14 research outputs found
Sygdomme og velfærd
Siden anden verdenskrig er der sket store ændringer i fjerkræproduktionen. Indførslen af nye produktionssystemer, robuste og højtydende dyr, forbedret management og indførslen af biosecurity har medført en stor produktionsfremgang med lav mortalitet. I de senere år har forbrugerønsker medført at udvikling af udendørs produktionssystemer, hvor de klassiske fjerkræsygdomme nu er på fremmarch med en forhøjet mortalitet til følge. Forfatterne diskuterer, om de udendørs produktionssystemer reelt har betydet en forbedret velfærd for hønerne
On the cortical connectivity in the macaque brain: a comparison of diffusion tractography and histological tracing data
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) tractography is a non-invasive tool to probe neural connections and the structure of the white matter. It has been applied successfully in studies of neurological disorders and normal connectivity. Recent work has revealed that tractography produces a high incidence of false-positive connections, often from “bottleneck” white matter configurations. The rich literature in histological connectivity analysis studies in the macaque monkey enables quantitative evaluation of the performance of tractography algorithms. In this study, we use the intricate connections of frontal, cingulate, and parietal areas, well established by the anatomical literature, to derive a symmetrical histological connectivity matrix composed of 59 cortical areas. We evaluate the performance of fifteen diffusion tractography algorithms, including global, deterministic, and probabilistic state-of-the-art methods for the connectivity predictions of 1711 distinct pairs of areas, among which 680 are reported connected by the literature. The diffusion connectivity analysis was performed on a different ex-vivo macaque brain, acquired using multi-shell DW-MRI protocol, at high spatial and angular resolutions. Across all tested algorithms, the true-positive and true-negative connections were dominant over false-positive and false-negative connections, respectively. Moreover, three-quarters of streamlines had endpoints location in agreement with histological data, on average. Furthermore, probabilistic streamline tractography algorithms show the best performances in predicting which areas are connected. Altogether, we propose a method for quantitative evaluation of tractography algorithms, which aims at improving the sensitivity and the specificity of diffusion-based connectivity analysis. Overall, those results confirm the usefulness of tractography in predicting connectivity, although errors are produced. Many of the errors result from bottleneck white matter configurations near the cortical grey matter and should be the target of future implementation of methods
Cognitive profiles across the psychosis continuum
Cognitive impairments are core features in individuals across the psychosis continuum and predict functional outcomes. Nevertheless, substantial variability in cognitive functioning within diagnostic groups, along with considerable overlap with healthy controls, hampers the translation of research findings into personalized treatment planning. Aligned with precision medicine, we employed a data driven machine learning method, self-organizing maps, to conduct transdiagnostic clustering based on cognitive functions in a sample comprising 228 healthy controls, 200 individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis, and 98 antipsychotic-naïve patients with first-episode psychosis. The self-organizing maps revealed six clinically distinct cognitive profiles that significantly predicted baseline functional level and changes in functional level after one year. Cognitive flexibility in particular, as well as specific executive functions emerged as cardinal in differentiating the profiles. The application of self-organizing maps appears to be a promising approach to inform clinical decision-making based on individualized cognitive profiles, including patient allocation to different interventions. Moreover, this method has the potential to enable cross-diagnostic stratification in research trials, utilizing data-driven subgrouping informed by categories from underlying dimensions of cognition rather than from clinical diagnoses. Finally, the method enables cross-diagnostic profiling across other data modalities, such as brain networks or metabolic subtypes.</p