33 research outputs found


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    Veliki broj pasmina potiče od divljeg kunića. Mnoge pasmine ne otkrivaju porijeklo po samom nazivu dotične pasmine, niti po mjestima, obliku tijela, glave, oznaka ili boji. Uzgajivači i ljubitelji kunića promatrajući njihovo potomstvo se susreću s nerazumijevanjem pojmova nasljeđivanja boje dlake. Bez obzira, Å”to ima dovoljno objaÅ”njenja o ovoj tematici u vidu različitih izvora informiranja, potrebno je upoznati stručnu i znanstvenu javnost s osnovama nasljeđivanja. S toga, predstavljanje ovog rada kroz znanstvenu literaturu te stručnog pojaÅ”njenja nasljednih osobina pomoći će lakÅ”em shvaćanju nasljeđivanja boje i promjene strukture dlake kunića.A large number of breeds originate from wild rabbits. Many breeds do not reveal the origin by the name of the precise breed itself, nor places, the form of the body, head, mark or color. Breeders and fans of rabbits by watching their offspring are experiencing difficulties with terms related to inheritance of hair color. Regardless, there are enough explanations on this subject in the form of different sources of information, it is necessary to get acquainted with the basics of inheritance. In addition, the presentation of this paper through the scientific literature, and expert explanations of hereditary traits will help to better and easier understanding of inheritance of color and structure mutations in hair of rabbits


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    Veliki broj pasmina potiče od divljeg kunića. Mnoge pasmine ne otkrivaju porijeklo po samom nazivu dotične pasmine, niti po mjestima, obliku tijela, glave, oznaka ili boji. Uzgajivači i ljubitelji kunića promatrajući njihovo potomstvo se susreću s nerazumijevanjem pojmova nasljeđivanja boje dlake. Bez obzira, Å”to ima dovoljno objaÅ”njenja o ovoj tematici u vidu različitih izvora informiranja, potrebno je upoznati stručnu i znanstvenu javnost s osnovama nasljeđivanja. S toga, predstavljanje ovog rada kroz znanstvenu literaturu te stručnog pojaÅ”njenja nasljednih osobina pomoći će lakÅ”em shvaćanju nasljeđivanja boje i promjene strukture dlake kunića.A large number of breeds originate from wild rabbits. Many breeds do not reveal the origin by the name of the precise breed itself, nor places, the form of the body, head, mark or color. Breeders and fans of rabbits by watching their offspring are experiencing difficulties with terms related to inheritance of hair color. Regardless, there are enough explanations on this subject in the form of different sources of information, it is necessary to get acquainted with the basics of inheritance. In addition, the presentation of this paper through the scientific literature, and expert explanations of hereditary traits will help to better and easier understanding of inheritance of color and structure mutations in hair of rabbits


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    Uzgoj kunića ima viÅ”estruki privredni i sportski značaj, kao i za hobi aktivnost. Vrijednost uspjeha svakog uzgajivača očituje se u uzgoju ljubimca i njegovog izlaganja na različitim izložbama gdje se vrÅ”i ocjenjivanje. Osnovica ocjenjivanja može biti izgled ili natjecateljski rezultati. Ocjenjivanje se vrÅ”i prema vanjskom izgledu životinje (fenotipu) imajući u vidu osobine određene pasmine propisane standardom, s ciljem unapređenja uzgojno ā€“ sportskih vrijednosti. Iako ima dovoljno objaÅ”njenja o ovoj tematici u vidu različitih izvora informiranja, postoje nejasnoće pri ocjenjivanju. U radu su detaljno objaÅ”njene pozicije kod ocjenjivanja, te predstavlja stručni doprinos i pregled Å”irem krugu zainteresiranih uzgajivača, stručnjaka praktičara i ljubitelja kunića.Breeding rabbit has multiple significance by the hobby, a sport and a economic. The value of the success of every breeder is reflected in the growing pet and its exposure to the various exhibitions where it is being assessment. The basis of assessment may be appearance or competition results. The evaluation is carried out according to the external appearance of animals (phenotype) taking into account the characteristics of certain breeds of prescribed standards, with the aim of improving breeding - sporting value. Although there is enough explanation on this subject in the form of different sources of information, there is uncertainty in the assessment. The paper explained in detail the position in the assessment, as well as a scientific contribution to the review of a wider range of interested farmers, practitioners and owner pet of rabbits.

    The effect of immersion in beverages and dental bleaching agents on the surface roughness of resin composites

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    Introduction: Composite materials may be exposed to chemicals in food and beverages in the oral cavity, which can lead to changes in surface roughness. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the surface roughness of two restorative materials after exposure to coffee and green tea followed by a dental bleaching procedure. Methods: For nanofilled composite and microhybrid composite, 15 samples each were fabricated. Five specimens from each composite were stored in instant coffee and green tea for 4 h a day. After 30 days of immersion, specimens received dental at-home bleaching, using 16% carbamide peroxide (CP), for 7 h a day. The control group was stored in deionized water for 30 days. Surface roughness was determined by profilometry 24 h after polymerization, after 30 days of immersion, and after bleaching. The data were analyzed using a t-test for paired samples and mixed analysis of variance, at a 0.05 significance level. Results: Neither beverages nor CP treatment significantly altered the surface roughness of the composites. There was no difference between the tested composite materials regarding roughness. Conclusion: Surface roughness of the microhybrid and nanohybrid composites was not modified by coffee, green tea, and subsequent whitening treatment

    Učinci testne mjeŔavine i komercijalnog probiotika na proizvodna svojstva brojlera

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of test mixture or probiotic addition to drinking water on the growth performance of broiler chickens. A total of 240 one-day-old Cobb 500 chickens were distributed into three groups with eight replicates in each (10 chickens in each replicate). The control group of chickens (C) were without treatment. The chickens in experimental group E1 were treated with the commercial probiotic ProbiosĀ® and the chickens in experimental group E2 were treated with the test mixture (Lactobacillus acidophilus culture, inactivated bakerā€™s yeast, C vitamin, lactose and glucose) prepared using the authorsā€™ own recipe. Treatments of chickens were conducted during the first three days of life and for three days using the chickensā€™ vaccination drinking water. The experiment lasted for 42 days. Feed and water were offered ad libitum during the experiment. Body weight, daily feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR), carcass weight, carcass yield and European production index (EPI) were studied in this experiment. The addition of the experimental probiotic significantly increased (P<0.05) body weight gain at 21, 35 and 42 days of age, however, the probiotic ProbiosĀ® improved body weight gain over the same period without any significant difference compared to the control group. FCR was significantly improved at 21 and 35 days of age in both E1 and E2 groups, but at the end of fattening the FCR was not affected. Feed consumption was not influenced by the treatments. The results obtained indicate that carcass weight significantly increased (P<0.05) in the groups of chickens treated by the test mixture or probiotic. It was concluded that addition of test mixture or probiotic improved body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, carcass weight and EPI.Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati učinke dodatka testne mjeÅ”avine ili probiotika u vodi za piće na proizvodna svojstva brojlerskih pilića. Ukupno 240 jednodnevnih pilića Cobb 500 podijeljeno je u tri skupine, i to po osam ponavljanja u svakoj skupini (10 pilića u svakom ponavljanju). Kontrolna skupina pilića (K) bila je bez tretmana. Pilići u pokusnoj skupini E1 tretirani su komercijalnim probiotikom ProbiosĀ®, a pilići u pokusnoj skupini E2 testnom mjeÅ”avinom (kultura Lactobacillus acidophilus, inaktivirani pekarski kvasac, vitamin C, laktoza i glukoza) pripremljenom prema vlastitoj recepturi. Tretman pilića provodio se prva tri dana života i trodnevno, pri cijepljenju pilića, u vodi za piće. Pokus je trajao 42 dana. Tijekom pokusnog razdoblja pilići su dobivali hranu i vodu ad libitum. Analizirani su tjelesna masa, konzumacija hrane, prirast tjelesne mase, konverzija hrane, masa trupa, randman mesa i proizvodni indeks (European Production Index, EPI). Dodavanjem testne mjeÅ”avine znakovito je povećana tjelesna masa pilića u dobi od 21, 35 i 42 dana (P < 0,05). U istom je razdoblju dodatkom probiotika ProbiosĀ® tjelesna masa pilića neznakovito poboljÅ”ana u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom. Konverzija hrane znakovito je poboljÅ”ana u dobi od 21 i 35 dana u skupinama E1 i E2, ali bez učinka tretmana na kraju tova. Probiotski tretman nije utjecao na konzumaciju hrane. Pilići tretirani testnom mjeÅ”avinom ili probiotikom ostvarili su znakovito veću masu trupa na kraju tova. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da dodatak testne mjeÅ”avine ili probiotika poboljÅ”ava prirast tjelesne mase, konverziju hrane, masu trupa i proizvodni indeks (EPI)

    Minerali u ovčjem siru

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    The indigenous Travnik (Vlasic) cheese is produced in central Bosnia in the area of Mt. Vlasic. This cheese belongs to the group of white soft cheeses, ripened in brine under anaerobic conditions, and made from raw, thermally untreated sheepā€™s milk. The production technology is very simple and is adapted to mountainous conditions. Cheese is an important source of essential nutrients, in particular proteins, fat, vitamins and minerals. The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of macroelements (Ca, Na, K, Mg, P) and microelements (Zn, Fe, Cu) in 15 samples of Travnik sheep cheese using the atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and ultravioletā€“visible spectrometry (UV-VIS) methods. A tendency of increasing Mg and K, Fe and Ca, Fe and Mg, and Fe and P was determined in the examined samples, but without statistical significance. The correlation coefficient values showed statistical validity at the level of high significance of differences (P<0.01).Autohtoni travnički (vlaÅ”ički) se sir proizvodi u planinskom području centralne Bosne na planini VlaÅ”ić. Ovaj sir pripada skupini bijelih mekih sireva koji zriju u salamuri u anaerobnim uvjetima, proizvedeni od sirovog, termički neobrađenog ovčjeg mlijeka. Tehnologija proizvodnje je vrlo jednostavna i odgovara uvjetima proizvodnje u planinskim područjima. Sir je bogat izvor esencijalnih hranjivih sastojaka, posebice proteina, masti, vitamina i minerala. Cilj ovog istraživanja je određivanje koncentracija makro elemenata (Ca, Na, K, Mg, P) i mikro elemenata (Zn, Fe, Cu) u 15 uzoraka autohtonog ovčjeg sira tehnikom atomsko apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom (engl. Atomic absorption spectrometry, AAS) i spektrometrijom ultraljubičastim zrakama (engl. Ultravioletvisible spectrometry, UV-VIS). Tendencija povećanja Mg i K, Fe i Ca, Fe i Mg te Fe i P ustvrđena je u uzorku ispitivanog sira, ali bez statističke značajnosti. Vrijednosti koeficijenta korelacije pokazale su statističku značajnost na razini velike značajnosti razlika (P<0,01)


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    U Bosni i Hercegovini, kunićarstvo kao grana stočarstva, je slabo razvijeno a glavni faktori nerazvijenosti su kulturoloÅ”ke ustaljene prehrambene navike, nepostojanje tradicije uzgoja kunića i sigurnog tržiÅ”ta za plasman dobivenih proizvoda Å”to u konačnici predstavlja mali broj uzgajivača za ovu vrstu stočarstva a samim tim i slabiji privredni značaj. Prisutna je tendencija pada ukupnog broja kunića. Tako je 2006. godine bilo oko 18.000, od 2007. do 2010. 19.000, dok je 2011. godine registrirano 11.000 kunića Å”to je za 38,89% bilo manje u odnosu na 2006., a 42,11% u odnosu na period 2007. do 2010. godine. Zahvaljujući određenom broju zaljubljenika ipak je primjetna tendencija rasta broja uzgajivača ovih Å£ivotinja, ne samo kao uzgoj ljubimaca, već i uzgoj kunića sitnih proizvođača isključivo za vlastite potrebe. S toga, je potrebno prezentirati osnovne karakteristike i značaj uzgoja kunića kao preporuka uzgajivačima za intenzivnije bavljenje ovom granom stočarstva.In the Bosnia and Herzegovina as a branch of rabbit livestock is poorly developed, and the main factors of underdevelopment of the livestock industry are routine cultural eating habits, absence of tradition of breeding rabbits, and a secure markets for the products obtained which ultimately represents a small number of breeders for this type of livestock and thus and weaker economic importance. There is a downward trend in the total number of rabbits. In 2006, rabbit population in B&H was about 18, of 2007 to 2010 19.000, while in 2011 the number decreased to 11.000 rabbits which is 38.89% was less than the 2006th, and 42.11% over the period of 2007th-2010th. Thanks to a number of fans still noticeable tendency for the number breeder of these animals, not only as breeding animals, but breeding rabbits small producers exclusively for their own use. Therefore, it is necessary to present the main features and importance of breeding rabbits as a recommendation for growers intensive practice of this branch of animal husbandry


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    Krajnji uspjeh rada jedne valionice ovisi, uz ostalo, od fiksnih i varijabilnih troÅ”kova inkubacije nastalih u procesu proizvodnje jednodnevnih pilića. S tim u vezi, cilj istraživanja bio je provjera primjenjivosti ekstremnih ultravioletnih zraka i negativnih iona u proizvodnoj praksi valionice brojlerskih pilića kao alternativnih sredstava sanitarnog tretmana rasplodnih jaja te usporedbom s konvencinalnim načinom sanitarnog tretmana parama formaldehida (kontrolni tretman)utvrditi njihovu ekonomsku opravdanost izraženu kroz varijabilne troÅ”kove inkubacije. Varijabilni troÅ”kovi sanitarnog tretmana 16500 rasplodnih jaja kroz četiri eksperimentalna ciklusa inkubacije parama formaldehida, ultravioletnim zrakama te kombiniranog tretmana negativnim ionima i ultravioletnim zrakama iznosili su 308,88 KM, 60,44 KM odnosno 106,80 KM.U usporedbi s referentnim tretmanom parama formaldehida udio varijabilnih troÅ”kova u cijeni jednodnevnog pileta iznosio je 18,72% kod primjene ultravioletnih zraka, te 30,76% kod kombinirane primjene ultravioletnih zraka prije početka inkubacije i primjene negativnih iona u predvalioniku, kontinuirano tokom prvih 18 dana inkubacije. Kroz dobre ekonomske pokazatelje validirani su i potvrđeni dobri higijenski te proizvodni učinci alternativnih načina sanitarnih tretmana rasplodnih jaja peradi u proizvodnim uvjetima. Kombinirana primjena ultravioletnih zraka i negativnih iona kao zamjena za fumigaciju rasplodnih jaja peradi parama formaldehida ima ekonomsku, ali i svaku drugu opravdanost.The ultimate success of a hatchery depends, among other factors, on the fixed and variable costs of incubation incurred in the production of day-old chickens. In this regard, the objective ofthe research was to check the applicability of the extreme ultraviolet rays and negative ions in the production practice of the broiler chicken hatchery, as the alternative means of the hatching egg sanitary treatment and, by comparison with the conventional sanitary treatment by formaldehyde vapors (control treatment), their economic justification expressed as variable costs of incubation. Variable costs of the sanitary treatment for 16,500 hatching eggs, through four experimental incubation cycles, with formaldehyde vapors, ultraviolet rays and the combined treatment with negative ions and ultraviolet rays were 157.93 ā‚¬, 30.90 ā‚¬ and 54.60 ā‚¬, respectively.Compared with the reference treatment by formaldehyde vapors, the share of variable costs for the experimental treatment in the price of one-day chicken was 18.72% when using ultraviolet rays and 30.76% for the combined use of ultraviolet rays before the start of incubation and application of negative ions in the incubator continuously during the first 18 days of incubation.Using positive economic indicators, good hygienic and production effects of the alternative sanitary treatments of the poultry hatching eggs were validated and confirmed in production conditions. Combined application of ultraviolet rays and negative ions as a substitute for formaldehyde vapor fumigation of the poultry hatching eggs has both economic and every other justification


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    Upotreba ulja uzgojene crnjike nije uobičajena u praksi ishrane tovnih pilića, ali zbog visokog sadržaja linolne i linolenske kiseline koriÅ”teno je u eksperimentalne svrhe u skladu sa zahtjevima ovog istraživanja. Cilj rada je bio ispitati utjecaj dodatka ulja uzgojene crnjike na tjelesnu masu, prirast, konverziju hrane i proizvodni broj kod 40 pilića provenijence Cobb 500 podijeljenih u dvije skupine (pokusna i kontrolna). Kemijskom analizom u komercijalnim smjesama za tov pilića utvrđeno je u starteru 22,41% sirovog proteina i 12,71 MJ metaboličke energije (ME)/kg, u groveru 21,17% sirovog proteina i 12,95 MJ ME/kg i u finiÅ”eru 20,06% sirovog proteina i 13,03 MJ ME/kg. Pilići pokusne skupine tretirani su s uljem uzgojene crnjike (0,025 g/piletu/dan) tokom perioda tova. Analizom masnokiselinskog sastava ulja uzgojene crnjike utvrđeno je 16,8% zasićenih i 82,91% nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Na kraju tova od 42 dana pilići pokusne skupine ostvarili su ukupno bolje proizvodne pokazatelje: veću tjelesnu masu i randman trupa, manju konverziju hrane i veći proizvodni indeks u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu ali bez statistički značajnih razlika.Using black cumin seed oil is not common practice in nutrition of broilers, but due to its high content of linoleic and linolenic acid it was used for experimental purposes in accordance with the requirements of this research. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of addition of black cumin seed oil on body weight, weight gain, feed conversion and production index at forty ā€œCobb 500ā€ broilers divided into two groups (experimental and control). Chemical analysis of commercial mixtures for fattening broilers was: starter 22.41% crude protein and 12.71 MJ Metabolizable Energy (ME) /kg); grower 21.17% crude protein and 12.95 MJ/kg ME and finisher 20.06% crude protein and 13.03 MJ/kg ME. Broilers from the experimental group were treated with black seed oil (0.025g/chick/day) during the fattening period. The analysis of fatty acids composition of black cumin seed oil showed 16.8% saturated and 82.91% of unsaturated fatty acids. At the end of fattening period (42nd day), broilers of the experimental group achieved a better overall production results: higher body weight and boddy carcass, lower feed conversion, and higher European Production Index (EPI) than in the control group but there were no significant differences


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj dodatka komercijalnog (ProbiosĀ®) i pokusnog (kultura Lactobacillus acidophilus izolirana iz acidofilnog mlijeka, inaktivirani pekarski kvasac, vitamin C i laktoza) probiotskog preparata putem vode za piće na imunosni odgovor protiv gumborske bolesti kod tovnih pilića. Istraživanja su provedena na 105 jednodnevnih pilića provenijence Cobb 500 podijeljenih u tri skupine (dvije pokusne i jedna kontrolna skupina). Probiotski tretman obje pokusne skupine pilića bio je prva tri dana života i trodnevno pri vakciniranju pilića protiv njukaslske i gumborske bolesti te infektivnog brohitisa (dan prije, na dan i dan nakon vakciniranja). Tijekom pokusa pilići su vakcinirani prema programu imunoprofilakse koji je načinjen u skladu s titrom kongenitalnih protutijela. Kontrolom imunosnog odgovora protiv gumborske bolesti kod pilića u dobi od 28 i 42 dana utvrđene su veće, odnosno značajno (p<0,05) veće srednje vrijednosti titra protutijela kod pilića pokusne P2 odnosno P1 skupine u usporedbi s vrijednostima kontrolne K skupine. Istovremeno, statistička značajnost razlika srednjih vrijednosti titra protutijela između pokusnih skupina nije utvrđena.The aim of the study was to examine the effect of commercial (Probios Ā®) and experimental (the culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus isolated from acidophilus milk, inactivated bakersā€™ yeast, vitamin C and lactose) probiotic preparations through drinking water on the immune response against Gumboro disease in broiler chickens. Research was conducted on 105/day old Cobb 500 chicks divided into three groups (two experimental and one control group). Probiotic treatments of experimental groups of chickens were the first three days of life and three days during the vaccination of chickens against Newcastle disease, Gumboro disease and Infectious bronchitis (the day before, on the day of and the day after vaccination). During the experiment chickens were vaccinated under the program of immunoprophylaxis, made in accordance with congenital antibody titres. By controlling the immune response against Gumboro disease in chickens at the age of 28 and 42 days higher and significantly (p <0.05) higher mean antibody titers were found in experimental P2 and P1 groups compared with control K group, respectively. In the same time, statistically significant differences in mean values of antibody titers between the experimental groups were not determined