54 research outputs found

    Značenja cjeloživotnog učenja u kontekstu međunarodnih tijela i organizacija

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    Cjeloživotno učenje, cjeloživotno obrazovanje, te održivi razvoj sveprisutne su ključne riječiobrazovnih programa i projekata današnjice. U cjeloživotnom učenju prepoznaju se ujednoi cilj i sredstvo za razvoj gospodarstva i zadovoljenje potreba tržišta rada s jedne strane, testvaranje društva temeljenog na poštivanju ljudskih prava i osobnog razvoja pojedinca s drugestrane. Naizgled jasan, pojam cjeloživotnog učenja nije sam po sebi razumljiv. U nekolikoposljednjih desetljeća iskristalizirali su se njegovi različiti nazivi i tumačenja. Razlog tomusu određeni vremenski, prostorni i sociološki konteksti njegova prihvaćanja. Prve službenepublikacije o toj temi izdane su od strane međunarodnih organizacija UNESCO-a, OECD-a iEuropske komisije. Metodološki pristup u ovom radu čini sadržajna analiza s ciljem sažetogprikazivanja i razjašnjavanja pojmova srodnih ili istoznačnih cjeloživotnom učenju, kaoi ukazivanja na osnovne ciljeve pojedinih obrazovno-političkih dokumenata. Rezultat togaujedno su sadržajna i vremenska podjela koncepcija/e cjeloživotnog učenja, pri čemu postajevidljiv i povijesni razvitak samog pojma. Umjesto zaključka iznose se kritička razmatranja okoncepciji cjeloživotnog učenja.</p

    Verhältnis verschiedener Lernformen bei der lebenslangen Lehrerbildung

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    Cjeloživotno obrazovanje općeprihvaćen je pojam suvremene obrazovne politike. U provedenom istraživanju polazi se od pretpostavke da su se njegovom operacionalizacijom i razvojem informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije iskristalizirali njegovi brojni oblici učenja koje je u sustavima obrazovanja i trajnog profesionalnog razvoja potrebno stalno osvještavati. Ako prilikom priprema za rad s učenicima nastavnikova ideja vodilja treba biti cjeloživotno obrazovanje, onda je pitanje u kojoj mjeri nastavnik, kao onaj koji neposredno na nastavnim satima provodi obrazovnu politiku, osvještava i koristi se pojedinim oblicima cjeloživotnog obrazovanja. U istraživanju neki od njih stavljeni su u suodnos iz čega proizlazi rezultat prema kojem kod ispitanika prevladava formalno i neformalno učenje, dok informalno učenje uglavnom korelira sa samoupravljanim i refleksivnim učenjem. Dobiveni rezultati potiču na daljnja ispitivanja navika učenja nastavnika, jer je polazišno stajalište da, svakodnevno provodeći vrijeme s nastavnicima, učenici manje ili više svjesno usvajaju njihove pristupe naspram učenju i radu.Lifelong education is a widely accepted concept of the modern education policy. This research assumes that its operationalization and the development of information and communications technology have clarified its numerous forms of learning, which need to be continuousl made aware of in education and training systems. If lifelong education should be the teacher\u27s guiding principle during the preparation to work with students, it raises the question of the extent to which the teacher, as the one who directly conducts educational policy in class, clarifies and uses particular forms of lifelong education. They are put in correlation in this research. It was found that formal and non-formal learning is slightly prevalent with respondents, while informal learning generally correlates with reflexive and self-directed learning. The research encourages further examination of the learning habits of teachers themselves, because it starts from the standpoint that students, while spending time with teachers on a daily basis, perceive more or less consciously their approaches to learning and work.Lebenslange Bildung ist ein weithin akzeptierter Begriff der modernen Bildungspolitik. Die durchgeführte Studie geht davon aus, dass durch ihre Operationalisierung und Entwicklung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien ihre zahlreichen Lernformen zum Ausdruck kommen und in Bildungs- und Fortbildungssystemen es ständig nach ihrer Bewusstmachung bedarf. Falls den Lehrern während der Vorbereitung für die Arbeit mit Schülern lebenslange Bildung eine Leitidee sein sollte, stellt sich die Frage, in welchem Ausmaß der Lehrer als derjenige, der unmittelbar im Unterricht die Bildungspolitik durchführt, sich einzelne Formen der lebenslangen Bildung bewusst macht und einsetzt. In dieser Studie wurden einige Lernformen in Korrelation gesetzt, wobei sich herausstellte, dass unter den Befragten formales und non-formales Lernen vorherrschen, während informelles Lernen im Allgemeinen mit reflexivem und selbstgesteuertem Lernen korreliert. Die Ergebnisse dienen als Empfehlung für weitere Untersuchungen von Lerngewohnheiten bei Lehrern, da man vom Standpunkt ausgeht, dass sich die Schüler mehr oder weniger bewusst ihre Lern- und Arbeitsansätze aneignen, indem sie alltäglich eine gewisse Zeit mit Lehrern verbringen

    The correlation between teachers\u27 lifelong learning forms and their motivations, attitudes and job satisfaction

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    U ovome radu riječ je o cjeloživotnome učenju nastavnika, koji čine zadnju kariku u obrazovnome sustavu odgovornom za provođenje politike cjeloživotnoga učenja. Nastavničku profesiju, između ostaloga, obilježava velika odgovornost, a ona uključuje i odgovornost nastavnika za vlastito učenje i usavršavanje. Provedenim se istraživanjem željelo pokušati prepoznati navike učenja samih nastavnika u kontekstu opće društvene prihvaćenosti koncepcije cjeloživotnoga učenja. Polazi se od pretpostavke da postoji povezanost između pojedinih oblika cjeloživotnoga učenja i nastavničke motivacije, stavova i zadovoljstva poslom za njihovo cjeloživotno učenje. U radu je prikazano istraživanje provedeno među profesorima hrvatskoga jezika i književnosti i učitelja razredne nastave u osnovnim i srednjim školama u Zadarskoj županiji. Rezultati pokazuju postojanje statistički značajne povezanosti pojedinih oblika cjeloživotnoga učenja nastavnika i njihove intrinzične motivacije, pozitivnih stavova o cjeloživotnome učenju te zadovoljstva nastavničkim poslom.This paper is about lifelong learning of teachers, who form the last link in the educational system responsible for implementing the policy of lifelong learning. The teaching profession is, among others, characterized by a huge responsibility which includes the responsibility of teachers for their own learning and continuous professional development. The starting idea in the conducted research is to try to identify the learning habits of teachers themselves in the context where lifelong learning has become a generally accepted conception. The main assumption is that there is a connection between certain forms of lifelong learning and teacher motivation, attitudes and job satisfaction for their lifelong learning. The paper presents a survey conducted among Croatian language and literature teachers and class teachers in primary and secondary schools in the county of Zadar. The results show a statistically significant correlation between certain lifelong learning forms of teacher and their intrinsic motivation, positive attitudes about lifelong learning, and job satisfaction

    Education of school principals – principals’ estimations of the optimal educational program

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    U suvremenim obrazovnim sustavima inicijalnom obrazovanju pripisuje se značaj polazišta za budući trajni profesionalni razvoj i cjelovit pristup učenju tijekom života. To je jedini način kako postići unapređenje odgojno-obrazovnog procesa s obzirom na konstantne i ubrzane društvene promjene. Temeljem toga rad predstavlja izvadak rezultata proizišlih iz projekta Ravnatelj: profesija i kvalifikacija, a ne funkcija. Prikazana kvalitativna analiza ima za cilj ispitati ravnateljske procjene o optimalnom obliku, trajanju i kontinuitetu obrazovnog programa. Za buduće ravnatelje on predstavlja početni korak ulaska u ravnateljsku profesiju, a postojećim ravnateljima pruža učinkovitu nadogradnju na već stečene kompetencije i iskustvo. U provedenom istraživanju ravnatelji odgovaraju na otvorena pitanja usmjerena na oblike obrazovanja i vremensku organizaciju obrazovnog programa. Dobiveni odgovori mogu predstavljati smjernice prilikom osmišljavanja istog te ukazuju na osviještenost i potrebu za profesionalizacijom ravnateljskog zanimanja.In contemporary education systems, initial education is considered to be significant for the future continuing professional development and a holistic approach to the lifelong learning. It represents the only way for achieving the improvement of the educational process regarding the constant and accelerating social changes. Based on this, the paper represents an excerpt from the results of the project Principal: A profession and a qualification, not a function. The presentation of qualitative analysis aims at examining the principals’ estimations of the optimal form, duration and continuity of the educational program. For future principals, it represents the initial step for entering the profession and to existing principals an effective upgrade to the already acquired competencies and experience. In the conducted research principals responded to open questions focused on forms of education and time organisation of an educational program. Given responses indicate the awareness and necessity for the professionalisation of principal’s profession and can serve as guidelines in preparing educational programs

    The missing slope: paradoxical shortening of activated partial thromboplastin time in a patient on unfractionated heparin therapy

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    This case report describes false shortening of activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) due to erroneous optical reading of the clotting point in the presence of unfractionated heparin (UFH), and a biphasic waveform. Activated partial thromboplastin time performed on a coagulometer with photo-optical detection yielded an ambiguous clotting curve characterized by an early and steady decrease in light transmittance throughout the whole measuring range, with the clotting point read at 65 seconds. Further investigations included measurement of aPTT by means of a mechanical clot detection method as well as determination of another heparin-sensitive coagulation assay, that is thrombin time (TT), both being unmeasurably prolonged (> 150 seconds). Communication with clinicians revealed that the patient was on continuous UFH therapy and had an underlying sepsis, with highly elevated C-reactive protein (289 mg/L). The aPTT measurements requested at three timepoints later during the same day revealed gradual aPTT shortening and unveiled a peculiar biphasic waveform pattern. In this case, unmeasurably prolonged aPTT due to UFH therapy was masked by a biphasic aPTT curve pattern making only the first slope of the biphasic waveform visible within the measuring range. The early decrease in plasma light transmittance mimicked optical changes related to clot formation, thus causing erroneous optical reading and yielding a falsely shortened aPTT. This case emphasizes that such a pattern should be carefully inspected, especially when a combination of a critically ill condition and UFH therapy is present, in order to prevent erroneous reporting of aPTT and potential adverse effects on patient care

    Labour Market Services

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    Rad analizira usluge tržišta rada, kao jednu od intervencija politike tržišta rada. Ove usluge predstavljaju sve aktivnosti ureda za zapošljavanje i druge javno financirane usluge za tražitelje posla, što uključuje savjetovanje nezaposlenih, posredovanje između radnika i poslodavaca, informiranje, praćenje nezaposlenih i sankcioniranje u slučaju netraženja posla, a smatra se troškovno najučinkovitijom intervencijom tržišta rada. Iako je proteklih desetljeća glavni fokus politike tržišta rada bio na mjerama aktivne politike (poput usavršavanja ili subvencioniranog zapošljavanja), posljednjih godina, aktualiziranjem koncepta aktivacije, u prvi plan dolaze usluge tržišta rada. Ovaj rad prikazuje glavna obilježja, razvoj, prednosti i mane ove intervencije u Republici Hrvatskoj te mišljenje glavnih provoditelja ove intervencije, savjetnika za zapošljavanje Hrvatskoga zavoda za zapošljavanje.The paper analyzes labour market services, as one of the labor market interventions. Labour market services represent all activities of the public employment service and other publicly funded services for jobseekers, which include counseling the unemployed, mediation between workers and employers, informing, monitoring the unemployed and sanctioning in the case of non-compliance, and are considered to be the most cost-effective labour market intervention. Although in recent decades the main focus of labour market policy has been on measures of active labour market policy (such as training or employment incentives), in recent years, with the actualization of the activation concept, labour market services have taken their turn. This paper presents the main features, development, advantages and disadvantages of this intervention in the Republic of Croatia and the opinion of the main actors of this intervention, the Employment Advisors of the Croatian Employment Service