186 research outputs found

    High Rydberg State Carbon Recombination Lines from Interstellar Clouds

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    We report observations of carbon recombination lines near 34.5 MHz (qunatum number n=578) and 325 MHz (n=272) made towards Cas A, the Galactic centre and about ten other directions in the galactic plane. Constraints on the physical conditions in the line forming regions are derived from these and other existing observations. The CII regions that produce the low-frequency lines are most likely associated with the neutral HI component of the ISM.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; Presented at the workshop on "New Perspects on the Interstellare Medium", Penticton, Canada, Aug 199

    VLA observations of hydrogen and carbon recombination lines toward W3A at 1.4 GHz

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    We present high-sensitivity, high-resolution VLA observations of the W3 complex of H II regions in the 168α recombination lines of hydrogen, carbon, and sulphur. The H 168α line from W3A consists of two components: a broad line (width ~27 km s-1) and a narrow line (width ~7 km s-1). The narrow hydrogen and carbon line emissions over W3A, although overlapping, are not entirely coextensive. The carbon line is possibly correlated with the molecular gas near W3A. Stimulated emission is the main mechanism for the narrow hydrogen line emission. The width of the H0 line gives an upper limit of ~1000 K for the electron temperature of the partially ionized gas. The electron density ranges from 10 to 80 cm-3 in the narrow hydrogen line region and from 10 to 60 cm-3 in the carbon-line region. We determined the electron temperature of the classical H II region W3A from the continuum brightness to be ~9000 K. The rms ne of this H II region is ~2200 cm-3, and the true ne, determined from a pressure-broadened profile of the H 171η (8.6 GHz) line, is ~2 × 104 cm-3. Using these two values of electron densities, we determine a lower limit to the filling factor (0.01). Such a low value can be interpreted as an effect of density inhomogeneities in the medium

    Carbon recombination lines between 34.5 and 770 MHz toward Cassiopeia A

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    We present observations of low-frequency recombination lines of carbon toward Cas A near 34.5 MHz (n ~ 575) using the Gauribidanur radio telescope and near 560 MHz (n ~ 225) and 770 MHz (n ~ 205) using the NRAO 140 foot (43 m) telescope in Greenbank. We also present high angular resolution (1') observations of the C270α line near 332 MHz using the Very Large Array in B-configuration. A high signal-to-noise ratio spectrum is obtained at 34.5 MHz, which clearly shows a Voigt profile with distinct Lorentzian wings, resulting from significant pressure and radiation broadening at such high quantum numbers. The emission lines detected near 332, 550, and 770 MHz, on the other hand, are narrow and essentially Doppler-broadened. The measured Lorentzian width at 34.5 MHz constrains the allowed combinations of radiation temperature, electron density, and electron temperature in the line-forming region. Radiation broadening at 34.5 MHz places a lower limit of 115 pc on the separation between Cas A and the line-forming clouds. Modeling the variation in the integrated line-to-continuum ratio with frequency indicates that the region is likely to be associated with the cold atomic hydrogen component of the interstellar medium, and the physical properties of this region are likely to be Te = 75 K, ne = 0.02 cm-3, TR100 = 3200 K, and nHTe = 10,000 cm-3 K. Comparison of the distribution of the C270α recombination line emission across Cas A with that of 12CO and H I also supports the above conclusion

    Synthetic amphipathic peptides resembling apolipoproteins stimulate the release of human placental lactogen

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    Previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated native high density lipoproteins and apolipoproteins AI, AII, and CI, stimulate the release of human placental lactogen (hPL) from trophoblast cells in culture. To examine the mechanisms by which these apolipoproteins stimulate hPL release, we have studied hPL secretion in response to several synthetic peptide analogs of the amphipathic helical structure of the apolipoproteins. The magnitude of the stimulation of hPL release in response to the analog peptides correlated with the ability to displace apolipoproteins from high density lipoprotein and with other measures of phospholipid binding affinity such as the increase in alpha-helicity and the size of complexes formed between the peptide and phospholipid. The correlation of stimulatory ability and lipid affinity suggests that the action of the apolipoproteins on hPL release may be mediated through an interaction with plasma membrane phospholipids

    Carbon Recombination Lines from the Galactic Plane at 34.5 & 328 MHz

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    We present results of a search for carbon recombination lines in the Galaxy at 34.5 MHz (C575α575\alpha) made using the dipole array at Gauribidanur near Bangalore. Observations made towards 32 directions, led to detections of lines in absorption at nine positions. Followup observations at 328 MHz (C272α272\alpha) using the Ooty Radio Telescope detected these lines in emission. A VLA D-array observation of one of the positions at 330 MHz yielded no detection implying a lower limit of 10' for the angular size of the line forming region. The longitude-velocity distribution of the observed carbon lines indicate that the line forming region are located mainly between 4 kpc and 7 kpc from the Galactic centre. Combining our results with published carbon recombination line data near 76 MHz (\nocite{erickson:95} Erickson \et 1995) we obtain constraints on the physical parameters of the line forming regions. We find that if the angular size of the line forming regions is 4\ge 4^{\circ}, then the range of parameters that fit the data are: \Te =2040= 20-40 K, \ne 0.10.3\sim 0.1-0.3 \cm3 and pathlengths 0.070.9\sim 0.07-0.9 pc which may correspond to thin photo-dissociated regions around molecular clouds. On the other hand, if the line forming regions are 2\sim 2^{\circ} in extent, then warmer gas (\Te 60300\sim 60-300 K) with lower electron densities (\ne 0.030.05\sim 0.03-0.05 \cm3) extending over several tens of parsecs along the line of sight and possibly associated with atomic \HI gas can fit the data. Based on the range of derived parameters, we suggest that the carbon line regions are most likely associated with photo-dissociation regions.Comment: To appear in Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, March 200

    VLA observations of carbon 91α recombination line emission in W49 north

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    We have detected C91α (8.5891 GHz) emission toward four ultracompact H II regions (UCHs; W49G, J, L, and C) in the W49 North massive star-forming region with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 3" resolution. No carbon line emission was detected toward UCHs W49F, A, O, S, and Q at this frequency to a 3 σ level of 2 mJy. We also observed the same region in the C75α line (15.3 GHz) with no detection at a 3 σ level of 6 mJy with a 1".7 beam. Detection of line emission toward these sources add supporting data to the 2005 result of Roshi et al. that many UCHs have an associated photodissociation region (PDR). The similarity of the LSR velocities of carbon recombination lines and H2CO absorption toward UCHs in W49 North suggests that the PDRs reside in the dense interface zone surrounding these H II regions. Combining the observed carbon line parameters at 8.6 GHz with the upper limits on line emission at 15.3 GHz, we obtain constraints on the physical properties of the PDRs associated with W49G and J. The upper limit on the number density of hydrogen molecule obtained from carbon line models is ~5 × 106 cm-3

    Measuring the Primordial Deuterium Abundance During the Cosmic Dark Ages

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    We discuss how measurements of fluctuations in the absorption of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons by neutral gas during the cosmic dark ages, at redshifts z ~ 7--200, could reveal the primordial deuterium abundance of the Universe. The strength of the cross-correlation of brightness-temperature fluctuations due to resonant absorption of CMB photons in the 21-cm line of neutral hydrogen with those due to resonant absorption of CMB photons in the 92-cm line of neutral deuterium is proportional to the fossil deuterium to hydrogen ratio [D/H] fixed during big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). Although technically challenging, this measurement could provide the cleanest possible determination of [D/H], free from contamination by structure formation processes at lower redshifts, and has the potential to improve BBN constraints to the baryon density of the Universe \Omega_{b} h^2. We also present our results for the thermal spin-change cross-section for deuterium-hydrogen scattering, which may be useful in a more general context than we describe here.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Turbulent Origin of the Galactic-Center Magnetic Field: Nonthermal Radio Filaments

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    A great deal of study has been carried out over the last twenty years on the origin of the magnetic activity in the Galactic center. One of the most popular hypotheses assumes milli-Gauss magnetic field with poloidal geometry, pervading the inner few hundred parsecs of the Galactic-center region. However, there is a growing observational evidence for the large-scale distribution of a much weaker field of B \lesssim 10 micro G in this region. Here, we propose that the Galactic-center magnetic field originates from turbulent activity that is known to be extreme in the central hundred parsecs. In this picture the spatial distribution of the magnetic field energy is highly intermittent, and the regions of strong field have filamentary structures. We propose that the observed nonthermal radio filaments appear in (or, possibly, may be identified with) such strongly magnetized regions. At the same time, the large-scale diffuse magnetic field is weak. Both results of our model can explain the magnetic field measurements of the the Galactic-center region. In addition, we discuss the role of ionized outflow from stellar clusters in producing the long magnetized filaments perpendicular to the Galactic plane.Comment: 11 pages, accepted to ApJ Letter