1 research outputs found

    Biobankowanie ludzkiego materiału biologicznego dla celów naukowych w Polsce i w Europie

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    Biobanks are one of the 10 Ideas Changing the World Right now – according to Time Magazine (2009). Samples and data deposition have become an increasing. trend in the world. Europe has invested a lot of money into infrastructures responsible for collection and storage of human biological samples. Poland, a country with a population of over 38.5 million people has just started investing funds into this powerful and indispensable tool for scientific research. Consortium of Polish Biobanks named as BBMRI.pl consisting of seven well-established biobanks developed a project for the Creation of the Polish Biobanking Network in order to organise our infrastructures according to world-recognized standards. The main tasks include: creation of Consortium of Polish Biobanks, development of IT solutions coherent with pan European needs, development of quality assurance tools, establishment of the Biobanking National Node, development of quality control programme and analysis of Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of research using human samples. Results of this project will increase Poland’s position in the international research arena of biomedicine, make our biorepositories open for international collaboration and in the future will contribute to the development of personalized medicine