1 research outputs found

    The Protective Role of Iraqi Propolis in Preventing Anemia Caused by AFB-1 in Male Rats

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    Aflatoxins have been linked to causeĀ  anemia in many research, theseĀ  effects can be countered by natural materials like Propolis. Our study designed to investigate the protective role of propolis against AFB-1 on erythrocytes indices and iron status andĀ  to find out the status of the anemia in rats exposed to AFB-1 for 60 days. 24 male rats divided into equal 4 groups: group C was control, second group AF received Aflatoxin-B1 ( 0.025mg/kg ), third group P received Propolis in dose (50 mg /kg BW) and the fourth group AFP received Aflatoxin-B1 (0.025 mg/ 1kg BW) + Propolis (50 mg / 1kg BW). Results revealed that AFB1 orally induced anemia indicated by significant decrease of PCV,Ā  HB, RBCs count, MCV and MCH with increase of RDW in AF group and non-decreased in P and AFP groups when compared with control group. Iron status showed a significant increase in iron TIBC, UIBC and PTS in all of the groups while the ferritine decreased in all of them except the control. In conclusion , orally exposure to Aflatoxin-B1 for 60 days induced anemia characterized by iron overload and microcytic, hypochromic and anisocytosis erythrone. Propolis showed a high activity to improve all the above measurementsĀ  and counter these deleterious effect of Aflatoxin-B1 to normal situation, and was successful in treatment of anemia. Keywords: Aflatoxin, Propolis, Anemia, Erythrocytes indices, Iron status