68 research outputs found

    Examining the Danish flexicurity labour market concept

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    Objective of this paper is to analyse the most recent changes of the interplay between the flexibility of the employment relationship on the one hand, and labour market and social policy, on the other. This article examines the new policy concept of "flexicurity" in view of the emerging flexibility-security approach that the European Union, national governments, sector of industry, individual companies and workers are currently facing. The flexicurity approach provides important answers to the question of how to meet modern labour market challenges and at the same time improve security. The special interest is concentrated on the so-called "golden triangle" of the Danish labour market successful flexicurity model.labour market, flexibility, security, flexicurity, "Danish" model

    The funding and efficiency of higher education in Croatia and Slovenia: a non-parametric comparison

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    The paper applies a non-parametric approach, i.e. data envelopment analysis (DEA), to assess the relative technical efficiency of higher education across countries, with a particular focus on Croatia and Slovenia. When estimating the efficiency frontier we focus on measures of quantities outputs/outcomes. The results show that the relatively high public expenditure per student in Croatia could have resulted in a relatively better performance regarding the outputs/outcomes, i.e. a higher rate of higher education school enrolment, a greater rate of labor force with a higher education and a lower rate of the unemployed who have a tertiary education. On the other hand, regardless of the input-output/outcome mix, the higher education system in Slovenia is shown to have a much higher level of efficiency compared to both Croatia and many other comparable EU and OECD countries.higher education; funding; efficiency; DEA; Croatia; Slovenia; EU; OECD

    Relative efficiency of higher education in Croatia and Slovenia: an international comparison

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    The article measures the relative efficiency of government spending on higher education in selected new EU member states (with special focus on Croatia and Slovenia) in comparison to selected OECD countries. The article applies a non-parametric approach, i.e. data envelopment analysis (DEA), to assess the relative technical efficiency of higher education across selected countries. When estimating the efficiency frontier we focus on measures of quantities outputs/outcomes. The results show that the relatively high public expenditure per student in Croatia should have resulted in a better performance regarding the outputs/outcomes, i.e. a higher rate of higher education school enrolment, a greater rate of labor force with a higher education and a lower rate of the unemployed who have tertiary education. On the other hand, regardless of the input-output/outcome mix, the higher education system in Slovenia is shown to have a much higher level of efficiency compared to both Croatia and many other comparable new EU member states and OECD countries.public expenditure, efficiency, higher education, data envelopment analysis, Croatia, Slovenia, new EU member states, OECD

    Regionalni klasteri i novo zapoŔljavanje u Hrvatskoj

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    The findings of the first part of the research study illustrate that during transition period in Croatia huge differences in economic development level of single regions has been noticed. This could also be seen in movements of labour market. Increasing problem of aggregate unemployment from year to year points to existence of regional structural unemployment. In the context of this larger discrepancy, regional differences have special position, that have emerge at the unemployment level and employment composition, but also in the context of new employment. Such situation is present in old and new EU members, as well as in Croatia. The analysis of latest trends in employment and unemployment movements illustrate that Croatia has the lowest employment rate between old and new EU members, and that only Slovakia and Poland have higher unemployment rates than Croatia. In circumstances of steady and increasing unemployment higher importance is aimed at labour market institution and policy development which role is particularly elaborated in third and forth part of this research. The institutional system of the labour market consist of social system of protection, flexibility of lay off security, implementation of active labour market policies and level of regional labour force mobility. All institutional forms in transitional countries have become more important in the moment of conversion to market economic conditions. The forth part of the research shows that with unemployment rate increase, duration and amount of unemployment compensation significantly decrease. The main goal was to stimulate job seekers to start look for a job and to reduce unemployment duration. Therefore in transition countries labour market policies moves from passive to active one. Mainly it can be concluded that use of passive labour market policies stimulates unemployed to stay inactive for a longer period, while active ones try to make process of employment or re-employment easier. The majority of transition countries spent less than 1% of GDP on passive and active labour market policies. The last part of the first part of the research study is directed to establishing regional differences at the Croatian labour market and the influence of the Free Business Zone Varaždin (place of biggest greenfield investment in Croatia) on job creation. The average registered yearly unemployment rate in Croatia slightly decreased from 18,0% in 2004 to 17,9% in 2005, but regional unemployment differences still remains. The number of registered vacancies at the Employment Office decreased during 2005 and regional employment in Croatia has been influenced by seasonal employment in tourism again. Setting up of Free Business Zones has more and more considerable influence on job creation in Croatia. The main goal for its foundation, besides the economic development reasons, is in attracting FDI, the new technologies development, export growth according to the export orientation of the total production in the zone, employment growth, GDP growth and increase of citizen's standard in each county. It is expected that in the Free Business Zone Varaždin from 2005 to 2008 export will exceed 500 millions Euro and that around 3500 new jobs will be created. In the absolute quantity that is maybe a small number, but if it is planned that in such way the number of new employment in Varaždinska county will increase for approximately 18% yearly, the importance of Free Business Zone in Varaždin is not questionable. It is expected that unemployment in Varaždinska county will decrease below European average in 2008. Second part of the research study emphasizes a role of regional clusters in increasing regional competitiveness. Regional clusters, which can be defined as geographically bound concentrations of interdependent firms and knowledge/technology suppliers, are seen as an important instrument for promoting competitiveness and new employment growth. In many regions, clusters are enabling firms to overcome internal limitations by joining efforts and resources with other firms, R&D institutions and universities, and public sector organisations. Clusters established at the regional level can form the perfect environment to enhance innovation by allowing firms to take advantage of specialised suppliers, local know-how, information, skills and education. The proximity of customers, competitors, suppliers, universities, and research/innovation organisations favours the growth, the employment, and the attractiveness of the regions. Theoretical foundations of the cluster concept could be found in the different approaches, such as agglomeration, or district theories, but it is mostly based on Porter,s diamond analysis. Regional clusters became the strategic development tool in achieving the Lisbon agenda in Europe. The same is the case in most post-transition economies. The situation in Croatia is different, because the institutional prerequisites for the cluster development are not completely developed. Croatia is still not divided into the regions, according to the EU standards and regional statistical accounts are not realised yet and there is no relevant basis to comparative regional statistics. There is a low level of communication and coordination between national, counties and local authorities. Adequate microeconomic policies that support cluster development are missing, such as educational policy and incentive policy to foreign direct investment. On the national level the Regional development strategy is built up, the same as the regional operational plans in most counties. Regional development agencies also exist in most counties and they are mostly engaged on the SMEs projects and other actions dealing with competitiveness building. In different counties, the various types of business integrations are created, such as districts, business zones etc. Regional clusters are foreseen as the future goals in many documents, but only one internationally recognised cluster in Croatia exists. It is BIOS cluster, in publishing and printing sector.regionalni klasteri, regionalne razlike, kreiranje novih radnih mjesta, slobodne zone

    The Danish flexicurity labour market policy concept

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    Objective of this paper is to analyse the most recent changes of the interplay between the flexibility of the employment relationship on the one hand, and labour market and social policy, on the other. This article examines the new policy concept of "flexicurity" in view of the emerging flexibility-security approach that the European Union, national governments, sector of industry, individual companies and workers are currently facing. The flexicurity approach provides important answers to the question of how to meet modern labour market challenges and at the same time improve security. The special interest is concentrated on the so-called "golden triangle" of the Danish labour market successful flexicurity model


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    The main emphasis of this work concentrates on determining unem-ployment caused by mismatch, in other words on the portion of the structural unemployment and on determining infl uence of regional mismatch on the entire employment. Therefore, vacancies and fl ows of unemployment and new employed are compared at a well-defi ned regional disaggregated level. The course of the research, fi rstly applies the existing theoretical models, by which the values for fi ve different regional mismatch indicators for the selec-ted group of countries are calculated. Secondly, a disaggregated empirical analysis of the matching function according to the regions in all selected countries is conducted.Modelling of matching function by region results from estimation of the transcendental logarithmic (translog) function form. The analysis proves that for the Czech Republic, Croatia and Slovakia a parallel existence of demand and supply surplus on the regional level points to the existence of mismatch in the labour market. It has also been confi rmed that an increase in the mismatch indicator in the labour market leads to a decrease in the total employment.Temeljni cilj ovog istraživanja usmjeren je na određivanje udjela nezaposlenosti uzrokovane mismatch-om, odnosno na utvrđivanje udjela strukturne nezaposlenosti i utjecaja regionalnog mismatch-a na ukupno zapoÅ”ljavanje. Stoga se uspoređuju slobodna radna mjesta i tijekovi nezaposlenih i novo zaposlenih na nivou regija. Samo istraživanje prvotno ukazuje na postojeće teorijske modele putem kojih se ujedno izračunava pet različitih regionalnih mismatch indikatora za odabranu skupinu zemalja. U nastavku se provodi dezagregirana empirijska analiza matching funkcije prema regijama za odabranu skupinu zemalja.Modeliranje matching funkcije po regijama provodi se putem translog oblika. Empi-rijskom analizom utvrđuje se paralelno postojanje viÅ”ka ponude i potražnje na regionalnom nivou u ČeÅ”koj, Hrvatskoj i Slovačkoj čime se potvrđuje postojanje mismatch-a na tržiÅ”tu rada. Također se potvrđuje kako porast mismatch indikatora na tržiÅ”tu rada dovodi do smanjivanja ukupnog zapoÅ”ljavanja

    Utjecaj financijske krize na globalno tržiŔte rada

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    Usporavanje ekonomskog rasta uzrokovano financijskom krizom iz 2008. godine očitovalo se u smanjenoj agregatnoj potražnji te time i smanjenom potrebom za zaposlenima. U ovom radu analizira se utjecaj svjetske financijske krize na potrebu za radom te činjenica kako smanjena ekonomska aktivnosti povećava različite oblike nesigurnog zapoÅ”ljavanja i ranjivih skupina zaposlenosti. Gubici radnih mjesta smanjeni su poticanjem potražnje za radom, mjerama zadržavanja zaposlenih te porastom zaposlenja uz skraćeno radno vrijeme. Do značajnijeg smanjivanja zaposlenosti doÅ”lo je u najdinamičnijim sektorima, koji su temeljeni na izvozu, građevinarstvu i proizvodnji. Na području Europe najveći gubitak radnih mjesta ostvario se u industrijskom sektoru, a najmanji u sektoru usluga. Analiza zakonske zaÅ”tite zaposlenja pokazuje kako stroga zaÅ”tita zaposlenja ne može spriječiti visoku nezaposlenost te kako, s druge strane, fleksibilnija tržiÅ”ta ne vode nužno većoj nezaposlenosti. Zaključuje se kako bi politike na tržiÅ”tu rada u uvjetima krize trebale obuhvatiti kombinaciju pasivnih i aktivnih programa, koji bi stabilizirali zaposlenost i plaće te bi se istovremeno trebalo težiti fleksibilnosti i sigurnosti.efekti krize, ranjive skupine, institucije na tržiÅ”tu rada, EU, CESEE
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