3 research outputs found

    Comparison of Efficiency of Photodynamic Diagnostics with Topical Use of the 3% and 15% Aminolevulinic Acid in the Detection of Vulvar Lesions

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    The objective of the study was evaluating the efficiency of the photodynamic method PDD (photodynamic diagnosis) in the detection of vulvar lesions when two concentrations of the photosensitizer were used ( 3%- and 15%-aminolevulinic acid ), as well as evaluating the efficiency of this method when compared to the efficiency of vulvoscopy, against the result of histological examination. Two concentrations of the 5-ALA cream ( aminolevulinic acid ) - 3% and 15% - were used in the PDD testing. The study group was divided into two subgroups A and B. In subgroup A the 15% eucerine - based cream was used. In subgroup B the 3% ALA gel with addition of 2% DMSO was used. The photosensitizer was applied to the vulva four to six hours before the examination. In order to obtain fluorescence, energy in the form of light whose wavelength was approximately 405 nm, and whose source was a SLED diode, was transmitted to vulvar tissue. The positive result of the exam was obtaining tissue fluorescence. All patients underwent vulvoscopy and a histological examination of tissue samples was performed in all cases. The efficiency of the photodynamic testing in subgroups A and B was compared with the efficiency of vulvoscopy, against the result of histological examination. Sensitivity, specificity, as well as positive and negative predictive values of the PDD examination and vulvoscopy in both subgroups, were evaluated. When the 15% ALA was used in detecting vulvar lesions, the photodynamic diagnostics was characterized by sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 92%, positive predictive value of 80%, negative predictive value of 100%, and correlation with the histopathological examination of 93.9%. When the 3% ALA was used, we observed: sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 91.4%, positive predictive value of 78.5%, negative predictive value of 100%, and correlation with the histopathological examination of 93.4%. Differences in the two subgroups were not statistically significant

    Photodynamic method – a way to improve diagnostic precision in cervical lesions

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    Cervical cancer is, after breast cancer, the second most common malignant tumor in females. As in a significant proportion of cases it is detected only at a late clinical stage, early diagnosis thereof, at best at the stage of dysplastic conditions, is a vital issue in oncologic gynecology. Diagnostic work-up is based on cytological studies, colposcopy, virusological tests and histological examination of tissue samples. Results of microscopic studies are crucial in this setting. Precise and reliable diagnosis requires representative tissue samples. This is particularly important in the case of low-grade or multifocal lesions. Such requirements are met by photodynamic method. The essence of photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) is comparison of fluorescence of normal and pathological tissue. This method makes use of endogenous fluorochromes (autofluorescence) or exogenous photosensitizing substances. Intensity of fluorescence in tumor tissue differs from that seen in healthy tissue. Application of a photosensitizer significantly enhances quality of images obtained, as it increases detection of light emitted by photosensitizer accumulated in pathological tissue. In order to excite fluorescence, energy must be applied to the tissue, of wavelength corresponding to wavelength absorbed by the photosensitizer. Photodynamic method precisely localizes pathological tissue, thus enabling a more reliable diagnosis of neoplastic conditions of the cervix. This enables selection of an optimal location for sampling tissue, providing information on extent and topography of lesions, which is crucial for adequate planning of therapy.Rak szyjki macicy jest drugim po raku sutka najczęstszym nowotworem złośliwym u kobiet. Ponieważ nadal rozpoznawany jest w znacznym odsetku przypadków w zbyt zaawansowanych stadiach klinicznych, wczesne wykrycie raka szyjki macicy, a zwłaszcza stanów dysplastycznych, stanowi istotny problem ginekologii onkologicznej. Postępowanie diagnostyczne opiera się na badaniach cytologicznych, kolposkopii, testach wirusologicznych oraz ocenie histologicznej pobranych tkanek. Podstawowe znaczenie ma wynik badania mikroskopowego. Aby rozpoznanie było dokładne i pewne, należy dostarczyć do oceny materiał reprezentatywny. Jest to bardzo istotne w przypadku zmian wczesnych, a zwłaszcza wieloogniskowych. Oczekiwania te spełnia metoda fotodynamiczna. Istotą diagnostyki fotodynamicznej (photodynamic diagnosis, PDD) jest porównanie fluorescencji tkanki prawidłowej i patologicznej. W metodzie tej wykorzystywane są endogenne fluorochromy (autofluorescencja) lub substancje fotouczulające podane z zewnątrz. Natężenie fluorescencji w tkance nowotworowej jest inne niż w tkance zdrowej. Podanie fotosensybilizatora znacząco wpływa na jakość otrzymywanych obrazów, gdyż zwiększa detekcję światła emitowanego przez fotouczulacz zgromadzony w tkance patologicznej. W celu wzbudzenia fluorescencji do tkanki należy doprowadzić energię w postaci światła o długości fali odpowiadają- cej pasmu pochłaniania fotouczulacza. Metoda fotodynamiczna precyzyjnie lokalizuje zmiany, więc umożliwia dokładniejszą diagnostykę zmian neoplastycznych na szyjce macicy. Pozwala na wybranie odpowiedniego miejsca dla pobrania biopsji. Dostarczając informacji o zasięgu i topografii zmian, umożliwia planowanie leczenia

    Heterotopic pregnancy. A case report

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    Heterotopic pregnancy is the coexistence of living or dead intrauterine pregnancy, single or multiple, and extrauterine pregnancy located in the oviduct, ovary, uterine corner, cer‑ vix or peritoneal cavity. This condition is very rare (1:30 000 pregnancies). Nevertheless, in the latter years because of the development and accessibility of assisted reproductive techniques, the incidence of heterotopic pregnancies increased to 1:100 of pregnancies. The aim of this report is to present a case of early recognized intrauterine and extrauter‑ ine pregnancy. The case refers to 25‑year‑old patient, pregnant for the second time, in more or less 6th week of gestation, who had not been stated any heterotopic pregnancy incidence risk factors. After the observation lasting for several days in the Clinic, the pres‑ ence of a living intrauterine and coexisting extrauterine pregnancy located in the right oviduct was stated. The patient had her right oviduct removed by means of laparoscopy. After the surgery the patient with the living intrauterine pregnancy was released from the Clinic. Normal further course of intrauterine pregnancy. The patient gave birth around her expected delivery date. The presented case indicates the significance of correctly and carefully performed ultrasound examination. Moreover, it is a warning for the doctors performing ultrasound examinations in the early weeks of pregnancy – the visualization of a normal pregnancy in the ultrasound examination does not release the examiner from a necessity of precise imaging of adnexa of the uterus. Early diagnosis of this pathology, thanks to a precise ultrasound examination, decreases the risk of complication incidence as well as women mortality