128 research outputs found

    Seagrass structural and elemental indicators reveal high nutrient availability within a tropical lagoon in Panama

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    Seagrass meadows are valued coastal habitats that provide ecological and economic benefits around the world. Despite their importance, many meadows are in decline, driven by a variety of anthropogenic impacts. While these declines have been well documented in some regions, other locations (particularly within the tropics) lack long-term monitoring programs needed to resolve seagrass trends over time. Effective and spatially-expansive monitoring within under-represented regions is critical to provide an accurate perspective on seagrass status and trends. We present a comprehensive dataset on seagrass coverage and composition across 24 sites in Bahía Almirante, a lagoon along the Caribbean coast of Panama. Using a single survey, we focus on capturing spatial variation in seagrass physical and elemental characteristics and provide data on key seagrass bio-indicators, such as leaf morphology (length and width), elemental content (% nitrogen and phosphorus) and stable isotopic signatures (δ13C and δ15N). We further explore relationships between these variables and water depth (proxy for light availability) and proximity to shore (proxy for terrestrial inputs). The seagrass assemblage was mostly monospecific (dominated by Thalassia testudinum) and restricted to shallow water (\u3c3 m). Above-ground biomass varied widely, averaging 71.7 g dry mass m-2, yet ranging from 24.8 to 139.6 g dry mass m-2. Leaf nitrogen content averaged 2.2%, ranging from 1.76 to 2.57%, while phosphorus content averaged 0.19% and ranged from 0.15 to 0.23%. These values were high compared to other published reports for T. testudinum, indicating elevated nutrient availability within the lagoon. Seagrass stable isotopic characteristics varied slightly and were comparable with other published values. Leaf carbon signatures (δ13C) ranged from -11.74 to -6.70h and were positively correlated to shoreline proximity, suggesting a contribution of terrestrial carbon to seagrass biomass. Leaf nitrogen signatures (δ15N) ranged from -1.75 to 3.15h and showed no correlation with shoreline proximity, suggesting that N sources within the bay were not dominated by localized point-source discharge of treated sewage. Correlations between other seagrass bio-indicators and environmental metrics were mixed: seagrass cover declined with depth, while biomass was negatively correlated with N, indicating that light and nutrient availability may jointly regulate seagrass cover and biomass. Our work documents the response of seagrass in Bahía Almirante to light and nutrient availability and highlights the eutrophic status of this bay. Using the broad spatial coverage of our survey as a baseline, we suggest the future implementation of a continuous and spatially expansive seagrass monitoring program within this region to assess the health of these important systems subject to global and local stressors

    pH Variability Exacerbates Effects of Ocean Acidification on a Caribbean Crustose Coralline Alga

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    Crustose coralline algae (CCA) are among the most sensitive marine taxa to the pH changes predicted with ocean acidification (OA). However, many CCA exist in habitats where diel cycles in pH can surpass near-future OA projections. The prevailing theory that natural variability increases the tolerance of calcifiers to OA has not been widely tested with tropical CCA. Here, we assess the response of the reef-building species Lithophyllum congestum to stable and variable pH treatments, including an ambient control (amb/stable). The amb/variable treatment simulated an ambient diel cycle in pH (7.65–7.95), OA/stable simulated constant low pH reflecting worst-case year 2100 predictions (7.7), and OA/variable combined diel cycling with lower mean pH (7.45–7.75). We monitored the effects of pH on total calcification rate and photophysiology (maximum quantum yield) over 16 weeks. To assess the potential for acclimatization, we also quantified calcification rates during the first (0–8 weeks), and second (8–16 weeks) halves of the experiment. Calcification rates were lower in all pH treatments relative to ambient controls and photophysiology was unaffected. At the end of the 16-week experiment, total calcification rates were similarly low in the amb/variable and OA/stable treatment (27–29%), whereas rates declined by double in the OA/variable treatment (60%). When comparing the first and second halves of the experiment, there was no acclimatization in stable treatments as calcification rates remained unchanged in both the amb/stable and OA/stable treatments. In contrast, calcification rates deteriorated between periods in the variable treatments: from a 16–47% reduction in the amb/variable treatment to a 49–79% reduction in the OA/variable treatment, relative to controls. Our findings provide compelling evidence that pH variability can heighten CCA sensitivity to reductions in pH. Moreover, the decline in calcification rate over time directly contrasts prevailing theory that variability inherently increases organismal tolerances to low pH, and suggests that mechanisms of tolerance may become limited with increasing time of exposure. The significant role of diel pH cycling in CCA responses to OA indicates that organisms in habitats with diel variability could respond more severely to rapid changes in ocean pH associated with OA than predicted by experiments conducted under static conditions

    Rapid ecosystem-scale consequences of acute deoxygenation on a Caribbean coral reef

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    Loss of oxygen in the global ocean is accelerating due to climate change and eutrophication, but how acute deoxygenation events affect tropical marine ecosystems remains poorly understood. Here we integrate analyses of coral reef benthic communities with microbial community sequencing to show how a deoxygenation event rapidly altered benthic community composition and microbial assemblages in a shallow tropical reef ecosystem. Conditions associated with the event precipitated coral bleaching and mass mortality, causing a 50% loss of live coral and a shift in the benthic community that persisted a year later. Conversely, the unique taxonomic and functional profile of hypoxia-associated microbes rapidly reverted to a normoxic assemblage one month after the event. The decoupling of ecological trajectories among these major functional groups following an acute event emphasizes the need to incorporate deoxygenation as an emerging stressor into coral reef research and management plans to combat escalating threats to reef persistence

    Rapid ecosystem-scale consequences of acute deoxygenation on a Caribbean coral reef

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    © The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Johnson, M. D., Scott, J. J., Leray, M., Lucey, N., Bravo, L. M. R., Wied, W. L., & Altieri, A. H. Rapid ecosystem-scale consequences of acute deoxygenation on a Caribbean coral reef. Nature Communications, 12(1), (2021): 4522, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24777-3.Loss of oxygen in the global ocean is accelerating due to climate change and eutrophication, but how acute deoxygenation events affect tropical marine ecosystems remains poorly understood. Here we integrate analyses of coral reef benthic communities with microbial community sequencing to show how a deoxygenation event rapidly altered benthic community composition and microbial assemblages in a shallow tropical reef ecosystem. Conditions associated with the event precipitated coral bleaching and mass mortality, causing a 50% loss of live coral and a shift in the benthic community that persisted a year later. Conversely, the unique taxonomic and functional profile of hypoxia-associated microbes rapidly reverted to a normoxic assemblage one month after the event. The decoupling of ecological trajectories among these major functional groups following an acute event emphasizes the need to incorporate deoxygenation as an emerging stressor into coral reef research and management plans to combat escalating threats to reef persistence.M.D.J. was funded by postdoctoral fellow awards from the Smithsonian Institution’s Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO) and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI); M.L. and N.L. were funded by postdoctoral support from the STRI Office of Fellowships. J.J.S. was funded by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation awarded to STRI and UC Davis (doi:10.37807/GBMF5603). L.M.R.B., W.L.W., and A.H.A. were supported by MarineGEO, a private funder, and STRI funds to A.H.A. Many of the computations were conducted on the Smithsonian High-Performance Cluster (SI/HPC), Smithsonian Institution (doi:10.25572/SIHPC). We thank Rachel Collin for facilities support at the Bocas del Toro Research Station, Plinio Gondola and the research station staff for logistical support, Roman Barco for insight into the functional analyses, Sherly Castro for informative feedback, and Mike Fox for assistance with community analyses. Research permits were provided by the Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente de Panamá. This paper is the result of research funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Competitive Research Program under award NA18NOS4780170 to A.H.A. and M.D.J. through the University of Florida. This is contribution 257 from the Coastal Hypoxia Research Program and 86 from the Smithsonian’s MarineGEO and Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network

    The Foundation for Building the Conservation Capacity of Community Ecology

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    Ecology is a young discipline that needs to develop into a predictive science to confront the challenges of human population pressures and habitat degradation. Basic ecology has disproportionately focused on undisturbed, charismatic ecosystems, species and academic questions, leaving gaps in its ability to inform the conservation and management of degraded, threatened ecosystems. Foundation species-dependent organisms have been studied at the expense of the habitat-forming species that build and maintain communities. We used cobble beaches as a model system to discuss the consequences of this disparity on translational ecology. We suggest that the historic development of ecology has led to an academic discipline ill-suited for proactive conservation. We propose that the incorporation of foundation species and a hierarchical organization theory, into the conceptual framework of ecology, will improve its predictive ability and successful application in conservation and the restoration of degraded ecosystems

    Invertebrate Grazing on Live Turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum): A Common Interaction That May Facilitate Fungal Growth

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    In coastal wetlands and tropical reefs, snails can regulate foundation species by feeding on marsh grasses and hard corals. In many cases, their impacts are amplified because they facilitate microbial infection in grazer-induced wounds. Whether snails commonly graze live plants and facilitate microbial growth on plants in tropical seagrass systems is less explored. On a Belizean Caye, we examined patterns in snail-generated grazer scars on the abundant turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum). Our initial survey showed the occurrence of snail-induced scarring on live turtlegrass blades was common, with 57% of live leaves scarred. Feeding trials demonstrated that two of five common snails (Tegula fasciata–smooth tegula and Smaragdia viridis–emerald nerite) grazed unepiphytized turtlegrass blades and that smooth tegula abundance had a positive relationship with scarring intensity. Subsequent surveys at three Caribbean sites (separated by >150 km) also showed a high occurrence of snail-induced scars on turtlegrass blades. Finally, simulated herbivory experiments and field observations of a turtlegrass bed in Florida, United States suggests that herbivore damage could facilitate fungal growth in live seagrass tissue through mechanical opening of tissue. Combined, these findings reveal that snail grazing on live turtlegrass blades in the Caribbean can be common. Based on these results, we hypothesize that small grazers could be exerting top-down control over turtlegrass growth directly via grazing and/or indirectly by facilitating microbial infection in live seagrass tissue. Further studies are needed to determine the generality and relative importance of direct and indirect effects of gastropod grazing on turtlegrass health

    The influence of deoxygenation on Caribbean coral larval settlement and early survival

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    Deoxygenation is emerging as a major threat to coral reefs where it can have catastrophic effects, including mass coral mortality. Some coral species cannot survive more than a few days of exposure to low oxygen conditions, while others can tolerate deoxygenation for weeks, suggesting that coral tolerance to lowered dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations is species-specific. However, hypoxia thresholds for corals have not yet been fully defined, and more information is needed to understand if tolerance to deoxygenation is consistent across all life stages. In this study, we tested the influence of severe (1.5 mg L-1 DO) and intermediate (3.5 mg L-1 DO) deoxygenation on larval settlement and survival during the early recruitment life phase of Colpophyllia natans, Orbicella faveolata, and Pseudodiploria strigosa. Exposure to deoxygenation over a 3-day settlement period did not significantly impact larval survival nor settlement rates compared to ambient DO concentrations (6 mg L-1 DO) for all three species. However, recruit survivorship in C. natans and O. faveolata after further exposure to severe deoxygenation was reduced compared to intermediate deoxygenation and control DO conditions. After 45 days of exposure to severe deoxygenation only 2.5 ± 2.5% of the initial O. faveolata had survived the larval and recruit stages compared to 22.5 ± 4.5% in control oxygen conditions. Similarly, C. natans survival was 13.5 ± 6.0% under severe deoxygenation, compared to 41.0 ± 4.4% in the control treatment. In contrast, survival of P. strigosa larvae and recruits was not different under deoxygenation treatments compared to the control, and higher overall, relative to the other species, indicating that P. strigosa is more resilient to severe deoxygenation conditions during its earliest life stages. This study provides unique insights into species-specific variation in the tolerance of coral recruits to deoxygenation with implications for whether this life history stage may be a demographic bottleneck for three ecologically important Caribbean coral species. Given the increasing frequency and severity of deoxygenation events in Caribbean coastal waters, these results are an important contribution to the growing body of research on deoxygenation as a threat to coral reef persistence in the Anthropocene, with implications for conservation and restoration efforts integrating coral recruitment into reef recovery efforts

    Long-distance interactions regulate the structure and resilience of coastal ecosystems

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    Mounting evidence indicates that spatial interactions are important in structuring coastal ecosystems. Until recently, however, most of this work has been focused on seemingly exceptional systems that are characterized by regular, self-organized patterns. In this review, we document that interactions that operate at long distances, beyond the direct neighborhood of individual organisms, are more common and have much more far-reaching implications for coastal ecosystems than was previously realized. We review studies from a variety of ecosystem types-including cobble beaches, mussel beds, coral reefs, seagrass meadows, and mangrove forests-that reveal a startling interplay of positive and negative interactions between habitats across distances of up to a kilometer. In addition to classical feeding relations, alterations of physical conditions constitute an important part of these long-distance interactions. This entanglement of habitats has crucial implications for how humans manage coastal ecosystems, and evaluations of anthropogenic impact should explicitly address long-distance and system-wide effects before we deem these human activities to be causing little harm

    The response of Tampa Bay to a legacy mining nutrient release in the year following the event

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    IntroductionCultural eutrophication threatens numerous ecological and economical resources of Florida’s coastal ecosystems, such as beaches, mangroves, and seagrasses. In April 2021, an infrastructure failure at the retired Piney Point phosphorus mining retention reservoir garnered national attention, as 814 million liters of nutrient rich water were released into Tampa Bay, Florida over 10 days. The release of nitrogen and phosphorus-rich water into Tampa Bay – a region that had been known as a restoration success story since the 1990s – has highlighted the potential for unexpected challenges for coastal nutrient management.MethodsFor a year after the release, we sampled bi-weekly at four sites to monitor changes in nutrients, stable isotopes, and phytoplankton communities, complemented with continuous monitoring by multiparameter sondes. Our data complement the synthesis efforts of regional partners, the Tampa Bay and Sarasota Bay Estuary Programs, to better understand the effects of anthropogenic nutrients on estuarine health.ResultsPhytoplankton community structure indicated an initial diatom bloom that dissipated by the end of April 2021. In the summer, the bay was dominated by Karenia brevis, with conditions improving into the fall. To determine if there was a unique carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) signature of the discharge water, stable isotope values of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were analyzed in suspended particulate material (SPM). The δ15N values of the discharge SPM were −17.88‰ ± 0.76, which is exceptionally low and was unique relative to other nutrient sources in the region. In May and early June of 2021, all sites exhibited a decline in the δ15N values of SPM, suggesting that discharged N was incorporated into SPM after the event. The occurrence of very low δ15N values at the reference site, on the Gulf Coast outside of the Bay, indicates that some of the discharge was transported outside of Tampa Bay.DiscussionThis work illustrates the need for comprehensive nutrient management strategies to assess and manage the full range of consequences associated with anthropogenic nutrient inputs into coastal ecosystems. Ongoing and anticipated impacts of climate change – such as increasing tropical storm intensity, temperatures, rainfall, and sea level rise – will exacerbate this need
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