanja unutar međunarodnih i nadnacionalnih organizacija ili zajednica, razočaranja u liberalne vrijednosti ili nemogućnosti povezivanja s njima pokazale su se konstitutivnima u odnosu na diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji, ali se ujedno i diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji pokazao kao konstitutivan za Å”ire druÅ”tvene prakse u smislu daljnjeg jačanja konzervativne koalicije, mobilizacijskog učinka za prosvjedne ili referendumske inicijative, ali i za formalno-pravni okvir države, budući da je rodna ideologija službeno prepoznata i integrirana u zakonodavstvo.This study examined the construction of the discourse on gender ideology in Croatia and the impact that the Statement of the Scientific Council for Education and School System of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts had within the discourse and on the broader social practices. The discourse on gender ideology has been constructed within the populist framework in terms of invocation of the general will of the people, constructing conflicts between political elites and people, and rejecting expert knowledge. The discourse has an ideological and value basis, expressed through gender ideology and re-contextualized within the discourses of various social fields, institutions, and organizations. This recontextualization indicates the shifting of discursive boundaries between different social fields ā€“ politics, media, civil society, the academic community, and the Catholic Church ā€“ on the common ground of rejecting the dominant liberal discourse. The Statement introduces a new momentum in the discourse on gender ideology, at the same time re-contextualizing the existing populist and conservative discourse and moving the discursive boundaries further into the fields of science and education. Social and political practices such as the political decision-making within international and supranational organizations or communities, the disappointment in liberal values or inability to associate with them, have proved constitutive for the discourse on gender ideology, and at the same time, the discourse on gender ideology has been constitutive for broader social practices in the sense of further strengthening the conservative coalition, in the mobilization effect for protest or referendum initiatives, but also for the formal legal framework of the State, as gender ideology is recognized and integrated into the legislation

    Discourse and society: an analysis focused on the moment in discourse

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    Osnovna ideja ovoga rada bila je prikazati način na koji se prvotni diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji u Hrvatskoj konstruirao te kakav je utjecaj unutar diskursa i na Å”ire druÅ”tvene prakse ostvarila Izjava Znanstvenog vijeća za obrazovanje i Å”kolstvo Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji konstruiran je unutar populističkog okvira, u smislu pozivanja na narod i volju naroda, konstruiranja sukoba između političkih elita i naroda te odbacivanja ekspertnog znanja. U srediÅ”tu ima ideoloÅ”ku i vrijednosnu osnovu, izraženu kroz rodnu ideologiju i rekontekstualiziranu unutar diskursa različitih druÅ”tvenih polja, institucija i organizacija. Ta rekontekstualizacija ukazuje na pomicanje diskurzivnih granica između različitih druÅ”tvenih polja ā€“ politike, medija, civilnog druÅ”tva, akademske zajednice i Crkve ā€“ na zajedničkoj osnovi odbacivanja dominantnog liberalnog diskursa. Izjava unosi novi moment u diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji ā€“ u isto vrijeme rekontekstualizira postojeći populistički i konzervativni diskurs, ali i pomiče diskurzivne granice dublje u područja znanosti i obrazovanja. DruÅ”tvene i političke prakse poput političkog odlučivanja unutar međunarodnih i nadnacionalnih organizacija ili zajednica, razočaranja u liberalne vrijednosti ili nemogućnosti povezivanja s njima pokazale su se konstitutivnima u odnosu na diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji, ali se ujedno i diskurs o rodnoj ideologiji pokazao kao konstitutivan za Å”ire druÅ”tvene prakse u smislu daljnjeg jačanja konzervativne koalicije, mobilizacijskog učinka za prosvjedne ili referendumske inicijative, ali i za formalno-pravni okvir države, budući da je rodna ideologija službeno prepoznata i integrirana u zakonodavstvo.This study examined the construction of the discourse on gender ideology in Croatia and the impact that the Statement of the Scientific Council for Education and School System of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts had within the discourse and on the broader social practices. The discourse on gender ideology has been constructed within the populist framework in terms of invocation of the general will of the people, constructing conflicts between political elites and people, and rejecting expert knowledge. The discourse has an ideological and value basis, expressed through gender ideology and re-contextualized within the discourses of various social fields, institutions, and organizations. This recontextualization indicates the shifting of discursive boundaries between different social fields ā€“ politics, media, civil society, the academic community, and the Catholic Church ā€“ on the common ground of rejecting the dominant liberal discourse. The Statement introduces a new momentum in the discourse on gender ideology, at the same time re-contextualizing the existing populist and conservative discourse and moving the discursive boundaries further into the fields of science and education. Social and political practices such as the political decision-making within international and supranational organizations or communities, the disappointment in liberal values or inability to associate with them, have proved constitutive for the discourse on gender ideology, and at the same time, the discourse on gender ideology has been constitutive for broader social practices in the sense of further strengthening the conservative coalition, in the mobilization effect for protest or referendum initiatives, but also for the formal legal framework of the State, as gender ideology is recognized and integrated into the legislation

    Adriana Zaharijević: Judith Butler and Politics

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    Sex Workersā€™ Professional Experiences in the Interplay of Structure and Agency in Croatia

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    There are still relatively few studies on job satisfaction and the quality of work ā€Žamong sex workers, partly due to the ideologies surrounding sex work. In this ā€Žpaper we move away from dichotomous thinking and investigate the professional experiences of indoor independent sex workers in Croatia against the ā€Žbackground of criminalised context and gendered socio-economic realities. ā€ŽWe look into sex workersā€™ motivations, perceptions and experiences, their ā€Žcontrol and safety strategies.ā€Ž The study shows that despite many structural constraints on the sex workersā€™ agency, all participants exercise some degree of autonomy and control ā€Žover their working lives. The factors that seem to be the most relevant in terms ā€Žof their ability to set up their own conditions, which in turn influences their experiences, are their economic situation, motivation and self-perception. Negative experiences mostly stem from criminalisation and stigmatisation of sex ā€Žwork, which affects women primarily, and creates more risks to their health ā€Žand safety. The results of the study call for integrative policy approaches, ā€Žwhich presuppose full decriminalisation of adult voluntary sex work

    Paranasal sinus osteoma: is there any association with anatomical variations?

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    Background: Developmental disturbances of the paranasal sinuses are proposed as the cause of osteoma. We examined whether such disturbances may result in the frequent presence of anatomical variations of the paranasal sinuses in patients with osteoma. Methodology/Principal: The study was performed retrospectively on 2,820 patients subjected to CT examination during 2005 - 2011. Demographic and CT characteristics of osteoma, and associated pathological findings were evaluated for 104 patients with diagnosed osteoma. The presence of anatomical variations was assessed for 51 osteoma patients with a complete medical history, and for 1,233 patients from a control group. Results: The prevalence of osteomas was found to be 3.69%, with male to female ratio 1.08:1. The frontal sinus was most commonly affected, The presence of anatomical variations was more frequent in patients with osteoma than in controls, with significant differences confirmed for the sphenomaxillary plate, infraorbital cell, and crista galli pneumatization. Conclusions: The paranasal sinus osteoma is associated with higher prevalence of anatomical variations, This can be explained either by the stronger influence of genetic and/or environmental factors on the development of the paranasal sinuses in patients with osteoma, or by their higher susceptibility to abovementioned factors
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