93 research outputs found


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    Water resources are one of the most important issues of our time. Representatives of the world\u27s countries and experts of the region invest all their time and skills in devising the proper way of managing the integration of the concept of sustainable development. Also, the goal of every state in the management of these resources is to find the right ratio of the public and the private sector in the management of water supply, most of the reasons are to avoid any kind of conflict because of water resources. The same conflicts are very divisive in terms of physical confrontations, protests and the spread of various diseases in the area with contaminated water. For these reasons, it is crucial to recognize and correct implementation of the process of water resources management, to adjust it with the concept of sustainable development in the future

    Astroturizam kao selektivni oblik turizma: konceptualni okvir

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    Astroturizam kao selektivni oblik turizma zauzima sve veću pažnju znanstvenika i praktičara. U radu se prikazuje teoretski doseg recentnih istraživanja na području ovog novog oblika turizma, koji je počeo kao svojevrsni oblik tržiÅ”ne niÅ”e, da bi danas postao respektabilan oblik turističke ponude u mnogim zemljama svijeta. U radu se daje pregled recentne literature na temu astroturizma, Å”to bi trebalo poslužiti kao konceptualni okvir razmatranja ovog pojma i razumijevanja njegove primjene u praksi. Očekuje se da će trenutna situacija pandemije sve viÅ”e okrenuti motive i interese na turističkom tržiÅ”tu u pravcu znanstveno-ekoloÅ”kih formi turističke ponude, pa u tom smislu ovaj rad dobiva i na aktualnosti

    Astrotourism ā€“ In Search of New Spaces and Imagination in Tourism

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    U ovom se radu istražuje pojam i razvoj astroturizma kao novog oblika održivog i odgovornog turizma, koji se ubrzano razvija u mnogim zemljama svijeta, s posebnim osvrtom na certificiranje u astroturizmu. U radu su postavljene dvije istraživačke hipoteze. Prva: postoji uska korelacija između razvoja astroturizma kao novog oblika selektitvnog turizma te jačanja zaÅ”tite od svjetlosnog onečiŔćenja, pri čemu mračno nebo predstavlja osnovni prirodni preduvjet za razvoj ovog oblika turizma. Druga: certificiranje u astroturizmu sve se viÅ”e razvija na globalnoj i na nacionalnoj razini u nekim zemljama. Ono ima svrhu druÅ”tvene i marketinÅ”ke afirmacije astroturizma, ali i senzibilizacije javnosti za astronomiju i problematiku svjetlosnog onečiŔćenja. Obje su hipoteze u radu potvrđene temeljem kvalitativne komparativne analize triju međunarodnih projekata certifikacije u astroturizmu. U radu je posebno obrađena ā€žDeklaracija o zaÅ”titi noćnog neba i pravu na svjetlost zvijezdaā€œ, tzv. La Palma ili Starlight deklaracija iz 2007. godine, kojom je ā€žsve započeloā€œ i koja je prvi put jasno proklamirala pravo na jasno i mračno, svjetlosno očuvano nebo kao pravo čovječanstva, Å”to je ujedno i godina kada je prvi put javno deklariran pojam astroturizma. Isto tako u radu se daje osvrt i na korake koji su poduzeti u Republici Hrvatskoj u tom smjeru, pri čemu se posebno ističe proglaÅ”enje dvaju prirodnih područja u kategoriji Međunarodnog parka tamnoga neba, kao i donoÅ”enje pravne regulative o borbi protiv svjetlosnog onečiŔćenja. No znanstvenici su dokazali da Hrvatska ima značajan potencijal za razvoj astroturizma jer njen geografski prostor joÅ” uvijek nije u potpunosti svjetlosno zagađen. Kao znanstveni doprinos rada ističe se doprinos teoretskim okvirima u području astroturizma, potvrđivanje korelacije između zaÅ”tite od svjetlosnog onečiŔćenja i razvoja astroturizma te senzibiliziranje znanstvene i opće javnosti za tu problematiku, posebice za problem svjetlosnog onečiŔćenja, kao i poticaj za bolju valorizaciju potencijala za razvoj astroturizma u Republici Hrvatskoj na principima održivog razvoja.This paper explores the concept and development of astrotourism as a new form of sustainable and responsible tourism that is developing rapidly in many countries around the world, with a special emphasis on certification in astrotourism. Two research hypotheses are set in the paper. First, there is a close correlation between the development of astrotourism as a new form of selective tourism and strengthening of the protection against light pollution, where the dark sky is a basic natural prerequisite for the development of this form of tourism. Second, certification in astrotourism is increasingly developing at the global and national levels in some countries. It has the purpose of the social and marketing affirmation of astrotourism, but also of raising public awareness of astronomy and the problem of light pollution. Both hypotheses were confirmed in the paper, based on a qualitative comparative analysis of three international certification projects in astrotourism. The paper deals specifically with the ā€œDeclaration on the Protection of the Night Sky and the Right to Starlightā€, the so-called La Palma or Starlight Declaration of 2007, which ā€œstarted it allā€, and for the first time clearly proclaimed the right to a clear and dark, light-preserved sky as the right of humanity, which is also the year when the term astrotourism was first publicly introduced. The paper also gives an overview of the steps taken in the Republic of Croatia in this direction, with a special emphasis on the proclamation of two natural areas in the category of Dark Sky Park, as well as the adoption of legal regulations on combating light pollution. However, scientists have proven that Croatia has significant potential for the development of astrotourism, because its geographical area is still not completely light-polluted. The paper contributes to the theoretical framework in the field of astrotourism, confirming the correlation between the protection from light pollution and development of astrotourism, and sensitizing the scientific and general public to this issue, especially the problem of light pollution, as well as incentives for better valorization of astrotourismā€™s potential. Republic of Croatia, based on the principles of sustainable development

    Model for marketing management at cultural institutions in the city of Zadar

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    The purpose ā€“ the purpose of this paper is to research the role of marketing concept in the cultural institutions in the city of Zadar. Design ā€“ The special focus is given to analysis the importance and advantage of networking of all cultural institutions in Zadar, to create unique product and more creative supply. Methodology ā€“ a number of methods has been used in the research, including analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, compilation and detailed interview. The detailed interview has been carried out by means of a questionnaire comprising ten questions, while the sample has encompassed relevant cultural institutions in the City of Zadar. Approach ā€“ Implementation of Zadar Cultural strategy is important of cooperation and coordination on among of all cultural institutions in Zadar. Findings ā€“ Key findings indicate that marketing today, is indispensable for functioning of all business subjects and nonprofit institutions, whose primary goal is socially responsible behavior. Marketing strategies of cultural institutions are starting point for quality implementation of marketing in cultural institutions. The authors of this paper propose mutual interweaving of cultural institutions and cultural tourism, and suggest models for networking Zadar cultural institutions. The originality of this research ā€“ The originality comes from the modelā€™s for networking Zadar cultural institutions, which provides the guidance and ideas for further research and improvements
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