23 research outputs found

    Alaşehir-Manisa yöresi bağ sulamasında kullanılan damla sulama sistemlerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    This study was carried out to determine the application uniformities and the system efficiencies, and to assess the system components which were causing to reduce the efficiencies in drip irrigation systems used in the vineyards of Alaşehir district. For this purpose, six drip irrigation systems were selected and evaluated with respect to the emission uniformity, emitter discharge variation and statistical uniformity methods. According to the results, two systems were performed both low emission uniformity and system efficiency (;lt;60%). Emitter performance variation those of two systems were found very high (;gt;40%). Evaluation results with regard to application efficiency have showed that improper irrigation schedules were implemented. Under existing irrigation systems condition, irrigation schedules have been proposed considering irrigation water requirement of grapevine. Keywords: Vineyard, drip irrigation, system evaluation, application uniformity, system efficiency.Bu araştırma Alaşehir bölgesindeki bağlarda kullanılmakta olan bazı damla sulama sistemlerinin su uygulama yeknesaklıkları ile sistem randımanlarının ve randıman düşüklüğüne neden olan sistem unsurlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla altı damla sulama sistemi seçilerek debi yeknesaklığı, debi değişimi ve istatistiksel yeknesaklık yöntemleri bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, iki sistemde hem düşük debi yeknesaklığı hem de düşük sistem randımanı elde edilmiştir (%60). Bu sistemlerde damlatıcı performans değişimi çok yüksek bulunmuştur (>%40). Su uygulama randımanlarına ilişkin değerlendirme sonuçları uygun olmayan sulama programlarının yürütüldüğünü göstermiştir. Mevcut sulama sistemi koşullarında asmanın sulama suyu gereksinimini dikkate alan bir sulama programı önerilmiştir

    Analysis of drought in the marmara region using the standardized precipitation index

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    Drought is one of the most damaging climate-related hazards. The economic, social and agricultural impacts of drought have increased significantly in recent years. In this study, drought analysis in the Marmara region was examined using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) as a drought index. Monthly precipitation data in the region for the period of 1975 to 2005 were used to calculate the annual, quarterly and monthly SPI at 32 stations. The longest and most intensive droughts were recorded in 1977, 1989, 1990,1992 and 1993. Conversely, 1975, 1981, 1997,1998 and 2005 were wet years

    Gümüldür yöresinde tuzluluğun satsuma mandarini yaprak Na,Ca,K ve CI içeriklerine etkisi

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    This study was carried out in order to examine Na, Cl, Ca and K accumulation and probable toxic effects on Satsuma mandarin leaves in Satsuma mandarin growing area of G;uuml;m;uuml;ld;uuml;r region. B;uuml;y;uuml;kalan, Ortak;ouml;y and Arapyeri districts were selected as the surveying area with a total of 18 orchards and with a separation distance of 350 m from sealine to inland. Results showed that, Na and Cl in the leaves decreased towards inland similar to water and soil salinity and did not reach to the level which ean be toxic. Calcium content of the leaves was found in normal levels in B;uuml;y;uuml;kalan while it was insufficient in Arapyeri and Ortak;ouml;y. Potassium contents were obtained under the normal, level and showed increments towards inland opposite of water and soil salinity in B;uuml;y;uuml;kalan.Bu çalışma Gümüldür yöresinde ,tuzluluk etkisi altındaki Satsuma yetiştirilen alanlarda, yaprak Na, Ca, K, ve Cl içeriklerinin durumunu saptamak ve Na ve Cl'un toksik etkilerini irdelemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Gümüldür yöresinde satsuma mandarini yetiştirilen en önemli bölgeler, Büyükalan, Ortaköy ve Arapyeri bölgeleridir. Bu yörelerde 1995 - 1997 yılları arsında yürütülen çalışmada, denizden karaya yaklaşık 350 m aralıklı hatlar içinde yeralacak şekilde belirlenmiş toplam 18 bahçe incelenmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, yaprak Na ve Cl içeriklerinin sulama suyu ve toprak tuzluluk ölçütlerine benzer olarak denizden karaya doğru azalma gösterdiği ve toksik etkide bulunacak düzeylere ulaşmadığı saptanmıştır. Ortalama olarak Ca içerikleri Büyükalan'da yeterli, Arapyeri ve Ortaköy'de ise normal düzeyin altında bulunmuştur. K içeriklerinin Büyükalan'da normal düzeyin altında olduğu ve denizden karaya doğru artış gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Ortaköy ve Arapyeri'nde ise yaprakta K normal düzeylerde bulunmuştur

    Wastewater reclamation and reuse status in Turkey

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    Treated wastewater is being widely used for irrigation purpose all over the world. Reuse of wastewater for agricultural or landscape irrigation is also help to protect environment and to conserve fresh water resources. However, most important consideration is to protect public health in water reuse applications. Thus, microbiological quality of treated wastewater and the criteria used to determine the quality have gained importance. With this study current status of fresh water resources and wastewater treatment in Turkey was documented. Potential needs of wastewater reuse were analyzed. Microbiological quality criteria for agricultural wastewater reuse in the regulations of Turkey were given and compared with the guidelines recommended as common to all Mediterranean countries

    Temporal irrigation performance assessment in Turkey: Menemen case study

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    During the recent decades, there has been an increasing effort to transfer the management of irrigation schemes from government organizations to non-governmental organizations as decentralization gained momentum and as states started to devolve some of their functions to different groups in the society. Irrigation management in Turkey was also affected by these developments. Since 1993, approximately 90% of the public irrigation schemes were turned over to the locally managed farmer organizations. This study was conducted in the Menemen Irrigation Scheme, to assess the temporal variations of agricultural, water use, environmental and financial performance indicators for the pre-transfer (1984-1994) and the post-transfer (1995-2004) periods. Results showed, after 10 years of transfer, a continued improvement in irrigation performance. The most important finding of the study was a considerable increase in output per unit of land and per unit of water after turnover. Irrigation management transfer (IMT) provided a dramatic achievement in water fee collection efficiencies and more financially self-sustaining organizations. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that the transfer process created more sustainable management for irrigation. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Temporal irrigation performance assessment in Turkey: Menemen case study

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    During the recent decades, there has been an increasing effort to transfer the management of irrigation schemes from government organizations to non-governmental organizations as decentralization gained momentum and as states started to devolve some of their functions to different groups in the society. Irrigation management in Turkey was also affected by these developments. Since 1993, approximately 90% of the public irrigation schemes were turned over to the locally managed farmer organizations. This study was conducted in the Menemen Irrigation Scheme, to assess the temporal variations of agricultural, water use, environmental and financial performance indicators for the pre-transfer (1984-1994) and the post-transfer (1995-2004) periods. Results showed, after 10 years of transfer, a continued improvement in irrigation performance. The most important finding of the study was a considerable increase in output per unit of land and per unit of water after turnover. Irrigation management transfer (IMT) provided a dramatic achievement in water fee collection efficiencies and more financially self-sustaining organizations. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that the transfer process created more sustainable management for irrigation.

    Response of satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) trees budded on trifoliate orange (P. trifoliata) to salinity due to seawater intrusion

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    The research aimed at assessing the level of sea water intrusion as well as its impact on productivity of Satsuma trees. Salinity parameters of irrigation water and soil, physiological parameters as photosynthesis and transpiration rates, relative water content, and stomatal density and fruit yield were determined. Most of the sampling was carried out prior to and during the period of irrigation in summer and during harvest. Among the analysed parameters, transpiration (E), photosynthesis (A) and water use efficiency (WUE=A/E), leaf area, stomatal density and relative water content (RWC), were found to be highly correlated and representing the case. The yield was reduced drastically towards the sea line with increasing salinity. All the determined salinity parameters proved to exert cumulative adverse effect on yield and tree vigour. The unit gas exchange capacity of the leaf was reduced parallel to the decreases in leaf area and stomatal density