117 research outputs found

    Strategies for administration of biosurfactants-producing pseudomonads in closed hydroponic systems

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    Zoospore-producing oomycetes are major plant pathogens of particular concern in hydroponic systems. Compared with pesticides, biocontrol using antagonistic microorganisms is a sustainable approach to control oomycetes. Previous research has demonstrated that biosurfactants and biosurfactant-producing microorganisms are potentially useful components of a sustainable biocontrol strategy. In this study three ways of supplying a biosurfactant-producing strain to a recirculating hydroponic cultivation system infected with a zoospore-producing plant pathogen were evaluated. The strain P. koreensis 2.74 was added as washed cells, in its spent KB broth or in a minimal medium adapted from the nutrient solution, and compared with control treatments. A significant reduction in disease with up to 50% was achieved when a high concentration of washed cells was added weekly to the plant cultivation system. The disease suppression obtained through addition of washed cells equalled the effect achieved when the purified biosurfactant was used. Phytotoxicity was observed when the spent broth was included in the treatment


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    Jordtrötthet Àr ett samlingsbegrepp för den försÀmrade tillvÀxten som uppstÄrvid Äterplantering av en rabatt, ett fÀlt e.d. med samma eller ett nÀrbeslÀktat vÀxtslag. Den har ödesdigra ekonomiska konsekvenser för fruktodlingar och plantskolor. ProblematikenharfrÀmst rapporterats och undersökts för vÀxter tillhörande familjen rosvÀxter, Rosaceae, men det finns Àven indikationer pÄ att andra vÀxtslag kan drabbas, t.ex. pioner. Forskning för att lösa denna gÄta har pÄgÄtt i olika delar av vÀrlden i mer Àn 200 Är utan att man egentligen har kommit till klarhet. Under det senaste decenniet har forskningen kring jordtrötthet enbart upprÀtthÄllits vid nÄgra enstaka forskningsstationer. Nya metoder och framsteg inom utvecklingen av biologiska bekÀmpningsmedel har gett upphov till nya vyerinomjordtrötthetsforskningen

    Utilisation of Carbon Sources by Pythium, Phytophthora and Fusarium Species as Determined by BiologÂź Microplate Assay

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    This study examined the metabolic activity of pure cultures of five root pathogens commonly found in closed hydroponic cultivation systems (Phytophthora cryptogea (PC), Phytophthora capsici (PCP), Pythium aphanidermatum (PA), Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL) and Fusarium solani (FS)) using sole carbon source utilisation in order to develop effective biocontrol strategies against these pathogens. Aliquots of 150 ”L of the mycelial suspension were inoculated in each well of GN2 microtitre plates. On the basis of average well colour development and number of positive wells, the pathogens were divided into two groups, (i) PA and FORL and (ii) PC, PCP and FS. Group (i) was characterised by a short lag-phase, a rapid exponential phase involving almost all carbon sources offered and a long stationary phase, while group (ii) had a more extended lag-phase and a slower utilisation rate of the carbon sources offered. The three isolates in group (ii) differed significantly during their exponential phase. The lowest utilisation rate of carbon sources and number of sources utilised was found for PCP. Of the major group of carbon sources, six carbohydrates, three carboxylic acids and four amino acids were rapidly used by all isolates tested at an early stage. The carbon sources gentibiose, α-D-glucose, maltose, sucrose, D-trehalose, L-aspartic acid, L-glutamic acid, L-proline persisted to the end of the exponential phase.Moreover, similarities between the metabolic profiles of the tested pathogen and the those of the resident microflora could also be found. These findings are of great importance as regards the role of the resident microflora in the biocontrol

    Patterns of fungal and bacterial carbon mineralization across northern european peatlands

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    The fungal and bacterial activity was determined in 20 northern European peatlands ranging from ombrotrophic bogs to eutrophic fens with key differences in degree of humification, pH, dry bulk density, carbon (C) content and vegetation communities using the selective inhibition (SI) technique. These peatlands were partly disturbed and the respective water tables lowered below the surface layer. Basal respiration ranged from 24 to 128 mu g CO2-C g(-1) dry peat d(-1). Bacterial contributions to CO2 production were high in most peatlands and showed the following pattern: eutrophic >> transitional mesotrophic >> ombrotrophic peatland types. The fungal-to-bacterial (F:B) ratios varied substantially within peatland type, and this was mainly attributed to differences in peat botanical compositions and chemistry. The computed mean Inhibitor Additivity Ratio (IAR) was quite close to 1 to suggest that the SI techniques can be used to partition eukaryotic and prokaryotic activity in wide range of peatlands. Overall, basal respiration, microbial biomass-C, fungal and bacterial activities varied across the studied peatland types, and such differences could have consequences for C- and nutrient-cycling as well as how bogs and fens will respond to environmental changes

    Ledningstal och mikronÀringsÀmnen kan pÄverka effekt av biologisk bekÀmpning

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    VÀxtnÀring tycks inte enbart ha effekt pÄ vÀxternas utveckling utan Àven pÄ hur vÀl biologisk bekÀmpning fungerar. Undersökningar i Alnarp visar bland annat pÄ ökad effekt av Binab T mot algsvampen Pythium ultimum vid ledningstal 2,5 eller högre i nÀringslösningen i slutna odlingssystem

    Cool fruits - Effekter av lagringstid samt lagringstemperatur pÄ förekomst av Listeria monocytogenes i fÀrsk fruktcocktail

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    FĂ€rska fruktsallader (fruktcocktail) efterfrĂ„gas av konsumenter. Med dagens anstrĂ€ngda elpriser stĂ€lls frĂ„gan om kyltemperaturen under framstĂ€llning, transport och display i butiken skulle kunna höjas frĂ„n 4 till 8 °C utan att Ă€ventyra livsmedelssĂ€kerheten för dessa produkter. Föreliggande rapport bygger pĂ„ en litteraturstudie och en provokationsstudie, dĂ€r den köldtoleranta (psykrofila) organismen Listeria monocytogenes anvĂ€ndes som modellorganism. Litteraturstudien genomfördes som en systematisk litteratursökning i databasen Web‐of‐Science. I den experimentella delen studerades tillvĂ€xtbeteendet av L. monocytogenes med hĂ€nsyn till lagringstemperatur och lagringstid i en fĂ€rsk fruktcocktail bestĂ„ende av ananas, röda Ă€pplen, nĂ€tmelon och röda druvor. Den experimentella delen byggde pĂ„ frĂ„gestĂ€llningen om lagringstemperaturen kan höjas frĂ„n 4 °C till 8 °C samt frĂ„n en rekommenderad lagringslĂ€ngd pĂ„ 4 dagar till 8 dagar, med hĂ€nsyn till förekomst av L. monocytogenes. En klinisk stam av L. monocytogenes inokulerades i fĂ€rdiga rĂ„a fruktsallader. Tre temperaturregimer tillĂ€mpades: 4 °C i Ă„tta dagar, 8 °C i Ă„tta dagar samt 4 °C i ett dygn följt av 8 °C under Ă„terstĂ„ende lagringstid pĂ„ totalt Ă„tta dagar (sĂ„ kallad dynamisk temperaturregim). Vi fann att modellorganismen hade förökat sig efter Ă„tta dagars lagringstid i samtliga behandlingar, dock avsevĂ€rt lĂ„ngsammare vid lagring i 4 °C, jĂ€mfört med kontinuerlig lagring i 8 °C samt den dynamiska behandlingen. Vid 4 °C lagringstemperatur visade L. monocytogenes en tillvĂ€xtpotential av knappt ett halvt log‐vĂ€rde, samt med log 1,37 respektive log 1,23 vid 8 °C lagringstemperatur respektive dynamisk lagring, trots att fruktsalladens pH lĂ„g under minimi‐kraven för L. monocytogenes. I synnerhet i behandlingarna med högre temperatur förekom en massiv uppförökning av jĂ€stsvampar. UtifrĂ„n föreliggande resultat av litteraturundersökningen förordar vi ingen förhöjning av lagringstemperatur eller förlĂ€ngning av lagringstid

    Hygienization aspects of composting

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    ‱ Compost use in agriculture always brings about the risk of introducing plant and human pathogens. ‱ The backbone of the hygienization process consists of temperature, moisture content and chemical compounds formed during composting and activity of antagonists. ‱ Compost produced by proper composting, i.e. a process that produces high temperatures during asufficiently long thermophilic phase can be applied safely. ‱ Farmers should invest in good relationships with compost producers

    Commercial wash of leafy vegetables do not significantly decrease bacterial load but leads to shifts in bacterial species composition

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    Production of leafy vegetables for the “Ready-to-eat”-market has vastly increased the last 20 years, and consumption of these minimally processed vegetables has led to outbreaks of food-borne diseases. Contamination of leafy vegetables can occur throughout the production chain, and therefore washing of the produce has become a standard in commercial processing. This study explores the bacterial communities of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) in a commercial setting in order to identify potential contamination events, and to investigate effects on bacterial load by commercial processing. Samples were taken in field, after washing of the produce and at the end of shelf-life. This study found that the bacterial community composition and diversity changed significantly from the first harvest to the end of shelf-life, where the core microbiome from the first to the last sampling constituted <2% of all OTUs. While washing of the produce had no reducing effect on bacterial load compared to unwashed, washing led to a change in species composition. As the leaves entered the cold chain after harvest, a rise was seen in the relative abundance of spoilage bacteria. E. coli was detected after the washing indicating issues of cross-contamination in the wash water
