15 research outputs found

    Flow characterisation for a validation study in high-speed aerodynamics

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    Validation studies are becoming increasingly relevant when investigating complex flow problems in high-speed aerodynamics. These investigations require calibration of numerical models with accurate data from the physical wind tunnel being studied. This paper presents the characterisation process for a joint experimental-computational study to investigate the streamwise corners of a Mach 2.5 channel flow. As well as checks of flow quality typically performed for phenomenological investigations, additional quantitative tests are conducted. The extra care to obtain high quality data and eliminate any systematic errors reveal useful information about the wind tunnel flow. Further important physical insights are gained from designing and conducting wind tunnel tests in conjunction with numerical simulations. Crucially, the close experimental-computational collaboration enabled the identification of secondary flows in the sidewall boundary-layers; these strongly influence the flow in the corner regions, the target of the validation study

    Optimization of Multistage Coefficients for Explicit Multigrid Flow Solvers

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    Geostatistical analysis of microrelief of an oxisol as a function of tillage and cumulative rainfall Análise geoestatística do microrrelevo de um Latossolo em função do preparo do solo e da precipitação acumulada

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    Surface roughness can be influenced by type and intensity of soil tillage among other factors. In tilled soils microrelief may decay considerably as rain progresses. Geostatistics provides some tools that may be useful to study the dynamics of soil surface variability. The objective of this study was to show how it is possible to apply geostatistics to analyze soil microrelief variability. Data were taken at an Oxisol over six tillage treatments, namely, disk harrow, disk plow, chisel plow, disk harrow + disk level, disk plow + disk level and chisel plow + disk level. Measurements were made initially just after tillage and subsequently after cumulative natural rainfall events. Duplicated measurements were taken in each one of the treatments and dates of samplings, yielding a total of 48 experimental surfaces. A pin microrelief meter was used for the surface roughness measurements. The plot area was 1.35 × 1.35 m and the sample spacing was 25 mm, yielding a total of 3,025 data points per measurement. Before geostatistical analysis, trend was removed from the experimental data by two methods for comparison. Models were fitted to the semivariograms of each surface and the model parameters were analyzed. The trend removing method affected the geostatistical results. The geostatistical parameter dependence ratio showed that spatial dependence improved for most of the surfaces as the amount of cumulative rainfall increased.<br>A rugosidade da superfície pode ser influenciada pelo tipo e pela intensidade do preparo do solo, entre outros fatores. Em solos preparados o microrrelevo é aplanado consideravelmente com o acúmulo da chuva. A Geoestatística promove algumas ferramentas que podem ser úteis no estudo da dinâmica da variabilidade da superfície do solo. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar se é possível aplicar geoestatística na análise da variação do microrrelevo do solo. Os resultados foram obtidos num Latossolo sob seis tratamentos de preparo do solo: grade de discos, arado de discos, escarificador, grade de discos + grade niveladora, arado de discos + grade niveladora e escarificador + grade niveladora. As medidas foram feitas logo após o preparo do solo e subseqüentemente após cumulativos eventos de chuva natural. Medições duplicadas foram feitas em cada tratamento para cada data, produzindo um total de 48 superfícies. Um rugosímetro de agulhas foi utilizado para as medidas da rugosidade da superfície. A área de cada parcela era 1,35 m por 1,35 m e as medidas espaçadas de 25 mm, produzindo um total de 3025 pontos por parcela. Antes da análise geoestatística, a tendência foi removida dos dados experimentais por dois diferentes métodos. Foram ajustados modelos aos semivariogramas de cada superfície, e os parâmetros desses modelos foram analisados. O método usado para remover a tendência influenciou os resultados geoestatísticos. O parâmetro geoestatístico razão de dependência mostrou que a dependência espacial aumentou para a maioria das superfícies com o aumento da precipitação pluvial acumulada

    Static and dynamic numerical simulations of a generic UCAV configuration with and without control devices

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    A contribution for the assessment of the static and dynamic aerodynamic behavior of a generic UCAV configuration with control devices using CFD methods is given. For the CFD simulations the unstructured grid based DLR TAU-Code and the structured grid based NLR solver ENSOLV are used. The numerical methods are verified by experimental wind tunnel data. The current investigations should provide a contribution to assess the prediction capability of control device effectiveness using CFD methods. The presented computational results for the assessment will be validated by dedicated experimental data. Furthermore, it should support the understanding of the flow physics around the trailing edge control devices of highly swept configurations with a vortex dominated flow field. Design requirements should be able draw by analyzing the interaction between the vortical flow and the control devices. The present work is part of the NATO STO/AVT Task Group AVT-201 on Stability and Control prediction method

    Low-cost microprocessed instrument for evaluating soil temperature profile Instrumento microprocessado de baixo custo para avaliação da temperatura em perfil de solo

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    This paper describes a low-cost microprocessed instrument for in situ evaluating soil temperature profile ranging from -20.0°C to 99.9°C, and recording soil temperature data at eight depths from 2 to 128 cm. Of great importance in agriculture, soil temperature affects plant growth directly, and nutrient uptake as well as indirectly in soil water and gas flow, soil structure and nutrient availability. The developed instrument has potential applications in the soil science, when temperature monitoring is required. Results show that the instrument with its individual sensors guarantees ±0.25°C accuracy and 0.1°C resolution, making possible localized management changes within decision support systems. The instrument, based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor devices as well as thermocouples, operates in either automatic or non-automatic mode.<br>Este artigo descreve um instrumento microprocessado de baixo custo para avaliação in situ da temperatura em perfil de solo na faixa de -20,0°C a 99,9°C com armazenagem de dados de até oito profundidades, de 2 a 128 centímetros. A temperatura do solo é de grande importância para o crescimento de plantas, absorção de nutrientes, fluxo de gases e estrutura. O instrumento desenvolvido encontra várias aplicações na área da ciência do solo, onde o monitoramento de temperatura do solo é requerido. Resultados mostram que a caracterização do instrumento e seus sensores individuais garantem uma acurácia de ±0,25°C e uma resolução de 1,0°C. Também proporciona a produtores ou pesquisadores a oportunidade do manejo localizado para sistemas de tomada de decisão. O instrumento é baseado em dispositivos semicondutores com tecnologia de óxido metálico complementar e termopares. E pode operar tanto no modo manual quanto no modo automático