17 research outputs found

    A Socio-mathematical and Structure-Based Approach to Model Sentiment Dynamics in Event-Based Text

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    Natural language texts are often meant to express or impact the emotions of individuals. Recognizing the underlying emotions expressed in or triggered by textual content is essential if one is to arrive at an understanding of the full meaning that textual content conveys. Sentiment analysis (SA) researchers are becoming increasingly interested in investigating natural language processing techniques as well as emotion theory in order to detect, extract, and classify the sentiments that natural language text expresses. Most SA research is focused on the analysis of subjective documents from the writer’s perspective and their classification into categorical labels or sentiment polarity, in which text is associated with a descriptive label or a point on a continuum between two polarities. Researchers often perform sentiment or polarity classification tasks using machine learning (ML) techniques, sentiment lexicons, or hybrid-based approaches. Most ML methods rely on count-based word representations that fail to take word order into account. Despite the successful use of these flat word representations in topic-modelling problems, SA problems require a deeper understanding of sentence structure, since the entire meaning of words can be reversed through negations or word modifiers. On the other hand, approaches based on semantic lexicons are limited by the relatively small number of words they contain, which do not begin to embody the extensive and growing vocabulary on the Internet. The research presented in this thesis represents an effort to tackle the problem of sentiment analysis from a different viewpoint than those underlying current mainstream studies in this research area. A cross-disciplinary approach is proposed that incorporates affect control theory (ACT) into a structured model for determining the sentiment polarity of event-based articles from the perspectives of readers and interactants. A socio-mathematical theory, ACT provides valuable resources for handling interactions between words (event entities) and for predicting situational sentiments triggered by social events. ACT models human emotions arising from social event terms through the use of multidimensional representations that have been verified both empirically and theoretically. To model human emotions regarding textual content, the first step was to develop a fine-grained event extraction algorithm that extracts events and their entities from event-based textual information using semantic and syntactic parsing techniques. The results of the event extraction method were compared against a supervised learning approach on two human-coded corpora (a grammatically correct and a grammatically incorrect structured corpus). For both corpora, the semantic-syntactic event extraction method yielded a higher degree of accuracy than the supervised learning approach. The three-dimensional ACT lexicon was also augmented in a semi-supervised fashion using graph-based label propagation built from semantic and neural network word embeddings. The word embeddings were obtained through the training of commonly used count-based and neural-network-based algorithms on a single corpus, and each method was evaluated with respect to the reconstruction of a sentiment lexicon. The results show that, relative to other word embeddings and state-of-the-art methods, combining both semantic and neural word embeddings yielded the highest correlation scores and lowest error rates. Using the augmented lexicon and ACT mathematical equations, human emotions were modelled according to different levels of granularity (i.e., at the sentence and document levels). The initial stage involved the development of a proposed entity-based SA approach that models reader emotions triggered by event-based sentences. The emotions are modelled in a three-dimensional space based on reader sentiment toward different entities (e.g., subject and object) in the sentence. The new approach was evaluated using a human-annotated news-headline corpus; the results revealed the proposed method to be competitive with benchmark ML techniques. The second phase entailed the creation of a proposed ACT-based model for predicting the temporal progression of the emotions of the interactants and their optimal behaviour over a sequence of interactions. The model was evaluated using three different corpora: fairy tales, news articles, and a handcrafted corpus. The results produced by the proposed model demonstrate that, despite the challenging sentence structure, a reasonable agreement was achieved between the estimated emotions and behaviours and the corresponding ground truth

    Modeling User Affect Using Interaction Events

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    Emotions play a significant role in many human mental activities, including decision-making, motivation, and cognition. Various intelligent and expert systems can be empowered with emotionally intelligent capabilities, especially systems that interact with humans and mimic human behaviour. However, most current methods in affect recognition studies use intrusive, lab-based, and expensive tools which are unsuitable for real-world situations. Inspired by studies on keystrokes dynamics, this thesis investigates the effectiveness of diagnosing users’ affect through their typing behaviour in an educational context. To collect users’ typing patterns, a field study was conducted in which subjects used a dialogue-based tutoring system built by the researcher. Eighteen dialogue features associated with subjective and objective ratings for users’ emotions were collected. Several classification techniques were assessed in diagnosing users’ affect, including discrimination analysis, Bayesian analysis, decision trees, and neural networks. An artificial neural network approach was ultimately chosen as it yielded the highest accuracy compared with the other methods. To lower the error rate, a hierarchical classification was implemented to first classify user emotions based on their valence (positive or negative) and then perform a finer classification step to determining which emotions the user experienced (delighted, neutral, confused, bored, and frustrated). The hierarchical classifier was successfully able to diagnose users' emotional valence, while it was moderately able to classify users’ emotional states. The overall accuracy obtained from the hierarchical classifier significantly outperformed previous dialogue-based approaches and in line with some affective computing methods

    Arabic Tweet Act: A Weighted Ensemble Pre-Trained Transformer Model for Classifying Arabic Speech Acts on Twitter

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    Speech acts are a speakers actions when performing an utterance within a conversation, such as asking, recommending, greeting, or thanking someone, expressing a thought, or making a suggestion. Understanding speech acts helps interpret the intended meaning and actions behind a speakers or writers words. This paper proposes a Twitter dialectal Arabic speech act classification approach based on a transformer deep learning neural network. Twitter and social media, are becoming more and more integrated into daily life. As a result, they have evolved into a vital source of information that represents the views and attitudes of their users. We proposed a BERT based weighted ensemble learning approach to integrate the advantages of various BERT models in dialectal Arabic speech acts classification. We compared the proposed model against several variants of Arabic BERT models and sequence-based models. We developed a dialectal Arabic tweet act dataset by annotating a subset of a large existing Arabic sentiment analysis dataset (ASAD) based on six speech act categories. We also evaluated the models on a previously developed Arabic Tweet Act dataset (ArSAS). To overcome the class imbalance issue commonly observed in speech act problems, a transformer-based data augmentation model was implemented to generate an equal proportion of speech act categories. The results show that the best BERT model is araBERTv2-Twitter models with a macro-averaged F1 score and an accuracy of 0.73 and 0.84, respectively. The performance improved using a BERT-based ensemble method with a 0.74 and 0.85 averaged F1 score and accuracy on our dataset, respectively.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Detecting Suicidality in Arabic Tweets Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques

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    Social media platforms have revolutionized traditional communication techniques by enabling people globally to connect instantaneously, openly, and frequently. People use social media to share personal stories and express their opinion. Negative emotions such as thoughts of death, self-harm, and hardship are commonly expressed on social media, particularly among younger generations. As a result, using social media to detect suicidal thoughts will help provide proper intervention that will ultimately deter others from self-harm and committing suicide and stop the spread of suicidal ideation on social media. To investigate the ability to detect suicidal thoughts in Arabic tweets automatically, we developed a novel Arabic suicidal tweets dataset, examined several machine learning models, including Na\"ive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, and XGBoost, trained on word frequency and word embedding features, and investigated the ability of pre-trained deep learning models, AraBert, AraELECTRA, and AraGPT2, to identify suicidal thoughts in Arabic tweets. The results indicate that SVM and RF models trained on character n-gram features provided the best performance in the machine learning models, with 86% accuracy and an F1 score of 79%. The results of the deep learning models show that AraBert model outperforms other machine and deep learning models, achieving an accuracy of 91\% and an F1-score of 88%, which significantly improves the detection of suicidal ideation in the Arabic tweets dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to develop an Arabic suicidality detection dataset from Twitter and to use deep-learning approaches in detecting suicidality in Arabic posts

    ALJP: An Arabic Legal Judgment Prediction in Personal Status Cases Using Machine Learning Models

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    Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) aims to predict judgment outcomes based on case description. Several researchers have developed techniques to assist potential clients by predicting the outcome in the legal profession. However, none of the proposed techniques were implemented in Arabic, and only a few attempts were implemented in English, Chinese, and Hindi. In this paper, we develop a system that utilizes deep learning (DL) and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to predict the judgment outcome from Arabic case scripts, especially in cases of custody and annulment of marriage. This system will assist judges and attorneys in improving their work and time efficiency while reducing sentencing disparity. In addition, it will help litigants, lawyers, and law students analyze the probable outcomes of any given case before trial. We use a different machine and deep learning models such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic regression (LR), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) using representation techniques such as TF-IDF and word2vec on the developed dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that compared with the five baseline methods, the SVM model with word2vec and LR with TF-IDF achieve the highest accuracy of 88% and 78% in predicting the judgment on custody cases and annulment of marriage, respectively. Furthermore, the LR and SVM with word2vec and BiLSTM model with TF-IDF achieved the highest accuracy of 88% and 69% in predicting the probability of outcomes on custody cases and annulment of marriage, respectively

    Improving Health Care with a Virtual Human Sleep Coach

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    Persuasive technology can have a significant effect on people’s health. The sleep coach application is a persuasive technology that raises student’s awareness and attitudes towards getting a full night’s sleep (6- 9 hours) to be more positive. Students using the application to attempt changing their sleep patterns as a direct result of the application. NOTE: We will have the results of this research by the final camera-ready paper deadline. We are currently in the process of conducting the experiment

    Predicting Student Outcomes in Online Courses Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review

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    Recent years have witnessed an increased interest in online education, both massive open online courses (MOOCs) and small private online courses (SPOCs). This significant interest in online education has raised many challenges related to student engagement, performance, and retention assessments. With the increased demands and challenges in online education, several researchers have investigated ways to predict student outcomes, such as performance and dropout in online courses. This paper presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art studies that examine online learners’ data to predict their outcomes using machine and deep learning techniques. The contribution of this study is to identify and categorize the features of online courses used for learners’ outcome prediction, determine the prediction outputs, determine the strategies and feature extraction methodologies used to predict the outcomes, describe the metrics used for evaluation, provide a taxonomy to analyze related studies, and provide a summary of the challenges and limitations in the field

    Detection of Hate Speech using BERT and Hate Speech Word Embedding with Deep Model

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    There is an increased demand for detecting online hate speech, especially with the recent changing policies of hate content and free-of-speech right of online social media platforms. Detecting hate speech will reduce its negative impact on social media users. A lot of effort in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) field aimed to detect hate speech in general or detect specific hate speech such as religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation. Hate communities tend to use abbreviations, intentional spelling mistakes, and coded words in their communication to evade detection, which adds more challenges to hate speech detection tasks. Word representation from its domain will play an increasingly pivotal role in detecting hate speech. This paper investigates the feasibility of leveraging domain-specific word embedding as features and a bidirectional LSTM-based deep model as a classifier to automatically detect hate speech. This approach guarantees that the word is assigned its negative meaning, which is a very helpful technique to detect coded words. Furthermore, we investigate the use of the transfer learning language model (BERT) on the hate speech problem as a binary classification task as it provides high-performance results for many NLP tasks. The experiments showed that domain-specific word embedding with the bidirectional LSTM-based deep model achieved a 93% f1-score, while BERT achieved 96% f1-score on a combined balanced dataset from available hate speech datasets. The results proved that the performance of pre-trained models is influenced by the size of the trained data. Although there is a huge variation in the corpus size, the first approach achieved a very close result compared to BERT, which is trained on a huge data corpus, this is because it is trained on data related to the same domain. The first approach was very helpful to detect coded words while the second approach achieved better performance because it is trained on much larger data. To conclude, it is very helpful to build large pre-trained models from rich domains specific content in current social media platforms