8,217 research outputs found

    Riding the Technological Rapids with the Millennials

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    The Millennial Generation is generally agreed to be those born between approximately 1982 and 2002. Neil Howe and Bill Strauss are credited with coining the term Millennials, as well as generally defining the birth years of this generation in their book Millennials rising: the next great generation. A few others disagree and define this generation as starting as early as 1979 or as late as 1984; additionally, there are even those who define the Millennial generation as ending as early as 1994. There is no easy way to define a generation. In the past, many have used the change in birth statistics to define generations, but there are other ways to confirm the birth years of any particular generation that may make more sense (Howe and Strauss, 2000, p.40). One of the most interesting is to define generations based on what experiences they missed

    Introduction: Sylvia, a New Zealander

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    Sylvia Ashton-Warner had an intensely ambivalent relationship with the land of her birth. Despite receiving many accolades in New Zealand – including the country’s major literary award – she claimed to have been rejected and persecuted, and regularly announced that her educational and literary achievements were unappreciated or insufficiently acknowledged by her compatriots. In her darkest moments, she railed against New Zealand and New Zealander, even stating in one television interview: “I’m not a New Zealander!

    Can Memoirs Be Used For Spiritual Development in a Book Group?

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    Biographies have historically been used by Christians for instruction and encouragement. The current trend in biographical writing is the memoir. Can spiritual memoirs be used as an effective tool for learning more about Scripture, doctrine or the Christian life? Approximately twenty spiritual memoirs were read and evaluated to determine if there was a central theme or series of themes that provided a story-based context for exploring greater biblical truths. This article reviews the genre of spiritual memoirs, discusses their strengths and weaknesses, and suggests a method for preparing them for a book group format

    The Boundaries of an Undertaking in EU Competition Law

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    This article considers how the boundaries of an undertaking or economic unit are identified in EU competition law. As an undertaking may be made up or several persons, it is not always easy to know when it comprises a natural person, a legal person or a group of persons (such as principal and agent, parent and subsidiaries or parent(s) and JV) and, consequently, whether such persons are acting unilaterally or jointly for the purposes of the competition law rules. This article scrutinizes the two principal lines of cases dealing with the notion of an undertaking as an economic unit and the relationship between them. It seeks to elucidate the principles and policy underpinning and influencing them and questions whether there is, or should be, a single concept of an undertaking which applies throughout EU competition law and, if so, how it is defined. It also discusses whether there is a need for a more holistic approach to be taken to the concept of an undertaking in the future, requiring some reconsideration of, and retrenchment in, the case-law

    Annotated Bibliography: The Reference Desk: Grand Idea or Gone Down the River?

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    This bibliography is from a panel presentation at the 2017 ACL Conference. The goal of this panel was to explore different rationales or sets of values that illustrated the continuation of the reference desk and reference service as essential to the success of the academic community. We discovered that “what to do with reference” is far from a settled question. We discovered passionate arguments, diverse models, and an array of data. In this current stage of figuring out the value of academic libraries to the campus as a whole and to students in particular, it seemed that there was limited hard data connecting Reference services to how they met students’ needs. How do we make ourselves valuable, important, essential, and useful? Maybe we need to change our model? If so, how do we examine ourselves and our environment appropriately to make this happen? What factors should we examine? Which ones must we keep? What things can we discard or change? When students come to seek assistance, they generally need the short, instant, and personal help, without having to attend a whole training session or class. Individual and personalized guidance for their immediate need is the most important factor for them. How do libraries provide that
