7 research outputs found

    Pharmacotherapy of hyperthyroidism in cats (ro.)

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    Currently, the feline hyperthyroidism possesses three types of treatment that includes medication, surgery and radioactive therapie. The success of these therapies consists in obtaining favorable results, by inhibiting thyroid hormone secretion, reducing clinical signs, improving the live's quality and by absence of side effects of administered medication. One of these three therapies that fulfill these conditions and considered ideal for clinicians is the radiation therapy. Choosing this therapy depends not only on the availability of radioiodine licensed clinics or the presence of a skilled surgeon but also on the patient's clinical condition, especially when a cardiovascular or renal disease is present in this review paper

    Feline hyperthyroidism associated with chronic renal disease and diabetes mellitus after treatment with methimazole – A case study

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    The association between hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney disease is often seen in geriatric cats making the therapeutic protocol of hyperthyroidism more difficult. A reversible therapy with methimazole like drugs is recommended when assessing the gravity of renal failure or other affection influenced by thyroid hormones. Chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus are common conditions knowns as coexisting affections in older cats that may be caused or cause hyperthyroidism. This case follows the evolution of a hyperthyroid cat whose therapeutic protocol undergoes repeated changes due to the presence of co-existing affections

    The thyroid and the thyroid hormones (in Romanian)

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    The thyroid gland is located in the cervical fascia were it is divided in two lateral lobes, right and left, disposed on both sides of the trachea, and unlike other vertebrates, the cat does not have an isthmus that connects the two lobes. The main products of secretion of the thyroid gland are represented by thyroxine [T4] and 3,5,3 'triiodothyronine [T3]. To these are added other hormones resulted from the deiodination of the principle hormones. This process is catalized by the D1, D2 and D3 deiodinase resulting 3,3,5' triiodothyronine [rT3], 3,5-T2, 3,3’-T2 or 3’,5’-T2 which by further deiodination will form 3-3'-T1 and T1. To reach this deiodination must be followed certain steps in the hormon synthesis transport path, and it is important the present of the carrier protein. Once inside the tissue, the concentration of each hormone will vary depending on the binding site and the metabolic processes that will be followed

    Substances that disrupt thyroid hormone biosynthesis (in Romanian)

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    Endocrine disrupters are natural or synthetic chemical substances that have the possibility to alter the endocrine functions leading to serious metabolic changes especially in newborns. The accumulation and persistence over long periods of time became a priority in terms of health and environment. The mechanism of action is represented by blocking, mimicking or modifying the effects of thyroid hormones. In this review, the main purpose was to determine what effects have the endocrine disruptors on the thyroid gland, especially on the thyroid hormone biosynthesis and setting the stage involved by it. We focused on the action of perchlorates, phthalates, BPC, PDPEs, soy, isoflavones, nitrates, thiocyanates, bisphenol A and triclorsan and came to the conclusion that their intervention can result in either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism

    Earthworms as biomarkers for detecting soil pollution around swine farms in Timiș County

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    By using several samples collected from different farms distances it can be determined the degree of farms pollution and their effects on ecosystems. In order to avoid any error the soil samples were tested in comparison with a control soil sample, used as a reference, considered animal waste pollution free. The registration of survival rate for each testing recipient and for each soil along five repeats was a critical control point of testing. The 11 identified soil types were tested in comparison with a clean reference soil, by using 275 test earthworms and 55 control earthworms. According to normality Kolmogorov- Smirnov test the mortality was analyzed and results were significant (p=0.046)

    Ghid de diagnostic în hipertiroidismul felin

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    inând cont de etiologia multifactorială a acestei endocrinopatii, confirmarea diagnosticului de hipertiroidism a întâmpinat numeroase dificultăti de-alungul anilor nu numai datorită necesitătii unor cunostiinte medicale cât si a lipsei posibilitătii de a realizare diferite examene de laborator mai mult sau mai putin accesibile. Astfel că în prezent metodele cele mai frecvent utilizate si accesibile sunt dozarea hormonilor tiroidieni totali sau liberi, testul de supresie cu triiodtironină, iar una dintre metodele ce necesită aparatură specială însă nu este accesibilă܈i în tara noastră este scintigrafi