88 research outputs found


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    Koncept kontratransfera je mjesto konsenzusa i konvergencije različitih psihoanalitičkih škola i pravaca (Gabbard 1995.) Foulkes je knjigom „Introduction to Group Analitic Psychotherapy“ (1948.) utemeljio grupnu analizu, povezao socijalne znanosti i psihoanalizu naglašavajući odnose, kontakt, uzajamnost i pripadnost grupi. Njegovi osnovni teorijski postulati anticipiraju temeljna načela intersubjektivne paradigme u psihonalizi koja se kristalizirala 30 godina kasnije.(13) Pokušaj da shvatim svoje osjećaje predstavlja za mene igru i izazov u razvoju osobnog i profesionalnog identiteta. U psihoterapijskoj grupi koju sam prikazao doživljavao sam intezivne i zbunjujuće osjećaje a potreba da razumijem što se događa u meni i u grupi rezultirali su ovim radom. Prikazao sam evoluciju koncepta kontratransfera u individualnom i u grupnom settingu, te intersubjektivni pristup u grupnoj analizi, što mi je pomoglo u osvještavanju i metaboliziranju kontratransfernih osjećaja u grupi, te razumijevanju sebe, pacijenata i dinamike u grupi.The concept of countertransference is a point of consensus and convergence of different psychoanalytic schools and courses (Gabbard, 1995). With the book “Introduction to Group Analytic Psychotherapy” (1948), Foulkes introduced group analysis, thus linking social science and psychoanalysis, highlighting relationships, contacts, reciprocity and belonging to the group. His basic theoretical postulates anticipated the underlying principles of the intersubjective paradigm in psychoanalysis that became crystallised 30 years later. The attempt to understand my feelings represents for me a game and a challenge in the development of personal and professional identity. In the psychotherapeutic group I held, I have experienced intriguing and confusing feelings, and the need to understand what is happening within myself and in the group has resulted in this paper. I will present the evolution of the concept of countertransference in individual and group settings as well as the intersubjective approach in group analysis. The aforementioned theoretical concepts have assisted me in becoming aware and metabolising countertransference feelings in the group, as well as in understanding myself, my patients and the overall group dynamics


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    The aim of this paper is to present Decision Support Concept (DSC) for management of construction projects. Focus of our research is in application of multicritera methods (MCM) to decision making in planning phase of construction projects (related to the problem of construction sites selection). The problem is identified as a significant one from many different aspects such as economic aspect, civil engineering aspect, etc. what indicates the necessity for evaluation of multiple sites by several different criteria. Therefore, DSC for construction site selection based on PROMETHEE method is designed. In order to define the appropriate criteria, their weights and preference functions for the concept, three groups of stakeholders are involved (investors, construction experts and experts for real estate market) in its design. AHP method has been used for determination of criteria weights. The model has been tested on the problem of site selection for construction of residential-commercial building in four largest cities in Croatia

    How does education influence entrepreneurship orientation? Case study of Croatia

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    The main focus of this paper is the entrepreneurial orientation, i.e. the future career plans of undergraduate and graduate students at the Faculty of Economics, University of Split. The research is based on empirical data, collected by a student survey. We explore students\u27 entrepreneurial orientation, i.e. their intention to establish their own businesses. The emphasis is placed on the impact of the educational system, in terms of its role of providing knowledge and tools, required for implementing an entrepreneurial idea in practice. Furthermore, we explore the difference in entrepreneurial capabilities between students, enrolled into courses, such as Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Workshop, etc., versus those who were not enrolled into such courses. Empirical data on students’ behaviors is also collected, in terms of their willingness to use additional opportunities, such as scholarships, grants and international work experience, which provides additional evidence of students’ plans for entrepreneurship after finishing their studies. Based on those findings, relevant recommendations are being issued. The main research limitation is related to the fact that research is conducted at a single institution of higher education in Croatia

    How does education influence entrepreneurship orientation? Case study of Croatia

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    The main focus of this paper is the entrepreneurial orientation, i.e. the future career plans of undergraduate and graduate students at the Faculty of Economics, University of Split. The research is based on empirical data, collected by a student survey. We explore students\u27 entrepreneurial orientation, i.e. their intention to establish their own businesses. The emphasis is placed on the impact of the educational system, in terms of its role of providing knowledge and tools, required for implementing an entrepreneurial idea in practice. Furthermore, we explore the difference in entrepreneurial capabilities between students, enrolled into courses, such as Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Workshop, etc., versus those who were not enrolled into such courses. Empirical data on students’ behaviors is also collected, in terms of their willingness to use additional opportunities, such as scholarships, grants and international work experience, which provides additional evidence of students’ plans for entrepreneurship after finishing their studies. Based on those findings, relevant recommendations are being issued. The main research limitation is related to the fact that research is conducted at a single institution of higher education in Croatia

    Pristup rehabilitacijskim uslugama za kasnije oslijepjele odrasle osobe

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    Rehabilitation services improve the quality of life of people with visual impairment. Therefore, urgent and prompt rehabilitation intervention is important in helping adults adapt to vision loss faster, especially those with late-onset visual impairment. The goal of this research is to determine differences in the access to rehabilitation services after vision loss (occurrence of a moderate or severe visual impairment, including blindness) between groups differing in the gradualness of vision loss, age when vision loss occurred and gender. Differences in the gradualness of vision loss between groups with respect to access to rehabilitation services were also explored. Information on adults with late-onset visual impairment who were active users of rehabilitation services from 2011 to 2016 was gathered (N= 42, 18F, 24M) from secondary data sources at the Centre for Education and Training "Vinko Bek" in Zagreb, Croatia. The results demonstrated statistically significant differences in access to rehabilitation services between groups who gradually lost their vision within 15 years from the initial symptoms and those who lost it over a period longer than 15 years, between groups whose vision loss occurred before and after 20 years of age, but not between men and women. Gradualness of vision loss differed between groups accessing rehabilitation services up to 10 years and more than 10 years. These results indicate that critical groups of people with visual impairment are not receiving prompt rehabilitation services that could prevent lowered quality of life. As the prevalence of visual impairment with age increases, so does the issue of quality of life for people with late-onset visual impairment. Further research is necessary in determining factors related to rehabilitation service access for adults with late-onset visual impairment.Pravovremena intervencija nakon gubitka vida ključna je za prilagodbu na nastalo oštećenje vida i kvalitetu života slijepih osoba. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoje li razlike u pristupu rehabilitacijskim uslugama nakon gubitka vida prema dobi kod koje je nastao gubitak vida, duljini trajanja postepenog gubitka vida te spolu. Sudionici istraživanja bile su kasnije oslijepjele odrasle osobe (N =42, 18 žena, 24 muškarca) uključene u rehabilitacijske programe između 2011. i 2016. godine na Odjelu za psihosocijalnu rehabilitaciju kasnije oslijepjelih odraslih osoba Centra za odgoj i obrazovanje ˝Vinko Bek˝, iz čijih su sekundarnih izvora podataka prikupljeni podaci za ovo istraživanje. Rezultati pokazuju da je pristup rehabilitacijskim uslugama raniji kod osoba koje su postepeno, kroz period kraći od 15 godina, gubile vid u odnosu na one kod kojih je postepeni gubitak vida trajao duže od 15 godina. Pristup je također raniji kod osoba koje su izgubile vid prije 20-e godine života u odnosu na one koji su ga izgubile nakon te dobi. Trajanje postepenog gubitka vida kraće je kod osoba koje su do 10 godina nakon gubitka vida pristupile rehabilitacijskim uslugama, u odnosu na one koje su pristupile rehabilitacijskim uslugama 10 i više godina nakon gubitka vida. Muškarci i žene ne razlikuju se u pristupu rehabilitacijskim uslugama. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na kritičnu skupinu kasnije oslijepjelih osoba koja ne dobiva pravovremeno rehabilitacijske usluge, a to su oni koji su izgubili vid nakon 20-te godine života i oni kod kojih je nastanak oštećenja bio manje postepen. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kojima bi se utvrdili čimbenici povezani s pristupom rehabilitacijskim uslugama, a time i s kvalitetom života kasnije oslijepjelih odraslih osoba

    Possibilities of Applying ICT to Improve Safe Movement of Blind and Visually Impaired Persons

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    Today’s level of the development of information and communication technologies enables the implementation of assistive technologies that can contribute to improved mobility of the persons with impaired vision (users that move along the traffic network). The user in this research has the role of a pedestrian moving along the traffic network, using information and communication technology (ICT) solutions and services for the purpose of information about the surrounding and navigation. In order to achieve greater information and safe movement of the user in the environment, one has to identify and define the relevant parameters necessary to define the user’s requirements, as the basic precondition for the design of new information and communication services. The analysis of the most used application solutions for mobile terminal devices showed the failure in providing precise information to the user, designing of functionality, structure of information and education of the users about the new solutions and services. The downsides of the current applications have served as the basis in defining the recommendations for the development of future applications, with the aim of increasing the user safety. Proper structure of information allows the user a faster and easier search of relevant information and information methods while moving along the traffic network elements. Therefore, the recommendations in designing future solutions and services based on possible technologies of short coverage area (RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, WiFi, RTLS) have been defined. These technologies allow communication connectivity of the users, other traffic entities and the entire traffic surrounding into a unique whole by using the principle of Internet of Things (IoT)

    Likovni umjetnički doživljaj slijepe osobe

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    In the art educational process, we have met a blind student. That encouraged us to try to investigate how a blind person experiences a pictorial work of art. The framework of the research covered an examination of experiencing a pictorial work of art (its duration, intensity and individual art expression) for a congenitally blind person by applying an educational approach that was designed to enhance her experience of art work. The subject, the only blind student in the regular third grade gymnasium curriculum of visual art, participated in the research. The measuring tool consisted of five selected and adapted paintings of V. van Gogh, and changes in the time needed for tactile art experience were measured as well as art expression and tactile self assessment, in which the subject determined the intensity of experiencing the selected art work during multiple experiencing. The analysis of quantitative changes was carried out using the statistical method of individual differences. The results of the research have shown that the application of the abovementioned approach influenced the time of experience and art expression of the experienced work of art for the subject. The significance of previous experience was confirmed, based on knowing and recognising the content of the adapted tactile picture. Therefore, after multiple experiences, the time needed for the perception and art expression of experienced content became shorter. However, at the same time, the intensity of the selected works of art remained mainly unchanged. The remarkable intrinsic motivation of the subject was noticeable, leading to positive transfer towards the art educator. That certainly had a positive impact on the experience of pictorial works of art.U nastavi likovne umjetnosti susreli smo se sa slijepom učenicom. To nas je potaklo da pokušamo istražiti kako slijepa osoba doživljava slikarsko djelo. Okosnica istraživanja obuhvaćala je ispitivanje doživljaja slikarskog djela (njegovo trajanje, intenzitet i osobnu likovnu ekspresiju) kod osobe slijepe od rođenja primjenom osmišljenog edukativnog pristupa koji joj je trebao pomoći da unaprijedi svoj doživljaj likovnog djela. U istraživanju je sudjelovala jedna ispitanica, učenica koja je jedina bila uključena u redovni nastavni program likovne umjetnosti u trećem razredu gimnazije. Mjerni instrument sastojao se od pet odabranih i prilagođenih slika Vincenta van Gogha, mjerenja promjena u vremenu potrebnom za taktilni doživljaj likovnog djela kao i njegovu likovnu ekspresiju te taktilne samoprocjene kojom je ispitanica određivala intenzitet doživljaja pojedinog likovnog djela pri višestrukom doživljavanju. Analiza kvantitativnih promjena provedena je primjenom statističke metode Individualne Diferencije (INDIF). Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su da je primjena navedenog pristupa utjecala na vrijeme doživljavanja i likovnog izražavanja doživljenog likovnog djela kod ispitanice. Potvrđen je značaj prethodnog iskustva, utemeljenog na poznavanju i prepoznavanju sadržaja prilagođene taktilne slike. Zbog toga se vrijeme potrebno za percipiranje i likovno izražavanje doživljenog smanjilo, nakon višestrukog doživljavanja. Pri tome je intenzitet doživljaja odabranih likovnih djela uglavnom ostao nepromijenjen. Zamjetna je i velika intrinzična motivacija ispitanice te pozitivan transfer prema likovnom edukatoru, što je zasigurno imalo pozitivan utjecaj na doživljavanje slikarskih djela