155 research outputs found

    Expert perspective on health and safety determinants in wineries.

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    https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/2067BACKGROUND: The scientific literature contextualizes health and safety (H&S) in two major models, the first is based on a holistic perspective with H&S processes in all company departments, and the second approaches health and safety management from a more operational perspective. In this study, we examine the issue of health and safety in wineries. In 2017, a census showed that wineries account for 14% of the food and beverage industry in Spain. They provide direct employment for 24,051 people and involve complex winemaking processes that can cause accidents or occupational diseases. Wineries are part of the industrial sector, which, with 5,264 lost-time accidents per 100,000 workers in 2017, ranks second in the number of occupational accidents in Spain. This shows the need to determine the changes needed to improve health and safety in wineries. METHODS: In this study, we identify H&S determinants in wineries using Delphi methodology with a panel of 11 experts. CONCLUSION: The experts gave high scores to the “activities” dimension, and others such as “control of personal and collective protective equipment” and “training”, together with “accident investigation“, “coordinated health and safety mea sures” and “signage” are associated with operational health and safety determinants, namely, capitalizing on knowledge gained in situ and promoting organizationa

    Evaluación de la capacidad de uso forestal y agrícola en el Campo de Gibraltar (España). Aplicación de un sistema experto (MicroLEIS 4.1)

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    The assessment of agricultural soil and forestry suitability of Campo de Gibraltar area (Cadiz) is carried out in this papero Two of the models included in the MicroLEIS system for agro-ecologicalland evaluation (De la Rosa et al., 1996) have been used. The ALMAGRA model has been applied to farrnlands and agricultural soils for twelve different crops, while the SIERRA model has been applied to protected forest areas of Los Alcornocales Natural Park, located in the area of Campo de Gibraltar. The map of geomorphoedaphic units and the data base by Paneque et al. (1998) have been used as input data. The results were integrated in a geographical information system, using the software ARC VIEW GIS (ESRI, 1992-1996) and ARCIINFO (ESRI, 1982-1997).En el presente trabajo se ha realizado la evaluación de la aptitud relativa agrícola y forestal de la comarca del Campo de Gibraltar (Cádiz). Para ello se ha utilizado el modelo ALMAGRA y el modelo SIERRA, ambos incluidos en el sistema MicroLEIS de evaluación agroecológica de tierras (De la Rosa et al., 1996). El modelo ALMAGRA ha sido empleado en las zonas de uso agrícola para doce tipos de uso, mientras que el modelo SIERRA ha sido aplicado a los terrenos protegidos del Parque Natural Los Alcornocales, situados en el área del Campo de Gibraltar. Como fuente de datos edáficos y geomorfológicos se ha utilizado el mapa y la base de datos de unidades geomorfoedáficas elaborada por Paneque el al. (1997). Los resultados obtenidos fueron integrados en un sistema de información geográfica y procesados mediante el software ARC VIEW GIS (ESRI, 1992-1996) y ARC/INFO (1982-1997). [EN]: The assessment of agricultural soil and forestry suitability of Campo de Gibraltar area (Cadiz) is carried out in this paper. Two of the models included in the MicroLEIS system for agro-ecological land evaluation (De la Rosa et al., 1996) have been used. The ALMAGRA model has been applied to farmlands and agricultural soils for twelve different crops, while the SIERRA model has been applied to protected forest areas of Los Alcornocales Natural Park, located in the area of Campo de Gibraltar. The map of geomorphoedaphic units and the data base by Paneque et al. (1998) have been used as input data. The results were integrated in a geographical information system, using the software ARC VIEW GIS (ESRI, 1992-1996) and ARC/INFO (ESRI, 1982-1997)

    Cartografía semicuantitativa del riesgo de erosión hídrica en la cuenca del Río Hozgarganta (sur de España)

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    Erosion mapping is essential for the knowledge of the distribution and geography of erosive processes as well as for its quantitative characterization. The methodology used in this paper is a basis for identifying areas with high erosion risk. It also makes possible to study the impact of future changes in environmental conditions.In this paper, the general qualitative scheme proposed by PAP/RAC (1997) is applied, modified by adding the evaluation of rainfall erosivity. Possible future changes in land cover have been considered, analysing three different situations. The results show that a great part of the studied area presents a high erosion risk due to the relief. However, the protection by vegetation is high enough to protect soil from rainfall erosion. Wrong decisions in forest management might lead to increasing potential erosion problems in the area.El estudio del riesgo de la erosión es esencial para el conocimiento de la distribución geográfica de los fenómenos erosivos y para su caracterización cuantitativa. La metodología usada constituye una base para identificar las áreas en riesgo de erosión. También hace posible estudiar el impacto de futuros cambios en las condiciones ambientales. En este trabajo, se aplica el esquema cualitativo general propuesto por PAP/RAC (1997), modificado incluyendo la evaluación de la erosividad de la lluvia, dando por resultado una evaluación semicuantitativa del riesgo de erosión. Se han considerado también posibles cambios de cobertura vegetal analizando tres situaciones distintas. Los resultados demuestran que gran parte del área estudiada presenta una alta erosionabilidad, debido al relieve. Sin embargo, la cobertura vegetal permite proteger el suelo contra la erosión de la lluvia. En este caso, la toma de decisiones incorrectas en la gestión del bosque puede favorecer la aparición de procesos erosivos potenciale

    Modelización del hábitat potencial de formaciones forestales en la provincia de Huelva

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    Three methods for modelling the potential distribution of forest formations in protected areas in southern Spain are discussed in this paper: logistic multiple regression, artificial neural net and decision tree. For every model, the potential habitat of every forest type has been designed using environmental information (soil, lithology, geomorphology and climate). The results were compared with the current area corresponding to every forest type, to determine the relative accuracy of every method. The multiple logistic regression seems to offer the best results.En este trabajo se discuten tres métodos de modelización de la distribución potencial de formaciones forestales utilizando datos medioambientales de áreas protegidas del sur de España: regresión logística múltiple, red neuronal artificial y árbol de decisión. Para cada modelo, el hábitat potencial de cada tipo de vegetación forestal se ha diseñado utilizando información medioambiental (suelo, litología, geomorfología y clima). Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con el área actual de cada tipo de formación forestal, para determinar la precisión relativa de cada uno de los métodos. La regresión logística múltiple es el método que ha ofrecido mejores resultados.Consejería de Medio Ambiente (Junta de Andalucía

    Clasificación automática de elementos geomorfológicos en la cuenca del rio Tepalcatepec (México) a partir de un modelo digital de elevaciones

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es la realización de un análisis detallado del medio físico de la cuenca del Río Tepalcatepec (estados de Jalisco y Michoacán, México). La superficie total de la cuenca abarca aproximadamente 17000 Km2. Se ha utilizado un método jerárquico de clasificación basado en los trabajos de Dikau et al. (1991). Los resultados obtenidos han dividido la cuenca del Río Tepalcatepec en cinco clases de geoformas principales. A su vez, cada clase ha sido dividida en subclases, de modo que se han distinguido 17 unidades de terreno. Los resultados muestran que el método utilizado permite identificar con fiabilidad las principales formaciones del terreno, y con mucho mayor detalle, un número elevado de subclase

    Impacto de la corrupción en el crecimiento económico de América Latina. Análisis a través de una revisión de la literatura.

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    El presente trabajo de fin de grado tiene como objeto analizar el efecto que tiene la corrupción en el crecimiento económico de países latinoamericanos. Para esto, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión bibliográfica de investigaciones previamente realizadas sobre este fenómeno. Se han examinado las principales revistas económicas y clasificado los estudios más relevantes en el campo de estudio. Entre los principales hallazgos, se ha encontrado que, a pesar de ciertas excepciones, existe un consenso general sobre la corrupción. Los diversos autores concluyen que es negativa para el crecimiento económico, ya que los resultados afirman que se cumple la hipótesis "sand the wheels".<br /

    Delphi assessment of occupational hazards in the wineries of Andalusia, in southern Spain.

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    https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/13808Risk assessment is essential to making informed decisions on occupational risk prevention. The health and safety conditions of workers can be improved by issuing voluntary certifications, such as ISO 45001. This is particularly important in sectors such as wineries. In 2017 these numbered 4093, representing 14% of the food and drink industry in Spain, of which 290 were in Andalusia. The incidence rate for 2017 in the industrial sector in Spain was 5.264 work accidents with sick leave for every 100,000 affiliated workers, making this the sector with the second highest number of work accidents after that of construction. The study aims to assess the risks in wineries in Andalucía, southern Spain, by analysing the opinions of a group of experts with experience in the sector. The Delphi method was used for this study and was carried out in conjunction with a panel of 11 experts. The results indicated that the most significant workplace risks were those occurring in the production facility, workshop or factory; in terms of occupation, those exposed to the greatest risk were machine operators; regarding the type of work, production, processing and storage posed the highest levels of risk; operating machinery was the physical activity with the highest risk; in the area of causes of accidents, the highest risk was of slipping, tripping and falling; and, finally, with regard to how an accident could occur, the highest level of risk was considered to be contact with electric current

    CONSOLE Project - Deliverable 5.1 - "Guidelines for Community of Practice (CoP) management at local level"

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    The Community of Practice (CoP) is foreseen to play a key role in boosting innovation in the effective and long-lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods (AECPGs). The CONSOLE CoP will be organized around practitioners experienced in the provision of AECPGs and those interested in it and will be nourished throughout the project lifetime. In line with the definition of Wenger1 the CoP is defined as a group of people (the community) who share a common interest and who learn how to perform better through regular interaction and exchange of experiences. The idea is to set up a pan-European CoP with national and/or local (regional) sub-groups managed by the CONSOLE partners with the aim of developing improved and novel contract solutions in collaboration with its members. This document sets out: (a) the purpose and objectives of the CoP in CONSOLE, (b) the setting up and management of the CoP at European, national and local level, (c) the process for motivating individuals to participate. The CONSOLE CoP is intended to facilitate knowledge exchange and mutual learning, mainly through virtual contacts. Participation in the CoP is based on sharing and reciprocity principle. A core objective of these guidelines is to ensure a sound management and facilitation of the CoP by all CONSOLE partners in view of optimizing the input from CoP members in the project activities. Members within a national or local CONSOLE CoP are: 1) CONSOLE partners; 2) practitioners, mainly farmers and foresters, who test and implement practically the contractual models, and 3) experts, that may have punctual interventions in the CoP. A vibrant CoP with active involvement of its members is crucial for the assessment and testing of improved and novel voluntary measures for the delivery of AECPGs. For each of the CONSOLE countries one national contact person is nominated to take over the role as national focal point for the CoP activities in his country and to serve as facilitator of the CoP. These facilitators are responsible to ensure participation along the various project tasks foreseen within several WPs and to overcome potential language barriers. The national contact person may be supported by other CONSOLE partners from his country for local activities. At local level the CoP benefits from existing contacts of CONSOLE partners to practitioners, including the experts interviewed for the case studies analysis within WP2. The forming/development of a CoP requires promoting exchanges taking on board the interests and needs of the actors involved and to animate them to share their expertise. Collaborative learning within the CoP supported by dedicated training activities will be crucial to ensure the intended major transition towards smarter AECPGs-related practices in Europe. These guidelines focus on the identification of the various tasks where CoP participation is foreseen at local (regional) level and to provide support for the identification of potential members. In the deliverable D5.2 “Guidelines for testing the solutions catalogue by CoP and partners” further details about the involvement of the CoP will be provided

    Estudio del riesgo de erosión potencial en la cuenca alta del Río Hozgarganta

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza el riesgo de erosión potencial del suelo en la cuenca alta del río Hozgarganta. Para ello se ha utilizado el método propuesto por PAP/RAC (1997) y modificado posteriormente por Jordán y Martínez-Zavala (Jordán, 2000; Martínez-Zavala, 2001; Martínez-Zavala et al., 2002). Mediante este sistema se ha dividido el área de estudio en unidades de territorio con diferente grado de susceptibilidad a la erosión hídrica (estado erosivo). Se ha evaluado el riesgo de erosión actual y el riesgo de erosión potencial, planteando tres escenarios posibles de cobertura de la vegetación. De esta forma, se puede concluir que el riesgo de pérdida de suelo en la cuenca del Hozgarganta es bajo. Sin embargo, el sistema se halla en un equilibrio inestable, ya que pequeños cambios en la cobertura de la vegetación pueden originar grandes cambios en la intensidad de los procesos erosivos.Potential soil erosion risk in the high basin of Hozgarganta river is analyzed in this paper. We have used the methodology proposed by PAP/RAC (1997), as modified Jordán and Martínez-Zavala (Jordán, 2000; Martínez-Zavala, 2001; MartínezZavala et al., 2002). Using this method, the study area has been divided in terrain units with different level of susceptibility to rainfall-induced erosion risk (erosive status). An assesment of actual and potential erosion risk is carried out, suposing three posible situations, acording to different percentages of canopy. As a conclusion, the actual soil erosion risk is low for the Hozgarganta Basin. However, the equilibrium of the system is unstable, so that little changes in the vegetation cover may originate great changes in the intensity of the erosive processe

    Asbestosis: un riesgo no siempre visible que amenaza a los trabajadores de la construcción.

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    If we propose a new approach to organisations synthesised in the "Management of Happiness" that seeks human talent so that companies can improve their competitiveness, productivity and profitability, we cannot leave aside one of the great threats that looms over workers and that affects happiness at work and, in short, organisational management, such as the issue addressed in this communication, which is the great threat posed by the indiscriminate use of asbestos in our societies. Asbestos is a carcinogenic element recognised as such by the International Office of Cancer and although it is banned in many countries such as the European Union, there are many others where it is still used such as China or Russia and despite this ban, its massive use since the Second World War has meant that the trace of materials with asbestos is extensive and present in many buildings forming part of pipes, water tanks, roof coverings, etc., which constitutes a major problem of environmental pollution and public health which can be affected especially workers in the construction sector. Therefore, the aim of this work was to see from a practical point of view the difficulty of managing the prevention of occupational risks due to asbestosis in the workers of Micro-SMEs and Self-Employed Workers in the Construction Sector. The study was carried out using the Expert Panel technique with a total of 10 professionals with extensive experience in the Construction Sector and Occupational Risk Prevention.The experts concluded that the greatest difficulty in carrying out an adequate Asbestosis Prevention Management of the group studied was the hidden asbestos as there is no census of affected buildings and constructions and the lack of awareness in a disease with a latency period of between 35-40 years where the cause-effect relationship is not so evidentUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech