6 research outputs found

    Il tractatus De Regulis Juris di Anacleto Reiffenstuel: spunti critici per una traduzione ragionata

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    This paper focuses on the translation of the Tractatus de regulis iuris by A. Reiffenstuel (Ingolstadt edition, 1733 AD), prior a thorough and literal transcription - and subsequent bibliographic and critical research. The treatise tackles and interprets, under a critical and analytic perspective, the regulae juris of the Corpus Juris Canonici, i.e. the 11 regulae in Liber V and the 88 regulae in Liber VI. The peculiarity of the regulae iuris lies in their character of generality and abstraction: they are rules conceived to control an undefined and general combination of juridical circumstances. This is what basically differentiates the Regulae Iuris from the other rules included in the Digestum and in the Corpus Iuris Canonici, which – on the contrary – are meant to solve specific practical issues. This research is not meant to simply achieve a philological reconstruction of the treatise; as a matter of fact the aim is to exploit the translation in order to point out and offer the modern critic the diverse law perspective, the law rules and the juridical institutes used by the author (Reiffenstuel) in his process of analyzing and interpreting the various regulae juris. An approach to Reiffenstuel’s treatise also involves an analysis of the problems, both old and new, related to the very epistemological character of canon law. The treatise actually embodies the typical juridical perspective of thomistic philosophy. The law is presented as something concrete, as the object of a cardinal virtue, Justice, as opposed to the modern juridical perspective which tends to identify the law either in an objective sense or in a subjective sense as facultas agendi. The law’s objectivity requirements are the instruments necessary to the fulfillment of the virtue of Justice, throughout its expressions: distributive justice and commutative justice. Therefore first comes the right (ius) and subsequently the regulae can be obtained, being characterized by generality and abstraction, and representing the effort striving to honor the virtue of Justice

    Increasing Dietary Energy with Starch and Soluble Fibre and Reducing ADF at Different Protein Levels for Growing Rabbits

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    The effect of increasing dietary energy by increasing both starch (14% to 20%) and soluble fibre (9.6% to 11.6%) and decreasing ADF content (21% to 13%) at two crude protein levels (14% and 15%) was assessed on health, growth performance, caecal fermentative activity, gut mucosa traits, and carcass and meat quality of growing rabbits reared from 34 to 76 days of age. At weaning, 306 rabbits were divided into six groups and fed ad libitum six diets formulated according to a bi-factorial arrangement with 3 (starch+soluble fibre)/ADF ratio (L=1.2; M=1.8; H=2.8) x 2 protein levels. The contemporary increase of dietary starch and soluble fibre and the reduction of ADF linearly increased the digestibility of dry matter, energy and all nutrients, decreased feed intake and improved feed conversion (3.65 to 2.76 in rabbits fed diets L and H; P<0.001); it increased morbidity (P=0.09) but did not affect mortality due to epizootic rabbit enteropathy; at caecum, VFA production raised (52.1 to 61.9 mmol/L) and pH (5.90 to 5.67) and N ammonia lowered (4.85 to 1.93 mmol/L); the villi/crypts ratio (4.42 vs. 3.81 and 3.95 in rabbits fed diets L, M and H) decreased in a non linear mode. The decrease of the protein level did not affect growth performance, but nearly halved mortality (28.9% vs. 16.3%; P=0.01) and increased caecal pH (5.70 to 5.87; P=0.05). Weak effects of the dietary treatments were measured on carcass traits and meat quality

    Il tractatus De Regulis Juris di Anacleto Reiffenstuel: spunti critici per una traduzione ragionata

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    This paper focuses on the translation of the Tractatus de regulis iuris by A. Reiffenstuel (Ingolstadt edition, 1733 AD), prior a thorough and literal transcription - and subsequent bibliographic and critical research. The treatise tackles and interprets, under a critical and analytic perspective, the regulae juris of the Corpus Juris Canonici, i.e. the 11 regulae in Liber V and the 88 regulae in Liber VI. The peculiarity of the regulae iuris lies in their character of generality and abstraction: they are rules conceived to control an undefined and general combination of juridical circumstances. This is what basically differentiates the Regulae Iuris from the other rules included in the Digestum and in the Corpus Iuris Canonici, which – on the contrary – are meant to solve specific practical issues. This research is not meant to simply achieve a philological reconstruction of the treatise; as a matter of fact the aim is to exploit the translation in order to point out and offer the modern critic the diverse law perspective, the law rules and the juridical institutes used by the author (Reiffenstuel) in his process of analyzing and interpreting the various regulae juris. An approach to Reiffenstuel’s treatise also involves an analysis of the problems, both old and new, related to the very epistemological character of canon law. The treatise actually embodies the typical juridical perspective of thomistic philosophy. The law is presented as something concrete, as the object of a cardinal virtue, Justice, as opposed to the modern juridical perspective which tends to identify the law either in an objective sense or in a subjective sense as facultas agendi. The law’s objectivity requirements are the instruments necessary to the fulfillment of the virtue of Justice, throughout its expressions: distributive justice and commutative justice. Therefore first comes the right (ius) and subsequently the regulae can be obtained, being characterized by generality and abstraction, and representing the effort striving to honor the virtue of Justice.Questa tesi è incentrata sulla traduzione, previa integrale e fedele trascrizione, e successiva ricerca bibliografica e critica, del Tractatus de regulis juris di A. Reiffenstuel (nell’edizione di Ingolstadt del 1733). Il trattato prende in considerazione e commenta, con taglio analitico e critico, le regulae juris presenti del Corpus Juris Canonici, ossia le 11 del Liber V e le 88 del Liber VI. La particolarità del genere normativo delle regulae iuris risiede nel loro carattere di norme generali ed astratte, destinate a disciplinare un numero indefinito e generale di fattispecie giuridiche, con ciò differenziandosi delle altre norme, sia del Digesto, sia del Corpus Iuris Canonici, dettate e create per risolvere specifici casi concreti. Il presente lavoro di ricerca non intende concretizzare una mera opera di ricostruzione filologica; attraverso il lavoro di traduzione, infatti, si intende porre in evidenza e offrire alla critica moderna i diversi aspetti di diritto, i testi normativi e gli istituti giuridici di cui si è servito l’autore (Reiffenstuel) nell’affrontare e commentare le diverse regulae juris. Accostarsi all'opera di Reiffenstuel significa anche interrogarsi sulla problematica, antica e nuova, dello statuto epistemologico proprio del diritto canonico; il trattato, infatti, è portatore della tipica visione tomistica del diritto. Il diritto si presenta come qualcosa di concreto, come l’oggetto di una virtù cardinale, la Giustizia; non come diritto in senso oggettivo né come facultas agendi in senso soggettivo, tipiche della visione moderna. I suoi requisiti di oggettività sono strumentali al fine dell'inveramento, nel caso concreto, della virtù di Giustizia attraverso le sue manifestazioni: giustizia distributiva e giustizia commutativa. Prima c’è dunque lo ius e poi da questo si ricavano le regulae, caratterizzate da generalità e astrattezza e costituenti attestazione dello sforzo concreto diretto ad onorare la virtù di Giustizia

    Use of Gnawing Hay Blocks: Effects on Productive Performance, Behavior and Reactivity of Growing Rabbits Kept in Parks with Different Sex-Group Compositions

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    To improve animal welfare in collective park housing systems, this study assessed the effects of the provision of gnawing hay blocks and the group composition (F: females, M: males, FM: mixed sex) on performance, behavior, and reactivity of 288 growing rabbits reared in 18 parks (16 rabbits/park) from 31 to 73 days of age. The presence of gnawing blocks inside the feeding area of the parks scarcely affected performance and budget time, but decreased the time spent in the resting area compared to parks without blocks (p &lt; 0.001); it increased the time spent moving during the open field test (p &lt; 0.05) and the rate of rabbits that approached the object in the novel-object test (p &lt; 0.05). As for sex-group composition, the feed conversion ratio was lower in parks F and FM than in park M (p &lt; 0.05). During the open-field test, FM rabbits spent more time moving (p &lt; 0.05), whereas M rabbits displayed self-grooming for a longer time (p &lt; 0.01). Results related to production, behavior, and reactivity indicate the provision of gnawing blocks for welfare improvement, but do not support the change from current mixed-sex to single-sex rearing

    Growth Performance, Digestive Efficiency, and Meat Quality of Two Commercial Crossbred Rabbits Fed Diets Differing in Energy and Protein Levels

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    The present study evaluated the effect of digestible energy (DE) and crude protein (CP) levels on growth, digestive efficiency, slaughter yield and meat quality in growing rabbits of two genotypes (Grimaud, G vs. Hyla, H). A total of 384 crossbred rabbits (192 G and 192 H), half males and half females, were divided into eight experimental groups according to a bi-factorial arrangement (2 genotypes &times; 4 diets; 48 animals/group) and reared in individual cages. From 33 to 64 days of age, rabbits were fed four diets obtained by combining two DE levels (high, HE&mdash;10.9 MJ/kg vs. low, LE&mdash;9.2 MJ/kg, on average) and two CP levels (high, HP&mdash;159 g/kg vs. low, LP&mdash;144 g/kg, on average). Then, all rabbits received the same fattening diet (10.7 MJ DE/kg; 156 g CP/kg) until slaughtering (77 days of age). Growth performance did not differ between genotypes for the entire trial (on average final live weight 3010 g; daily weight gain 50.5 g/d), but H rabbits showed a faster growth during the post-weaning period (p &le; 0.01) compared to G rabbits, while exhibiting lower slaughter yield and lower carcass fatness (p &le; 0.01). As DE level increased, feed intake decreased and feed conversion improved (p &lt; 0.001), while caecal volatile fatty acid concentration increased and caecal pH and N-ammonia decreased (p &le; 0.01). The reduction in the CP level did not affect performance and carcass traits. No significant interaction was detected between genotype and diet. In conclusion, G rabbits may have an advantage over H rabbits because of the higher slaughter yield. As for the nutritional characteristics of diets for high-producing crossbred rabbits, high energy levels are confirmed to enhance feed efficiency, whereas dietary CP can be reduced to 144 g/kg without negative effects on performance and carcass traits