21 research outputs found

    Babel Treebank of Public Messages in Croatian

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    AbstractThe paper presents the process of constructing a publicly available treebank of public messages written in Croatian. The messages were collected from various electronic sources – e-mail, blog, Facebook and SMS – and published on the Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art LED facade within the Babel art project. The project aimed to use the facade as an open-space blog or social interface for enabling citizens to publicly express their views. Construction and current state of the treebank is presented along with future work plans. A comparison of Babel Treebank with Croatian Dependency Treebank and SETimes.HR treebank regarding differing domains and annotation schemes is briefly sketched. The treebank is used as a test platform for introducing a new standard for syntactic annotation of Croatian texts. An experiment with morphosyntactic tagging and dependency parsing of the treebank is conducted, providing first insight to computational processing of non-standard text in Croatian


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    Utilizing the situation that except image in visual part of the spectrum can be broadened to near infra red domain that is observed instrumentally, near infra red technology stated its principles. Visual color management leads and controls both domains applying standard reproduction materials. CMYKIR separation principles allow attacking the secondary monochrome image to visual colored one, implementing achromatic principles. As the same color visual output can be performed on various ways, besides mathematical calculations, for accurate reproduction twin colors system is practiced


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    Autotypic reproduction used in printing procedures as opposed to standard subtractive system used in color photography, except CMY system components, usually adopts black carbon ink within practiced screening system, commonly denoted as four-color printing. Black color incorporated as black printer or K-channel replenish various features including undercolor adjustments and achromatic interchange, which is crucial for achieving secondary, only near-infrared, NIR detectable image

    Evaluation of cybersickness in virtual reality in driving simulator

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    Virtual reality (VR) devices are becoming a more popular and widespread tool for learning, gaming and entertainment purposes. One of familiar problems of emerging in VR is side effect known as cybersickness, which can be a nuisance for consumers of VR content. This occurrence can be explained as visual and vestibular conflict. The problem with cybersickness lies within the fact that the body is stationary, but eyes perceive motion in virtual reality, also known as vection. Cybersickness symptoms that often occur include blurred vision, headache, vertigo, upset stomach and other. Aim of this research is to observe changes in cybersickness symptoms in two tested conditions (2D display and VR). In this paper, subjective and objective metric of evaluation regarding cybersickness in VR driving simulation are used. Subjective metric is survey and objective metric is electroencephalogram (EEG). Results of the survey indicate which symptoms of cybersickness are more pronounced during driving in virtual environment compared with classic 2D screen experience. Statistically significant difference was found for 6 variables, which include vertigo, blurred vision and headache. Objective metric showed that highest average beta wave was in VR setting, as well as beta/alpha ratio, which is associated with stress and excitement


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    Dual images printed on fabric are achieved due to INFRAREDESIGN®, through twin colors basic. Tentative part is performed on cotton fabric through CMYKIR technology principles of separation and matching of colors. Sophisticated barrier scanning while procreating testing model, is performed for ultraviolet, visible and near infrared part of the spectrum. This method leads to moving boundary scope of security printing and dual information to a variety of possible printing substrates and sheltered information to materials like silk, cotton, leather, polyester and similar by appliance of twin colors and dual information. These diversity of possible substrates, variations in dyes mixture combinations and coverages allows technologist and designers wide field of concepts, projects and acquirements. IRD technology is based on developing and forming “twin dyes”, whose spectral characteristics for this appliance, some here are presented. Also some additional tools for better visual twins matching are introduced. All observed twins render same spectral characteristics designated as Z domain, beneath 900 nm area with ΔZ difference for “visual and NIR” dyes


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    Druga, proširena slika pripremljena za NIR područje sastavni je dio slike u vidljivom dijelu spektra. Za njene potrebe slika za vizualno područje priređena je i definirana pravilima upravljanja bojama za vizualno područje, dok se druga slika za NIR područje bazira na akromatskoj redukciji osnovnih CMY pokrivenosti uz karbon crnu i instrumentalni prikaz. Budući da je upravljanje bojama u osnovi povezano s vidljivim dijelom, standardno akromatsko podešavanje nije prilagođeno za NIR potrebe, namjenski prilagođeni workflow je prikazan za potrebe druge slike

    Poboljšanje korisničkoga iskustva u virtualnoj stvarnosti postavljanjem parametara oblikovanja scene i načina kretanja = Enhancing the virtual reality user experience by setting scene design parameters and locomotion techniques

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji glavna tema istraživanja je virtualna stvarnost i neki njezini aspekti koji utječu na subjektivni doživljaj kibermučnine. Kibermučnina (engl. Cybersickness) je neugodna posljedica koja se javlja kod nekih korisnika sustava za virtualnu stvarnost u obliku simptoma mučnine, glavobolje, vrtoglavice, znojenja, zamora očiju i slično. Disertacija je podijeljena u ukupno 11 poglavlja, od kojih su neka teoretska i daju uvid u teoriju virtualne stvarnosti, njene povijesti, tehničke aspekte i mogućnosti primjene u različite svrhe. Također, poglavlja koja opisuju istraživanja u kojima drugi istraživači kroz teoretske aspekte i istraživačke studije daju svoj doprinos razumijevanju ove tehnologije koja je u zadnjih nekoliko godina doživjela svoj ponovni uzlet. U vezi s time, dan je i pregled mogućnosti i načina evaluacije jednog od aspekta korisničkog iskustva kroz subjektivnu metodu anketama i upitnicima, kao i kroz objektivne metode mjerenja fizioloških promjena kod čovjeka koje nadopunjuju uvid u istraživanja. U okviru ove disertacije napravljena su i tri istraživanja, koja su opisana u istraživačkim poglavljima. Prvo istraživanje je bilo uz pomoć subjektivne metode ankete i objektivne metode elektroencefalografa (EEG) utvrditi utjecaj medija (2D/3D) na kibermučninu. Istraživačka pitanja, metodologija i rezultati su opisani u podpoglavljima vezanima uz to istraživanje i mogu se vidjeti u prikazu na „Slika 1“. Drugo istraživanje je usmjereno na istraživanje utjecaja brzine kretanja u VR-u na kibermučninu, također evaluirano subjektivnom i objektivnom metodom (uređaj za mjerenje elektroprovodljivosti kože). Slika 1 također ukratko prikazuje istraživačka pitanja, medodologiju i rezultate, kao i u detaljnijoj mjeri podpoglavlja vezana uz to istraživanje. Posljednje istraživanje u ovoj disertaciji je istraživanje tri različita načina kretanja u kombinaciji sa dvije varijante osvjetljenosti scene. Korištena je jedna subjektivna metoda evaluacije i dvije objektivne metode (mjerenje pulsa i EEG) evaluacije jednog aspekta korisničkog iskustva u virtualnoj stvarnosti. Na „Slika 1“ mogu se vidjeti istraživačka pitanja, metodološki pristup i zaključci, dok je detaljni opis ovog istraživanja u odgovarajućim podpoglavljima. Disertacija završava sa zaključkom u kojem su opisani svi relevantni rezultati istraživanja, popisom literature te dodacima


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    Pri stvaranju dvostruke slike primjenom sistema CMYKIR tehnologije, dva odvojena dijela, vizualni i NIR slikovni izlazni oblik se jedinstveno povezuju tvoreći prošireni slikovni doživljaj. Pri promatranju u vizualnom području, nikakvo odstupanje, izobličenje, pozadinska slika ili degradacija nisu prihvatljive. Nasuprot toga, u NIR slici ne smije biti tragova vizualne slike. Sve informacije o obadvije slike su pohranjene u otisnutoj slici postignutoj standardnim reprodukcijskim postupcima. Diferencijacija se postigla pažljivim odabirom bojila i njihovim apsorpcionim svojstvima, gdje su dvojne boje složene po značajkama u vizualnom odnosno NIR području obzirom na svojstva refleksije ili apsorpcije, istovremeno određivajući značajke namjenskog profila.When creating a double image applying CMYKIR system technology, two separate parts, visual and NIR image output, are interconnected together building common widened image experience. When viewed in visual no image deflection, deviation, secondary ghosting or any other derogation are acceptable. From other side NIR image should not have traces of visual image. All information about both mages are stored in printed image accomplished by standard printing means and procedures. Differentiation is obtained by carefully chosen inks absorption properties, where twin colors are arranged according to their visual/NIR reflection or absorption characteristics, contemporaneously determining dedicated profile properties

    Optimizing Separation Parameters for Dedicated CMYKIR Reproduction Purposes With Hidden Double Information

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    Contemporary programming support for image correction and manipulation for graphic arts purposes implies partially regardless RGB/CMYK separation options, where particular parameters can be adjusted separately or by means of ICC profiles. As input image information can be reached from different dynamic range devices or can be generated, output reproduction devices can use various substrates and media, so additional adjustments and researches have to be carried out. CMYKIR reproduction has specific demands, while through the visual part of the spectrum (VS) colour management controls response and experience outside the visual, i.e. hidden information in the near infrared (NIR) domain, and claims to find dedicated adjustments for specificities of VS-CMYKIR reproduction